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 your most frightening thoughts 
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Dragon Tamer
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it will probably be mixed emotions. the way you treat people now will influence how people will remeber you. some people will say they wish you were dead, but then when you do die, they feel a little differently about it.

i wouldn't worry about it too much or you will be looking over your shoulder and won't be able to make use of your life the way you want to. people will think better of you if you enjoy life rather than always being a worrier or a depressing person.

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Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:22 pm
Ace Trainer
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Really? Well I tend to be a depressed person :(

Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:20 pm
Dragon Tamer
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So many stories I could tell....

Well, the most recent was today; I was getting in my car, about to drive home from college and I (Like always) immediately locked my doors. Then I started thinking, what if someone tried to pull me out and kidnap me? I'm 5ft-nothing, 120lbs, with no self-defense training and the muscle mass of a newborn baby, It'd be easier to kidnap me then it would be to play rock-paper-scissors with a blind amputee.
So I started to think, well how could I defend myself? I can't, but maybe I could scare off my attacker. Honking my horn, pressing the panic button on my car alarm, barking, growling, hissing, and relieving my waste products on the attacker (yeah, I know, sounds gross, but who wants to kidnap a girl who pooed herself? I wouldn't.) all came to mind, but then I thought, "Let's get crazy".
So then some demonic creature posses "in-my-head" me and begins howling, laughing maniacally, and advancing toward the "in-my-head" attacker, slowing crawling towards him on all fours with my tongue hanging out and croaking freaky one liners like, "What's the matter? Don't want to play with me anymore?"
Before I ended this mental-scenario, the attacker had fled and tripped and I had had chased him down, sat on his back, began strangling him, laughing psychotically, and twisted his head all the way around and feasted on his jugular vein.
And, believe it or not, this is actually one of the most mild mental-scenarios I've had of me trying to "scare" a potentially attacker with insanity.
....And it ends up scaring me more then anything....

.....please don't call a mental hospital.

A trainer's worst nightmare
Image F/C: 4167-6843-2195; Name Tetra. Fight me!

Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:15 pm
Ace Trainer
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Location: In his imagination, imaginating things.

why not just pepper spray?

or a medium weight rod of metal?

or driving away?

If someone tried to kidnap me what i'd do would depend on where i am.
If i were to be kidnapped from my room... well, i wouldn't be. I am very resourceful. : )

if i were to be kidnapped from my car? hm.
locked doors usually help, along with driving away as fast as possible hitting as many other people/cars while the kidnapper is struggling.
make them responsible for as much as possible. : )

I dunno... i think the kind of person who would kidnap a person wouldn't mind a bit of poo... (you can poop on command?? o.O)

panic/honking doesn't do much. people just get annoyed. ("oh dear, someone accidently pressed panic. SHUT UP!!!!")

"in-my-head" scenarios tend to be quite inaccurate. people are unpredictable.
But yes, I suppose acting mentally insane would be an... interesting... way to escape capture.

scary scenario:
You walk into your house, and the electronics all turn on at the same time.
That would scare the heck out of me.

{absol} {gardevoir} {salamence} {crobat} {skitty} {glaceon}
yay skitty!
olim est virgo Troiana
quae incensus cogitat grama esse bonus.
incendit per noctam,
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invenit veru magnum ano.

Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:32 am
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Ironically, I don't want to carry pepper spray because I'm afraid it'll bring me bad juju (like, if you expect somthing bad to happen, it will), but I do keep a crowbar under my passenger seat...
But I guess the strange thing is that getting the crowbar/the above mentioned sense-making methods of escape aren't the first strategies that pop into my head.
And if all the electronics in my house just came on when I'd walk in, I'd grab the heaviest thing I could find and start smashing crap. :lol:

.....and if necessary, yes.... I can poo on command...

A trainer's worst nightmare
Image F/C: 4167-6843-2195; Name Tetra. Fight me!

Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:50 pm
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Kruggeikarp wrote:
but I do keep a crowbar under my passenger seat...

Kruggeikarp wrote:

Will you marry me

On the topic matter, my current most frightening thought is that I won't be able to successfully move out when I graduate. I don't know why, it's just a lingering thought that nips at me every now and then. My second most frightening thought is that I'm a creep.

At least I know one of those is true. (hint: not the former)


Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:40 pm
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I fear I will have to rely on my parents when I am older.

All I know is that I know nothing.

Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:47 pm
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My most frightening thought? That I could one day be driven to commit murder, even genocide, as could any of you.

And I mean that completely seriously.


Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:39 am
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gamer guy wrote:
I fear I will have to rely on my parents when I am older.

same here

Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:56 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Kruggeikarp wrote:
So many stories I could tell....

Well, the most recent was today; I was getting in my car, about to drive home from college and I (Like always) immediately locked my doors. Then I started thinking, what if someone tried to pull me out and kidnap me? I'm 5ft-nothing, 120lbs, with no self-defense training and the muscle mass of a newborn baby, It'd be easier to kidnap me then it would be to play rock-paper-scissors with a blind amputee.
So I started to think, well how could I defend myself? I can't, but maybe I could scare off my attacker. Honking my horn, pressing the panic button on my car alarm, barking, growling, hissing, and relieving my waste products on the attacker (yeah, I know, sounds gross, but who wants to kidnap a girl who pooed herself? I wouldn't.) all came to mind, but then I thought, "Let's get crazy".
So then some demonic creature posses "in-my-head" me and begins howling, laughing maniacally, and advancing toward the "in-my-head" attacker, slowing crawling towards him on all fours with my tongue hanging out and croaking freaky one liners like, "What's the matter? Don't want to play with me anymore?"
Before I ended this mental-scenario, the attacker had fled and tripped and I had had chased him down, sat on his back, began strangling him, laughing psychotically, and twisted his head all the way around and feasted on his jugular vein.
And, believe it or not, this is actually one of the most mild mental-scenarios I've had of me trying to "scare" a potentially attacker with insanity.
....And it ends up scaring me more then anything....

.....please don't call a mental hospital.

SWEET! some one else like me.

my mind dreams up things like the people i hate walking at night(classic) and they hear a voice that wont stop following them until finally they make the mistake of saying " all right if you think you're so scary, come out and prove it!"

then the voice says " i thought you'd never ask..." then a malevolent looking lizard creature with a dagger and a hideous companion of some kind leaps out and stares them down. they run, but the two creatures pursue them until the unlucky victim can run no further.

from there, it may vary from them being ripped to shreds or being left severely injured, but alive. but one thing remains the same at the end.

they remember a warning that they might regret being stuck up or rude to people in the past. i bet you can guess who the warning came from.

that is what think about when my day has been rotten ;)

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0646 1156 7995 FC

Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:10 pm
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Three things can poleaxe me with terror: screwing up, the unknown interloper, and the possibility of a sudden-onset dissociative disorder.

"Screwing up" really refers to critical failure in a single, irrevocable instant: miscalculating while driving and going off a bridge, saying the exact frigging wrong thing and ruining my marriage forever, committing a horribly, regretfully violent act. The knife edge of life only a millisecond wide.

The unknown interloper is everything M. Night Shyamalan put into Signs - the horror waiting beyond the restricted edges of my senses. Shyamalan uses things like mirrors, doorframes, hallways, and other restrictive devices to enhance tension and the fear of the unknown. In the same way, I'm terrified of turning my back on a door in a dark room - especially a door leading to a hallway - or putting on headphones next to a window, or pretty much anything that dampens two or more senses at once. Closed doors kinda worry me, too, unless I'm in bed. (Showers are fine, so long as I keep the curtains all the way closed. The moment there's a crack and I can see only a tiny bit of the bathroom, I shudder and draw it closed again.) I have a terror of, in the midst of silence in a closed room, suddenly hearing pounding footsteps tearing toward the door, when it will be wrenched open by a fiend or axe murderer or what have you, ushering in my demise.

Shadow people, faces in the window, spirits, any number of paranormal phenomenon fall into this category. The semi-Buddhist in me tells me that all the universe is connected and that everything within it will be one someday, that if I give myself over to love then all is well. But it's hard to reconcile Buddhism - hell, my unshakable belief in the scientific method, too - with some of the freaky-deaky paranormal crap I've experienced.

Finally, dissociation from reality is not as terrifying as the possibility of reassociating with it after the horrors happen. I once heard some creepypasta about a doll given to a new mother. The doll cries and cries. The mother takes out the batteries, but it still cries. Eventually, she's driven to beating it into pieces, pulling out its limbs, crushing its head - and she suddenly snaps into reality, where the doll sits on the shelf, still crying, as she brutalizes her newborn. Oh God. Whether through supernatural means or just temporary insanity, this exemplifies my fear of dissociation.

ryan_dan wrote:
(S)ome dumb kids looked at Mewtwo and thought "Hey he can clone things and move objects with his mind and be weak to Ghost attacks, why can't I?" Because it is a freaking game!!! Not something you should actaully practice in real life!!!

Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:06 pm
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well, my scariest thought is that my best friend or family member died, and the last thing i ever said to them was i hate you or you suck or something negative like that.

sometimes i have these wierd day dreams when im in the car with my ds or teddy bear and i suddenly thrust them out the window. i never really do that, but i have these imulses that make me want to but would never want to ever do. you know what i mean?

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Sun Nov 23, 2008 3:18 pm
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I get those impulses to, but it seems to be when everything is in the right place for me to do it. it drives me crazy, well, crazier than i am now.:)

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Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:42 pm
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I can slightly top a few things, has anyone ever had multiple thoughts at the same time?? i often think about what would actualy happen if someone broke in, now this is fairly normal but sometimes i go to far and imageing their deaths what points on the human body to hit to cause a slow prolonged death with imobilisation, and thats UNARMED. i have hidden so many wepons in my room that i actualy feel sorry for anyone who tries is.

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Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:16 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Emporer of Ice wrote:
I can slightly top a few things, has anyone ever had multiple thoughts at the same time?? i often think about what would actualy happen if someone broke in, now this is fairly normal but sometimes i go to far and imageing their deaths what points on the human body to hit to cause a slow prolonged death with imobilisation, and thats UNARMED. i have hidden so many wepons in my room that i actualy feel sorry for anyone who tries is.

you're scaring me with the fact that you're starting to sound like me :o

if someone tried to break into my room unarmed, i would attack them with my teeth. i did that to a kid in 3rd grade and i broke the skin. he was harassing me, so i did not get in trouble

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Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:16 pm
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Location: Umm...that's a good question
Walking into a gay bar, umm.. going to a Phil Collins concert,... that about sums it...

Probably just being alone.. well, that doesn't bother me,... much..

Or just witnessing an actual crime towards my family or friends, sitting there and I cannot help to save them, watching their bodies becoming mutilated.

Also, seeing the human race being transformed to cannibalistic savages by an alien virus..

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Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:58 am
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DragonSpear wrote:
Walking into a gay bar, umm.. going to a Phil Collins concert,... that about sums it...

Both of those are my idea of a good time.

ryan_dan wrote:
(S)ome dumb kids looked at Mewtwo and thought "Hey he can clone things and move objects with his mind and be weak to Ghost attacks, why can't I?" Because it is a freaking game!!! Not something you should actaully practice in real life!!!

Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:29 am
Dragon Tamer
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Haha :lol: Seems you haven't watched south park in a while (well Phil Collins was on season 4..)

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Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:16 am
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You're an idiot.


Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:36 am
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Coming home one day to find my mum and dad dead.
Now that is frightening!

Especially if the phone was off the hook, and you heard a voice when you walked in saying 'You're next'.
:cry: :lol:


Thu Nov 27, 2008 3:10 pm
Dragon Tamer
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That would be horribly disturbing.... i think i'd lock myslef in at the mental institutionfor the security

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Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:19 pm
Dragon Tamer
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here's a scary scenerio that i came up with:

you are walking down the sidewalk and you keep hearing a sinister voice. you finally get sick of it following you and you shout for it to come out and show itself if it thinks it's so scary. the voice replies, "Muhahahaha, i thought you'd never ask!"

What do you do?

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Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:33 pm
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Apart from absolutely poo myself?

Well, that would be my first choice!
Why, what would you/everyone else do?


Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:50 am
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Depends. If I was really timid, I'd probably just run.

For everything else, I'd search the area for any possible weapons (Pipes, rocks, etc.)

Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:30 am
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ya that would be my immediate choice of action but it would really depend if it was at day or night...

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Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:17 pm
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