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Pokemon Ranger
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I love you guys. <3

Seriously, you guys are awesome!



Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:50 pm
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I love you,
You love me,
We're a happy family,
With a great big hug,
And a kiss from me to you,
Won't you say you love me too!

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Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:03 pm
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this thread was mainly my idea btw, so if you want to blame someone, blame me!

long list time (in no order)!

dragonite: summarily, my BESTEST FRIEND EVAR. despite how much we've been through (i'm talking about me mindlessly hating you twice), i can't honestly recall one time you were mad at me without me being so first. even now, i still feel guilty for acting so childish towards you, and i hope you know i'd do anything to forget both times happened. ilu!

goldenquagsire: though you've been "at war" with me a couple times (you got pissed at me for a stupid reason, too! telling off miasma and flarey for leaving the interbutts forever? they deserved it!)..golden cracker and purple lesbian..we eventually got over ourselves, and look where we are now! you're so much fun to talk to, and you always make my day brighter. ilu 2!

sparrow: TOOL. <3
(yes, that's all i can say)

crunchy: you still hold the record for putting me through the most ****, you know. but i like to cast that aside and think of the present - we're not super-close friends like we used to be, but i like hanging out with you. roleplaying is awesome, too.

serpentsounds, vulps, patchy, etc..: do i really need a reason?

edit: lol, i misspelled ss on a mushy thread. i'm terrible.


Last edited by Valentine on Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:14 pm
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I tolerate all of you :)


Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:58 pm
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lol cheese ;[



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Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:50 am
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la la la we gotta spread the love amirite

IX: The kewlest kat, imo. It's always great talking to you dude. It's funny though, since I'm usually high on suger while you're sober on...tea? And since I dragged you onto msn as well, we've been able to chat a lot more, instead of just on forums. It's weird how we get along, but we always end up having fun anyway.

Patcheh: Lulz, chatting with you is a blast. Though 50% of the time we get into heated arguments, all of which I should win >:0, we end up having a great time pissing off IX with our many impersonations. :P

Kasey: We both liekz suga and that's all i need to sey. Not really imma write more. We don't always agree on stuff, and I remember once when I got really mad with you, for a whole week I think :O, but we've stayed friends pretty much the whole time, but we always have fun together, wherever we chat.

Draggy: We've been friends for ages now, and we've really done some crazy things. :P I remember talking to you on #psypoke over two years ago, and I still do now. You've always been really sweet and funny, and a load of fun.

Sozzles if I left out anyone, but those four guys are my favourites. :3 Though I need to mention Crunchy and Nida too. Ilu guys. <3


Last edited by Vulpine on Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:55 am
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Gamer Guy: I dunno if you remember me but you were my first friend. :)
Kruggeikarp: You're an awesome friend/rival (PS: I can't get my wi-fi to work! :( )
Zombie: Forgive for the sprite market dillema(SP?) :O. you are an awesome friend.
Patchy: You were one of my more recent friends on psypoke and you showed me the wonderful land of bunnies. THNX XD
Sorry if I forgot anyone.

Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:10 am
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valentine: yeah, i was kind of a mug back then. y'know, you're a really nice person to talk to. you've got a knack for cheering me up and tolerating my stupidities. but you're way too hard on yourself. lighten up, you're a swell lass!

yeah i barely visit psypoke any more but there are actually some decent folks among you. and besides, this is the forum that introduced me to the internet. it might not be much, but it's apparently a million times better than AOL messageboards. so yea, i salute thee.


Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:30 am
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Frost: You're like, one of my bestest internet friends evar. You're smart (duh >_>), decent looking, and you DON'T sound like a stereotypical you-know-what, even though you think you do. You're way cooler than any comp-sci nerd and you feel left out in class because you're just so much more awesome than they are. You don't play World of Warcraft or **** like that, and you still tolerate this community. WOW what a guy.

nfield Swift: You're damn sexy and I know I've told you that before. :o You have great taste in porn and I miss staying up late looking at hot guys making out. I miss you so much when you're into school and work that I feel like we've drifted apart, but you'll still be one of my bffs on the internets. I'd rather see you excel in school and have a social life than talk to us on IRC all night though. :(

TheCyberMew: Another drifter, I don't talk to you much anymore, but I'll always think of you as one of my good friends. I always imagined you as a nerdy looking guy with no life, but you're the complete opposite of that. :p I hope you're doing well in school, but with the intelligence you have, I'm sure you are.

Jigglypuff: The older members here said you used to be annoying, but I can't believe that. You've always got something to talk about, and you're always positive about everything. You never overreact and the members love you (because you don't troll them). I'd say you deserve the title of best-liked administrator of this forum.

Skull Kid: This one is easy, because I've met you in real life. You're a good guy with a great heart, and if one of your friends was in a jam, you'd do everything possible to help them out. You're not obnoxious like your cousin, which is surprising, because I know you guys are really close. You like to party hard, and that's cool, because you share your booze! :O

DatVu: You're like my brother from another mother, seriously, I know I can trust you. I've poured my deepest secrets out to you, because I know you're a nice guy and you wouldn't tell anyone. I don't think you deserve what happened to you last year, and I wish it didn't have to haunt you for the rest of your life. You're a hard worker and I'm glad you have a good job. Someday, you'll make a woman happy. :)

Registeel_Rocks: I gave that moderator position to you, because I know you're trustworthy and you've matured into a great person. I like the sound of your voice, and I wish I could call you more often :( but I'm shy and stuff >_> you're at the top of my list of the internet people I want to meet someday along side Frost, TCM, and swift. You're a smart kid, and I'm sure you'll do something good with your life.

TonberryKing: I always thought you didn't like me at first, but that's okay, because I didn't like you either. :p I later realized that I can come to you with any kind of situation (sometimes embarrassing, lol...) and you'll give me encouraging advice. You're like the big brother in the IRC channel, because you always used to resolve problems and share your wisdom. I'm glad you have a good job and did good in college, you definitely deserve your bright future.

Serpentsounds: You used to be an annoying little brat on the internet who I thought was as dumb as a box of rocks (much like our average members.) However, I was very wrong in making that assumption because you are indeed, very smart, and shaped up much quick(lier) than Swift or anyone else did. You worked your way up to moderator of this forum and eventually a halfop in #psypoke because you're that awesome.

Jamie: Not nearly as bad as she used to be, she's quite more mature than before.

I could probably do more, but sleep now. *_*


Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:48 am
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How do you do? Fine! A friendly greetin'.
How do you do? Say it when you're meetin'.
How do you do? With everyone repeatin':
Pretty good, sure as you're born.


Everybody's got a laughin' place,
A laughin' place, to go ho-ho!
Take a frown, turn it upside-down,
And you'll find yours I know ho-ho!


It's what I wish for all of you. :)


Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:32 pm
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Kasey: Since the days I just started using IRC, I always admired you. You were superduperawsomecool and pretty much everyone respected you. I'm sure I annoyed you to the brink of insanity on multiple occasions, but you dealt with it. I remember that you always listened to me before telling me I was talking crap, or that I was about as funny as being slapped in the face, and you taught me all the things that most kids know by six years old but I didn't. Oh, and I still remember that night I got scared or something. Btw if I'm the IRC baby like you said, you're the interwebz foster mommy or something >;p
Also you're pretty much the coolest person on the internet.

Vulps: Guys, he can do an impression of snobby british gays about as well as I can juggle elephants who just happen to be having a tea party. WITHOUT SPILLING THE TEA. And, he is a heartless murder; he killed off an innocent donkey character ;_; He's a pain in the butt, he keeps finishing off his cool stories, and he lives in the wrong time zone. But he likes Avril, so ilu vulps.

Draggy: You've got a good sense of humour, and you're great fun to talk to, although I don't get the chance as much as I'd like to because we seem to live in complete opposite time zones. But you're awsome.


Sparrow: I can't think of anything so do you take cash? My imagination is lacking. Yeah you're cool and whatnot. I just haven't seen much of you in ages.

Nida: Even an IRC family needs a great great aunt. But I'm afraid it's not you; you're the great x 10 to the power of 82 great great great aunt. Or something close. You're one with the good sense of humour though.

Crunchy: He has super cool hair.

Patchy: Err... D:

Also, the rest of you are really all great too, I am really glad to be part of this community. And if I live to the age Nida is, I'll probably still be here.

EDIT: Bleh, my entry for draggy was laziness so I've made a new one, and I forgot someone, so I've edited.


Last edited by Inta Xonem on Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:32 pm
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Pelli: thank you for making me become less shy and allowing me to actually get a life :D!
O o
dragu, vulps, nida, patchy, etc: yur kool and yay

mod edit: don't stretch the page, please


Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:56 pm
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Aww, i love you guys. If i hadn't joined psypoke, i wouldn't have met all you wonderful people.

Kasey: what you said. seriously though, you are the best. so many good times. Theres also a ton of inside jokes and nicknames, too many for me to remember. also, you are just plain hilarious; you make me laugh so hard. when we get older, i'd really like to meet you in person someday.

Vulps: I remember meeting you through team midnight, luls. you are so extremely nice and i'm so glad i met you.

Inta Xonem: super generous & really fun. also, shave off your unibrow ;p

crunchy, srpntsnds, spangry arrow, ep, patchy, galar, some other people are all wonderful too. i'm just too lazy to type anything up but you guys are the best <3


Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:56 pm
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Toasty wrote:
Sneak: blank

I thought what we had was special :( Anyway...

R_R: You're a great guy. Next to the Packers, you're the reason I'd like to go to Wisconsin at some point.

F_S: I'd die if I didn't have someone to discuss sports with here.

F_W: lol me

Frost: Sorry if I ever made you think making me a mod was a bad move by Amphy. You're a really awesome guy.

Swift: I remember when you were "swift53" and the time you got drunk in Spain. Glad to see you're a lot more mature and responsible.

Galar: You're a good artist and will be an even better doctor.

Jiggz: Stop being so smart, dammit.

Krisp (Yes I called you Krisp DEAL WITH IT): You're like, the best person on Psypoke EVER.


Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:12 am
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I like pokemon ranger because my name was mentioned in the post.

All I know is that I know nothing.

Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:19 am
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Alright, I'm not really the best at this, so I'll just write a list in no particular order of my friends (sorry if I've forgotten anybody).

Inta Xonem
And basically the whole Psypoke staff because I think they're a funny, smart group of people, and I enjoy the chats very much. I'm really glad I got to be apart of this community, and I even sort of cherish it.

You guys kept me sane, made me laugh, and even tolerated me. I'm really glad I got to meet all of you, really. You're the friends I never had. Thank you.


Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:32 am
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DatVu - You're pretty much my best online friend. We have hung out so many times and you offer to pick us up half of the time when we go to Indiana. I remember when you said it's a good thing we're all assholes otherwise it would be too awkward, which I agree. lol but we're assholes in a positive way. Also, you got me a Top Loader for my birthday! That was awesome.

Krisp - You're a really nice person. Though you're shy, you still enjoy hanging out with us and having fun. I just wish we could hang out some more and play some Streets of Rage. :P It's a shame how you're treated at home too because you're the nicest person and just get treated like crap. Hopefully things will turn out for the better for you.

TheCyberMew - Though we never talk much online, you were a cool person to hang out with in Indiana. I thought I loved Mario 3, but you really went to town with that game. You also seem to like White Russians a lot. :P

Registeel_Rocks - We never talked much online either, but we had a fun time playing Left 4 Dead that one day. I know you're a really nice person too because Crosman told me how you gave him Mega Man 7 among other games for free. I wish we could hang out some time because I know you'd be a cool person to hang out with irl. Maybe next time we go to Indiana, you could arrange something to go.

Jigglypuff - You've done so many things for the site and like Krisp said, you tolerate the members which most of us really can't do. You're always busy and offer to help out with something as much as you can.

Swift - You're a cool person that helped me out A LOT with IRC. I know I screwed up the scrips so many times, but you always offered to help me make new ones or fix the ones that weren't working properly. If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't be able to use mIRC anymore. :P


=02:47:08= <pop10> probably means your staff or soethingwich in that case i could getyou fired or i could report to nintendo how bad of website you run because you dont follow your own rules on the chats

Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:51 am
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Krisp gets first mention, being my very first friend on psypoke. She's there to listen when I need it. Seriously, I tell her things not even my best friends irl know about me. <3

TonberryKing is always there if I have a programming related issue, and he's just a nice guy in general.

All of my friends from alpha, including Ryo, Twixt, Draggy, Kasey, DragonPhoenix, Crunchy, Angrysparrow, Jamie, EvilPenguin, Inta_Xonem, poplers, abou222, and maybe others. Your friendship and just being there to chat whenever always kept me sane and even inspired me to pursue mirc scripting as a hobby, which has in turn defined my career path.

tiger10x and Sneaky_Sneasel, it was always fun working on and testing trivia games with you guys.

DatVu, you're a really smart guy, and it was always a challenge playing chess with you.

Also, there are plenty of other people who I think are awesome, but I haven't really taken the time to become good friends with. You know if you're awesome!


Sat Jan 10, 2009 11:15 am
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Mah friends are serpentsounds even thought he forgot me. Kasey we had one big fight one time but yeah I consider ourself friends. Draggy nice person fun to chat with.Twixt and angrysparrow: well i hate angrysparrow he is so full of :censored: . but twixt is pretty cool. jamie is just jamie. now ryo is cool always opping me and unbanning me. and euphie is awesome.

<@abou222> !q 175
<@Euphie> Quote 175: <@Euphie> Rock-It like a ******


Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:59 pm
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What about me before you disappeared to nothingness?

I have to say, most of the people that I consider dear and nice either are not part of these forums anymore, or would slaughter me if I associated myself with them.

Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:06 pm
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pokemon ranger and shinylatios are my best friends :D

I also love all the admins: for taking time to moderate a site full of immature twelfth-graders.
<3 toasty <3 ................(I'm a serious)

Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:18 am
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Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:02 am
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Kasey: Haha you've been a really good friend for the past three years, and by really good, I mean really good at times and really awful at other times but I guess the blame is on both of us so whatever! I act like a child more around you than around everyone else, not because I want to be condescending, it's just hilarious to be older than someone and yet be receiving advice from them. Hahaha.

Serpentsounds: Whenever I needed scripting or programming help, you were always there to help me out, and whenever I needed a program written, you'd do it for me without much complaint, which is pretty cool. You're a smart guy but you're still a lot of fun to be around!

Crunchy: Sometimes I am sure you're annoyed with me but just too polite to actually tell me, but that doesn't matter. You've been a really good friend to me, too, and always help cheer me up when I need it. Plus you're from Australia and for some reason nobody can get over that so I'm not going to get over it either.

Liger_Zero: You're a pretty cool guy and less annoying than you used to be. I am happy you've stopped saying "needs moar ll" after everything I say, because I disagree. You can be serious and un-annoying when you need to be, so we're cool.

The rest of my #alpha friends: Thanks for everything <3

Krisp: You are less mean than you used to be, or maybe I'm just less annoying. I like you more than I used to, regardless.

Rest of Psypoke Staff: Pretty cool people once I smartened up enough to have them stop completely hating me, and you guys do, for the most part, a really good job of keeping this place sane.

It's a story about a ninja who couldn't climb a wall....

Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:23 am
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My sanity is kempt thanks to this site and it's members for this past year, I'm sure. I enjoy coming here, and I really enjoy everyone with which I associate. I hate to single people out, but the staff especially I've become fond of. There are a number of members here whom I wish I knew better, but being older, sometimes it's harder to approacher those who are younger.

While I love everyone a great deal, if I had to give special mention to anyone, it would have to be Skull Kid. You're my closest friend, and I enjoy hanging out with you almost more than beating your ass in Smash Bros. Honestly, I wish you and Nick lived by me, or I lived by you so we could hang out all the time. You have been my only guide through the past year, and I was so fortunate to have someone I could hang out with as an escape though the tough times.

Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:49 pm
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Looks like I'm a bit late, but nonetheless I'm here. I'll try to keep it short and sweet.

Krisp: There's too much to say all at once. I admire you more than for the obvious; you're also my hero. You have had to deal with so much **** in your life, it's not even remotely funny. I cannot begin to comprehend all the things you've gone through and still go through today, but I admire you immensely because you manage to still live on and be an amazing person overall. You help take care of the family that is Psypoke (even if it sometimes needs some discipline), and you're an amazing person to all your friends. Someday, you will receive everything you deserve. Until that day comes, I'll keep wishing it comes sooner. I'll fulfill my promise someday; of that you can be sure.

Frost: Up until this summer, I never really even said hello to you very much. I always felt like I was just another forum crawler who sometimes got a little obnoxious. We started to chat a bit in the summer of '08. I learned more about some of the stuff you liked, and I think I gained a new sense of respect for you. I also get laughs everytime seeing you make fun of stupid things (such as the pointless Pokemon trivia facts from...Bulbapedia, I think it was?).

Sneaky Sneasel: You're hilarious, through and through. I feel like we don't see each other very much online anymore. Remember all the roleplays we used to do (and all the roleplays that flopped... heh heh :( )? I think I first took a liking to you back when I noticed you loved the Super Mario series a lot like I do. Also, this is totally stupid and random, but remember that one time in IRC when you, F_W, and I started blurting Star Fox quotes? You were Falco, F_W was Peppy, and I was Slippy... that was hilarious, as short as it was.

Flaming_Wuzzle: I remember I used to be very afraid of you... then I learned to respect you as the very capable moderator you are. You do excellent work here; I hope you continue to lend your often odd humor and strong moderation skills to Psypoke for the years to come. Also, you have awesome vidya game taste.

Swift: We barely know each other, but you were there in #psypoke the first time I got drunk last summer. I'm sure you had lots of fun messing around with my incoherent sentences, and I for one will always remember that night in IRC. Let's do it again sometime :0

Crosman: You were my first friend on Psypoke. I remember you commenting about me being mature for my age at the time (14 in the spring of '05), and you were like this online-big brother to me. Thanks for being a great guy and making a newcomer feel cool.

Skull Kid: You are my hero in terms of video games. You have spectacular taste, you're unbiased, you're totally awesome at just about every video game, and you're just awesome overall. You seem like you'd be that one friend IRL who is a blast to be around. Also, I too hope that we can hang out IRL someday in the near future. PS: The day I get high speed internet, whether it be at home or when I move away, we need to start playing online games together. No excuses!

DatVu: You were an unexpected friend I made this summer too, and I'm very glad we had those fairly deep conversations. You have very well-thought views on matters, and you have a knack for sounding very philosophical even on trivial things. I can't say I know everything about all the stuff that's happened to you, but I know you've had some very rough times in your life. You are a very good person with a kind heart, and deep down I know that you will find the purest happiness someday.

Crunchy: One word, man: roleplays. That's how we met, and that's how we bonded. It's a real shame I can't seem to stick with an RP anymore; I always have fun doing RP's you're involved in as well, since I know they'll have your high quality posts. Can't say the same for the others, though... anyways, you're one swell man.

Sparrow: Like Swift, I think we really bonded that night I got drunk for the first time. I always feel bad when you say you're bored and stuff, because I always want to say/do something to entertain you, but I can never think of anything.

Galar: I know we don't know each other very much, but I just wanted to apologize again for that one time in the IRC chat last year where I was very rude to you for absolutely no reason at all. Looking back, I deserved a smack or two for some of the snide remarks I made. They weren't THAT mean, but still, it was rude of me. On a more happy note, your drawings are really good, and I hope your career aspirations come true.

EvilPenguin: You're a pretty cool guy. I'm sorry, that's all came to mind at the moment. D:

To the folks of Battle Tower: Major thanks to those of you who abide by all of BT's rules and don't act like buffoons (or when you do, it's minimal and not frequent). Sorry that I've been neglecting you guys lately; I'll try my best to get back in the game.

And to the rest I've forgotten or just can't think of anything worthwhile to say at the moment: you're all great.


Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:27 pm
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