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There was recently a thread about Digimon at another forum I frequent, so I thought about the time I spent watching this show. I thought it was a great show - I didn't watch much of the first or second seasons, but I was really into the third. I decided to start watching the first season, because I hear about how awesome it was and how much season 3 SUX OMG LOL FURRIES!!!1 So far, I'm at episode 14 (kinda halfway through this episode, I had an epic package come in the mail and I had to stop to open it and haven't started it back up since :o).

So far, I'd have to say my favorite Digimon are Gomamon :3, Agumon, Terriermon, Growlmon, Guilmon, and Togemon. Gomamon and Terriermon are both cuuuuuuute and their lines are hilarious. Guilmon is like a little kid, and Togemon is like my favorite GF from FFVIII. I don't care too much for Gomamon's tamer though. I'm starting to like season 1 more than 3, hopefully they'll introduce some new characters sometime.

Oh, and my favorite human characters are Sora and Matt. Closely followed by T.K. (I don't like kids, but T.K. isn't an annoying brat like Henry's little sister.) I kinda liked Rika when I was a kid because she was a girl, but wow, she's a bitch. I don't like how she treats Henry and Takato in the beginning (and even worse, Renamon), but she does eventually change and realize that Renamon is her friend, not some powerful being.

Anyone else like Digimon? What's your favorite season/digimon/characters?


Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:58 pm
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i remember watching it for a short time.

Gigadramon, if I remember the name correctly, was my favorite.


Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:02 pm
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I watched the first three seasons of Digimon on and off because they were on Fox Kids at the same time I had gotten back into Power Rangers. I thought they were pretty decent, though 03 taking place in the "real world" and completely dropping the original characters kind of annoyed me and I ended up "forgetting" to watch the series most of the time after that.

My best friend on the PsyPoke forums back then liked Digimon too, and we loved to whore fictionalized versions of ourselves into our favorite series in fanfiction back in those days, so we created Digidestined versions of ourselves (I don't even remember what crests we gave each other anymore) and our own lines of Digimon with all of the levels, DNA Digivolutions, etc. My Champion level Digimon was basically Seel and my Ultimate level Digimon was basically Dewgong, but I created Digimon that were basically original for the rest of the levels and crests. (My friend's Digimon were totally original.)

At that point I hadn't told anybody on PsyPoke that I was gay yet, so I pretended to "like" Sora because my friend thought Izzy was hot, and we both liked to pair up Sora and Izzy for some reason. I remember in 02, two Digimon could fuse together because their Digidestined had something in common, so she created a comic where our Digimon fused together when we talking about how much we "loved" Izzy and Sora (rofl). Sora and Izzy were pretty much my favorite characters in 01, but I liked Mimi and Joe's Digimon more than Tentomon and Biyomon. I liked Davis and Yolei in 02 and Veemon and Armadillomon the most out of their Digimon.

The only Digidestined that I don't like is the eighth one who joins toward the middle of 01 (not saying the character's name so I don't spoil it for Krisp :P). This character is annoying and his/her Digimon is pretty bitchy (even though it's cute). AND the character sticks around as a main character in 02, so I really don't him/her. Damn character needs to die in a fire.

As for Pokemon vs. Digimon debates, the Pokemon games are better hands down. As for the animes, I know a lot of people don't like the Pokemon anime, but I prefer the Kanto-based episodes to any season of Digimon (or any later season of Pokemon). Digimon 01 and 02 were better than what Pokemon was airing at the time (Orange Islands and the Johto Journeys episodes mainly), but Digimon got worse as time went along and Pokemon got back on track once the three Johto seasons had ended. So I'd say that one season/region of one of the animes is better than some parts in the other anime and vice versa.

Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:22 pm
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Adored Digimon. However, at the time I thought everyone would think I was stupid for watching it, so I had to secretly like it. I watched almost all of the first and second seasons. I stopped when Season 3 began. It got a little "out-there" from that point for me, sorry.

Frost wrote:
My best friend on the PsyPoke forums back then liked Digimon too, and we loved to whore fictionalized versions of ourselves into our favorite series in fanfiction back in those days, so we created Digidestined versions of ourselves (I don't even remember what crests we gave each other anymore) and our own lines of Digimon with all of the levels, DNA Digivolutions, etc. My Champion level Digimon was basically Seel and my Ultimate level Digimon was basically Dewgong, but I created Digimon that were basically original for the rest of the levels and crests. (My friend's Digimon were totally original.)

Ah, I did this too. :3 Except I didn't have any friends to share my liking of Digimon with at the time, so I had to play pretend Digidestined by myself. :/

My Digimon was... let's see... ah yes! It was Dragomon, a dragon-esque Digimon. I even gave him his own personality traits and stuff. During Season one I had myself obtain the Crest of Justice (I can't remember if I stole that from one of the other Digidestined or made it for myself now), and I became close friends with Joe, who was my favorite character of the original Digidestined. In Season 2, I was like TK in the fact that I was older now and part of the new Digidestined team. I had a crush on Yolei though, so I had lots of fantasies about that.

Err, that's for another time.


Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:03 pm
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Chaaaaaaaaaaaange into digital champ-yuns tooooooooooo save the digital world

I watched the first season, but got totally lost in the second until I recently rewatched it (TaixSora 4eva!) The third was my favorite, even though Terriermon was an annoying little bastard spouting his annoying catchphrase 'Momentai' more times than Naruto said 'Bevlieve it!' Hard to believe, but I'm sure it's ture. Of course, Takato and Guilmon ( <3 ) more than made up for it, as did Rika, Henry, hell even Jerri was alright.

The fourth season was a major hit and miss. I liked the whole "no john, you are the digimons" concept, but Zoe...god I hated her so much. It's Digimon, not Dora the Italian Explorer. She's worse than Terriermon with her constant random injection of Italian words and phrases. The fat kid (forgot his name) was lame too, but what fat kid isn't? Tommy was cool, even though his voice was borderline nails-on-a-chalkboard awful, combined with his "friendship speechs" was...yeah.

Never made my own digimon though.


Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:39 pm
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Being a lover of fantastic monsters cartoons, specially those where humans get to actually have those beasts, Digimon was one of my favorite series back then, and still is today.

To me, Digimon Tamers (3rd season) wins hands down, because I really liked that the Digimon could come to our world and all that. Digimon Adventure (1st season) is my second favorite, mostly because I prefer the human characters from that season to the other Digidestineds. Digimon Zero Two (2nd season) is okay (I personally didn't like the DNA Digivolution thing, but the Armor Digivolution was awesome), but Digimon Frontier (4th season)... eww. It's just the most horrible thing that could ever happen to the Digimon series. Seriously, none of the characters are even a tiny bit appealing, the massive amount of Digivolutions is pure fail, and the fact we have five boys to one girl as digidestineds is just horrible. I really want to watch Digimon Data Squad (5th season), not really for the Digimon, but for the human characters, who are, like, 16-17 years old.

My favorite characters from the series, humans and Digimon alike, are Joe and Mimi, and Tentomon, Gomamon, Palmon, Guilmon and Terriermon. There isn't one Digidestined that I really appreciate, they are all somewhat annoying to me. As for the Digimon, I tend to prefer the funny ones, whether they are physically appealing or not. As for favorite Digimon in general, I guess Gabumon, Dorumon and Renamon are my favorites, but there are so many Digital Monsters (over 800, if I'm not mistaken), that it's kind of hard to decide. I guess Gigimon (Guilmon's previous form) is my ultimate favorite, haha.

I've only played one Digimon game, but I don't remember its name, and it was quite a few years ago. I liked it, but obviously not as much as I like the Pokémon games, but I still want to give the Digi-games another try. As for the TV shows, it's actually hard for me to choose which one is my favorite... If like, the Kanto season and the third Digimon season are airing at the same time in different TV stations, I'd probably flip through them to watch both cartoons.

I don't think I ever thought about writing a Digimon fanfiction, but I did come up with an original Digimon. That was so long ago, though, that I entirelly forgot how it looked like. :(


Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:52 am
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i remember watching it. came out around the same time as pokemon over here. It wasn't bad at all. i watched most of the first 2 seasons. dont really remember how far along i got tho.

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Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:10 pm
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Obligatory post. Eh, never really watched the actual show. I was still into the Pokémon anime at the time and was just like "yuck, Digimon just seems like a ripoff" (not knowing any better). I watched the first movie though and sorta enjoyed it. I honestly don't remember any of the monsters' names to be able to claim any favorites.

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Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:22 pm
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I remember getting three cards in a cereal box, but I forget which ones. I thought they were amazingly cute (it was some pink ball with floppy ears, as far as I can remember), so I watched an episode. I thought Pokemon was better though, so I didnt watch any others. I forget what happened, but I think someone got angry with their digimon and it ran off, and someone took it. Then I got really worried about it. ;o


Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:11 pm
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I watched the first two seasons of Digimon religiously, then the few episodes of Tamers that were aired on terrestrial television. After that I have not been able to see anything, except a few Japanese movies - X-Evolution was great. My favourite character is the one that Frost dislikes and I loved the associated evolution line. Although Silphymon was bit of a disappointment, and T.K.'s DNA Digivolved joint Digimon was hilariously bad, I will always remember Digimon as one of the shows that displayed openly thoughtful children in opposition to the jerks at school. Unlike Buffy and Pokemon, there was never a brief period where is was okay to like Digimon, especially when everyone else was looking to finally wh*re themselves out at sixteen. It also helped me realize how fickle everyone I knew was, (e.g. my sibling suddenly dropping it). I love both the English and Japanese versions, although I have to admit that the unedited Japanese versions have more depth to them.

My favourite site for Digimon info. and episodes is Digimon Spirit, just look on Google. There are even infrequent podcasts, although I have only listened to the first (cringeworthy) cast. My own Digimon constructions were always lame modifications of existing ones, so here are my favourite originals: Magnadramon, Angemon, Gatomon, D'Arcmon, Omnimon, Piximon and Digitamamon. I was irritated by Digmon's forms and Veemon's personality. I did not dislike any of the Digidestined, it was the editing out of character points such as Tai's father coming home sozzled in the first movie and making Davis overly stupid that annoyed me. Oh, and I laughed when I saw that the Series One Tai-Matt bond was given a certain slant by fangirls, it was something that I had noted as a possibility.

My younger sibling had Digimon World 3 and Digimon: Battle Arena on Playstation One, which I bought off of him two years ago. World was good, although too confusing for me without the on-line walkthrough that I subsequently found. :?

#Digimon, Digital Monsters, Digital fighting Champions ...#

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Thu Feb 19, 2009 4:05 pm
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I don't remember the series, but I do remember the trading cards. i still have some in my card box. I might try to take some pictures and post them. I remember in 2nd Grade, I looked at one of them and I got sick all over my bus seat. :cry:

Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:11 pm
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Ahhh! Digimon. I remember those good 'ol days when I obsessed over having a Tentamon....... :lol:
Naaaah, I watched the first season (or some of it), some of the second season and very little of the third one; I knew all of the Digimon and their Digivolutions, but the bestest was soooooooo the second one. I loved the egg idea, with the sincerity one, and friendship, <3 Knowledge <3 , etc.
My faves were definitely Izzie and Tentamon. They were both a little sarky and Izzie was an intellectual; Tentamon was just funny. My next favourite had to be Kody (was it Kody??) and Armadillomon. They were laid back and awesome. And TERRIERMON!!! Awww, he just was the cutest, I wanted to steal him......he, he.....

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Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:24 am
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The first season was the best, the others sucked. weel the 3rd was tolerable. Season 4 buried the series in my opinoin.


Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:33 pm
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The first and fourth seasons were my favorite. I like Izzi, Matt, Koji and Kouichi, and Tommy was a whiny brat.
The second season sucked so bad, and the third was okay. But the fifth, Data Squad or whatever, is a complete joke. I watched the first episode when it first came out in Japan, and it was okay. But my friend watched it in english, and she said it a disgrace. I agree, the art is completely changed, and the characters are too old.

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Sat Feb 28, 2009 8:14 am
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AH...Digimon....just thinking about it makes me happy....I LOVED!!!! Season 1!. Season 2 i didn't see too much of but I loved it.....3 (after getting into it) was good as well.....but be honest i didn't care for it at all....Data Squad was better than 4 but i haven't seen enough of it yet...

I Remember that one of my original favorites was Gomamon. He was hilarious!

I loved the first movie....I now own it on DVD.

I think that someone should DEFINITELY! release the previous season in a DVD box set. I know I would buy it!

DIGIMON FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :mrgreen:

Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:00 pm
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I watched the majority of season 1 and 2, but only parts of 3.

I would have to say that 2 is the best as it includes the original characters and doesn't include shameless advertising about the card game. It also had Veemon and that just makes it epic.


Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:56 am
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I seem to have watched it, and I really loved it that time when I was still young.
But now, I only see Digimon in Krisp's avvie and sig :D

Bye Psypoke.

Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:05 am
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Ah Digimon, the Digital Monsters. I'm not big on it, but I absolutely love the characters and I think the plot line is good... just a bit ruined because it's a kid's animé; yes, guys, same goes for the Pokémon animé :P - but that's just my opinion.

Actually, I love the hated season, Digimon: Frontier (fourth season for those of you who don't follow the Japanese titles). I just like the idea of the humans changing into Digimon. And my absolute favorite character is Kouji Minamoto - I loved the Spirits of Light :3.

I once created a Digimon of my own waaaaay back when the third season aired in America - Foxmon. Variation of Renamon, only male... I believe I've actually created two fanfictions with him, but neither were completed (come to think of it, maybe I should complete one and post it here).

Anyways, I'll always love the characters, but I'm not much of a fan.

Still working on it.

But for now:


Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:19 pm
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I love Digimon, especially the first season. I didn't like season 2 because the characters piss me off. I like Digimon Tamers (season 3) because of Takato Matsuki and Guilmon. It got weird though because now the tamers join together with Digimon or something along that line, so I stopped watching it midway through season 3. I prefer Digimon than Pokemon in anime. Some of the digimon games are good but Pokemon games are the best.


Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:47 pm
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The TV show is pretty good, just the game is confusing. Oh, I was watching a video on YouTUbe, and ash said 'I want Ackemon!' or something like that, I think it's called 'Funny Pokemon Movie'.

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Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:43 pm
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The first series in my opinion was the best and then it slowly began to get progressively worse.

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Wed May 27, 2009 10:18 pm
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I've been watching season 1 again on youtube, I really like the character developments, especially Matt's, even though I think a lot of the leads are just plain dumb (by that I mean... intellectually challenged). I also love that most of the evil looking characters turn out to be good in the end, and a lot of the ugly digimon are actually kind hearted. Still, I'm fascinated by the whole digivolving thing, and my favourite characters are Izzy/Matt and my fav digimons are Tentamon and Gomamon. (as a kid tho my fav was TK & Patamon.. but now I think of them as h4x0rzz dunno why. Maybe its the whole invincible "my attacks pwn all evil" thing, I don't know) I'm a bit miffed neither Tentomon nor Gomamon ever got Mega forms though :'( As far as dislikes go... Mimi bugs the hell out of me. It's like, "your digimon is hurt, bitch, stop commenting about its fashion sense!" (this is also what I mean by the characters are a bit idiodic).

I haven't seen the majority of the second season and nothing after that. (From what I've seen though... it kinda sucks. I can't stand Yolei at all and Cody irritates the crap out of me. Davis is likeable enough but seriously that guy has a rock for a brain or something). I remember seeing the episode with Angemon and Ankylomon's fusion, that was a mega WHAT THE ****.

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Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:43 am
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I was a minor fan during season 1 and 2. I also liked the plot more than the episodes of pokemon that were airing then, but I never really got into it.

Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:51 pm
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omni-mon and were garuru mon, nuff said they kick anus (anai is plural?)

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Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:47 pm
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robbydebry wrote:
omni-mon and were garuru mon, nuff said they kick anus (anai is plural?)

I would assume that anus would follow the same rule that ass and butt fall into. You would be hard pressed to find anybody who says, "we kicked asses!"


Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:42 pm
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