Hey Guys, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are out![Expand]
Posted by Elite4 Admin on 4 Dec 2014 at 12:48am PST
We're a little behind, but level up moves, egg moves, tutor moves and learnsets are all available on the Psydex for every ORAS Pokemon except Hoopa's new forme. In addition to that, we have a few guides in the ORAS section, with much more to come in the near future.
One week before the release of the game, Pokemon has released a new trailer on their Youtube revealing a whole bunch of stuff featured in this month's Corocoro, including a new character Zinnia, the "Delta Episode" featuring Deoxys, and that a whole bunch of Legendaries will be available in Mirage Spots: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will be released...
Mega Glalie and Mega Steelix Added to Pokemon.com[Expand]
Posted by Frost on 20 Oct 2014 at 8:42pm PDT
As you probably know by now, several international countries have access to the demo versions of ORAS and players of these demos have confirmed the existence of Mega Glalie and Mega Steelix within the demo. As usual, the official Pokemon sites have updated a few days after a new reveal with the details. Mega Steelix retains its Steel/Ground-typing...
Mega Beedrill, Pidgeot, Latias and Latios Officially Confirmed![Expand]
Posted by Frost on 14 Oct 2014 at 9:42am PDT
Pokemon.com updated today with last week's Corocoro leaking, confirming Megas for Beedrill, Pidgeot, Latias and Latios in the upcoming remakes of Ruby and Sapphire. Mega Latias and Latios were known to exist ever since XY were hacked last year, but this is the first time an official source has acknowledged them. Mega Pidgeot retains its original...
Posted by Elite4 Admin on 5 Oct 2014 at 2:01am PDT
That's right, Mega Rayquaza, not Primal Rayquaza, was announced a few days ago on the official Nintendo Pokemon Youtube channel. From the official site: Rayquaza is said to be somehow connected with the mysteries of Mega Evolution. Now its Mega-Evolved appearance can be revealed at last! The Legendary Pokémon Rayquaza is said to achieve Mega Evolution...
Sorry about this late update but we've all been busy with things this week. Mega Audino and Slowbro were accidentally leaked on a foreign official Pokemon site this week, and then got officially revealed soon after, with Junichi Masuda even acknowledging the leaks when he showed the video for Mega Slowbro at Worlds this weekend. Mega Audino becomes...
Since entirely new Pokemon wouldn't make sense in a remake of an old game, we get even more new Mega Evolutions! Altaria, Lopunny, and Salamence join the list of Pokemon who can Mega Evolve in the new games. A Dragon/Fairy-type with Pixilate. A Normal/Fighting-type with Scrappy. A Dragon/Flying-type (no change here) with Aerilate. Who's your...
Posted by Elite4 Admin on 14 Jul 2014 at 2:32pm PDT
A new video has surfaced showing the Hoenn Gyms and Gym Leaders, as well as introducing Pokemon Cosplay, Secret Bases and Mega Metagross. Furthermore, the official site has updated with more information on Mega Metagross: upon Mega Evolving, Metagross's Ability changes to Tough Claws, which increases the power of attacks that make physical contact....
Posted by Serpentsounds on 10 Jul 2014 at 4:37pm PDT
Scans of the latest CoroCoro show some awesome images of a brand new mega evolution: Mega Metagross! Considering Steven has been revealed to be studying mega evolution, and his trademark pokemon is Metagross, this reveal makes a lot of sense. Mega Metagross retains his Steel/Psychic typing. Check out the pictures below:
Posted by Serpentsounds on 8 Jul 2014 at 8:31pm PDT
I think most of us expected this one, but the official announcement has been posted, telling the return of the secret base feature in the upcoming remakes. The classic features of decorations and traps will be seen again, but there seems to be many more features planned to flesh out the experience. When visiting others' secret bases, you'll be able...
Mega Sableye Information Revealed, ORAS-related Megas/Forms added to Psydex[Expand]
Posted by Frost on 20 Jun 2014 at 9:07am PDT
Mega Sableye has been added to the official Pokemon ORAS website, revealing that its ability is Magic Bounce, its type remains as Dark/Ghost, and that it receives boosted Defense and Special Attack in exchange for lowered Speed. While retaining Sableye's height of 1'8", it is also significant heavier at 354.9 pounds. His Sugimori art is also there:...
Posted by Serpentsounds on 12 Jun 2014 at 3:37pm PDT
Nintendo has released new gameplay footage of ORAS on their official YouTube channel! The gameplay looks great, and we can also see some awesome new art of the starters in the video.
Posted by Serpentsounds on 11 Jun 2014 at 2:20pm PDT
Nintendo has revealed another new Mega Evolution: Mega Sableye! I don't know if anyone saw this one coming. If you've kept up with Pokemon news/rumors, you may know that hackers discovered the existence of Diancie and many other pokemon quite some time ago, by snooping around in Pokemon X&Y. However, nothing about Mega Sableye, nor the recently revealed...
Posted by Serpentsounds on 10 Jun 2014 at 12:39pm PDT
Check out Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre! Only 164 more days until November 21!
CoroCoro Leaked: Mega Diancie, Mega Sceptile, Mega Swampert, and More![Expand]
Posted by Serpentsounds on 7 Jun 2014 at 2:09pm PDT
The latest slew of CoroCoro scans are much more revealing than the last. Let's take a look. Here, we can see Mega Diancie in all her glory, who the magazine purports as "more beautiful than ever!" Her stats are barely readable, but we can see that her typing remains as Rock/Fairy, and her ability is not yet revealed (listed as "???"). The next...
First CoroCoro Leak for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire[Expand]
Posted by Serpentsounds on 11 May 2014 at 3:59am PDT
A single page of CoroCoro magazine, regarding the upcoming Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire games, has been leaked: Unfortunately, not much is revealed here. -The text points out that the markings on Groudon and Kyogre look like the greek letters Ω (capital Omega) and α (lowercase Alpha) respectively. -It also says that Groudon and Kyogre hold...
Sneak Peek of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire[Expand]
Posted by Frost on 10 May 2014 at 4:57pm PDT
Pokemon Get TV (formerly Pokemon Smash) aired a teaser of the new remakes tonight and it was also immediately updated on the official Pokemon Youtube in the west. It's nothing overly exciting, just some shots of Groudon and Kyogre that will probably be used in the opening video of the final games:
Dear RS fans, Here are your Ruby and Sapphire remakes, named Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, set for a November 2014 release on the 2DS and 3DS. Featuring new forms and/or new Mega Evolutions for Kyogre and Groudon as seen on the cover art?
Looks like a few people already noticed this, but I've updated the Other Games section of the site. We now have basic intro pages for Pokemon Channel, Pokemon Colosseum, Hey You, Pikachu!, and Pokemon Pinball. I've hit a bit of a snag with the PsyBlog work, unfortunately, but it should be resolved soon. And there's another project I'm working on.....