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The werewolf ran through the night, its paws making now noise, despite the hulking mass of the beast. "Human!" His body sensed, "Smell, sniff, HUNT!" was the only nerve signals that his body would except. "NO!" The dormant human part of Maracador screamed, he had not ran far enough away from civilization, and now he could not stop until he had killed the human, was dead himself or was so grievously injured that he could convince his animal side to flee. Then Maracador sensed a large animal running blindly towards him. He tensed himself for battle...Then relaxed as a horse burst into view. To prevent an frightened horse shriek at the sight of him from revealing his location, Maracador hid from the steed's view. He, as wolf or human, did not really like the taste of horse. When the animal had passed a breeze blew in his direction, once again assaulting his nostrils with the sent of human, coming this time from the direction the fleeing horse had come. Without a pause, the werewolf resumed it's frenzied chase, but he could not be far now...The scent was getting stronger...

The large, black, demon wolf burst from the forest and into full view.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:43 pm
Ace Trainer
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[color=#000000]hahaha my tale is a fun one. he says as he uses his two fingers and slightly pushes the sword away from his face and took another bite. after he finished swallowing he said. ''i have been alone all this time. when one is alone one is always afraid. you just merely laugh it off. he takes another bite. he looks over at the dragon about to leave, i have fought with armies, from holy preist with their white magic to the dark side of witchcraft. i have fought demon wolves and vampires alike, hell, i even once attempted an assasination on our ''good'' kings life, so what makes you think i would be afraid of a baby dragon. your more cute than dreadful.'' the dragon is now out of veiw. he awkwardly turns to isaac. so what are you going to do with that weapon? color]

A flea and fly in a flue, Were imprisoned so what could they do? Said the flea let us fly. Said the fly let us flee. So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Last edited by Archangel Mikael on Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:15 pm
Bug Catcher
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Katria was just about to go investigate the source of the trouble when she found herself in a bit of a quandary herself. Hearing the long mournful howl ring through the night, a cold chill immediately swept over the girl, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. She suddenly felt frightened, and she stumbled back, tripping and falling flat onto her back just as the creature burst from the foliage, soaring over her.

In a panic, the young warrior scrambled to her feet, spinning around to face her aggressor. Whatever it was, it looked like some sort of dog--a very large, very mean dog...with dark scraggly fur, razor-sharp fangs and large yellow eyes. But there was something unusual about the animal--the way it hunched over, balancing itself on two unnaturally long limbs, almost like a human. In fact, it looked surprisingly like...

"A w-werewolf!" Katria gasped. But that can't be! she thought frantically, her mind a whirl. They were all wiped out, along with the dragonkin and the vampires! Yet her eyes weren't deceiving her. This thing was flesh and blood--a real living, breathing werewolf! But if werewolves really exist, than that means...

Unfortunately, there was no time to ponder on these unexpected revelations. Werewolf or not, she was certain the creature had tried to attack her. "S-stand back, foul beast! Or taste cold silver!" Katria roared, doing her best to sound intimidating. She reached for the sword at her side, whipping it out in a flash. But her grip on the hilt slipped in her excitement, and the silver blade went spiraling through the air, its shiny surface occasionally catching the light from the moon and flashing brightly like a beacon before sticking into the ground some several yards away.

Oh, crud, she thought miserably, making a mad dash for her weapon.

Last edited by Lugizard on Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:11 pm
Dragon Tamer
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-standing on top of the bell tower i look into my cloak to get my book of shadows- what the...... where is it? it must have fallen out back at that bakery! -starts jumping back to the bakery-

Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:17 am
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This man is either a liar or he'd gone mad long ago... Isaac's face was expressionless as he comprehended the man's story. He held the sword down and let out a chuckle. "Assassinate the Mad King indeed. No single man could penetrate his Guild and make it to the fortress and return alive." He sheathed his sword and foleded his arms. "I don't beleive you for a moment, sir!" Isaac turned slightly to face the other man. "And what do you mean by 'Sight of Magic'? I thought everybody could see them..." His face contorted in confusion. As he steped forward he felt something under his foot which almost tripped him. "Hm?" He looked down to see a book. "And what's this..?" Isaac bent over to pick it up, admiring the cover. "This language...I'm not familiar with it at all.." He slipped it into the sack with his other belongings and took a piece of the bread. Although a bit stale, it was still good to have a bite to eat. "So..." He spoke between bites. "You have obviously been around the country, and you seem to know an awful lot about demons...what odd folk in this village."

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Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:49 pm
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The werewolf turned faster than a human could blink, and grinned a toothy wicked smile, the human was vulnerable. The human half was dealing with his despair, after all this time, the victim that could actually defend herself threw her sword away. He could only hope that he got cut by something silver, that would restore control to him long enough to run far enough, if the cut was deep enough, if it wasn't...then he would just have to run straight into the sword, he couldn't take another screaming victim...

The wolf bent its knees for a secound, then launched at the fleeing women.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:01 pm
Bug Catcher
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Double crud! Even though she was too frightened to look back, Katria knew that the werewolf was hot on her heels, and that she had to reach her sword before she became dog food. Where was a werewolf slayer when you needed one, huh? But she was a fighter from the Guild of War, one of the most powerful guilds in Kaz'ar. One bloodthirsty werewolf shouldn't be a problem for her. I hope, she thought, panicking.

She was almost there! Her weapon was only several feet away! She immediately ripped it out of the ground, quickly spinning around and slashing at her attacker. The sliver blade gave off a blinding flash as it caught a bit of the light from the moon, surging with energy.

Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:31 pm
Ace Trainer
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do you not think one man is able to breach the armies of our king? i even got so close i could smell the wine on his breath. i plan on trying again as well. after i train though. he looks out the window now transfixed on the horror he knew was happening out by the forrest. he took out his scythe and slammed it on the table. see this he smirked. i stole this holy scythe while i was visiting the sun guild. bit of fun it was. i was upon a holy temple of the death spirit. there i found this artifact, oh guarded well it was, gave me bit of a sweat to but well worth it, the holy bishop was on top trainingand i barely left the temple alive too, the old dodger was quite the work out. every once and awhile he gave a chuckle at the ''wonderful'' memories and kept looking out toward the forrest. i know all the alleyways and black markets in this god forbidden country, i have met many demons and slayed most of them all but one... he starts to drift to a serious face then cuts himself off, well enough about her... you don't know how to fight with that thing do you? you can barely hold it on your back let alone grip it in your hands. you seem to have mediocre training with such a weapon. what are you doing in such a place?

A flea and fly in a flue, Were imprisoned so what could they do? Said the flea let us fly. Said the fly let us flee. So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:06 pm
Ace Trainer
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(( Jimmy I already left and explained what Sight of Magic was to your character))
((P.S I most likely won't be on until Saturday, band is my life :frustrated: ))


Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:11 pm
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Dragon Tamer
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-walks into the bakery and looks around- where is my book.................? -hears a scream and turns around and runs back out to investigate- -finds a woman and a werewolf fighting- what is going on here............?

Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:57 am
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Isaac huffed and pulled the sword again. "I can fight just well with it! What business do you have telling me how to wield my weapon?" After a moment of silence he sighed ahd sheathed it. "I can use an extent...and I'm here because..." His mind raced. Was he to lie and hope they believed it or tell the truth and risk being returned? "I was hungry....and this is the only place in town that serves good bread during the night." He bit a large chunk out of it before hearing a voice from behind. "Book? What book are you talking about?"

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Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:19 pm
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so your back, vamp, he smiled. your book isnt here go away, he glanced at isaac with warning eyes, now leave us. there is nothing here you seek, then he returns to look at isaac and starts talking as if the vampire never enter the bakery. bread at this hour weilding a sword, he raised his eyebrow,

((hey i have new pics of our good friend urokiba and his scythe))
holy scythe

A flea and fly in a flue, Were imprisoned so what could they do? Said the flea let us fly. Said the fly let us flee. So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:35 pm
Dragon Tamer
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i know it's here i can sense it. -starts searching around the bakery-

Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:04 pm
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The werewolf halted and bent his back, thrusting his head backwards. It still didn't move fast enough. With a small shink the tip of the sword grazed the beast's nose, giving a cut the size of one made by paper. Maracador's heart sank, it seemed tonight he would die, that cut would only give him a few seconds of control. Quickly grabbing the sword on it's back arc, he looked into the eyes of the women, "I'm sorry." came out the rough voice he could manage, the transformation altered his vocal chords a bit, but they were still usable for human speech. Then Maracador gripped the sword, steeled himself, and shoved it through his shoulder. The poison that silver was for him spread through his veins like wildfire, and almost immediately, the wolf body fell unconscious.

((He's not dead, but he'll be out for a while.))

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:25 pm
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Isaac paused. "This book? He took a book from his back and showed it to the vampire. He turned back to the man "It's dark and such as myself would need some type of protection, don't you think?" Isaac paused again and dirfted back to the third. "What you be doing out here, anyway? We havn't heard much at all out of you."[/b]

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Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:30 pm
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yes thank you..... is there anything i can do to you for returning it to me?

((btw sorry i post in short lines i'm very busy so i don't get to be on my comp/phone for very long to type))

Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:49 pm
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hmmm. perhaps there is... do you know where tera valley is? theres an artifact there that i would like to, uh, examine. he asked with a mischeivous grin on his face.

A flea and fly in a flue, Were imprisoned so what could they do? Said the flea let us fly. Said the fly let us flee. So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:48 pm
Dragon Tamer
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yes i know the area. i also know what you are talking about -grins- the flame gem

Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:49 pm
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urokiba then turns to isaac with a grin on his face, perhaps you can more bread there, you have a sword you look ready it would be a wonderful training experience. we could share a few laughs, bust a few heads, it would be a wonderful time.

A flea and fly in a flue, Were imprisoned so what could they do? Said the flea let us fly. Said the fly let us flee. So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:49 pm
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Isaac thought aobut this for a short, very short time before looking back witrh a smile. "I'm in! I've always wanted to go on ventures like this!"

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Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:04 pm
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wonderful! he yells, looks around and pulls out a bag that he then stuffs as much bread as he can. about that time the locals began to riot outside once they heard of the bakery theives. we gotta go he said almost muffled because of the bag hanging from his jaw. he then runs to the back with unhuman speed and jumps through the opened window, none of his clothes even touch the window as he left.

A flea and fly in a flue, Were imprisoned so what could they do? Said the flea let us fly. Said the fly let us flee. So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:25 pm
Dragon Tamer
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-grabs my book and isacc and pulls both out the door- hurry up slowpoke! -casts a speed spell- run! -runs down an alley to the bell tower-

Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:06 pm
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