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((more godmoding ahead, to put it in a spot where LM can come in. Additionally, you no longer have to make each and every morph different, but just make it interesting each time, please. I realize it would be difficult to come up with a variety of ways to morph, so... yeah, that rule's out, lol.))

I was sitting with my back against a building, with the cube in my lap. Panting heavily, I had sat down to examine this odd piece of technology. Eventually, the other three found me. The one who hadn't touched the cube was riding on the Aggron one, with the Gallade-morpher running beside him. Slowly, almost heavily, they morphed back. It was an interesting thing to watch; the plates receding back into the skin, the blades not just going back into the elbow, but sliding under the skin. Fascinating.

As soon as they were both finished, I looked up. "I'm sorry I got all three of you involved in this; my name's Axel, and I'm probably the source of this whole mess. I had kind of tried to steal from a cop's house... I didn't think he'd be home, but I guess I got what was coming to me." Without really breaking the tempo of my pseudo-speech, I held up the cube. "Who would have thought that such a little thing would hold so much power? Did you guys have the same experience that I did, with the woman talking? And the beautiful, shimmering blue light?" My eyes held an awed, but almost maddening gleam to them. A sign that I hadn't had enough sleep that night. "The oddest thing is, I can't make it happen again... I wonder if I wasted my only choice on the Mightyena, which would be a real shame..." I continued holding up the cube for all to see.


Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:40 pm
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Location: A blue police box somewhere near the Medusa Cascade
I had followed them stealthily, keeping to the shadows, and smirking to myself when the boy holding the blue object said he was a thief. My kinda scum.

Knowing it would do no good to attempt to steal the object from such a distance, I cleared my throat and spoke, moving just enough that they could see me leaning casually against the brick wall, but making sure to keep the boy with the box between me and the Gallade-shifter. "You're a thief, too, huh? Explains why the cops were chasing you."

Before he could jump up, I spread empty hands to show that I wasn't a threat. "No weapons, relax. I'd be a fool to attack you now, with that guy turning into an Aggron and the other one turning into a Gallade. Give me some credit, I pick my fights."

I crouched down so I was closer to the boy's eyelevel. He was younger than me, though the Gallade-shifter looked around my age. "Name's Cat. I'm a street rat, like you. Sneakier than you though. Been following you since the alley back there, I saw you turn into Pokemon." I put my hands behind my head and leaned back against the wall, eyes half-lidded in a casual manner, but keeping a close eye on the other two. "I assume it has -something- to do with that blue box you're clutching so tightly. Mind if I get a look at it?"


Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:58 pm
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A girl maybe slightly older than me approached. Deciding that if she had really wanted to turn us in or hurt us, she already would've, I went ahead and answered her questions.

"Yeah, sometimes. Whatever pays, usually. But my preferred method of survival is scamming. Some people are just suckers, I guess. But either way, that's not important." This Cat person was interesting. What business had she had, following us? Why had she even been there in the first place? But either way, there was one thing I could pin down; that confident swagger, it was a common trait for those who survived in the best conditions on the street. One thing in common, but probably a dangerous quality. I would keep my eye on her.

I shrugged. "This little thing here? No idea. All I know is that I was looking for something heavy to throw. I touched this on accident, had a really psychedelic experience, then turned into a freaking Pokemon. Not just any Pokemon; a Pokemon that I had chosen. Unfortunately, it was a bit of an accident that I picked Mightyena, since I was about this close to crapping myself from the fear that I was about to get mauled by one. Either way, though, it turned out to be a good, or at least decent, choice." This was a good point to turn things around on her, and get back in control of the conversation. It wouldn't do to give away too much info. "So, what were you doing in the alley? The Aggron-dude over there, I found him in the building; the other two were on the street outside. But you, you didn't interefere, but you were there nonetheless. Any particular reason why?" I raised an eyebrow at her.


Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:09 pm
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Location: A blue police box somewhere near the Medusa Cascade
I smirked, a crooked smile, popping my neck casually as I looked over at the Gallade-shifter, pointing at him to redirect their attention, inching closer to the guy and the blue box imperceptibly. "Why I didn't interfere? Ask him. He's been sniffing around lately, I don't know who he's hunting for but he was making everyone in the area nervous... and after I saw him in the alley, there was no way I was getting any closer to find out."

"And I wasn't in the alley, I was... above. I saw the thing glowing, and the flash of light when you turned into the Mightyena left me seeing spots. I'm not with the government, by the way. Not a cop. Just doing what I can to survive. Elemental killed everything that ever meant anything to me, and so I try to pay back the favor." I paused, letting the boy react, keeping one eye on the Gallade-guy and one eye on the cube.


Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:26 pm
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"Oh. I see. Well, just one more thing, then... I don't have a clue where they took Mom, but Dad's dead and buried because of them. I don't even know why..." My voice trailed off into a hoarse whisper. Then I remembered that I was in front of others, and quickly cleared my throat.

I looked at the Gallade shape-shifter. "So, what is it about you that makes people stalk and fear you? You're not a cop, right? Because if you are, we're about to scrap. And I'm pretty sure even in morphed forms, I have a type advantage, so you can forget about that." I looked at him quizically.

((I think this is probably a good place to stop, LM. Feel free to add some more, but I think I'm done for tonight. See you when you get on next, I guess.))


Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:32 pm
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When the boy, Axel, looked away to talk to the Gallade shifter, I smirked inwardly. Gotcha.

Before he could react, I lunged forward, wrapping my hands around the blue box-- then nearly lost my grip in surprise when a female voice sounded in my head.

Welcome to the Cube Interface. You are about to participate in an experiment that will revolutionize the world. Bill extends his thanks for participating in this trial, especially since it's his first joint project with Silph.
What the-- this thing talks?! Wait, Bill, wasn't he that Pokemaniac or something? Crazy collector guy or something?

I tuned back in just in time to hear the end of the voice's speech. ...and with this ability, we hope you will be better able to understand Pokemon and the world around us. Welcome to the PokeMorphs program. Please select a Pokemon.

My mind instantly flashed to one Pokemon in particular, one I had only ever seen in a book but had instantly fallen in love with.

Choice selected. Thank you for your participation.

Finally getting my voice back, I sputtered out, "Wait, choice, what choice? What--"

My skin rippled, its tone darkening, becoming as black as midnight as my body grew-- then I screamed in shock as I felt my spine almost double in length, something sprouting from the base of my tailbone--

It's a tail, oh God it's a tail--


Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:07 pm
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I was waiting for the Gallade-morpher to reply, when suddenly Cat leaped forward and snatched the cube. Sonuva- I scrambled to get it back, but too late. Rather than ripping it out of her hands, I watched her undergo the process instead.

Cat's eyes glowed a bright, almost eye-hurting blue. She didn't move for about five seconds; but as soon as those seconds were up, the.. morph, I guess, started. Her skin grew black as night, and a tail extended from her spine. At first, I thought it was like no Pokemon I'd ever seen, on that scale, at least. Then, it hit me; somehow, she's seen a Charizard. Not just any Charizard, either; a freaking shiny Charizard.

Fascinating. So we could also pick what kind of form we had. Or could we still, since nobody seemed to be able to make it work after the initial contact?

Deciding to take advantage of the situation, I thought about morphing into Mightyena again. This time, it started out with the claws and fangs. Each one sprouted out to a painful point. I felt my fingers and toes merging, almost melting together, to form three on each one. I fell to all four limbs, and felt my spine extend. Then, in a sudden explosion of monochrome, out came the fur, sprouting from everywhere. And it was done.

I looked up at the suddenly much-bigger Charizard. <So, how was it?>


Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:39 pm
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The change was dizzying, my hair becoming two head horns as my face lengthened into a muzzle, fangs growing in my mouth as my forearms shortened, fingers melding into three-clawed forepaws, legs bulking up and feet becoming likewise three-clawed, body increasing massively--

-- then I felt warm. I could feel the fire on the tip of my new tail, but it didn't hurt. In fact, I rather liked it.

<So, how was it?>

The unexpected voice in my skull made me start with a growl, flames curling around the edges of my mouth, before I realized it was coming from the Mightyena at my feet, and sounded like that kid Axel. I backed up a step, careful of my tail, and crouched so I was eye to eye with him by lowering my long neck, and tried to talk to him by thinking at him.

<It... didn't hurt. Surprisingly. But I still have -no- idea what on earth that was, all I know is, I used to be a thief and I'm suddenly a six-foot firebreathing dragon. It was designed by Silph...? They used to make all manner of Pokemon things, like Pokeballs, and Bill was that crazy Pokemon collector guy...>

i swung my draconic head to look at the other two with the faintest trace of a mental smirk, but addressed Axel only. <At least I can defend myself against those two now.>


Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:50 pm
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((Haha, sorry about the Godmoding there. Guess I got a little carried away. And also, I'll look at those posts in the Ecruteak Theater and get some tips.))

When that girl said that she was going to be able to protect herself from me and this Gallade guy, I thought it was time to intervene. I kind of wanted to stick around with these people and figure out more about this cube. Maybe kick some more Team Elemental butt. "I know I've been quiet" I said to that girl Cat's face, "but my name's Seth." I kept talking, but I took a small pause after every couple of sentences, because one wrong word and this assassin girl would fry me. "It's kind of creepy having two people deadly creatures here and only having this Gallade guy to talk to, so I think I should morph too. The problem is, i don't think becoming Aggron would be smart." I walked in between Axel and Cat and grabbed the cube. After taking a couple steps back I was ready to do a little bit of experimenting with this thing.

I held the cube like I did before, and nothing happened. Then I thought of all the words for start. Start. Go. New. Initiate. Commence. Launch. Nothing worked. "Well, I guess it doesn't work twice." I walked over to put the cube on a beat-up crate, and started to walk back to where I was previously standing.

"What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
It's got wires that vibrate, and give music; what can this thing be that I've found?

See how it sings like a sad heart, and joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain, and notes that fall gently like rain."

~Neil Peart

Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:19 am
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((Alrighty then! Can't wait to jump into the action.  Here it goes...))

I was in a hurry as I scrambled to gather up all if my things into the little pack.  "I've got to remember to take only the necessities," I said.  "There's not much space for me to work with."  I got up to leave my dorm, when I hesitated.  After a last minute's consideration, I took the picture of my parents and I in the lab and stuffed it into a pocket on my shorts.  "Time to get rid of this school once and for all..." I mumbled to myself.  

As I snuck through the hallways of the boarding school, I kept on high alert.  I couldn't let any of the guards catch me if I wanted my plan of escape to succeed.  As I rounded a corner, I could hear the headmistress, Ms. Julianne Abercrombie, instructing a guard to be on full alert.  "Yes Mam'!" he exclaimed.  "You can count on me!" "Good," she said in a raspy voice.  "I'm counting on you not to mess up on your first night on the job!" "Yes Mam'!"  As Ms. Abercrombie turned and walked away, I realized that she would come right by me any second now!  I ducked into a doorframe, expecting my dreams of freedom to be shattered, but amazingly, she passed by me without batting an eye.

In mere minutes, the guard had fallen asleep.  Newbie, I chuckled to myself.  I crept by him and entered the passcode I had figured out into the lock of the main door.  I heard the click as the door was opened and felt the cool night air as it rushed to hit my face.  I hadn't been outside of the school for three months now.  How good it felt!  I silently closed the door behind me, and set out down the street.  It wasn't long before I stopped myself and realized, what am I going to do now?  

As I pondered this question, I heard yells coming from behind me.  I ducked behind a trash bin and watched as a member of the "Police" followed by a group of Mighteyenas chased a boy maybe, 16 or 17 years old.  Some thief who set his sights a bit too high, I thought.  I saw him duck into a dark building, and the confused officer ordered the Mighteyenas to use Foresight.  I was worried that they would pick up my scent accidentally, but fortunately, (well at least for me) they followed him into the house.  I sort of felt bad for the guy, because all he probably wanted was a bit of food.  And he deserved to be mauled by Pokemon?  Even if there was something I could do, it was too late.  They were already gone by now.

I continued to trudge down the dimly lit streets of Saffron, meeting the occasional wanderer, but nothing else happened as hectic as my brush with danger earlier.  But little did I know, that the most incredible part of my day hadn't even begun.  I heard shouting down an alley, and to my surprise, saw now a squadron of Police and a whole pack of Mighteyenas cornering the thief and now someone else as well.  Was he an accomplice of the first guy?  I wanted to do something, but I just couldn't bring myself to do anything.  I was paralyzed with fear.  Right as it seemed like the end, the thief boy picked up a shining blue object from the dirt.  The glow enveloped him for a few seconds, then receded.  He looked confused for a moment, then began to transform into a Mighteyena himself!  This defied all logic!  Nothing I had ever read could explain this incredible transformation!  It took great concentration for me just to hold onto my consciousness, as I was just about ready to faint from surprise!  As if that wasn't enough, accomplice boy picked it up, then grew into a hulking Aggron!  Who were these people?  What was the cube?  How did they do... whatever they just did?  And why am I asking myself all these questions instead of high-tailing it out of here?  But I couldn't turn my eyes away from the incredible scene unfolding in front of me.  Yet another boy, this one looking to be older (maybe about 18?) came running in carrying a deadly silver katana.  "Golbat, use Leech Life!" one officer shouted as he sent a Pokemon to attack the newcomer.  In response, he picked up the cube, and underwent the same process as the other two, but became a Gallade and immediately joined the fight.  

After both the Policemen and their Pokemon were out cold, the trio took flight, and a fourth person jumped onto the back of the Aggron guy.  I also observed a fleeting figure dash behind them, nimbly jumping from rooftop to rooftop, trying not to be seen.  Okay, I thought to myself.  Do I follow them or not?  I made my choice and followed the group as fast as I could.  "Thank god for that year of cross-country practice..." I said to myself.  It was a bit of trouble for me to climb over the wall, but I eventually made it.  

After looking down street after street, I finally caught sight of the group.  The first guy was still a Mighteyena, but the others were normal again.  However, next to them was a hulking shiny Charizard!  The boy who had transformed into the Aggron set the blue cube down on a crate.  I mustered up all of my courage and approached them.  "Um, hi there." I said awkwardly.  "I had seen what you did back there.  That was incredible!  How did you do that?  I mean you don't just see three people transform into Pokemon every day.  And who's the Charizard?  Another friend?  Or is it an actual Pokemon? What does that blue cube you were holding have to do with what happened?" Realizing that I sounded like a blathering idiot, I stopped for a moment.  "Sorry, I should really introduce myself.  My name's Jeremiah Martin, but if you want, you can just call me Jeremy." I outstretched my hand in greeting.  Little did I know how this one chance meeting would affect my life forever.

((Sorry that that section was so long, I just wanted to catch up to the rest of you and my writing got a liiiiittle bit carried away! :mrgreen: ))

"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right."
- The Book Thief

Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:22 am
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((Despite you not waiting for me to PM you, you did come in at a good time. Just try not to make your character assume stuff that only you (the reader) knows in the future. The bit about a thief who probably aimed too high was a little too close of an assumption. But other than that, great! Longer passages work better, sometimes, so that was fine as well.))

I laughed (mentally) at Cat's humor. <Sure, I guess.. Hopefully, that won't be necessary, however.> Suddenly, another kid came around another corner, asking a lot of questions. It looked like he'd seen Cat transform, but it was too close a coincidence. I sighed. It appeared that there were way too many witnesses of this new ability.

Then I had an idea. Could I communicate to the normal people, as well? I thought at the kid, <Jeremiah Martin, huh? My name is Axel. Now, what the hell were you doing here? You have five seconds to start dishing, or I might just embrace my inner wolf...> I started a deep growl, then stepped.. very.. slowly.. towards the kid.

I sent a private thought to the others in our group, hoping even the ones in human form would hear, if not respond. <Be ready to chase him in case he runs. We can't have too many more witnesses.>


Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:22 pm
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((sorry it took so long to reply. Busy weekend at work, and lots of time with the boyfriend))

I followed the two that ran out of the building immediately when they said that the cops were nearby. I couldn't get caught up in the law so I ran with them. I followed them to a strange alley where a few others joined up. Where in the Hell did these people come from. I then noticed them messing around with some cube like object. I took nothing of it until they started transforming into Pokemon. Well then. This is new, are we using Pokemon like Team Elemental.... or are we turning into Pokemon themselves. Either way the transformations looked like they could be painful, but at the same time exhilarating. This could be exactly what I need to take my revenge on Team Elemental. I picked up the cube and followed the instructions as it spoke to me. I pondered on what Pokemon I could be. I thought of a Staraptor. I could be as free as I wanted, I could fly to any region I wanted at any time and not have to worry about the law. Just as I began thinking what I did something strange started happening to me.

I fell to my knees. It felt like my entire biological structure was being re-written. My legs were turning into legs that you would see on a Staraptor, my feet and toes becoming talons. All over I was being covered in feathers, and my arms were turning into wings. My bone structure changed rapidly, it hurt but at the same time I felt nothing. As if I could always have this ability.

The transformation was complete. I had no idea what was going on. <What the Hell is going on, and why are we turned into these Pokemon?> and then I heard a message saying be ready to chase him down if he runs. I had totally forgotten that the police where here. <I'm ready. Oh and by the way my name is Vincent who are all of you?>

I suck at WiFi battling.

Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:41 pm
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((Haha I love how it looks like we're all turning on Turtwig :D))

<I hear you loud and clear. I guess we can communicate in human form, too.> I stayed myself, because lugging 800 lbs. of Aggron on a chase wouldn't be a good idea. "Jeremy, honestly, I'd rather not watch my... Mightyena friend here catch you here and tear you to shreds, which he has a good chance of doing. I would spill it. You know, like right now." I could tell this kid was starting to think it was a bad idea to come and talk to us.

"What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
It's got wires that vibrate, and give music; what can this thing be that I've found?

See how it sings like a sad heart, and joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain, and notes that fall gently like rain."

~Neil Peart

Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:20 pm
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((Just to summarize, here's everybody's shifted forms so far:
Rex: Mightyena
LM: Charizard
Pory: Aggron
S_E: Gallade
Shinashu: Staraptor))

I turned my head to look at the boy who'd turned into an Aggron-- he was quiet and well-spoken, which was a pleasant surprise. My draconic senses were sharp, and I could detect the sour stink of fear rolling off him. He knows type advantages, and he knows that if he attacks me I'll be able to turn him into a puddle of molten metal and rock within heartbeats. <A pleasure to meet you, Seth. Don't worry, I'm not trigger happy, I won't attack you unless I'm attacked first.>

Though, I could understand Seth's unease, and moved my wing aside to allow the boy to pass, tilting my head down to observe him fiddling with the cube. <Doesn't work twice? That doesn't seem like a Silph product... It must have some sort of command or trigger.>

When the new kid popped up, I couldn't help but start up with a growl, tail flame blazing a touch brighter as I shot him a red-eyed Look. <I'm a person. My name's Cat. And you, lad, ask too many questions. Could get you killed, that.>

Axel's voice came through my mind and I sent back a quick <Gotcha.> as I crouched, ready to take to the air if he tried to run.


Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:48 pm
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((Sorry had a busy day with work. I'll catch up like always lol))
(I'm just gonna skip over the formalities to get on a similar point with everyone else)

She's the one. That's my target. I reached for my blade, but it wasn't there. Dropped it. When she divereted the attention to me to snatch the cube, I felt the transformation take place. I could feel my brain being unlocked to its full potential, sensing the minds of the others.

I looked over at the black Charizard <You can try and defeat me but I'm built for fighting.> I then addressed the rest of the gang. <My name is Steel Bane. I was a hired mercenary before this. That woman is my target. I'm not a cop but I have worked for the government of the regions. I work for whoever pays the most, some rebels and some government.>

I ran my mind over the new boy's. <He seems to be honest, but I don't know how well these powers work.>

<And Axel, I wouldn't be so sure about type advantages. I have some moves that can take you out if need be hehehe.>


Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:30 pm
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Knowing that I would never be able to outrun a group of Pokemon, I immediately tried to prove my innocence.  "Whoa, whoa, guys.  Hold on a sec.  I didn't come here to hurt you, and believe me, I'm not about to run away.  Truthfully, being mauled by a Mighteyena was not exactly on my to-do list.  Oh, and sorry about that Cat.  I wasn't sure if you were human or not, although I'd believe that the moon was made out of cheese after what happened today."  Still a little bit shocked from the fact that they were communicating telepathically with me, I replied, "I'll explain everything.  You see, I just escaped from this academy run by Team Elemental.  They kidnapped me and sent me there, because they thought that they could get some use out of me.  Just three months ago, I was living in Oreburgh City with my parents.  They were scientists, and they studied prehistoric Pokemon.  One day, when they were trying to resurrect a Kabutops fossil, some "Police" swooped in and blew the lab to bits!  They took my mom and dad in a van, and I haven't seen them since.  I don't even know if they're still alive.  Anyway, I concocted a plan to get out of the school, and escaped just now.  I was walking down the street, when I saw your battle with the Police and their Pokemon.  When you ran off, I followed you, hoping to find out more about whatever just happened!".  I looked around at the group and sincerely hoped that I hadn't made the biggest mistake of my life following them.  I could feel the perspiration trickling down my neck from nervousness.  Or maybe it was the heat from the Charizard.  Who knows.  But I couldn't die now! There was so much I still wanted to do with my life!  "So, are you going to spare me?" I pitifully questioned.

((Geez, two posts in and I'm already hated by you guys. I figured it'd be at least five. :mrgreen: ))

"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right."
- The Book Thief

Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:05 pm
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((Cat doesn't hate you. You're neither a threat nor a target, so not important to her at the moment.))

I smiled ferally at the Gallade-human, lips curling up to reveal sharp teeth, speaking on a wide band so everyone could hear me. <Hah. Hunting me, were you? For what? You don't know anything about the ones you're so nobly trying to avenge for the government-- I'm sorry, Team Elemental. I can tell you the last five men I killed and why they died.>

I raised a claw, mentally noting that I only had three on each forepaw now. <Nelson Barreras, Water Resources official by day, ran an illegal Pokemon pit fighting business by night-- pit humans against his starved Mightyena pack.

Fernando Moscoso, supposedly a rich and benevolent businessman... a Farquahar supporter with a streak of cruelty, half the street rats are orphans because of how he treats his "servants", or should I say slaves?

Clayton Allbright, one of the high-up lawyers in Kanto, and a corrupt bastard. He's the one always hired to defend the Elitists against any sort of charge that people dare to bring against them-- they get off scot-free, he gets paid so much he's rolling in cash, and the people who bring charges... disappear.

Hugh Edgerly. Scion of one of the Elitist families... Biggest drug dealer in all of Saffron. He gets kids hooked, then either sells them into slavery in the mines, or turns them into... streetwalkers is the nice way to say it, especially the pretty girls.

And Allan Leffingwell. He ran a government-funded orphanage here in Saffron, supposedly brings in and takes care of the street children, turns them into "productive members of society". He was... very fond of children.>

I huffed softly, letting a little plume of smoke rise from my nostrils. <You might not be a cop, but you've sold out. You're just a mercenary. I might be a killer, but at least I have morals.>

Swinging my head towards the human kid, I shook my head slowly. <No offense taken, kid. I'm not mad. To answer your question, I have no idea what happened. We all came into contact with that blue box thing over there-- the image of a Charizard flashed into my head and the next thing I knew, I was as you see me now.>


Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:22 pm
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"Thanks so much!" I exclaimed as I let out a sigh of relief.  "For a second there, I thought I was going to be barbecue!  So you don't know what the blue cube is, just that when you touched it, you transformed into a Pokemon?  And you say that you were able to choose any Pokemon at all to be?  I paused for a second, deciding whether or not I should ask, then mustered up the courage and spoke.

"Umm, do you think that, you know, I could maybe try it out for myself?  Touching the cube, I mean.  It must be the most amazing thing to ever experience!  Although, it's alright if you don't want me to, cause' I could just leave now, and never say a word about it to anyone, if that's what you want..."

((Please don't say no. :cry: ))

"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right."
- The Book Thief

Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:58 pm
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<I didn't say the government hired me to hunt you. I said I've been hired by the government in the past. No, someone unknown to even me wants you for themselves. I've been suspecious of another power in the regions and I believe they are the ones that hired me.> I looked at the others. <But the rest is none of your concerns. This city is filled with spies. So I can't say much just yet>

I looked at Cat, <I had no intention of killing you, at least not without motive.>

<We need to decide whether or not to keep this kid. I have no problem with him yet, but we need to move fast. We've been here far too long.>


Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:58 pm
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((Np on the late reply, guys. I understand. And Rex doesn't hate you either, and I'll definitely say... maybe :p. And only those of us who have the ability to morph will be able to talk to each other telepathically; you can project to others, but they wouldn't be able to reply the same way.))
I paused, stopped growling, and sat down on my hind.. paws? I began to think while absentmindedly licking my paws.

If we let him go, then he could run off and tell others. Then he could wind up in control of the cube anyway. But letting him touch it... Is that a wise idea? It seems like too many know about this already. I guess adding one more won't make a difference in the long run, especially since if I was willing to kill him, I should've just avoided this by leaving Seth. I made my decision.

Slowly, langoriously, I reversed the process, reverting to my human form. Rather than retracting into my skin this time, it all just kind of.. fell off, oddly. Hm. I slowly walked over to where Vincent had transformed, and picked up the cube. At a slightly faster walk, I came back over to Jeremiah, and handed it to him. "You might as well. Especially since all of us are gonna be on the run now, you'll need a form to get away with us."

I went back to the wall and leaned back up against it. I studied Cat and Steel. Both have similar jobs, but for different reasons.. One the moralist, the other more logical, taking the jobs that pay. I addressed both of them. "Guys, I understand. Believe me, I do. But I think this is the point where we have to put aside our differences, to find out what this power is and how to use it. And, just maybe," I added with a grin, "we'll figure out how to survive Team Elemental hunting us."

((alright, after tt picks a form, we will be going to cerulean! We're gonna go talk to an old, decrepit Bill. So, if twistedturtwig could ask who Bill is during his next post, that'll allow one of use to segue into that...))


Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:07 pm
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((Sweeeet, things are MOVING! :mrgreen: ))

I turned my head to listen to Axel, before nodding slowly and concentrating on my human form-- the changes reversed, my body shrinking as my tail retracted, the inner flame melting away. Shivering a little in the cool night air, I nodded to Steel, as he called himself, and held out a hand in his direction. "Truce. We all hate Elemental anyway, so we have a common enemy... and a common goal in learning how to use these powers more effectively. Besides, safety in numbers and all that."

I grinned, but kept an eye on the kid, Jeremiah, out of the corner of my eye, curious to see what he would transform into. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind and I casually asked, "Do you have any nicknames, by any chance? Jeremiah's a bit of a mouthful."


Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:16 pm
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I transformed to my human shape as I walked towards Cat. I shook her hand with my half-bladed arm. "Agreed."

((Just keeping up in the storyline haha.))


Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:55 pm
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((Sweet, I get to pick my first form.  What will it be, what will it be...))

"Wow! I can really try it out for myself?" I replied.  "Thank you all so much.  Oh, and if Jeremy's too much of a mouthful, you can always just call me Jay.  Ok, here it goes." I braced myself as I walked over to the crate where the cube rested.  I hesitated, but made one last decision, this one for sure, and picked up the cube.

Suddenly, I was enveloped in a glowing blue light. Welcome to the Cube Interface. A gentle female voice seemed to speak to me from my mind. You are about to participate in an experiment that will revolutionize the world. Bill extends his thanks for participating in this trial, especially since it's his first joint project with Silph.  Who was Bill?  The name sounded familiar, maybe someone I read about in a book once, but I just couldn't put my tongue on it. ...and with this ability, we hope you will be better able to understand Pokemon and the world around us. Welcome to the PokeMorphs program.  Darn it, I had missed part of the message!  What if it gave directions that I needed?  I guess that's what I get for letting my mind wander.  Please select a Pokemon.  Oh, good, I might not have totally screwed this up.  Select a Pokemon, hmm.  There's so many!  How could I think of just one?  But suddenly, I remembered the picture of my family in my pocket, and remebered how my parents tried to resurrect a Kabutops fossil.  Choice selected. Thank you for your participation.  What?  I was done?  I hadn't even made my choice yet!  But just as fast as the blue light came, it disappeared, I was left standing there with a blue cube in my hands.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked the others.  "I heard the instructions, well, most of them, but I thought it had worked.  I don't feel any difffffaaaaahhh!"  Pain seized my entire body, although, it didn't hurt, if that makes any sense.  My outer body began to harden and became as tough as rock.  I gritted my teeth (or whatever I had left of them at that point) as my skull widened and turned into a sort of backwards crescent moon.  My two eyes slowly moved onto the sides of my head, making my line of sight change drastically.  My arms elongated and became like razor-sharp scythes that gleamed in the moonlight.  My toes gave way for two claws on each foot that stuck out at different angles. Plates jutted out of my back and formed two rows of armor down my spine.  As the last little details slid into place, I knew that I had become a Kabutops.

I tried to tell the others how incredible it was, but all that came out was "Kabuu!"  I remembered that they had all communicated telepathically earlier, so I gave it a try.  <Testing, testing, one two three!>  I could tell that they heard me, so I went on.  <This is like nothing I've ever felt before!  I guess the voice from the cube was right, I sure do better understand Pokemon and the world around us.>   It took every ounce of restraint for me not to try out everything this new body could do right away.  <It also said something about a guy named Bill.>  I continued.  <The name sounds familiar, but I just can't place my mind on who he is.>

((Ok, I seem to be caught up with the rest of the group.  This plot can can really take off now!))

"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right."
- The Book Thief

Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:12 am
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I faintly smiled at Jeremy. He was amazed at the feeling of being a Pokemon, just like I'm sure we all were at first. <It's an interesting feeling, isn't it. To just be human, then to suddenly have so much power, or speed. And about Bill. We don't know who he is for sure, but I think we should go find out.

((Thought this post would start to move us from Saffron to Cerulean.))

"What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
It's got wires that vibrate, and give music; what can this thing be that I've found?

See how it sings like a sad heart, and joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain, and notes that fall gently like rain."

~Neil Peart

Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:49 am
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I watched as Jeremy - or Jay, I guess - transformed into the scythed prehistoric Pokemon. We had such diversity here; Staraptor, Mightyena, Charizard, Gallade, Aggron, and Kabutops. All combat-capable, and all except for Aggron could run or fly fast. We would make good time, I thought.

I nodded. "We should definitely go find this Bill person. Anybody here know where we could find him? Hopefully he isn't dead..." As I did this, I walked over to Jay and picked up the cube, since as he transformed he had dropped it. I looked around for a second, then found a small bag among the rubble, and put the cube in it. "We should probably hang onto this.."


Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:27 am
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