New Pokemon, New Characters, New Features in Latest Youtube Trailer[Expand]
Posted by Frost on 6 Sep 2016 at 10:22am PDT
-Type: Null is a Normal-type with Battle Armor. -Jangmo-o is a Dragon-type with Bulletproof and Soundproof. -Alolan Rattata and Alolan Raticate are Dark/Normal-types. -Sun and Moon versions are set 12 hours apart, causing each game's events to differ. -The Aether Foundation protects Pokemon from Team Skull and includes President Lusamine, Branch Chief...
Crabrawler, Sandygast, Palossand and Stufful Debut![Expand]
Posted by Frost on 19 Aug 2016 at 7:33pm PDT
Pokemon World Champions brought us a new trailer today, immediately after yesterday's reveal of Turtonator. Technically, only one of these Pokemon is new to fans who follow online leaks of Corocoro: Crabrawler (2', 15.4lbs), a Fighting-type crab Pokemon who has boxing gloves for hands and the abilities Hyper Cutter and Iron Fist. The other three new...
Fire/Dragon-type Turtonator was revealed in a Youtube trailer today. It gets Shell Armor as its ability and learns the new move Shell Trap, which sets a trap at the start of a turn and deals massive damage if Turtonator is hit with a physical attack on that turn. Sadly, this was all that revealed in today's video.
Morelull (8", 3.3lbs) is a Grass/Fairy-type who can learn Spore and have Illuminate or Effect Spore for abilities. Wishiwashi is a Water-type fish Pokemon who uses its ability Schooling to change between two forms, Solo (8", 0.7lbs) and School (26'11", 173.3lbs) Forms. Finally, Pyukumuku (1', 2.6lbs) is another new Water-type with a new ability, Innards...
New Alola Forms, Pokemon, Trials and Z-Moves![Expand]
Posted by Frost on 1 Aug 2016 at 10:08am PDT
This month's Sun and Moon Youtube promo was uploaded this morning: First up, they drop the bomb that several existing Pokemon will receive new forms based on the environment in which they're found within the Alola region. These include a Grass/Dragon-type Exeggutor (35'9", 916.2lbs) with an extended neck and the Frisk ability; Ice-type Vulpix and...
Another Youtube Video Reveals More Pokemon[Expand]
Posted by Frost on 19 Jul 2016 at 8:58am PDT
This month's "reveal a whole bunch of new Pokemon" contains six new additions, including the two who were revealed about a week ago in this month's Corocoro. Wimpod (1'8", 26.5lbs) is a Bug/Water-type with the Wimp Out ability, which allows wild Pokemon to flee from battle if their health drops below half. Hopefully, if it evolves, it will not randomly...
A new Youtube trailer for Sun and Moon has revealed seven new Pokemon as well as giving information for the previous revealed koala and dog Pokemon from last month's Corocoro: Tapu Koko, a rare Pokemon to have a space in its name, is an Electric/Fairy-type with the new ability Electric Surge (looks like it activates Electric Terrain upon entering...
Official Pokemon Channel Reveals Three New Pokemon[Expand]
Posted by Frost on 14 Jun 2016 at 10:28am PDT
A new Sun and Moon video was revealed at E3 this morning, and then promptly uploaded to the official Pokemon channel on Youtube: New Pokemon revealed include: -Pikipek (1', 2.6 lbs), a Normal/Flying-type woodpecker, who gets Skill Link and and Keen Eye as its abilities. -Yungoose (1'4", 13.2 lbs), a Normal-type, who gets the new ability Stakeout as...
Pokemon Company Reveals More Sun and Moon Info[Expand]
Posted by Jigglypuff on 3 Jun 2016 at 5:28pm PDT
Official Pokemon outlets have shared another new video this week. This video starts with more information on our mascot legendaries. First up is the Psychic/Steel-type Solgaleo, with its signature move, Sunsteel Strike. For Moon, we have the Psychic/Ghost-type Lunala, with its signature move, Moongeist Beam. Professor Kukui is your guide to the...
Pokemon Sun and Moon Get Release Date and More[Expand]
Posted by Jigglypuff on 16 May 2016 at 6:17pm PDT
Official Sources revealed a teaser for Pokemon Sun and Moon last week. Seen in the video below are the starters - Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio - as well as the legendaries for the Alola region. We've also been given a release date of November 18th in the US (November 23rd in the UK version of the trailer). Additionally, Pokemon GO is currently accepting...