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Damean heard the message, What the? he thought, A psychic contacting me? How... Who...? he glanced over at Serra, "What do you mean you can't move?" he asked. Getting up and walking over to her bed.

Damean glanced at the computer screen, a messagge popped up about a gang, he ignored it, he didn't have time for other people when he had his own team to worry about.

Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:17 pm
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Although she couldn't move, Serra knew that Damean was beside her. Damean what's wrong with me..

<Damean what's wrong with me?>
<Why is this happening?>

She couldn't move, but she could still hear. For some strange reason, she felt a bit more free than she had a moment ago. Slowly she forced her eyes open, looking at Damean. It was almost as though his presence had freed her a bit..

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:41 pm
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"Maybe your sick, one of your wounds might have gotten infected." he suggested, "I'm not sure though..." he muttered.

What s wrong with her? Damean thought, And since when is here telekensis so far advanced?

Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:41 am
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<I didn't really get any wounds though..> Confused, she closed her eyes again. She could feel her body again, and she was gradually getting stronger. It was as if Damean's presence was healing her, but that didn't make any sense to her.

<I only really got the wound from Ghost's shot, but that was sewn up after you gave me your blood..>

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Thu Mar 30, 2006 1:00 pm
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"Fatigue?" Damean guessed, "Straining yourself can knock you out, why do you push yourself so much?" he asked sitting down on the bed.

Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:52 pm
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Finally regaining the use of her mouth, Serra took a breathe.

"I'm not.. I don't..." Taking another breathe, she tried again. "I'm fine, really.. I'm just.. I'm just tired.." Closing her eyes for a moment, she looked at him sadly. "I'm not convincing you, am I?" With difficulty she pushed herself to sit up, staring at him.

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Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:26 pm
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- So you say this will make my pokemon stronger?
- Much stronger than you've ever imagined
- And what if it fails? What would happen to them?
- To tell the truth, they will get hurt, but the chances of something going wrong are so low. Don't worry, your pokemon are gonna be OK
- All right, I agree, but I want to stay here and watch
- Mph... OK, go to that room, you could watch from there

(Later, during the "power infusion")

- Something's going wrong... the power is out of control
- We can't stop now, just go on
- But...
- Go on I said!!


(An explosion occurs. Minutes later a young boy walks around looking for something)

- Golduck, Flareon, Cloyster, where are you? Please come and say you're OK, please...

(A vision. Terror and sadness fill the heart of the boy, then he begins to cry, and then the terror are slowly replaced with anger and hate)

- I will avenge you, I swear

When Erick awakes, he is sweating and then starts to cry. After a few moments, he notices the people around and leaves the place quickly.

- I must find them. I heard Sven wanted to interrogate them, I must go there before he decides to send them anywhere else

<img src="images/trainercards/stellarleader.png">

English is not my native language.

Feel free to let me know if I say something wrong.

Fri Mar 31, 2006 7:19 am
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((Alright, heck with it. I'm making stuff up. And yes, Gardevoir1313, I actually was planning on making this the same gang that attacked you and Blackwind's characters, and stole CF's pokemon and then got blown up.
Oh, and Stellar Leader, they're not going anywhere, and I don't think they're the people you're looking for either.))

The gang leader just sat there, not responding to Sven's question, with a mild grin on his face, for several minutes.
"I wonder, do you like your insides inside your body?" Sven mused, reaching for a pokeball. "Go, Kabut'In," He said in a soft voice. The skeletal pokemon appeared, with his razor sharp claws held at the ready. The gang leader went white.
"You wouldn't."
"Wouldn't I? I don't care about your life. You're about as low on my totem pole of respect as you can be. You're vile, you make a living stealing pokemon, you're trying to pin the blame for your activities on Midnight, and you're not even powerful enough to defend yourself against a real trainer. You're a piece of pond scum in an otherwise pretty lake. Now, tell me what I need to know, or I'll... persuade you to do so. After all, you can still talk with your intestines spilling out your belly."
"Alright, alright!! I'll tell you everything I know! Just don't let that... thing near me!"
"Start talking then."
"Alright. We were approached, about a month ago, by a mysterious man in black, from head to toe. He told us that he had a job for us to do, and that it would pay well. Me 'n the boys, we'd been out of work for weeks; we used to be Safari Zone Wardens, but then we got layed off. Do you know how hard it is to find work around here?" Sven shot the gang leader a menacing look, and he got back on topic. "Anyway, he said that all we had to do, was put on these uniforms, and use these pokemon that he was going to give us, and use the snag machine, to steal other people's pokemon. He'd pay us some money up front, and then he'd pay us more for each pokemon we got, depending on how rare they were. He also said that if we stole psychic, steel, and electric types, we'd get a special bonus.
"Well, things went pretty well at first. We pulled off several easy jobs, but then we ran into some trouble. I don't know what happened, but... well, originally, there were eight of us working together. We also had a truck, that we were using to make quick getaways. But, on a heist two weeks ago, something went wrong. Three of our guys, and the truck, got blown to kingdom come, along with the pokemon they'd stolen from a girl. After that, we started avoiding the cities, and working more in the open. We almost pulled off a nice grab of a Blaziken and a Gardevoir, but somehow we got lost that too. And of course, now you've caught us, and I guess we're done."
"Do you know anything more about the man who hired you?"
"No, I don't even know for sure it was a man. He stayed in the shadows, and didn't do anything to let us know who he was. We were too thankful to finally get some work, even shady work like this, to complain or ask too many questions. We were starving."
"Alright, well, you're not starving anymore. Do your other team members know anything else?"
"No, they don't. If anything, they'd know less than me."
"Alright, thank you for your cooperation. Guards! Take him back to his holding cell, and see that all the prisoners get fed."
The guards came in, and hauled the prisoner away. Sven stood there, thinking. Well, pretty much exactly as I figured. Low level hirelings, but they knew enough to confirm what I suspected. Someone is trying to start a war between Midnight and Psyche; that whole targeting Psychics was just too clever. The question now, is who?
Sven returned his Kabutops, and strode out of the room. The two grunts stopped him, looking nervous. "Yes, what is it?" Sven said.
"Sir, it's about Erick. He... well, we were taking him to the infirmary, like you said, and then he just went berserk. I don't know what happened, but he escaped us both, and disappeared. We don't know where he is, sir. Very sorry."
Disappeared? How did he manage to do that, he was in no condition to even run, last time I saw him. He's got some trick up his sleeve, Midnight may need to be careful with him around. Careful, or else maybe he'll provide something to make Midnight the most powerful team around. "That's unfortunate, but it wasn't your fault. Return to your duties." Turning to his comlink, he told the Command Center, "Let me know if Erick returns to the building, I want to talk to him."


Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:46 am
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"Of course your not." he said, "I can see though your act, you aren't convincing at all." Damean winked at Serra, "You've always been a horrible actress."

Fri Mar 31, 2006 12:05 pm
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JsXtm wrote:
Oh, and Stellar Leader, they're not going anywhere, and I don't think they're the people you're looking for either

((I know, but Erick is now blinded by rage, so don't ask him to think clearly. And I won't reply again until Monday, so for now he'll be hiding somewhere))

<img src="images/trainercards/stellarleader.png">

English is not my native language.

Feel free to let me know if I say something wrong.

Fri Mar 31, 2006 12:55 pm
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((I take it you guys are in Blackthorn, then? Just wondering, because it says you're in an interrogation room...I'm assuming it'd be in you're base))

Eirika stopped in her tracks.

" any chance, do you remember the way to Blackthorn? I have an odd feeling I should go there soon...but I can't teleport that far..."


"D.J.? What the..?" D.J. stood there, still scuffed up but seemingly strong enough to travel.

Before you ask, Eiri, Lairi's fine. She's still back at the Pokecenter. But you know me, I can't stay in one spot for too long...

<I see...are you sure you can travel...?>

Yes...I think so.

<Good...I think we're going to Blackthorn soon...>

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Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:02 pm
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((Your assumption is correct, I at least am in Blackthorn. I think Erick is nearby somewhere, and Magus and CF are in... Lilycove, I think? But I don't think that's relevant to your plans...))

With all of the relevant orders for running the base for a while, including the alert if Erick should try to return, Sven decided that he deserved some much-needed rest. He headed for his quarters, to rest and recuperate from the recent, harrowing events. I mean, sheesh. Members going crazy and attacking the rest of the team, others quitting out of sheer cussedness, Psychians getting shot and then seemingly becoming the sole focus of our beloved leader, low-lifes getting hired to frame Team Midnight, and another team member going crazy, and running away when we're trying to help him. Am I the only mentally balanced member of this team? "Or am even I going crazy?" Crap, was that out loud? Maybe I am going crazy. I don't know, maybe all the contact with psycho psychics from psyche is starting to wear off on me, or something. Nah, it's probably just stress.


Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:30 pm
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(sorry I haven't posted, i've been busy.)

Dave leaves the beach. "I need to find Midnights base, Maybe i can join them."

-=I'm back=-

Team :{blastoise}{dragonite}{umbreon}
<img src="images/trainercards/saga.png">

Sat Apr 01, 2006 8:29 am
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"Yes, I know the way. But... the fastest way to reach Blackthorn is.... flying..." Levin shivered.


Sat Apr 01, 2006 4:05 pm
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"Makida, D.J., if you don't mind..." She withdrew both of them. "I have an excellent precognitive sense. Something's going to happen back at your base, or something already has. We've got to get there soon."

She put a hand on Levin's shoulder. "I know you don't like flying...but..."

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Sat Apr 01, 2006 4:19 pm
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Serra smiled. "Surely nothing on you." she shot back lightly, smiling. Pushing her hair out of her eyes, she sat up, swinging her legs off the bed.

"So, where are we headed next?" she asked, still looking at him.

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Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:05 am
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"Yeah... I know. I don't know what scares me the most right now, the flying or the return to Blackthorn. But I trust you, and that's enough for me to come along. Let's go."

((To save some time, you could put us in Blackthorn in your next post with only a slight reference to the "flying" part, you know, it'd also save Levin so much pain and agony :P ))


Sun Apr 02, 2006 3:24 am
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((Ha. I'll do that. ^_^))

Cail flew down and landed near them. Eirika got on him and waited for Levin to do the same, then withdrew D.J. Cail took off.

It didn't take long to get to Blackthorn. "So...this is what Blackthorn City looks like, eh? Never really visited Johto before..." she said, looking around. "Well, you know this place better than I do..."

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Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:46 am
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Damean sighed, "I need to get some work done." he addressed the computer, "And you," he stood up and put his hands on Serra's shoulders, "You still need rest, you were down for the count a minute ago, there are no maigc healing techniques that can cure you like that." he said to her, "I'll be done in like five minutes, so if you want we can go somewhere when I'm done."

Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:37 am
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At the feel of his hands on her shoulders, Serra shivered. "Weird.." she murmured. Shaking her head, she stood up.

"I'm fine, Damean.." she said again, sounding stronger. "I'll be fine, let me know when you're done."

Walking to the door, she leaned on the doorframe and looked out, staring away. She could see the sea from there, and there were forests and trails leading away to one side. Raising her eyes to the cloud-strewn sky, she thought she saw something, a dull speck a long way away. Narrowing her eyes, she shook her head, dismissing the thought. It was nothing.

Looking back at Damean again, she wondered what was happening to her. When he'd touched her, that feeling she'd had - it was just so.. weird. There was no other way to describe it. And how she'd healed when he'd come closer, there was no sane way to explain that either. "Maybe I'm not sane.." she whispered, leaning her head on the doorframe and gazing out at the ocean again.

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Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:07 pm
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Eirika thought of something that she didn't realize before.

<Er...Levin...they know I'm a Psyche leader, right? ...I don't know how I'm going to be able to get in there...ditto for you, you quit Midnight and are now a Psychian, they most likely won't let you in... unless they don't know you quit yet...>

She thought about this for a few moments, trying to figure out how to get into the Midnight base without being caught.

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Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:25 pm
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Damean sat at the computer, Two members in one day... he thought, Are we really that bad? Dave was a bit rash and quick to act, no surprise that he'd be jumpy about decisions, but Levin, he was in the middle of his training, he would have become even more powerful if he'd stayed... I was going to promote him to Executive if he hadn't left. Damean typed in the name 'Dave' and filled out other appropriate data for him, Dave's Midngiht profile sooon popped up, Damean clicked a button that said "DELETE ACCOUNT" a pop up notified him that that person's Midnight equipment would be cut off from the database, he clicked "OK"

He did the same with Levin's profile, he hesitated on the "OK" button, then pressed it. He got up, "I'm done." the computer was shut down, "Let's go." the walked to the door, "Do you have an idea of where you want to go?" he asked Serra.

Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:35 pm
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Not paying any attention, Serra didn't reply, lost in her thoughts. She was sure she'd seen something, up in the sky, but she couldn't see it anymore, so she couldn't be sure of what it was...

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Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:41 pm
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"What did you see?" Damean asked, he waved his hand in front of her face, trying to get her attention.

Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:43 pm
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Serra jumped slightly - she hadn't realized he was there.

"What? Oh, it was nothing, I'm sure.. Are you finished your work?"

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Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:46 pm
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