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 Boycott the Olympics!?! Yes or No? 

Would you boycott the 2008 Olympics in China?
Yes 35%  35%  [ 9 ]
No 50%  50%  [ 13 ]
I don't care, I'll just play pokemon 15%  15%  [ 4 ]
Total votes : 26

 Boycott the Olympics!?! Yes or No? 
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Peanut-Lover wrote:
The reason why I proposed this is because the United States is indeed the best country in the world.

Call me back when you have an empire spanning half the globe.

Peanut Lover wrote:
Btw, while we're in school, we laugh at all Western Europeans

And we laugh at Americans. STFU.

Don't boycott the Olympics. It will be a major source of income and- oh, no, because you stupid protesters have already ruined it for everyone. Now China will take even longer to get out of its hole. Well done, dumbarses.

Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:20 am
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ImmortalGuitar wrote:
This is an intricate situation.

The Chinese are known abusers of Human Rights. For God's sake, they modify their Internet servers so no one may write a single line without being monitored - and thousands of people are now rotting in jail because they don't agree with the official Communist Policy. If they type " freedom of expression" in Google, they'll get zero results. No Freedom of Expression.

And let's not talk about Tibet.

They slaughter pacific monks just because they think they are entitled to their own nation - and those assassins steal their land, and imprison them.

There is no pluralism, only the Communist Party.

I shall boycott the Olympics. Those evil Chinese must learn that they must respect international laws.

(end ramble/)

OMFG at the Stereotypes, seriously, I can't say that everything there is false, but I must say that most of this is HIGLY UNLIKELY, have you gone to China and tried to search 'Freedom of Expression' in Google? Where is your proof that every line written on an Internet server is monitered? and as for Tibet what do you mean 'they think they are entitled to their own nation' who are we to say that they aren't entitled to their own nation? also the they way you say it every Tibetan is an assasin and they all slaughter monks.

Ok, for one thing the Tibetan's human rights campaign does have a bit to do with the Olympics, Tibet wants to enter the Olympics as Tibet, but China wont recognise them as a seperate country so they cannot compete as Tibetans, another thing, the reason this whole campaign is no longer just between China and Tibet is due to the Olympics, they've been able to take this to the International Stage, they're trying to put pressure on China to give them Independancy and get the support of Major Countries behind them, such as USA and the UK.

And as for Boycotting the Olympics, it is only if the Countries boycott that the Athletes will, they've trained all their lives to get to that point, so there is little chance that they would boycott individually.

Peanut-Lover wrote:
tennis8668 wrote:
Yeah let's just go kill a million people P-L.

Silly girl is very silly - I was thinking at least 10 million.


rio_uk wrote:
Peanut Lover wrote:
Btw, while we're in school, we laugh at all Western Europeans

And we laugh at Americans. STFU.

We Australians also laugh at Americans

Peanut-Lover wrote:
The United states can easily get 10 million men and women for the military invasion. And, it would do it so quickly, the Chinese wouldn't know what hit them.

I seriously doubt that, China would be able to gather more than 10 million troops much faster than USA, seeing as China is still very much a Communist State, so they could force many more people into war than USA, after all the US cannot send unwilling troops into war without conscription, which is an option that would more likely than not turn the US population against their Government.

Flaming_Wuzzle wrote:
Peanut-Lover wrote:
more words

Miss Vera has one thing to say to you:


Even after debating all this I completly agree with you...



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Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:10 am
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Deathseeker wrote:
which is an option that would more likely than not turn the US population against their Government.

Here's a challenge:
Can they turn against their government any more than the rest of the world has?

Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:16 am
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i cannot wait to see the brilliance of p-l prove his critics wrong once more :shock:

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Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:36 am
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I know it's "cool" and "1337" and whatnot to hate on Americans just by dint of their being American, but srsly gaiz, put the brakes on. :|

Yes, Bush got put into office twice (both times by electoral fraud, and in the first instance also because of a loaded and illegal Supreme Court decision). Yes, there are morons driving around with bumper stickers reading "TERRORIST HUNTING PERMIT #091101". Yes, this is the home of James Dobson and Pat Buchanan. Okay. We get the point.

However - everyone here lives in a glass house as far as that goes. I can't think of a single Western nation that doesn't have bass-ackwards politicians at the helm (lol, remember Mr. Blair? lololol) or crazy fundamentalists owith their lunatic messages haranguing the populace. All of our nations practice racist protectionist policies in various venues. And frankly, no matter the degree of corporatism practiced, we all engage in the generation of worldwide poverty and all the trappings thereof. You've got single-payer healthcare? Whoopee. Now let's see what you're doing to fix the crapfest you caused in Africa and southeast Asia with your "empire spanning half the globe".

Joe Citizen down the street didn't send troops to Iraq, American or otherwise; he didn't kill the soldiers who've died there. He and his bowling buddies aren't members of the vocal minority of buttheads who refuse to drink French wine and who call everyone between Texas and Antarctica a "mexican". Just like I assume that not everyone from the UK is a 1980s-style punk with a green mohawk and twelve nipple piercings, a "soccer hoodlum", or an IRA terrorist (lol). Not everyone from Australia wrestles kangaroos, shoots aborigines, or walks around with a Foster's in hand yelling for someone to toss another shrimp on the barbie. Not everyone from Afghanistan is Osama bin Laden.

Topic at hand, plx.

ryan_dan wrote:
(S)ome dumb kids looked at Mewtwo and thought "Hey he can clone things and move objects with his mind and be weak to Ghost attacks, why can't I?" Because it is a freaking game!!! Not something you should actaully practice in real life!!!

Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:53 am
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Oh, give over. We weren't bashing Americans (we do that where you can't hear us as you probably do with Brits. I'VE SEEN THOSE CARTOONS!), we were bashing P-L for being a over-confident idiot, but please, let's get back on topic!

If the Olympics took place in America, very few would want to boycott them because of Iraq. Get a grip!

Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:02 am
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rio_uk wrote:
Oh, give over. We weren't bashing Americans (we do that where you can't hear us as you probably do with Brits. I'VE SEEN THOSE CARTOONS!), we were bashing P-L for being a over-confident idiot, but please, let's get back on topic!

If the Olympics took place in America, very few would want to boycott them because of Iraq. Get a grip!

Actually, I would boycott because of Iraq. Among other things. :P

ryan_dan wrote:
(S)ome dumb kids looked at Mewtwo and thought "Hey he can clone things and move objects with his mind and be weak to Ghost attacks, why can't I?" Because it is a freaking game!!! Not something you should actaully practice in real life!!!

Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:50 am
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I'd watch out for Bush's thought police.

Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:06 am
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Actually, my low opinion of America as a whole is mainly caused by their peoples' over-zealous and irritating patriotism. Case in point, P-L.

I mean, come on. "We're the elected World Defenders of Justice". If a Briton said that, they'd be accused of being an imperialist, or a racist (and with good cause, I'd say).

I won't deny that there are other countries with exactly the same faults; just that America is the most vocal, and has the most impact.


Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:18 am
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Well to be honest, I must admit that P-L has undoubtedly won this argument. Congratulations kind sir, your chariot awaits.

Sun Apr 13, 2008 12:52 pm
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I personally prefer a chariot like one in the 10 commandments. Pharaoh has a nice one, with gold trim and whatnot.

tennis8668 is a dude - but, how am I supposed to tell? Many have been bending genders. Look at Valentine is (though her icon shows she is a guy).

Had the United States been paid back for all of its WW II debts, we would not have a 10+ trillion dollar national debt.
If we didn't wipe everyone's sorry @$$, we wouldn't have even one-third of the problems we have now.
If Roosevelt kept us out of WW II, you nit-wits wouldn't be around. We could have stayed out for a bit longer, and then swept up after Hitler and Mussolini, ad controlled the whole face of this planet.
You Aussies probably should have been left to rot by the Japanese. Then you wouldn't be laughing at us, and we'd be laughing at you.

We've made alot of mistakes - sure, I'll admit. But we've had a higher success to failure ratio then you Brits and Aussies. Everything you guys got involved in ended up being bad. Need I remind you sub-humans that you also sent military into Iraq? Yes, The British, the Australians, and one other country sent their military in along with the United States. We didn't force you to go into Iraq. You went in on your own free will.

Need I remind you of the good 8 years we had? Kosovo was liberated. The world was doing better.
Even among our screwups under Bush, who went in to help Haiti about 4 or 5 years ago? I didn't see the British saving those people. I didn't see the Aussies restoring Port-Au-Prince. No - it was 90% American, the other 10% French and non-alligned UN peace keepers.

And what about post WW II - did you guys take on the Soviets? No. You were busy rebuilding your decimated cities. You were using American donations under the Marshal plan and every other plan that supplied you American money.

Oh, and btw - we have an empire stretching from Guam to Puerto Rico, with American money in every country. Haven't you noticed that non-American financial markets tank when we do? Everyone tanks even moreso.

Don't think I can make a comeback, huh, DragonPhoenix?

Edit: Okay, maybe I over-reacted. I don't blame ALL Australians and ALL British and ALL Non-Americans - I'm sure you have all had your little blunders, and had other countries laughing at your own. I by no means hate Brits and australians, but some of you guys, well...

Last edited by Peanut-Lover on Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:36 pm
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wow! you sure showed us... eagerly awaiting the next installment. i can't wait! 8-)

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Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:18 pm
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ITT we forget that the entire premise of the Olympics was to put aside our difference as nations and gather in the name of friendly athletic competition.

Sun Apr 13, 2008 5:29 pm
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You know, that is probably one of, if not, the smartest posts I have seen.

You know, it was only postponed during the world wars? Interesting little fact.

If you all don't mind, I'd like to end my rants and call a truce - what happens shall happen.

"Que serra, serra" What will be, will be.

Edit: Any further disputes can be done via pm.

Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:02 pm
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Yeah, lets end this now, I dont see anyway of actually finishing all this :lol:

So truce it is and cya round P-L


PS: Even after all this I still dont hate you :P


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Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:45 pm
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Deathseeker wrote:
Yeah, lets end this now, I dont see anyway of actually finishing all this :lol:

So truce it is and cya round P-L


PS: Even after all this I still dont hate you :P

Exactly, each to one's own.

Tue Apr 15, 2008 1:49 am
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I don't understand why countries are stapled as people.
Resurrecting world wars is not relevant to the present nor the future.
Patriotism was a psychological invention based upon racism and evilogy.
I feel that I can't be held responsible if an overlord of Britain does anything significant.
I am not relighting the argument, I agree that this is now just needlessness, woo world peace.

thanks to hammy.

Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:25 pm
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Patriotism was a psychological invention based upon racism and evilogy.

Until someone can confidently explain to me what the **** evilogy is, I'm afraid I will have to assume that you're a total and utter idiot on par with His Radiance, the Lord Regent P-L.


Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:29 am
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-_- why in the world would I boycott it? My country isn't boycotting it that 's for sure. The Vancouver 2010 Olympics is coming up and we sure don't want China boycotting us. Don't want Vancover 2010 Olympics to turn into the Montreal Olympics which was a disaster. I don't want to be paying the debt of the 2010 Olympics. Besides, they are just trying to screw it up since they don't want China to become stronger than the Yuan Dynasty. Every time China falls into a recession, the next time it gains power again, it's historically stronger than the last time. this would mean the U.S would have to give up world domination which they don't wanna.


Mon May 05, 2008 7:13 pm
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I didn't think people sincerely thought as Peanut-Lover does. I imagined it was only a global stereotype, but I'm surprised this kind of overbearing superciliousness actually exists. I feel embarrassed.


As Mr. Saturn reminds us, the Olympics are a way to bring the world together, despite who we are or what we believe. The Olympics, if anything, is progressive towards world peace as a symbol of international unity. Historically, efforts to disturb the Olympics, such as terrorist attacks or any previous boycott, seemed more like an attack on this idea of unification and resolve rather than the nations affected by it. I find a boycott to be regressive and by large ineffective. I highly doubt it served as the coup de grace to Communism as previously mentioned, and I can see nothing to come from this. It's better that one show he supports the ideals the games represent than to express how contemptuous he is of a nation by means of boycotting this worldwide event.

Wed May 07, 2008 7:32 am
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why would anyone do that its been the peak of international sports competition since they started in greece!?!

Sat May 10, 2008 10:05 pm
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Typhon wrote:
why would anyone do that its been the peak of international sports competition since they started in greece!?!

I think you're rather missing the point. I'm sure someone in the thread's already mentioned why people are boycotting the Olympics; if not, try Googling "boycott the olympics".

Then again, I'm pretty surprised you haven't already heard. I guess maybe you don't watch or read the news much.


Sun May 11, 2008 12:49 am
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Hmm after reading it through again, i missed the point. you are right Goldenquagsire, sorry for the ignorance. However though, it would do no right to the athletes who have worked so hard all their life, and this is the opportunity theyve been waiting for their whole life.


Sun May 11, 2008 12:38 pm
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I'm on the yes side of these, as the Tibet issue it more known and serious to Canadians then Americans. Ever since I heard of the situation I've been disgusted of China, they have a population problem so why not let people actually leave the country? China is a huge example of a communist goverment taking the term "Power" and turning it into "Superior".

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Sun May 11, 2008 3:12 pm
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i don't think we should boycott the olympics. I am a chinese from Malaysia so i support the chinese in China too. I don't agree with you saying the chinese are evil. My country had also supported the olympics.

Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:37 pm
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