Choose an Amnesia Attack: -= Amnesia Attacks =- Generation I Attacks Generation II Attacks Generation III Attacks Generation IV Attacks Generation V Attacks Generation VI Attacks Generation VII Attacks Generation VIII Attacks Generation IX Attacks Bug Attacks Dark Attacks Dragon Attacks Electric Attacks Fairy Attacks Fighting Attacks Fire Attacks Flying Attacks Ghost Attacks Grass Attacks Ground Attacks Ice Attacks Normal Attacks Poison Attacks Psychic Attacks Rock Attacks Steel Attacks Water Attacks Locations Abilities Natures Generation I Pokemon Generation II Pokemon Generation III Pokemon Generation IV Pokemon Platinum's Expanded PokeDex Generation V Pokemon Generation VI Pokemon Generation VII Pokemon Generation VIII Pokemon Generation IX Pokemon All Pokemon Day 1 Pokerap Day 2 Pokerap Day 3 Pokerap Day 4 Pokerap Day 5 Pokerap Pokerap in Order Bug Pokemon Dark Pokemon Dragon Pokemon Electric Pokemon Fairy Pokemon Fighting Pokemon Fire Pokemon Flying Pokemon Ghost Pokemon Grass Pokemon Ground Pokemon Ice Pokemon Normal Pokemon Poison Pokemon Psychic Pokemon Rock Pokemon Steel Pokemon Water Pokemon Generation I TMs and HMs Generation II TMs and HMs Generation III TMs and HMs Generation IV TMs and HMs Generation V TMs and HMs