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 Sith Order Roleplay III 
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Ace Trainer
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Location: Searching for the place all the Abra teleport to. I'm going to crash their party.
((Wait, is Semmarv alone? What happened to the rest of the convoy? (the Sith on the speeder bikes)))


Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:57 pm
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((I've been putting it off for far to long, back to the RP!

The Sith fleet has fallen back to the planet Ziost.
The Jedi Know where the Sith are, but took heavy losses in the last battle and are hesitant to attack another fortified position immediately. A Ship with Jedi markings entered space above Ziost, and was destroyed. (it was NOT a Jedi vessel.)

I may make a Jedi character to participate with your character, so we get some story from the Jedi point of view. If any of the old Sith RP members wish to, they may do so likewise.

Ghost writer: I kinda forgot about the convoy, but let's say that they split up just outside of town so as not to look suspicious. They do have their comlinks though. (Be warned, lightning and other electrical discharge may not be good for communications equipment!) If you wanted to be part of the convoy and come into town, then go ahead.))


After a few minutes of walking, Semmarv reached the visitor's center. He quickly found a holomap of the city and the surrounding area, and examined it with great interest especially the area outside of town, taking special note of easily defensible positions and fallback points. He was about to leave, when as he was glancing out of a window he noticed a corporate logo placed on a building. The logo looked familiar to him, but he could not think of where he had seen it before.

"That building." He asked a visitor center guide. "Who does it belong to?"

"Oh that's the Arphocc Building. They produce Droids, and have been quite helpful to our town's economy."

"Interesting." Semmarv thought. But all the same, he had more important matters to deal with. After downloading a few of the better holomaps into his hologram projector, Semmarv donned his poncho and left the Visitor’s center.

I'm not here all the time, though I do pop back in occasionally, if you want to contact me, you can dropped me a line at

Tue Dec 04, 2007 11:02 am
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Location: Doesn't really matter. It's not like I'm standing right behind you with a knife...
((Okay, thanks.))

Quite a bit of time passed as the Jedi ships attempted to find a way to keep the massive piece of junk steady, but after what seemed like forever they finally managed to find out something. Star Cruisers circled around the flagship, and inside them the Jedi were replacing the turet ammo with tracter beam power supplies, they would be able to hold it for half-an hour, which should be enough time to get everyone out.
The comlink opened. "All turet controllers listen! All turet controllers listen! Lauch the beams at the Flagship in five... four... three... two... one... FIRE!" All at once beams of a blue aura splashed out of the turets at the ship, and it was centered between the ships and stopped moving. "We have thirty minutes! I repeat; we have thirty minutes! Evacuate everybody inside the ship!" As the transports went towards the emergency escape hatches, Makens and the rest of the one-man fighters dove into the docking bays and quickly stepped out of their vehicles.

The ship had a cold air around it, something seemed out of place. Makens shouted something to the others. "Everybody! I'll go down this door here, you take a different door! If you find someone bring them to the emergency escape bay and get yourself out of here!" Jedi Knight Yoa responded. "Okay, I'll take this one." She said while running towards a southern door. Maknes quickly entered through a door with white lights around it, as he stepped throiugh he noticed something rather peculiar on the ground.

"Wookiee fur... With oil around it?"

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Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:32 pm
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Location: Searching for the place all the Abra teleport to. I'm going to crash their party.
Utobuk watched Semmarv's speed disappear into the town through a pair of microbinoculars.

Next to him, a young apprentice straddling a bike fidgeted with impatience. "Why couldn't we go with him?", he suddenly blurted out.

Annoyance flared up inside the wookiee, only to slowly disappear. "We couldn't go with him", Utobuk said through his translator mask," because a convoy of speeders and speeder bikes would've attracted attention from the locals. We can't take any chances; who knows how many jedi spies are out there? We're to wait up here till Semmarv contacts us. Then we meet him back at the ship. Until then, our jobs are to keep a look out for anything suspicious entering or leaving the town. Clear?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah", muttered the apprentice," I just don't see why he left you in charge."

Utobuk ignored this. Somethings were best left unanswered. He went back to scanning the valley. Nothing moved, accept for....

"What's that?", he snarled, pointing at what looked like a flock of birds speeding along the ground at a break neck pace. But they were too low to the ground to be a normal flock of birds...

Fiddling with a dial, he increased the image size. He could now make out what appeared to be three dozen speeder bikes zooming towards the town. On the backs of some of them fluttered red flags, with a picture of a skull in the middle of them.

Linking his microbinoculars to a datapad, Utobuk ran a search through their limited files of the planet. After a few seconds he got a match.

"They're swoop raiders", Utobuk growled, apparently displeased. "They attack and pillage towns, killing anyone who gets in their way."

"What about survivors?", piped up one of the padawans.

Utobuk shook his head. "There never are any." He whipped out his comlink. These raiders meant trouble for Semmarv.

"Semmarv, come in Semmarv. This is Utobuk. Do you copy?" All he got was static. The storm must be messing with our connection, he thought, dismayed.

Utobuk sprinted toward his bike. "I'm leaving you in charge!", he yelled at one of the knights. "Radio the ship and tell them what's going on!"

"But he's the commander. He can take care of himself", the Knight protested as Utobuk swung his droid leg over the seat.

Kick starting the ignition petal, Utobuk growled back," Just because he's our commander doesn't make him blaster proof. Just do what I say. I'll be back." With that, Utobuk punched the accelerator, zooming off towards the town. He had to warn Semmarv!


Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:28 pm
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((where did everyone else go? 2x4b? blazeken? RR and FF?))

Semmarv was just rounding a corner when the roar of a swoop bike slashed passed him. almost hitting him. Semmarv ducked back as several more whooshed passed him. A swoop gang.

Semmarv Ignited his rapier/lightsaber with one hand, and drew his blaster with the other. One of the swoop bikes turned and came at him. Semmarv Fired, hitting the driver square in the chest. Two of the man's buddies turned and opened fire, but Semmarv easily deflected the shots.

"This Is a public alert. we are under attack by a swoop gang. Repeat we are being invaded by swoop gangs. this is not adrill repeat this I..." a city voice said, before one of the bikers blasted the loudspeaker from it's mount.

"Thanks for telling me in advance" Semmarv said Sarcastically.

Some of the bikers were already dismounting and breaking into the houses. several spotted Semmarv and decided to gang up on him. After a few seconds of blaster fire Semmarv decided it was time to move. He force jumped up onto a house roof and ran to the other side. only to find more gangsters. Taking fire from both sides now, Semmarv sliced a hole in the roof with one quick motion and jumped inside.

Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:02 am
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Raziel left Chaos with one of the other Masters and proceeded back to his private quarters. He needed to figure out a way to get the information he needed from Kingsley. Raziel entered his quarters and laid down on his bed.

"Lock" Raziel spoke aloud.

With a familiar whoosh the door closed and locked. Raziel stared at the ceiling. He'd killed more than he would have liked to in the past 48 hours. Too many people had lost their lives... But they were Jedi. The enemy. A quiet voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Still pondering Raziel?"

Raziel turned his head and froze. In front of him was the transparent image of Master Joro. She seemed as weak and frail as before but looked at him with a fiery passion.

"You are wondering how to get the information you need" Joro stated.

"That is correct" Raziel confirmed.

"Kingsley does not have to information you need. There is only one place you will find it" Joro said.

"And where would that be?" Raziel asked.

"Did I teach you nothing Raziel? Trust your instincts" Joro said.

"Coruscant" Raziel said, half statement, half question.

Joro nodded and faded slowly. Raziel wasn't sure. A trip to Coruscant was not only suicidal, but it would take at least a day to reach it. He couldn't leave the Temple unprotected. Not to mention that he would need a shuttle, and a disguise...

Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:23 pm
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Utobuk roared into the city, his bike's repulsor jets slipping on the wet streets. Up ahead, he could see Semmarv taking fire from all angles. In a desperate plan, he leaped onto a building, and sliced a hole in the roof. Partial cover; for now.

One hand on the handlebars, Utobuk used the other to pull a thermal detonator from his shoulder bag. Activating it with the flick of a switch, he sent it sailing at the gangsters, using the force to control where it landed. It plopped on the ground as Utobuk zoomed by, a blur of brown color.

A few seconds later, it exploded, incinerating four of the gang members. The others shouted in alarm, heads swiveling in confusion.

Pulling his bike back around, Utobuk sent more thermal detonators raining from the sky, bombarding them with explosions. Slowly, the gangsters retreated into surrounding buildings, firing blindly and inaccurately from windows. Perfect.

Stopping his bike, Utobuk pulled out his comlink, trying to contact Semmarv. Still no good. He was forced to send a force wave into the building, hoping Semmarv would feel it.


Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:41 pm
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The room Semmarv had entered was dark, he noticed a man, a woman, and a child cowering in a corner. The man was holding a blaster, but his arm was shaking so badly Semmarv doubted it would do him any good.

"G-g-get B-back-kk." The man told Semmarv, pointing the shaking blaster at him.

"Shhh! I'm not here to harm you." Semmarv said.

An Explosion outside shook the building, Semmarv heard screams of agony from the gangsters outside. The explosion also knocked out a window which had been hastily boarded up, probably as soon as the man had known the swoop gangsters were coming. Semmarv crept close to it, careful not to get seen through it. When he reached it, he listened for a second, and then stole a quick glance outside.

He spotted Utobuck chucking thermal detonators at the gangsters. Semmarv was alarmed. Thermal detonators were powerful weapons, and this was definitely going to attract some serious attention. One of the thermal detonators struck a parked speeder, Sending metal and mud flying everywhere.

Semmar let out a slight groan, The speeder had been his own. He was certain that he'd find another way to get around, but it was a slight blow to his pride. Then Semmarv Heard the sound of military grade blasters off in the distance. The shots were firing in sets of two, telling Semmarv that they weren't infantry, and they certainly weren't gangsters.

"Funny" He thought, "I didn't see a garrison building in the area." He made a mental note to investigate as soon as possible.

Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:10 pm
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After talking to Joro, Raziel had quickly equipped himself with a Sith Sword. He had a lightsaber, should the need arise. He had then proceeded to where Kingsley was being held. As he walked through the automatic door he felt his Force sensitivity once again escape him. Kingsley was still suspended.

"Well Kingsley... Are you prepared to tell me where my nephew is?" Raziel asked.

Kingsley didn't respond.

"You will answer when you are spoken to!" Raziel shouted, striking him across the face. "Now... I will ask only one more time, where is my nephew?"

"I'd expect he's halfway to Coruscant by now Raziel" Kingsley said.

"So you did take him prisoner" Raziel said.

"Tell me Raziel... What kind of a man are you?" Kingsley asked, changing the subject. "Are you the vengeful kind, because I AM!"

At that minute the energy shackles binding him deactivated and Kingsley dropped. He delivered a roundhouse kick to Raziel, followed by a punch which Raziel parried and used his arm to flip him onto the floor. He held one boot again Kingsley's throat as two Guard Droids came in and held him down. Raziel turned to leave and Kingsley used his immense strength to wrench out of the grip of the Guard Droids, grabbed one of their blasters and aimed. Raziel unsheathed his sword and swung around, cleanly decapitating him.

"No second chances... That's what kind of man I am" Raziel said, sheathing his sword and leaving.

Last edited by 2x4b on Sun Dec 23, 2007 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:46 am
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((Sorry for not posting, but since nobody posted in a way that I could respond for so long, I kinda stopped checking. 8-) Anways, if I ever am inactive while I am in cntact with sombedy else's character again, then feel free to do what 2x4b did.))

Chaos felt a sudden jolt of energy coming from where Raziel had just walked off to. Such a event was not especialy common, so Chaos felt the need to investgate.

Chaos moved in the direction it came from until he discovered the source, which interestingly enough was Kingsley's corpes. Looking at the dead man through his shadowy, black and white vision, Chaos could see the bright glow that surrounded those that were in tune with the force slowly jade away.

"I have no idea who you were, but I truly pitty you." Turning away to find Raziel, who he was sure was the only one present cabable of defeating such a foe in so little time, he added. "You should have known better than to get on he bad side of a Sith Lord."


Sat Dec 22, 2007 5:19 pm
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As Raziel entered the main hangar bay of the Temple, he passed a group of pilots who stood to attention as he passed. Although they had suffered significant losses during the battle, a few ships were relatively fine. He approached a Lambda-class shuttle. The front section opened to allow him access as he boarded the shuttle. As he sat down the navigator approached him.

"Where shall I set a course for my Lord?" The navigator asked.

"Coruscant" Raziel replied.

"But Coruscant will surely be swarming with Jedi ships, it is suicidal my Lord" He replied.

Raziel lifted his hand and the navigator began to choke and his hands went to his neck, grasping at thin air.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing" Raziel said. "Now I will say it once more, take me to Coruscant"

Raziel released the navigator and he gasped and spluttered.

"At once my Lord" He replied, leaving.

((Sorry about the blatantly obvious quote, I've just always wanted to use it))

Sun Dec 23, 2007 7:12 am
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As usual, Utobuk's plan hadn't gone the way he had hoped. Mainly because the bandits had brought rocket launchers with them. He swerved suddenly, dodging another dangerous missile. It exploded close enough to send him spinning out of control. Jumping off at the last second, Utobuk managed to land in the soft mud. The speeder bike kept going and crashed into a building, exploding.

Perfect, he thought, rolling behind a low stone wall to avoid incoming blaster bolts. Utobuk's speeder bike and Semmarv's speeder had both been destroyed, thanks to a Thermal Detonator blown off course by the wind, leaving them without any transport. He had long since run out of detonators, Semmarv was pinned down inside a building, and it seemed that the gangsters had brought enough rockets to blow open the wall Utobuk was presently using as cover. This was not good.

Something buzzed in the wookiee's satchel bag. Snatching at the vibrating device, Utobuk glanced at it. His comlink was working! Utobuk answered it.

"Need some help?", came a chilly voice from the speaker, barely audible over the static. Then Utobuk heard the unmistakable sound of approaching speeder bikes. About six zoomed over head, bearing down on the gangsters, each one carrying a driver and a sith wielding a lightsaber. As the bikes roared past, the passengers lashed out without mercy, cutting down the gangsters where they stood.

Too many, thought Utobuk, getting up and activating his own lightsaber. If the locals got sight of them, their cover would be blown. They would have to hightail it out of there, or the Jedi would be attracted to the world like Nek Battle Dogs to their prey.

After the first pass, the gangsters seemed to recover from their shock. About half of them had been cut down after the initial attack. And that wasn't all; a couple of Sith had gotten onto the roofs of surrounding buildings, each one carrying sniper rifles. They were now pegging any Gangster that made of the mistake of exposing themselves.

Utobuk was about to contact Semmarv, when he heard it; blasters off in the distance, firing in sets of two.

By now, the bikes had turned around, and were coming back for a second go at the gangsters, who had taken positions behind low level walls like the one Utobuk was peering over. He saw the two rocket launchers they had, both stupidly put together. And they were military grade weapons, meaning they could lock onto vehicles.

Too bad that won't be happening Utobuk thought, grinning evilly. He levitated two rocks off the ground, jamming each one into the barrels of the rocket launchers. The gangsters carrying them lowered them for a second, trying to pull the rocks out. Smile widening, Utobuk telekinetically pulled the triggers. The rockets slammed into the rocks, causing them to explode prematurely inside the launchers. All surrounding gangsters were killed instantly.

Excellent, Utobuk thought, watching the door to the building Semmarv had jumped into slowly creak open.


Sun Dec 23, 2007 6:20 pm
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((Ghost Writer, there wouldn't be enough Sith Knights there. And Sith don't carry sniper rifles. I think Commando's would be a better idea. Also, time skip for great justice))

Raziel sat patiently waiting for the shuttle to drop out of hyperspace. He'd put on a traditional black robe before they'd set off for Coruscant. He didn't want to attract any unwanted attention on Coruscant. He was already wearing armoured robes, of which the design was based off of those of Darth Revan's. They had a cortosis weave to protect him against lightsabers but he couldn't walk around Coruscant wearing them. The Jedi would spot him a mile off.

"We're about to drop out of hyperspace my Lord" Called the pilot.

Sun Dec 23, 2007 6:52 pm
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((I don't remember the number of Sith on the ship ever being specified. Also, why can't a Sith carry a Sniper Rifle? The last time I looked, my character had a bowcaster, and a lot of the other Sith carry blasters, so I don't see why they can't use them. Just because they carry lightsabers does NOT mean they can't use anything else.))


Sun Dec 23, 2007 8:35 pm
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((As it has been stated before, not many Sith Knights made it through the trials. About seven at the most and most of them would be at the new Temple. About three Sith Knights would be spare. And for a correction, the only Sith that have been shown using blasters are the character controlled, such as Utobuk, Raziel, Semmarv etc. The younglings that became Knights wouldn't have been trained in using blasters and would be poor shots at best))

Mon Dec 24, 2007 6:15 am
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((7 or more sith, each with a sniper rifle, is pushing it, first off, we don't have that many knights, second off, what are the chances that they'd all be good with a low rate of fire high accuracy weapon? What if some proffered using Rapid fire weapons? or maybe some have focused all their training on using the lightsaber and the force? Semmarv carries a pistol, true, but he tends to rely on the force less. that said, we do have a ready crew aboard the Inevitable that, while mostly composed of non-force users, would fit in well enough. Thats okay though, we'll just call it a momentary slip of perception, and we now have a commando team sniping gangsters instead. sound good? :) ))

Semmarv watched the team of speeder bikers cut down the gangsters on their first pass, although most of them were wielding vibroblades, Semmarv spotted one or two Crimson Lightsabers among them. the joy of the moment was ruined though, as Semmarv spotted several newscast probe Droids on the fringes of the battle zone. The gangsters were obviously trying to fall back, they were far more concerned with pillaging and survival than life risking combat.

Semmarv made his way to the door, opened it, then made a dash for cover before the gangsters could react. Semmarv made it to the civilian speeder just in time, with several blaster shots flying past the path he had taken.

Semmarv deactivated his lightsaber and stowed it on his belt, he then drew his blaster pistol and started snap shooting at the gangsters, quickly ducking out of cover, firing, and ducking back.

((Just so you all know, No one controls the double blaster things, thats my soon to be plot twist in the making. :twisted: ))

Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:19 am
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((Another time skip for great justice))

Raziel pulled the hood of his robe up as he exited the alley in the Coruscant Underworld. He walked along the street, crowded with many alien species. The glare of advertising holograms and neon lights from the seedy nightclubs that infested the maze of streets was hideous. Raziel knew he needed to get to the upper levels, to the Jedi Temple. He made his way into one of the pitch black alleys. This is where his natural night vision aided him, he looked around at the filth and up. He caught the faint glimmer of sunlight. But he was at least a kilometer below the surface.

"Well... Looks like I'm gonna have to do it the hard way" Raziel whispered to himself.

Raziel jumped into the air and bounced off of a wall and onto a roof of a building. He then ran and continued climbing and jumping. Raziel smiled as he did this, as it brought back memories of his childhood, climbing trees and leaping between rocks with his siblings. It was easier than he thought, thanks to the close buildings and ledges. It wasn't long before he reached street level. Raziel took a moment to catch his breath before looking for any landmarks he could use to find his location.

((EDIT: Just a quick question. I've been pondering on this idea for a while and since I've got no ideas for new stories, who would be interested if I wrote a story of Raziel's experiences in the Jedi Order before he joined the Sith? If you're interested either PM me or say so in a post.


Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:43 pm
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You mean like a RP or a fan fic? or something inside this RP? For either of the fist two I'd like it, Right now I've got a half baked Idea for turning the sith order RP setting into something a little bigger, maybe even giving it A website. We could tie in the Sith RP with the actual star wars RP (I got saga edition for Christmas! :D ). Obviously The full blown rules wouldn't work on a forum, but we could write up stats for major characters/ships/new weapons etc, and then role play in the sith RP "era" Offline with our own personal friends. Or said website could be a place we could just go to discuss star wars and keep contact. ))

Time skip on this end for more great justice. :P


Most of The Gangsters had fled, occasionally blaster fire could be heard from gangsters who had been cut off from their escape or who had tried to hide and then been discovered by the unhappy populace. The double blasters had stopped completely.

Semmarv tasked Utobuck with finding transportation back to the ship, and set about trying to find out more about the military presence on the planet. after asking a few of the locals he found out that the weapons belonged to the Arphocc corporation. They were Battle Droids.

As Semmarv was pondering this, he spotted one. A wave of dread swept over him as he remembered where he had seen the Arphocc logo before. The battle Droid resembled a Destroyer Droid of the ancient clone wars, but The actual design was much improved. Semmav didn't think the droid saw him, but he didn't care.

It took him only a moment to reach Utobuck on his comlink, it still had static from the rain but it was clear enough for Semmarv to convey his shot message.

"We're getting out of here. Now."

Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:19 pm
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((I meant something like a story, but I may elaborate during the next few posts. Oh and a prize to whoever guesses what Force power Raziel uses.))

Raziel eventually found a landmark that he remembered from his days on Coruscant and began to make his way towards the Jedi Temple. He was careful to move slowly and not to attract too much attention to himself. He didn't need any Coruscant Security Force officers showing up. He kept his eyes firmly placed upon the Jedi Temple, the place where his life as a Jedi began. When he had been discovered by Master Joro on Relus along with his brothers and sisters, his mother couldn't have been happier. His father on the other hand was furious. He believed the Force to be nothing more than witchcraft and was insulted that his children had been tainted. His fathers belief was a fairly popular one on Relus, but by the time Raziel had returned on a mission of diplomacy with Master Joro, that belief had died out. The Relusian's had begun to revere any Jedi as a legendary warrior and those that were greatly skilled in the Force as awe inspiring. Raziel had been welcomed back with open arms and some had even insisted that he stay. Master Joro had been reluctant to bring Raziel with her for that reason but he had been humble and politely refused, as a Jedi should have done.

As he neared the Jedi Temple, the presence of Jedi Knights and Padawans was becoming stronger. Raziel ducked into a side street and crept slowly towards the streets that opened to the Jedi Temple. He peered around the corner and saw a group of three Jedi Knights and their Padawans. Raziel smiled.

Let's see how good these Jedi insects are.. Raziel thought silently.

Raziel walked slowly until he was about ten meters away from the group. Enough for them to sense his presence. Raziel lowered his hood and watched the three Knights ignite their lightsabers and assume a defensive stance. Raziel watched their expressions as the Padawans did the same, the Knights looked calm and collected while the Padawans had a slight hint of fear in their eyes. That was all he needed.

"Darth Zeraii... Your reputation precedes you" One of the Knights said.

"I murdered a member of your Council without much difficulty. What chance do you have?" Raziel asked.

"Your arrogance betrays you" Another Knight said.

Raziel chuckled to himself before closing his eyes. He searched through the memories of the six Jedi until he found happy memories, he brought them to the front of their minds before twisting them into terrifying nightmares which placed himself as the source of the pain. Raziel heard the screams as he opened his eyes. The six Jedi were screaming hysterically as they stared at him. Raziel began moving forward and they screamed in terror, scrabbling to get away. He knew it was a matter of time until they succumbed to the insanity. He took his lightsaber from his robes and ignited it. The three Padawans were the first to succumb to insanity. One by one they each ignited their lightsabers and proceeded to drive them through their chests. The Knights were showing more resilience. Raziel continued to approach, swiping his lightsaber through the air rapidly. The screaming of the Jedi was beginning to attract a lot of attention from the Coruscanti public. Many of them watched in horror as their beloved Jedi protectors sucked on their own lightsabers, just to escape the fear.

Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:41 pm
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((Torture by Chagrin I think. Or Force Insanity. And writing a story about Semmarv's past would be great. I was actually toying with the idea of writing one about Utobuk's past.))

Utobuk didn't have to be told twice. He scanned the streets quickly, searching for a speeder he could quickly hot wire.

A man was trying to turn his speeder on from across the street. Just as he succeeded, Utobuk gripped him with the force and sent him flying away. Jumping behind the controls, Utobuk piloted it over to Semmarv, who quickly jumped in. Relieved to finally be leaving the town, Utobuk sen the speeder roaring towards the ship, red lining the engines.


Last edited by Ghost Writer on Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:40 pm
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You've gotten mine and Darth's characters mixed up. Semmarv is Darth's and Raziel is mine.

Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:56 am
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As soon as they reached the ship Semmarv quickly checked the crew list to make certain all were aboard. As soon as that was taken care of, The ship left the surface.

"Lets get out of here fast. Before the Jedi get here." Semmarv said as the ship left the atmosphere.

"Too late sir. A Jedi Fighter is just entering the system."

Semmarv lifted an eyebrow. A fighter wouldn't be able to hurt them badly, but it could track their hyperspace jump. The Jedi must have sent out a general alert for all ships in the area. that meant that they could expect more ships shortly.

"I'll take care of it myself. Alone." Semmarv said. "Get out of the system as soon as you can make the jump. I'll follow when the Jedi is dead. Tell Raziel that We found a Battle Droid factory here, and that I think they're working for our old adversary."

A few minutes later, Semmarv's A-wing left the Hangar.

Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:21 pm
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Raziel extinguished his lightsaber and attached the hilt to his belt. He knew that the Jedi would be alerted to his presence but they had suffered heavy losses during the battle, whatever the Council threw at him he would be able to deal with. Raziel ran along the Processional Way and towards the formal entrance to the Jedi Temple. He was surprised that there were no Jedi waiting for him as he approached the large ceremonial staircase that lead to the entrance. Raziel had knowledge of the Temple's defense protocols. In case of invaders there were evacuation corridors. These would be the best option to enter the Temple, assuming the Jedi thought he'd choose the front entrance. He knew the location of all of the evacuation corridors and where they lead to.

It seems the eastern evacuation corridor will be the most appropriate Raziel thought to himself.

Raziel carefully made his way to one of the evacuation platforms and approached the heavy metal door that covered the entrance. He ripped the door off its hinges using the Force, as he did this an alarm sounded. Raziel ignored it, as it only alerted Temple Security to his presence. Temple Security was a series of automated turrets that were placed at strategic vulnerable places around the Temple. He continued along the empty stone corridor to the exit hatch, which was also covered by a heavy metal door. As he approached, the middle of the door began to glow a molten orange colour, indicating a Jedi was melting it with a lightsaber. Raziel acted quickly and used a Force Repulse to blast the door outwards off its hinges. He drew his Sith Sword and stepped through the empty doorway. As indicated by the blood that was seeping out from beneath the destroyed door, he had crushed several Jedi that had been on the other side. As he looked around he acknowledged that the Temple was mostly empty. He heard rapid footsteps and was soon greeted with the sight of two Jedi Knights. They simultaneously ignited their yellow lightsabers and leapt forward with multiple slashes. Raziel parried several of their blows and leaped into the air, rebounding off a wall and landing behind them. He slashed at them with blinding speed but they blocked several of his slashes and retaliated with their own. He blocked these and leaped into the air before bringing his blade down into the shoulder of one of the Jedi, severing his lightsaber arm. The lightsaber clattered to the floor and the other Jedi picked it up and continued to duel with Raziel. Raziel blocked the incoming swipes and retaliated with a jab, which the Jedi was unable to block. Raziel grabbed hold of the Jedi with the Force and impaled them through the stomach with his sword. The Jedi slid off the blade and onto the floor. The other Jedi, who was whimpering in pain on the floor stared into Raziel's cold eyes as he drove his sword through their heart.

((EDIT: I've completed the first two chapters of the story, I'll be posting them in the Fan Fiction thread shortly))

Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:54 pm
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((I've edited the rating to PG-13/teen. Things seem to be getting violent. I'll read your Fan-fic tomorrow, I'm getting sleepy.))

Semmarv piloted his ship in the direction of the enemy ship.

"Coming into visual range now."

He was rather surprised to find the same fighter he had matched skills against in the battle for the Sith temple. No matter, he needed to finish the fight As soon as he could.

The two pilots steered straight towards each other, Letting loose their basters at same moment. Semmarv Dived, As there was no way his A-wing's shields could outdo A Naboo Advanced in a head to head fight. Semmarv instead used his A-wing's Up/down Pivot Blasters to score a minor hit. his temporary joy was belittled however with a message from The Inevitable.

"Sir! A Jedi Interdictor has entered the system, they're warming up their gravity well generators."

"Get out of here now before that thing traps us here, I'll follow in a second." Semmarv said, and then added: "That's an order."

After weaving for a second Semmarv was relived to see the Inevitable make the Jump to hyperspace. He turned to follow but the splash of blaster fire against his shields made him Dive again to avoid the incoming bolts. But despite the A-wings superior maneuverability the N1T managed to follow him through the maneuver. Semmarv rolled left and climbed before going hard right and unleashing a furry of shots that just missed his target.

Suddely his sensor detected a squadron of fighters leaving the atmosphere in tight formation. It would only be a few minutes before they were in range.
"Droids." Semmarv groaned.

He glanced quickly at the Interdictor, It looked like she was preparing to jump, probably to try to catch the Inevitable. That would leave him free to leave, but Semmarv had to take out the Jedi quickly, otherwise the droids would reach him and he'd be finished.

Semmarv managed slip onto his opponents tail. There was a small explosion as a blaster bolt broke through the shield and incinerated the Jedi's Astromech, But the fight was not over. The Jedi Rolled aside and pulled a tight loop-the-loop, almost vaporising Semmarv's tail. Semmarv answered by throwing his control stick hard left and cutting the throttle, putting His ship into a tight turn and catching the Jedi off guard. Semmarv Fired and the Jedi's engine blew apart, sending the ship careening into the atmosphere. Semmarv smiled a brief smile when suddenly the Droid starfighters opened fire. Catching the back of Semmarv's a-wing. Semmarv's A-wing descended defeated into the atmosphere of Jabiim.

Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:10 pm
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Raziel continued to make his way throughout the Temple and towards the Sith Containment Cells, meeting very little resistance along the way. Once he reached the cells, he could feel the Force presence of two people. One of them was Rahab... But the other was incredibly strong. Walking along the rows of cells he arrived at Rahab's cell, he suddenly recognised the other one... It was Master Thetan, the Jedi Grand Master. He was in the same cell... Raziel took out his lightsaber and drove it into the lock on the door, instantly melting it. Kicking the door down, he was greeted with the sight of Rahab, beaten and bloody with Master Thetan's lightsaber held to his throat.

"Master Thetan... Looking well I see" Raziel commented.

"You will pay for all the Jedi you've killed Raziel" Master Thetan growled.

"You're not as strong as you once were... I will strike you down where you stand." Raziel said, assuming a low guard and holding his lightsaber down at an angle.

"You can try" Master Thetan said.

Raziel brought his blade vertically in front of his face and made a rapid X motion in the air. Master Thetan removed his lightsaber blade from Rahab's throat and accepted the challenge.

Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:56 am
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