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shinashu taji wrote:
Why does Registeel Rock?

Because not only is he a pure Steel Pokemon, which ROCKS, he just looks badass.

Pokemaniac wrote:

1. What was the most recent Movie you watched?

2. Cats VS Dogs VS Parrots! Which is better?

3. Do you watch the Pokemon Anime?

4. What is your hair color?

5. What is your favorite music from a game?

1. Gummo

2. Cats. Meow :3

3. Used to.

4. Brown

5. Oh man, I could make a page long list of video game music I love. I'll go with my top five.
- Ground Theme Remix (Super Mario All Stars -> Super Mario Bros.; SNES)
- Overworld Theme (Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past; SNES)
- Metal Mario Theme (Super Mario 64; N64)
- Underworld (Kid Icarus; NES)
- Bramble Blast (Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest; SNES)
Holy crap Sneaky Sneasel, I was typing up my post and then you suddenly whooshed in and said DKC2! HIVEMIND!

Preblooch wrote:
If you could instantly teleport anywhere in the world, were would you go?

To the bathroom whenever I needed to! That would be very handy.


Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:25 pm
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Uhh, something anime. I can't remember. Maybe Akira?

Whoa I just watched Akira a few weeks a ago!

If you could instantly teleport anywhere in the world, were would you go?

This is a rather hard question for me but if I where to choose it would probably be somewhere in the UK. Anywhere really. I want to see more of the world.


Pokemon Pearl FC:2749 9225 9473

Up for a battle anytime! Just PM me.

Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:27 pm
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lordtomato wrote:
@all staff
1. What cities do you guys live in? Do you like it there? Why?

Rio de Janeiro. Yes and no. Let's say we have a love-hate relationship. I love our weather, I love the beach, and I love all the nature we have. But I hate the fact that corruption is so strong here we never receive financial investments and our traditional universities are at a decaying state, I hate how politicians are so unscrupulous they're letting slums expand and the violence rate go higher and higher, I hate the fact authorities are letting our beautiful city be destroyed by filth, and our museums and historical sights rot because of their neglet, and many, many other issues. I guess I don't like it here as much as I think I do.

lordtomato wrote:
2. Do you like ramen? If so, what flavor(s)? If not, are you insane why not?

I never really tried true japanese ramen, just instant noodles, which are called "Miojo" or "Lámen" around here. I love those, and my favorite flavor is meat. I do wish to try ramen, though, because it looks delicious.

lordtomato wrote:
3. Have you ever danced naked in the rain?

Replace "rain" for "shower", and the answer is "yes".

lordtomato wrote:
4. What's the most idiotic thing you've ever done that has gotten you in trouble with the police (mall cops and mounties count)?

When my friends and I traveled to Paris we found out that unfortunately subway tickets were way too expensive for us. So, one day, a friend and I decided to use one ticket and get in the subway together, like, we squeezed in and managed to get through that wheel thingy. There was so many people there we figured out no one would notice us, but, unfortunately, someone did. We were charged 45 Euros, and they even demanded to see our passports.

"One ticket, two people". I'll never forget that phrase.

lordtomato wrote:
5. What are you most afraid of, if anything?

Ugh, there are so many things I'm afraid of. I'm afraid of the dark, horror movies, haunted houses, all those silly things. But I guess the thing I'm most afraid of is getting shot or stabbed. I'm terribly afraid of weapons of any kind.

Pokemaniac wrote:

1. What was the most recent Movie you watched?

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I enjoyed it a lot.

Pokemaniac wrote:
2. Cats VS Dogs VS Parrots! Which is better?

Dogs, by far. Parrots are cool, though. And I'm slightly scared of cats.

Pokemaniac wrote:
3. Do you watch the Pokemon Anime?

I used to, regularly. Nowadays, no, but if an episode I like is showing I'll watch it.

Pokemaniac wrote:
4. What is your hair color?

Black. I've had people asking me if I dye my hair. I was born like this, even as a baby I had very dark hair.

Pokemaniac wrote:
5. What is your favorite music from a game?

I never pay attention to game music, but I really like the opening title for "Tetris Attack".

Preblooch wrote:
@ Whoever cares: If you could instantly teleport anywhere in the world, were would you go? (Firefox didn't recognize "teleport" as a word ) :o

Home, I guess. But I could go with Registeel_Rocks's answer as well.

Thanks for the questions, guys! This topic is a lot of fun. :)


Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:16 am
Lite Four
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Afonso wrote:
If psypokes closed, what would you do?

I feel a pang of guilt when I read this question, because I haven't been around much lately. But that's kind of beside the point. In any case, I'll be really sad if Psypoke closed (yes, without the 's' at the back. It's Psypoke. Really. Despite what the url tells you), for it's the only forum I was ever really active on, and I feel a strong sense of belonging. That being said, I don't think I would do anything in response, except maybe to try to bring it back.

lordtomato wrote:
@all staff
1. What cities do you guys live in? Do you like it there? Why?

Singapore. I like it here. Pretty high standards of living (if not a little stressful), safe to live in, etc (:

2. Do you like ramen? If so, what flavor(s)? If not, are you insane why not?

I do! Any spicy ramen tickles my taste buds. Tan-tan Ramen from this restaurant called Ministry of Food, for instance. Mmmm yum.

3. Have you ever danced naked in the rain?

No, but I have danced naked in the shower.

4. What's the most idiotic thing you've ever done that has gotten you in trouble with the police (mall cops and mounties count)? i.e. once i was yelled at by a mall cop cause i was trying to get as close as possible to the automatic doors without them opening. on hindsight, that was a very stupid thing to do.

I don't think I've ever got into trouble with the police or mall cops, but there was once I tried so much clothing in a clothing store that it aroused the attention of the security guard, despite him never approaching me.

5. What are you most afraid of, if anything?

Death. No, seriously. Not really death itself, but the thought of not existing scares me.

I hope those were good questions! :D

Pokemaniac wrote:

1. What was the most recent Movie you watched?

Transformers 2. I just haven't been to the the movies lately =/

2. Cats VS Dogs VS Parrots! Which is better?

None. Bunnies ^_^

3. Do you watch the Pokemon Anime?

I used to watch practically every episode back in the first season eons ago. It dwindled down till today, where I don't watch it any more =/

4. What is your hair color?


5. What is your favorite music from a game?

Plenty, to be honest. A few spring to my mind at the moment. Phoenix Wright's 'Cornered' music, The Decisive Battle in FFVI, and some Route's music (10 or 12) for RBY, for instance.

Erg that's all I can come up with for now. If I can think of some more I'll just leave some more questions.


Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:48 am
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sN0wBaLL wrote:
Afonso wrote:
If psypokes closed, what would you do?

I feel a pang of guilt when I read this question, because I haven't been around much lately. But that's kind of beside the point. In any case, I'll be really sad if Psypoke closed (yes, without the 's' at the back. It's Psypoke. Really. Despite what the url tells you), for it's the only forum I was ever really active on, and I feel a strong sense of belonging. That being said, I don't think I would do anything in response, except maybe to try to bring it back.

D: damn, I sometimes type it wrong, I think it's because of the sonority of "psypokes". I think it sounds a lil better. Still, it was more of a lack of attention! I'm Really Sorry Psypoke!! D:

Also, I've been thinking of some new questions:

@ Anyone that would like to answer:

1. What's your favorite TV program?
2. Do you think it psypoke would be boring if you weren't a Mod/Admin?

Also, @ Jigglypuff (I think he'll be able to answer that one best, but any other admin mod may answer), cuz I never understood that, and since sN0wBaLL mentioned it,

1. Why the URL has that "s"??

Lazy lazyish lazyness.

Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:48 am
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Afonso wrote:
1. Why the URL has that "s"??

After the original owner of PsyPoke let the domain expire, was registered by one of those Internet companies that buy domain names and hold onto them with the hope that somebody eventually will pay the company an even larger amount to buy the domain back. Unfortunately for them, the current admins don't care enough about having an s in our current URL to reacquire the original.

Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:24 am
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Afonso wrote:

1. What's your favorite TV program?
2. Do you think it psypoke would be boring if you weren't a Mod/Admin?

1) TV program that's still airing? Probably Spongebob Squarepants.

2) Not at all; I've only been a Moderator for a little bit over one year, and I've been a registered member since March of 2005. PsyPoke has always been fun and exciting for me ever since I was a Bug Catcher posting topics such as "My Psypoke Dreams" all the way to this post here in this thread. Sure, being a Mod makes PsyPoke even more enjoyable for me, but if I randomly decided to resign from moderator duty, I'd still regularly visit. I don't think I'd ever resign, though. YOU HEAR ME, YOU'LL HAVE TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT FIRST (or change my usergroup, that works too).


Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:35 am
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Afonso wrote:

1. What's your favorite TV program?
2. Do you think it psypoke would be boring if you weren't a Mod/Admin?

1. Probably Darker than Black, it's currently my favorite anime series and it aired on TV. :D

2. No, not really. I find coming here fun, and even though I don't post all that often the IRC keeps me adequately entertained regardless of my staff position. This is my first internet community, so.. yeah.


Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:44 am
Lite Four
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1. What's your favorite TV program?
Eh...that's a pretty hard one. Off the top of my head I'd say DBZ or Sailor Moon (english only plz.)

2. Do you think it psypoke would be boring if you weren't a Mod/Admin?
Heh, think about it this way - most of the current staff wasn't always staff. They're people who stuck around regardless of their position at Psypoke. Four years ago I wasn't an administrator OR a moderator, I was a "Pokemaniac" or something like that. I'll admit, I didn't post much on the forums as a regular user (even looking back now I probably had less than 50 posts after being a member for over 3 months), but I still stayed around on IRC. The problem was "back in the day" (to me ;o) all my friends were staff. TonberryKing, Amphy, TheCyberMew, FireStarter, Skull Kid, Nido (**** the h8rs), dragonfan149, etc. I never really thought much about it until they actually made me a moderator. So to answer your question, no, I don't think it'd be boring as long as some of my old friends (and new!) friends still hung around IRC. As for the forums, well...


Fri Aug 28, 2009 12:37 pm
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To all staff-do you have a favorite anime? If so what is it?

I suck at WiFi battling.

Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:45 pm
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Afonso wrote:

@ Anyone that would like to answer:

1. What's your favorite TV program?
2. Do you think it psypoke would be boring if you weren't a Mod/Admin?

1. My favourite TV program would be... Skins.

2. Nah. IRC is always pretty fun.

shinashu taji wrote:
To all staff-do you have a favorite anime? If so what is it?

I have a few, but Fullmetal Alchemist stands out.


Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:00 pm
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Frost wrote:
Dear Skull Kid, back before pro wrestling became a joke, who were your favorite wrestlers?

I was a huge fan of Randy Savage. I just love the whole "oh yeeeeah" gig. I also liked Hulk Hogan, because I was a mindless kid back then.

Poe wrote:
SkullKid: Have you gotten into any sports games on the 360? If so, which one(s). Have you ever played Assassin's Creed? If so, what do you think of it?

I don't really play any sports games, even on the 360. I haven't played Assassin's Creed, but I've heard people say it was pretty bad, so I have trying to avoid it as much as possible.

Ryanh181 wrote:
@SkullKid - What are your opinions on the Nintendo Wii?

I love it, but mainly because of Virtual Console. I'm too physically depraved to like anything else from it. Though, Mario Kart Wii is always good times.

EvilPenguin wrote:
You walk into a bar where every drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) is served, what do you order?
Top five places you'd like to visit that you've never been to before
Top five TV shows
Top five psypoke members you'd like to meet that you haven't met before (past and present)
Top five pOkEmAhNzZ

I don't know. Probably some Scotch that has been aged since the dawn of time.
Japan, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, and Hawaii.
Beavis and Butt-Head, Ren and Stimpy (Spumco only), Venture Bros, Futurama, Scrubs.
TK, Amphy, Jiggz, Firestarter, Flaming Wuzzle.
Slowking, Mudkip, Jirachi, Shaymin, Mewtwo.

lordtomato wrote:
@all staff
1. What cities do you guys live in? Do you like it there? Why?
2. Do you like ramen? If so, what flavor(s)? If not, are you insane why not?
3. Have you ever danced naked in the rain?
4. What's the most idiotic thing you've ever done that has gotten you in trouble with the police (mall cops and mounties count)? i.e. once i was yelled at by a mall cop cause i was trying to get as close as possible to the automatic doors without them opening. on hindsight, that was a very stupid thing to do.
5. What are you most afraid of, if anything?

1. Monroe, Michigan. I do and I don't. I do because I'm in a convenient place. I'm only about an hour away from Detroit and 40 minutes from Ann Arbor, so I'm not too far away from good cities. I don't because it's kinda ghetto.

2. I love ramen. I could probably live off of it if needed be. My favorite is picante chicken, which is made by Maruchan. It's kinda uncommon but I pick it up every chance I get. I used to get tomato flavor all the time, but they seemed to have discontinued it because I can't find it anywhere anymore.

3. I don't know. Maybe when I was a kid.

4. I never really done anything dumb that got me in trouble with the police. I used to play hide and go seek in a graveyard down the street from my house back in the day and the cops were called once, but we all took off so nothing happened.

5. Heights. For some reason, I get really nervous when I'm up too high.

Pokemaniac wrote:

1. What was the most recent Movie you watched?

2. Cats VS Dogs VS Parrots! Which is better?

3. Do you watch the Pokemon Anime?

4. What is your hair color?

5. What is your favorite music from a game?

Erg that's all I can come up with for now. If I can think of some more I'll just leave some more questions.

1. Inglorious Basterds. Great movie. It's kinda gross at some points, but it's also really funny.

2. Cats.

3. Sometimes. I don't really keep up with it though.

4. Dark brown.

5. oh jeez. That's tough. I love all sorts of video game music. The ones I love the most though come from the Katamari series, Jet Set Radio and Future, Sonic CD (Japanese version only), and NiGHTS Into Dreams.

Afonso wrote:
Do you think it psypoke would be boring if you weren't a Mod/Admin?

Probably not. I don't really do anything constructive as a mod. Most stuff I DO do is site stuff. I really only hang out at Psypoke to talk to all my Psypokeian friends, and I doubt that would be any different if I wasn't staff.

shinashu taji wrote:
To all staff-do you have a favorite anime? If so what is it?

Cowboy Bebop. I really love the music and the dramatic style of the show. I just wish it was longer than 25 episodes. I also like FLCL. Again, amazing soundtrack and very bizarre animation style.

I think I got to every question. If I missed any, it wasn't intentional.


=02:47:08= <pop10> probably means your staff or soethingwich in that case i could getyou fired or i could report to nintendo how bad of website you run because you dont follow your own rules on the chats

Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:41 pm
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Crunchy wrote:

shinashu taji wrote:
To all staff-do you have a favorite anime? If so what is it?

I have a few, but Fullmetal Alchemist stands out.

This. Or possibly Code Geass. This is possibly subject to change in the future as I broaden my exposure, though.

Pokemaniac wrote:


1. What was the most recent Movie you watched?

2. Cats VS Dogs VS Parrots! Which is better?

3. Do you watch the Pokemon Anime?

4. What is your hair color?

5. What is your favorite music from a game?

Erg that's all I can come up with for now. If I can think of some more I'll just leave some more questions.

1. Inglorious Bastard. It was pretty engaging.
2. Cats are quiet, dogs are loyal and energetic, and parrots are just awesome. They all have their advantages.
3. Nope, though I did once upon a time. I don't think I ever made it to the episodes with 3rd gen pokemon.
4. It has always been black, though recently it's becoming a little lighter. Still a very very dark brown. Strangely, my beard is orange in many parts.
5. Final Fantasy IX OST

Afonso wrote:

1. What's your favorite TV program?
2. Do you think it psypoke would be boring if you weren't a Mod/Admin?

1. That is currently airing, Bones.
2. Nah, as Krisp said, the staff members were all just regular members at one point, so we couldn't have found it that boring. Though, to be completely honest I would be a little disappointed to have my modship revoked after being a Gym Leader. It wouldn't cause me to leave, though, and regardless of the forums I would still hang around on IRC.


Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:34 pm
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You have a Joltion, a Vaporeon and a Flareon and you need to get them across a 1,000 foot deep gorge without them KO-ing each other, but the bridge that you use to cross the gorge is old and can only carry you and one of your eeveelutions. How do you get them across? Note: Jolteon will KO Vaporeon and Vaporeon will KO Flareon if you leave them alone together.

Check out my Gen IV -- Trading and Breeding Shop where you can get special breed requests or just pick something out of the ever growing list!
~DeviantART Account~Dapple - Art Portfolio~Tegaki-E 1~Tegaki-E 2~
"I believe in angels. The ones heaven sends. I'm surrounded by them every day, but I just call them friends."

Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:39 pm
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@ Everybody: Don't you guys hate it when people make accounts on Psypoke and ever use them again?

Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:03 pm
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Dan Roswald wrote:
You have a Joltion, a Vaporeon and a Flareon and you need to get them across a 1,000 foot deep gorge without them KO-ing each other, but the bridge that you use to cross the gorge is old and can only carry you and one of your eeveelutions. How do you get them across? Note: Jolteon will KO Vaporeon and Vaporeon will KO Flareon if you leave them alone together.


I pick up the most neglected one, Flareon. Chuck it over the gorge. If it doesn't reach the other side, oh well! It was worth trying, right?

Then I turn to Jolteon. Now Jolteon's FREAKED that I actually did that to one of them and makes a break for it. Jolteon's fled, (i wouldn't have done it anyway) for Jolteon was the Timid nature.

Extended version, because only one will survive:

Vaporeon, Umbreon, Espeon, Leafeon and Glaceon are turning to each other, all nervous. They decided to pick straws. Umbreon picks the short straw, unlucky. I kick the Umbreon into the gorge!

Leafeon and Glaceon start talking amongst themselves. Maybe they should attack me before they're all toast? They then prepare themselves to tackle me into the gorge, that's until a strong wind blows them into the gorge anyway, because they're useless.

Not knowing where Leafeon and Glaceon went to, it's a hard decision between Vaporeon and Espeon. As Vaporeon keeps its cool, Espeon becomes too suspicious and self-conscious. It leaps without a second thought into the gorge!

I then safely cross the bridge (we're on a bridge, charlie!) to the other side, later to be feasted upon by Vaporeon's type-disadvantages.

The End.


Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:54 pm
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Dan Roswald wrote:
You have a Joltion, a Vaporeon and a Flareon and you need to get them across a 1,000 foot deep gorge without them KO-ing each other, but the bridge that you use to cross the gorge is old and can only carry you and one of your eeveelutions. How do you get them across? Note: Jolteon will KO Vaporeon and Vaporeon will KO Flareon if you leave them alone together.

I cuddle my Vaporeon and take it across. I can do this knowing that Krisp will come along to take Jolteon. Flareon will starve alone. :(

pokemon_god wrote:
Don't you guys hate it when people make accounts on Psypoke and ever use them again?

It's saddening, especially for the ones that post and seem eager to be a part of the community, then they mysteriously vanish. :(


Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:19 pm
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@Crunchy- Wow....When did the other eeveelutions come into play?

@Registeel_Rocks- Aww! Poor Flareon!

@Both- Why do I feel like you two hate riddles?

Check out my Gen IV -- Trading and Breeding Shop where you can get special breed requests or just pick something out of the ever growing list!
~DeviantART Account~Dapple - Art Portfolio~Tegaki-E 1~Tegaki-E 2~
"I believe in angels. The ones heaven sends. I'm surrounded by them every day, but I just call them friends."

Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:38 pm
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Dan Roswald wrote:
@Crunchy- Wow....When did the other eeveelutions come into play?

@Registeel_Rocks- Aww! Poor Flareon!

@Both- Why do I feel like you two hate riddles?

Why not?

And let's face it, nobody likes Flareon. :(

I'm above mere riddles! Bah hah hah hah hah hah!


Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:35 pm
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Crunchy wrote:

And let's face it, nobody likes Flareon. :(

I love Flareon! D:

Check out my Gen IV -- Trading and Breeding Shop where you can get special breed requests or just pick something out of the ever growing list!
~DeviantART Account~Dapple - Art Portfolio~Tegaki-E 1~Tegaki-E 2~
"I believe in angels. The ones heaven sends. I'm surrounded by them every day, but I just call them friends."

Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:56 pm
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I would put them in their pokeballs and walk across? Possibly eat one halfway across though, if I get too tired. I'd need Flareon for cooking so he's safe.

Either way, I don't have any gorges in my basement, so it's safe to say that I would never have to worry about this.


Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:27 pm
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Serpentsounds wrote:
I would put them in their pokeballs and walk across? Possibly eat one halfway across though, if I get too tired. I'd need Flareon for cooking so he's safe.

And here I almost put in the rules "You can't put them in your Pokeballs." But decided against it because I'm a fan of creativity. :3

Check out my Gen IV -- Trading and Breeding Shop where you can get special breed requests or just pick something out of the ever growing list!
~DeviantART Account~Dapple - Art Portfolio~Tegaki-E 1~Tegaki-E 2~
"I believe in angels. The ones heaven sends. I'm surrounded by them every day, but I just call them friends."

Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:43 pm
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@ Anybody
Will you guys be doing anything special for the 10,000th registered user on Psypoke?

Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:36 pm
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pokemon_god wrote:
Will you guys be doing anything special for the 10,000th registered user on Psypoke?

I'm willing to bake a cake and put the message "Congrats 10,000th Member!" on it. If they are too far away for me to deliver it to them, I will take pics of it and cut pieces "for the members to share".


Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:48 pm
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Registeel_Rocks wrote:
I'm willing to bake a cake and put the message "Congrats 10,000th Member!" on it. If they are too far away for me to deliver it to them, I will take pics of it and cut pieces "for the members to share".

I demand a hand-delivered piece of cake.


latina mortua lingua est // ud mortua ud ea possit
prima meas ancestras necavit // et nunc me necat

Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:18 pm
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