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 The Violet Avenger - Back In Action 

How did you like my past story, The Epic of Torchic, on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the best)? And be honest in your answer.
5 - That was the best thing I've ever read! 36%  36%  [ 8 ]
4 - It was good, very good. 41%  41%  [ 9 ]
3 - Not good, but not bad either. 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
2 - Below average, it needs improvement. 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
1 - It was a lost cause. Throw it out. 18%  18%  [ 4 ]
Total votes : 22

 The Violet Avenger - Back In Action 
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Fails at life
Fails at life

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Thank You.

Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:04 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Location: I detest Kyogre! Huh? This isn't the 'least fave pokemon thread'?
Goody! I didn't notice that mistake... I guess it was already fixed by the time I read it!

ImageImage I love Waddle Dee's!

Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:32 pm
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I've only got 12 chapters left waiting...I should make some more when I'm motivated to do so. But for now, just enjoy.

Chapter 18


_ As Claydol ascended to the tenth floor, he asked Pelipper a question.
_ “Although I am thankful that you accompany me, why do you not say anything to me? You always glide silently behind and I don’t know why you do it.”
_ The response came back softly. “Because I want to ensure your safety. Two Pokemon in an unknown place last a long time. I am quite content; I go wherever the winds blow me. And they’ve blown me here, to protect you. Mudkip should be fine. Now, go onward, my friend.”
_ It puzzled him to why he said ‘Mudkip should be fine’. Perhaps it was to allay any fears that he might have had. Nevertheless, he was quite happy for it. As he came up to the stairway ascending to the eleventh floor, Pelipper hissed “Sh! Someone is talking up ahead of us!”
_ They tried their best to stay back in the corridor while at the same time see who, or what, was talking. A dark vulpine creature with yellow rings about its body was conversing with a rather tall humanoid being clad in black, with spikes of blond hair jutting upward.
_ “So you say you believe you know why the tragic event happened,” the vulpine stated. Claydol thought this must be Umbreon, as he had no idea what the other creature was.
_ “That is correct. And my suspicions from before, I have proved that they were indeed true,” returned the tall being. “That stone is most certainly something to stay away from. It should be destroyed, but I know not how.”
_ “You intend on finding a way to destroy it?”
_ “So the same mistake is not made twice, yes.”
_ “Thank you very much, Obsidian. I am grateful that the stone does not affect you.”
_ “I will be satisfied when this stone is destroyed. I must be getting back now. Farewell for now, Umbreon.”
_ “To you also, Obsidian.”
_ With that, the tall being named Obsidian departed to the upper levels, while Umbreon entered his stone residence. “I regret that we must live here alone,” Umbreon spoke to himself. “But, if it is for a good purpose, I will not argue.” And Umbreon retreated into his sanctum sanctorum. Claydol and Pelipper spoke amongst themselves.
_ “So that was Umbreon,” Claydol began, “and that tall being was called Obsidian. That must be the one that is ‘not known as a friend’, yet he seemed to get along with Umbreon. Also, can you figure out what they were talking about?”
_ “Well, Obsidian mentioned a stone that we should ‘stay away from’, and that he intends to destroy it, because he doesn’t want the ‘same mistake to be made twice’. My first impression is that they were talking about that powerful object that consumed Dragonite way back in the past.”
_ “That might be so, but for now we need to battle Umbreon and then speak with this Obsidian.”
_ Claydol and Pelipper went over to Umbreon’s house. Umbreon greeted them warmly.
_ “Hello. It’s so rare to have visitors. What brings you here?”
_ “I want to get revenge for one who has destroyed my village,” Claydol answered. “And to get stronger, I want to train here.”
_ “Graveler has obviously let you up here. Is there part of the story you want to know?”
_ “Actually, yes. This powerful object you speak of…What is the story behind it?”
_ “I see. Well then, let me tell you the full story.
_ “On one of my adventures, I had crossed paths with a fiendish gang of Pokemon interested only in the suffering of others. I could not let this go by unpunished, so I fought the many thugs they had one by one. Eventually they all fell down, and their leader, a Medicham, then proceeded to battle me. The battle was harsh, but I eventually won. I discovered that they were keeping a strange purple stone that supposedly had great power, but at a great cost. As the moon fell, the stone began to glow with a malefic aura, with a miasma to match. Because of this, I called it the Dark Stone. Since it seemed to glow at night, I made sure never to touch it at night, lest something happen to me. When we built the tower, I hid the stone up atop the tower so no one would get to it. No one even knew it existed. And there it has rested to this very day…even after it consumed Dragonite.”
_ “So that is the story of that thing. Thank you very much. But, there is one more thing I wish to do for now.”
_ “What is that?”
_ “I wish to battle you so that I may better myself.”
_ “Very well, but you asked for it!”
_ Claydol started by firing off a Psybeam, but the attack harmlessly dematerialized upon contact with Umbreon, who launched a glowing ball from its mouth. The ball twisted and danced through the air until it smacked into Claydol. But the beam seemed to have no effect. “What? How can you not be affected by Confuse Ray?” Claydol merely answered by using his Ancientpower attack, causing Umbreon to flinch and concede ground. He followed up with Rapid Spin, bowling Umbreon over. Umbreon then turned invisible. Claydol couldn’t understand what was going on, until he got hit hard in the back by a previously unknown force, revealing itself to be Umbreon. “How did you…?” Claydol asked. “Faint Attack,” replied Umbreon, knowing what Claydol was implying. “Now, let’s continue!” Claydol was happy to oblige; he showed this with another Ancientpower attack. Umbreon dodged the rocks, but Claydol had anticipated this as he buried Umbreon in rocks falling from above. “Rock Tomb,” he casually stated as he merely stood floating there.
_ Then the sun started to fall toward the horizon. The day was about to end, much to the pleasure of Umbreon, who broke free of the rocks and dashed forward, sinking its fangs into Claydol’s hard clay figure. Claydol screamed, and his eyes started tearing. He almost lost his focus, and also wondered why Umbreon had suddenly become so powerful. Perhaps it was the sunset…That was it! Umbreon grew stronger during the sunset. Instantly he flashed away from his thoughts and back to reality, where Umbreon’s teeth sunk deeper into Claydol, who could do nothing but just hang there, being torn apart. Just then Pelipper fired an Ice Beam at Umbreon. Umbreon was trying to restrain the attack, while Claydol released his energy in his Hyper Beam at Umbreon. The combination of attacks overwhelmed Umbreon; and he fell to the ground exhausted.
_ “Nicely done. Now, you should rest for the night.”
_ “No. I must find out the secret of the Dark Stone and this Obsidian,” Claydol responded as he headed up the stairs.
_ “But how did you…”
_ “I apologize,” Pelipper interjected, “but we eavesdropped on your conversation with Obsidian just a little while ago.”
_ “I see. Well, you should go tend to your friend; he looks pumped.”
_ Pelipper did so. Claydol had been through three battles today. The adrenaline was rushing through him like a maddened beast. As he climbed up to the thirteenth floor, he saw Obsidian descending down from the fourteenth.
_ “You!” Claydol demanded.
_ “Welcome, eavesdroppers,” Obsidian calmly replied. He had a deep, resonant voice.
_ Claydol and Pelipper got their first clear look at Obsidian. He was a human, at least 80 inches tall, clad in full black armor with a large black sword slung across his shoulder onto his back, and had a shock of blond hair shaped into spikes pointing skyward.
_ “How did you…”
_ “It matters not. Either way, I welcome you to my humble abode. There is not much, but please stay the night.”
_ “You said you knew something about the Dark Stone. What was it?”
_ “You heard me from before. The Stone should be avoided at all costs. It contains an evil presence that should be stayed away from. You’ve no business up there. Get some rest here, and head off in the morning. Your training is done here. You should be very proud. But I must warn you: stay away from that Stone.”
_ As Obsidian finished, an image of the nightmare creature once again flashed through Claydol’s mind. But this time Claydol was not afraid; he appeared to be mocking it.
_ “No. I must go up there!”
_ With that he rushed up to the fourteenth level. Obsidian, sensing what would happen next, told Pelipper: “You accompany him up there. I will tell all the heroes to meet me on the ground floor!”
_ “You will not be able to completely; Victreebel is dead.”
_ “Dead? How so?”
_ Pelipper related the series of events in a nutshell to Obsidian.
_ “I see. Now go! There is not much time!”
_ “Time for what?”
_ “GO!!”
_ Pelipper did as he was told.
_ Claydol had reached the fifteenth level. Before him was resting the Dark Stone, glowing a fiendish purple. A voice was speaking to Claydol from seemingly nowhere.
_ “Claydol…Come closer…”
_ It seemed to be coming from the stone. Claydol got closer to the Stone, a strange look in his eight eyes.
_ “Come closer to me…”
_ Claydol felt almost compelled to obey. His three battles in one day, the adrenaline affecting him tremendously…the Stone was converting them into dark impulses. He picked up the Stone, and the voice emanated again from it.
_ “At last……I am free!”
_ Pelipper was witness to all of this, but Claydol was unaware of his presence, as he had been driven mad by the influence of the Stone. As Claydol picked the Stone up, it fused with him, and instantly Claydol’s expression went from madness to fear. The nightmare creature appearing in his fantasies…it was coming from the Dark Stone, and it was alive! A dark energy enveloped Claydol, changing his shape. He began to grow bigger. His body became the shape of a large triangular prism. His two arms morphed into six, each having four fingers and a thumb. When the dark energy shielding his appearance subsided, Pelipper got the first glance of this dark being. It was made completely out of brown stone, both the prism body and the hands. Each face of the triangular prism had its own humanoid face, with two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. The arms were suspended by dark power instead of psychic power, and were assigned two to each head. Instantly the being passed through the floor, and fell through the cavity all the way to the ground floor.
_ The ground began to quake with energy as a harbinger of doom. The evil, ancient being had been unleashed, and had possessed one of Marshtomp’s dearest friends, although Marshtomp did not know of this.
_ “I am Janurock!” proclaimed the dark beast. Its voice seemed to be split in two – one half maniacal, and the other half evil. “Now that your friend Claydol has used the power of the Dark Stone, I am finally free!”
_ “Its power…” Cloyster murmured, “it’s much greater than Dragonite’s!”
_ “How will we match and defeat it?” Umbreon stated.
_ “It matters not, for you will all be my dark servants, possessed by the dark and taking it in willingly!” Janurock continued. “And you shall be the first to experience my wrath! Prepare to live in my world of darkness!”
_ Gardevoir, Umbreon, Arcanine, and Cloyster were all there braced for battle, when suddenly a voice screamed from nowhere.
_ “Zero Slash!!”
_ A bright light illuminated the room, and there came the sound of three consecutive sword slashes in the shape of a triangle. As the light faded, a triangle-shaped ray hovered around Janurock, with its points at where Janurock was slashed. Obsidian had appeared and slashed Janurock at those points, creating the Zero Triangle. Suddenly Janurock began to collapse from internal explosions.
_ “Gahh, aaah…! How could you have defeated me! I am the ultimate dark being!”
_ “No you aren’t,” replied Obsidian. “I am.”
_ “My world…my perfect world…my dream…it is gone! One day, you will all pay!!”
_ And with one of the most dynamic explosions in history, Janurock was no more. Claydol was left behind on the ground, unconscious. The Dark Stone was nowhere to be seen. Obsidian then began a discourse on what he had discovered from his studies of the Dark Stone.
_ “Janurock was an ancient dark being who enslaved the world in darkness. As soon as this world was created, Darkrai, the dark Pokemon entity, had created the Dark Stone as a testament to how powerful the dark could really be. However Arceus, the creator of this world, protested, saying he would not have something like this polluting his world, although he could not destroy the stone. So Darkrai sealed the stone away in a secret place; whether he intended to actually use the Stone before Arceus protested is open to speculation. The Dark Stone, as can be suggested, is an immensely powerful object that gains even more incredible powers – evil powers – when the sunset begins until the rising of the dawn, but even then it has the power to pollute thoughts, hence the appearance of Janurock in Baltoy’s nightmares. Anyone who touches the stone at night goes mad with power and rage, but if a Claydol touches it…”
_ “Now that I recall,” Arcanine interjected, “Dragonite went up to the top of the tower just as the sun was setting.”
_ Obsidian continued, ignoring the fact that he was stopped. “If a Claydol touches it, the Dark Stone fuses with the unfortunate victim, and unleashes Janurock, who has the power to completely consume the minds of any he blasts with a Dark Ray. Eventually it got to the point where Janurock had contaminated everything and everyone on the mainland. Then Dialga and Palkia, the lords of time and space, intervened. Dialga turned back the clock of time to when Janurock was first unleashed, while Palkia created a spatial disturbance causing Janurock to be confined once more to the Dark Stone. Eventually, the Dark Stone was found by many groups, and treasured as a relic. The Stone changed hands many times, but luckily it has never consumed anyone. Until eventually, it got into the hands of Umbreon and brought here.
_ “And it appears that with my attack while Janurock was still weak, it destroyed the Dark Stone completely. Now the being will no longer plague this world.”
_ “But what did you mean when you said you were the ‘ultimate dark being’?” Gardevoir asked.
_ “Dark does not necessarily equate with evil,” came Obsidian’s reply. He had anticipated the question, as if he had been asked it dozens upon dozens of times. “But now, everything that is done is done. Now I will leave you, searching for another worthy cause.” And without another word, Obsidian rushed off to a destination unknown.
_ The others were merely happy that Claydol was still alive. This had been one of the most hectic days for everyone, especially Claydol. Graveler lifted him into a nice, comfy bed, and everyone left him alone to dream sweet dreams, knowing that his nightmares were over.

Yep, Obsidian is back. And I believe I just did a blatant "Lord of the Rings" spoof.


Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:03 am
Fails at life
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You know, awesome.

Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:48 pm
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I sort of understand now... But anyway, awesome!

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Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:03 am
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Prepare to say: 'Yay!'

Chapter 19

_ As Marshtomp dove under, he saw a vast undersea expanse bordered by rocky crags, with no sign of life in sight. Fortunately for him he could survive underwater, so he continued to submerge deeper and deeper. A short time afterwards he saw a giant white bubble, glowing with a spectacular light. He felt mesmerized, and drawn toward it. As he passed through the wall of the bubble, Marshtomp felt the tug of gravity, and landed on a giant disk, suspended inside the bubble. It was like a giant arena, and, gazing over to the other side of the arena, Marshtomp saw a huge white avian beast. It was tipped with blue spikes sparsed sparingly across its gargantuan bulk. Its wings seemed to end in three fingers and a thumb. Marshtomp would have been intimidated by its awesome size, had he not had inner confidence surging through him, and a legendary sword on his back.
_ “How did you manage to get down here?” the beast boomed.
_ “I’ve defeated those three birds on the mountaintops bordering this trench,” Marshtomp replied, not even flinching at the aura his opponent exuded.
_ “I am Lugia! The guardian of the sea! Feel my unbound power!”
_ Marshtomp could feel his opponent’s strength. He’d have to win quickly and decisively before he became exhausted. Lugia led off with charging forward at Marshtomp, suspended merely inches above the ground, as if gliding on air. Marshtomp had to roll over to the side to prevent being pummeled by Lugia’s bulk. Lugia calmly turned around and charged forward again at Marshtomp, who dodged again. Lugia then turned around once more, but did not charge forward as Marshtomp expected. Instead Lugia fired a large jet of pressurized water at Marshtomp, who did his best to restrain the water pushing against him. Soon the water pressure began to decrease rapidly, so Marshtomp swallowed the rest of the water coming at him to regain his energy. Lugia then repeated the ramming tactic again, but Marshtomp had no trouble dodging this several times. Was this really all the ‘guardian of the sea’ had to offer him for battle? Or was he just biding time? He was about to find out. Marshtomp then suddenly was forcefully pushed backwards by an unknown force, and was plagued by a migraine headache.
_ “Are you impressed by my Psychic?” Lugia inquired. Marshtomp could only scream due to the intense pain he was putting up with.
_ “Now, I will finish this!”
_ Lugia charged up a white beam of energy with its mouth, and was about to fire it when Marshtomp suddenly recovered and jumped out of the path of the beam, which produced a devastating explosion. Lugia, surprised at Marshtomp’s recovery, was even more surprised when Marshtomp Life Slashed its belly twice, then offered a devastating kick. Lugia fell backward, writhing in pain from its weak belly being attacked. It then spoke to Marshtomp.
_ “You’ve done well. Now head to the field that is burnt, where nothing grows. There will you meet your next match.”
_ Marshtomp nodded to Lugia, and passed through the wall of the bubble without a word, swimming upward toward the surface.


Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:46 am
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Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:23 am
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YAH... Oh, wait, Treeckomaster got there first! Shame. Ah well!

ImageImage I love Waddle Dee's!

Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:44 am
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Chapter 20. Kinda long.

_ When Claydol finally came to, he was sleeping in the ground floor of the tower under vigilant watch, lest Janurock was somehow still alive. He looked around and saw Umbreon and Pelipper nearby, both of which walked over to Claydol.
_ “Welcome back,” Umbreon started.
_ “Back?” Claydol asked. “Where have I been?”
_ “Don’t you remember?” Umbreon answered Claydol with another question. “You were influenced by the Dark Stone, and Janurock possessed you.”
_ “I vaguely remember seeing the Stone, and being drawn toward it. That would also explain why Janurock has been appearing in my head.”
_ “Really?” Umbreon inquired. “When has this happened?”
_ “When I spent my first night in the tower in Cloyster’s residence, I had a dream about my village and this tower, and then this thing appeared and woke me up. It appeared three times.”
_ “Did it appear tonight?”
_ “No, thank goodness. I’m glad that everything is back to normal, except that the Dark Stone is destroyed and Victreebel is no more. But, you can’t completely blame me for my actions…”
_ “Pelipper told me, and I told everyone else.” Obsidian entered, still speaking in his deep commanding voice. “They would have all done the same thing in your position: if someone tries to kill you, do everything in your power to stop them, even if it results in a death of either you or your aggressor.”
_ “I see. Thank you all. But…” Claydol paused briefly. “I suppose I should thank you the most, Obsidian. The dream I had last night…It recounted the actions starting with when Janurock took me over. Even when you told everyone about what Janurock really was.”
_ “Hm, I understand,” Obsidian calmly replied. “Well, you should get going as soon as you are ready. Now that your training is complete, you should head to the volcano that Wyvern King Vincent oversees.”
_ “How did you…”
_ “I read your mind. But I suppose I am partly to blame for what happened to your village. You see…
_ “I once battled Vincent back in my own world at the volcano that he ruled, the one that was rightfully his. As I defeated him, he managed to use some of the energy emanating from me to create a portal to another world…your world. I tried to find him, but to no avail…he had hid from me quite well. Then some years later, he destroyed your village.
_ “So I am to blame for letting him harness my energy, to let him escape through that portal, and for not being able to find him. I am sorry, Claydol.”
_ “No it isn’t fully your fault. Some things just can’t be controlled. Don’t think about it.”
_ “Thank you. I decided to stay the night here, to watch over you. But now I must be off. You and Marshtomp have a job to do.”
_ “Marshtomp?”
_ “You have not heard, I see. Pelipper, the letter.”
_ Pelipper handed Obsidian a letter. “This letter was written at Westport by an eyewitness. The letter was then forwarded to Central Village, a big bustling town square. Apparently, someone there knew you and knew which way you have traveled, so the letter was forwarded once more to the Perin branch for you to hear. I shall read it aloud: ‘Afternoon, 13 Month Clefairy, Day of Geodude, Year of Natu. Today, 4 hours after high-sun, a small boat with a group of three arrived at the village of Westport: a Wartortle, a Kadabra, and a Marshtomp with an unusual shiny shade of purple; the third of the said party was carrying a sword. They were clearly in a rush, as they had departed to the northeast. The Wartortle was available for comment, who said they docked here because a pod of Gyarados were migrating into their expected route, and so had to find a detour.’ Apparently this was a letter copied from the local newspaper, and forwarded to Central Village so everyone could hear the news, as Central Village is virtually the hub of our society. And I believe the purple Marshtomp and Kadabra would be your two friends.”
_ “Yes…So they are alive! And they are at Flight Island!”
_ “Flight Island?” Obsidian returned. “How do you know that?”
_ “If you look out to sea, you can see an island, and a boat docked at it.”
_ Obsidian ran to his thirteenth-floor residence to confirm it, and then leaped down from the floor’s balcony to the ground.
_ “He is correct. Well, I must be going, but I shall leave with fond memories. Farewell.”
_ “Farewell,” everyone else said in unison. And so Obsidian departed, for real this time.
_ “Alright, Pelipper. Let’s go to the volcano. We might even be able to meet up with Marshtomp. We’ll head due east to Northport around the swamp, and if they are there we’ll join on the ship with them, but if not we’ll continue heading east to the volcano.”
_ So was Claydol’s plan. It would be carried out immediately. And to show it, they left the tower after saying short goodbyes.


Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:58 am
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Goody! Goody! Goody! Goody! Goody! Goody! Goody!

ImageImage I love Waddle Dee's!

Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:24 am
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I like this story!

Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:37 am
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Yes of course, you do. And now the next chapter, by popular demand...but I would've put it here eventually.

Chapter 21

_ Marshtomp had gone to the Charred Field, and battled Entei, an incredibly fast Fire-type Pokemon. Marshtomp had defeated Entei; now he was in another field. Unlike the Charred Field, plant life was abundant here, mostly in the form of grass, but everything was an eerie shade of yellow. Then he felt a sudden rush of wind whoosh right past him; this same instance had happened when he had battled Entei. Would he have to battle Entei again? He hoped not. The wind rushed past him again, and it came to a halt in front of him. Another incredibly fast canine beast stood before him. Its fur along its legs, underside, and neck was a bright yellow with black V’s interspersed. On its back was a purple thundercloud, and its jagged tail ended in a shuriken shape. Its face was masked by a metal helmet, and large fangs protruded from underneath the helmet from either side of the beast’s mouth.
_ “My name is Raikou! This field is mine! What are you doing here?” it shrieked.
_ “I am the Violet Avenger, and I have come for the Breastplate!” Marshtomp shouted back.
_ “Is that so? Then come get me!”
_ Raikou immediately rushed off at the speed of wind. Marshtomp thought Raikou would come after him just like Entei did, so Marshtomp used his Mud Sport to cover himself and the ground around him with mud. As Raikou came rushing back, it didn’t notice the mud spilled across the ground, so it slipped on the mud and fell on its side. Marshtomp then seized the opportunity and nailed Raikou’s underside with a Mud Shot. Raikou howled in pain, but it got up…it wasn’t going to give up quite yet. Raikou then tried rushing off again, but Marshtomp repeated the same Mud Sport tactic. Yet he wasn’t expecting Raikou’s next move. Raikou leaped up just as it saw Marshtomp and sunk its fangs into its opponent’s chest. Marshtomp was in so much pain he couldn’t scream. However, he could still move his arm, and took the opportunity to slash at his neck, since he didn’t quite have the strength to use his Life Slash because of him being bitten. Raikou recoiled a bit, but then lashed out with its fangs at Marshtomp again. Marshtomp then used his Life Slash across Raikou’s face helmet, and then shot mud into its mouth. The sword made a resounding ‘dong’, and the vibrations caused Raikou to quake all over…not to mention he couldn’t use his mouth without spitting out the mud. Marshtomp then used Mud Shot on Raikou’s chest and the fight was over. Marshtomp had put up too good a fight for Raikou to fight any longer. He just lay there, astounded at what had just happened. Marshtomp then headed for the frozen portion of the field surrounding the giant mountain. Raikou didn’t say anything because his mouth was full of mud.


Wed Jul 18, 2007 2:43 pm
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I love it! It's as good as mum's cookies! This story deserves to be stickyfied! And the Library is Thriving!

Wed Jul 18, 2007 2:47 pm
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Stickied? I don't think my story deserves that...

Chapter 22 (long)

_ Claydol began to head due east upon a scarcely traveled road. It was very rocky for a path, but not rocky enough to be craggy. Claydol and Pelipper didn’t seem to mind, as they headed east toward Northport, where hopefully they might meet up with Marshtomp. If not, they’d continue heading east and reach the volcano. For now, however, the journey passed in silence.
_ Suddenly, mountains rose around them as they traveled the road, which was now more of a mountain pass. Claydol and Pelipper advanced cautiously, as anything could be hiding in this place. Sure enough, soon after Claydol entered something small came down from an upper ledge with a war cry, and landed in front on him. It was small and green, had angry eyes, and was wearing a bandana and a slingshot.
_ “Who goes there?” it squealed, loading a stone into his weapon.
_ “We mean you no harm,” Claydol answered. “We are just passing through here to get to Northport.”
_ “Oh, yeah? How do we know that?”
_ “Because,” Pelipper spoke, emerging from behind Claydol, “I have a bag of letters to deliver.”
_ “I don’t believe you!” came the scoundrel’s snotty reply. “Let’s see ’em!”
_ Pelipper then opened his bag and, sure enough, it was full of letters addressed to people in Northport, Central Village, and other places.
_ “All right,” the brigand replied. “Go on then.” And it scurried off into the upper ledges again. Meanwhile, Claydol whispered to Pelipper:
_ “You have letters?”
_ “Of course I do. I’m with the postal service. The people of Perin have other relatives elsewhere. And there is a tribe of Larvitar living up in these mountains. They are similar to the Mankey, but not as aggressive. They think that most people come to destroy them, but they leave the postmen alone, because they and them have no business with each other.”
_ “I see,” came Claydol’s silent reply.
_ They continued walking through the pass without another word between each other, and several hours later the exit was in sight. As they neared the exit, they heard a high-pitched primal scream. Claydol was shocked.
_ “W-what was that!” he said to Pelipper.
_ “Probably someone they don’t trust has come into their turf. We’d best leave this place, lest we get embroiled in the argument.”
_ Suddenly hoards of Shelgon and Salamence came climbing over the mountains, looking around for something.
_ “Let’s get out of here!” Claydol ordered Pelipper.
_ Suddenly a bunch of Larvitar with slingshots blocked their way.
_ “What is going on?!” Claydol screamed. He was still shocked and confused from the whole incident.
_ “This is all your fault!” one of them shouted, stepping forward. “You brought these dragons here!”
_ Instantly Claydol and Pelipper were pelted with slingshot stones, but they didn’t back off. Claydol then remembered that these were the hoards of Wyvern King Vincent. They were most likely looking for him!
_ “Wait!” Claydol shouted. “If I promise you that I can draw the dragons away from here, will you let us go?”
_ “Huddle!” the Larvitar leader screamed, as they murmured amongst themselves.
_ “All right, you got a deal. But do it quick!” They stepped aside. Claydol then shouted at the top of his voice: “Hey, you dragons! I’m the one you want! Come get me!”
_ All the dragons turned their heads and started rushing toward Claydol and Pelipper, who began fleeing at top speed.
_ “How, may I ask, were you planning to stop these things?” Pelipper inquired.
_ “That’s where you come in. When I give the signal, use your Ice Beam,” Claydol replied.
_ They had completely exited out of the mountain pass, yet the dragons were getting closer. Still Claydol said nothing. They kept fleeing, but the dragons were faster. At last, when the dragons were barely 10 feet away from their targets, Claydol screamed “Now!” Pelipper turned around and fired his Ice Beam in a wide, powerful spray, freezing every last dragon that had chased them in one huge block of ice.
_ “Northport is still a half-hour’s journey away,” Pelipper told Claydol. “The ice cube should thaw within two hours. We should make haste.”
_ Levitating and flying as fast as they could, Claydol and Pelipper rushed toward Northport. Since the craggy road was very flat, they were able to see Northport far off in the distance. They ran into no further troubles, and eventually the rockiness vanished and opened up into a beautifully green plain, where nature was at its best. Yet there was unfortunately no time for sightseeing. They had to continue onward to the village.
_ When they reached the village, no ships were coming in, and those that were already docked were empty, the vast majority of which were rowboats. Claydol then asked a skipper, a Quagsire, if he had seen a purple Marshtomp dock here recently.
_ “Nope,” he replied with a salty sea-dog voice. “I’ve seen many a ship ’ere, but no one of yer description has come in. However, some’n like that had left the port late last night with a Wartortle and a Kadabra, I believe. He ran into the village and passed out. Strange…”
_ Claydol heaved a sigh of relief. So they had come here, but they hadn’t come back. He pondered over whether he should stick around, or continue heading east.
_ “Pelipper, we’re going to continue heading east,” Claydol spoke. The skipper overheard this.
_ “Arrh, ye’d best not be goin’ that way,” he interjected. “That place is filled with practically impassable mountains. It’d take you days just t’ climb over one mountain. Don’t be foolish, boys. Wait for yer friend t’ come back.”
_ “Well, if we can’t get over these mountains,” Claydol replied, “we’ll come back here and wait.” Claydol then left with Pelipper toward the east.
_ Five minutes after their departure, they were facing a vast mountain range, with vast stone monoliths towering above their heads. They’d have to climb over them one by one, it seemed. First Claydol picked a mountain that had a very shallow incline. He began climbing it, but already began feeling the burn after five minutes.
_ “Hoo!” he heaved. “Maybe the skipper was right. Maybe we should’ve…pant pant…waited for Marshtomp.”
_ “That depends on who you’re asking.” A mysterious deep voice seemed to come out of nowhere.
_ “Who said that?” Claydol demanded. “Show yourself!”
_ “I’m more than happy to oblige.”
_ Instantly a large figure landed on the mountain face in front of Claydol. It was at least six feet high, had giant wings with a wingspan to match. It also had large muscular legs that ended in feet tipped with four sharp talons, it was holding a spear as long as he was tall in his right hand, and he was covered in dragon scales with one exception: the front of his torso was almost completely human, which lead up to a head with spikes of blond hair. Claydol finally got his first clear look at Wyvern King Vincent.
_ “Seems like we’ve met at last, Claydol,” Vincent stated triumphantly. Claydol was so stunned he couldn’t say anything. Was Obsidian lying to everybody? Was he really Wyvern King Vincent in disguise? Their faces looked so similar…
_ “I’ve found you at last. I trust you saw my dragons crawling over the mountains?”
_ “I thought they were yours,” Claydol retorted angrily. “You tried to kill us.”
_ “Actually, I wasn’t looking for you,” Vincent answered. “I was looking for Obsidian, because he’d passed through there before. But now it seems I’ve got an added bonus. Seems like Registeel has kept you surviving. But Registeel is not around here. Time to finish what I started on that fateful day!” Vincent raised his spear and brought it down to strike Claydol, who was so paralyzed with fear he couldn’t even react.
_ Suddenly an unseen force struck Vincent from the side and bowled him over. Vincent was surprised at what had happened, but he went to attack Claydol again with the same ferocity he had before. Then the truth became known. Obsidian appeared from out of thin air and blocked Vincent’s spear blade.
_ “So that was you!” Vincent shouted to Obsidian, clearly angered he had been interrupted.
_ “I’ve come to finish what I started,” Obsidian replied calmly in a deep voice. Then to Claydol and Pelipper: “Go now! I will hold him off! Get out of here!!”
_ Claydol and Pelipper descended down the mountain face, doing as they were told.
_ “No…” Vincent said, “you’re not escaping me!”
_ Vincent propelled himself off of his spear blade, flinging himself over Obsidian. But Obsidian would not let Vincent get at his target. He instantly warped in front of Vincent, swinging his sword with so much power that no one else living could replicate the feat. (Needless to say, Blaziken did so and more 20 years later.) He held Vincent off, slashing at him with his sword, until Claydol and Pelipper were well out of sight. Vincent then flew off toward the east, frustrated that his quarry had been allowed to escape. Obsidian left west, having known he’d confronted his mortal enemy again, and that he might do so again soon afterwards.

For your viewing pleasure; please enjoy. - DNA


Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:26 am
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You know what I'm about to say. But, I have a question to ask you.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:55 am
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Treeckomaster wrote:
You know what I'm about to say. But, I have a question to ask you.

Yes, I know what you're going to say. And the question? Go ahead and ask. - DNA


Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:00 am
Fails at life
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I got some inspiration for the SEQUEL to the Epic of Torchic. Willing to listen?

Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:29 am
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I suggest you tell him in a PM if you don't want to ruin the idea should he like it.

Link changed to my library.

Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:37 pm
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I know...

Fri Jul 20, 2007 2:22 pm
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There isn't going to be a sequel to the Epic of Torchic. Only a prequel. And nothing or nobody will change that.

So please just enjoy this chapter; I haven't been on lately.

Chapter 23

_ After Marshtomp had confronted Entei, he had confronted Suicune, the last of the canine beasts on Flight Island. That being said and done, he then ascended the mountain that seemed to soar into the very clouds. But no matter how high it was, there was no way Marshtomp would stop climbing it. So he climbed, and climbed, and climbed…until he passed above the clouds, and came to the top of the mountain, also with a flat top. But there was nothing here, except for one dinky little cloud far above all the rest. He also noticed that the sun was beginning to set.
_ “Whoever you are,” Marshtomp shouted, “show yourself!”
_ At that moment a giant rainbow-colored bird soared in from above and alighted on the mountaintop. It was predominantly red, with yellow plumage on top of its head and comprising its tail, and green plumage underneath its wings. It had the same squawk as the other birds, but more robust.
_ “You! What are you doing here on my mountain?” it shouted.
_ “I’ve fought seven battles on this island and won every one,” Marshtomp retorted. “You’ll be the eighth!”
_ “I think not! Come battle me, Ho-Oh!”
_ Ho-Oh led off with a large Flamethrower attack. Marshtomp countered with Bubblebeam, but the fire attack blew right through it, severely injuring Marshtomp, who wondered how a fire-type attack could damage him so much. He didn’t have much time to think, as Ho-Oh attacked with Flamethrower again. Marshtomp leaped out of the path of the attack, but Ho-Oh launched yet another Flamethrower. Marshtomp bounded out of this attack also, but he knew he couldn’t keep this up forever. He seized the moment and dashed forward to meet Ho-Oh, hitting it with his signature move, following it up with a Bubblebeam. Ho-Oh flinched, but barely, and whipped up a strong gust of wind, blowing Marshtomp back to where he was before, and Ho-Oh followed up with – you guessed it – Flamethrower. Marshtomp leaped again, but he was beginning to get annoyed. Ho-Oh had powerful attacks and high stamina, and it would be hard for Marshtomp to defeat his opponent before his own energy ran out.
_ “…pant pant…how to win…?” Marshtomp was wearing out.
_ “Now, I’ll finish this!” Ho-Oh screamed.
_ Ho-Oh surrounded itself with fireballs orbiting their conjurer in a circle, and Ho-Oh’s whole body was aflame in rainbow-colored fire. Ho-Oh instantly flew forward attempting to charge Marshtomp with his attack. Marshtomp, not exactly sure how to react, drenched himself with mud using his Mud Sport. The cry of his adversary rang out.
_ “Sacred Fire!!!!!!11”
_ Marshtomp gazed upon Ho-Oh, getting closer and closer at an incredible speed. When Ho-Oh was barely three feet from Marshtomp, Marshtomp held his sword in front of him, ducked, and slashed backwards, from in front of him, then over his head to right behind him. The tip of his blade met Ho-Oh’s chest, and the added momentum sent Ho-Oh careening over the cliff, a mass of bright fire falling into oblivion.
_ Marshtomp stepped back from the edge of the cliff, in case Ho-Oh wasn’t through yet. Ho-Oh then came soaring back up from the abyss below. Marshtomp wondered if Ho-Oh was still going to fight him. Fortunately, it wasn’t. In fact it laughed.
_ “Ha, ha…Ahahahahahaha!! Wonderful! That was tremendous!”
_ “So I’ve won?” Marshtomp asked.
_ “A-ha! More than that, you have one more piece of business. Come!”
_ A green stairway materialized on the mountaintop. It led up to the dinky cloud that Marshtomp had seen earlier. Marshtomp climbed it slowly. When he reached the top, he found himself on a platform, upon which a pedestal rested holding a suit of glowing green armor.
_ “That is the Legend Breastplate! It is impregnable to any attack! Whatever your quest may be, whoever you should fight, wear it…for we shall be with you. However, you only have two pieces of armor now. There are four in total. You should head to the island in the northeast, Element Island. There, you shall know where to go next. Now, you must be going. Good luck!” And with that Marshtomp descended the stairway, and then the mountain.
_ Upon returning to the ship with the breastplate across his chest, he was greeted with hugs by his two friends.
_ “We’ve missed you, my friend!” Kadabra exclaimed, embracing his childhood friend. “And, I see you’ve been busy!” He noticed the newly donned breastplate.
_ “That’s right. But this is only two pieces of armor. There are four altogether.”
_ “Four?” Wartortle exclaimed. “That’s a lot of sailing, but I don’t mind! I love the smell of adventure. Where to next?”
_ “Element Island, in the far northeast. That means from here we should head due east.”
_ “Say the word, and it’s done!” Wartortle replied. “Let’s go!”

Additionally, there is something in the chapter that looks like a grammatical error. But it's not. It was intentional.


Mon Jul 23, 2007 3:29 pm
Fails at life
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SorcererDNA wrote:
“Sacred Fire!!!!!!11”

Don't you hate it when you slightly lift your finger off the Shift button.

Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:36 am
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SorcererDNA wrote:
Additionally, there is something in the chapter that looks like a grammatical error. But it's not. It was intentional.

Pay more attention!

Now for Chapter 24.


_ It was nighttime at Northport. Claydol felt somewhat bad that he was just waiting around doing nothing, but the fact that he’d reunite with his friend gave him new hope. But in the meantime, they stocked up on plenty of supplies – the people of Perin, as well as Obsidian, had given him some money to take with him. Claydol then waited at the port until three hours past moonrise (the equivalent of 11 pm). By then he should have been in bed, but he wanted to see his friend so badly that he stayed up. The skipper then walked up to Claydol.
_ “Ye’d best be in bed,” he told Claydol. “Yer friend may arrive in the mornin’. When he arrives, I’ll tell ya.”
_ “Thank you,” replied Claydol. It was welcome news, and he was very tired having to stay up all night. So he retired to bed.
_ The next morning, Claydol wasn’t hungry enough to have breakfast. At first light, he was at the dock, waiting. He’d wait for days if he had to; he was so happy that he would see his best friends once more. At about one hour past sunrise, several boats came in, but they were all coming from the north and east, and all appeared to be fishing boats and merchants. If his friend Marshtomp were coming, he would have come in from the west. When the new ships arrived, Northport became a lively bazaar of shopkeepers and consumers. Having eight eyes, Claydol could see them; but he could not hear them, as he was focused on looking out to sea for his friend.
_ The town bellman rang a large bell four times, signaling four hours had passed since sunrise (the equivalent of 10 am). Still no ships had come after the merchant influx. Pelipper came up to Claydol and watched out with him.
_ “You look like you have something on your mind,” Pelipper stated.
_ “Yes,” Claydol answered. “I’m waiting for Marshtomp and Kadabra to arrive. And Pelipper…”
_ “Yes?” came the reply.
_ “You don’t have to stay with me anymore. You’ve done your job protecting me, and I am very thankful for that. But I will be with my friends soon, so you can leave me now.”
_ “Are you sure this is what you want?”
_ “Yes Pelipper. I thank you for all you’ve done for me.”
_ “Of course, Claydol. Goodbye.” He gave Claydol his bag of supplies, and left on the wind silently toward the south.
_ Claydol began to feel lonely. The market had been and gone, and now the bellman had rung his bell six times; it was now time for luncheon. Yet Claydol had his thoughts fixed seaward, even though there were no boats in sight coming in. Just then the skipper walked up to Claydol, who thought of the skipper as being wizened and very helpful.
_ “Seems yer still waitin’ fer yer friend,” he spoke.
_ “Yes,” Claydol replied. “He’s been my friend forever, and I’ve really wanted to see him again.”
_ “I like yer iron-hard determination. With a will like that, you can go anywhere you want to go, and no-one’d be able to stop ya.”
_ “You really think so?” Claydol asked.
_ “I know so. I’ve been in this port fer thirty years and seen many a person go by. I can tell what one’s like just by lookin’ at ’im.” With that the skipper walked off, leaving Claydol with those words.
_ Just then a small ship came in from the west, and someone new came into the Northport village. Claydol wasn’t really paying attention to the village; he had his eyes fixed on the ship. He tried to make out who was in that ship. He saw a turtle manning the oars, accompanied by someone big and yellow holding a spoon, and next to him was…Could it be? It was a purple Pokemon, resembling a larger version of Mudkip, and it was wearing a green breastplate and holding a powerful-looking sword. Yes, it was his friends! Claydol waved his arms wildly out from his body toward the ship. Meanwhile on the ship, they were looking toward shore and saw a gray floating thing with disembodied arms that were waving at them.
_ “What is that?” asked Marshtomp. “And why would it be waving at us?”
_ “That appears to be a Claydol,” Wartortle replied. “I’ve heard that they are related to Baltoy.”
_ “Baltoy…You think?” Marshtomp asked Kadabra.
_ “I think so!” came the answer.
_ Marshtomp and Kadabra both waved toward Claydol, who was waving back wildly at them.
_ “Wartortle, full speed ahead to the dock!” Marshtomp shouted. Wartortle complied. As they reached the dock, Marshtomp and Kadabra lept out of the ship and embraced Claydol, happy that they were all here together again for the first time in ages.
_ “I’m so glad to see you again!” Claydol exclaimed.
_ “We are glad to see you too!” Marshtomp replied.
_ Just then a Flygon came up to them and asked them a question.
_ “Are you Claydol? And are you really purple?”
_ Claydol and Marshtomp both replied in the affirmative, the latter of which reached behind his back.
_ “In that case…I’ve been ordered by Vincent to kill you both!”
_ At that, Marshtomp revealed his hand, now holding the sword, and he lunged at the Flygon.
_ “Life Slash!” he hollered. The Flygon fell down unconscious. Then the worse news came: The Shelgon and Salamence from the mountain pass chase had thawed out of the ice cube and were advancing on the three friends.
_ “Your friend Pelipper isn’t around anymore!” one of them said. “Now it’s time to die!”
_ “There are too many of them…” Marshtomp said. “We need some kind of help!”
_ And he got his wish. The dragons were suddenly pelted by a thousand stones hurled from slingshots by Larvitar from behind. They were quickly joined by a Cloyster, Arcanine, Gardevoir, and Umbreon, who fought and defeated all the dragons with unmatched ferocity. Quaking with fear and uncertainty, the dragons departed over the mountains to the east.
_ “You came to help me!” Claydol exclaimed.
_ “Of course,” Umbreon replied. “How could you think we wouldn’t?”
_ “You helped us out, now we help you out!” the Larvitar leader shouted.
_ “We trailed behind you two to see if you would be all right,” Cloyster piped up. “We wanted to ensure your safety. Speaking of which…where is Pelipper?”
_ “Oh, he left toward the south…most likely toward the post office,” Claydol replied.
_ “Um, Claydol?” Marshtomp asked. “Who are these guys?”
_ “Just some old friends of mine,” came the coolly stated answer. “But now, I’m coming with you, Marshtomp. To wherever you are headed.” Then to the others: “Thank you all for coming to me in my time of trouble.”
_ “Don’t mention it,” Arcanine replied. “It was the least we could do.”
_ “But you should really be going now,” Gardevoir answered. “There’s no telling when they’ll strike back.”
_ “Thank you all,” Marshtomp continued. “We shall leave immediately to the east for Element Island.”
_ And as everyone else was leaving, they did just that.


Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:43 pm
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Haven't added a new chapter in a while.

Chapter 25

_ After setting out to sea heading eastward, Marshtomp and Claydol took the opportunity to recount their past adventures. Marshtomp led off.
_ “Well, first I went to King Island in the southwest and battled Regirock, Regice, and Registeel to get this sword, the Regi Sword. Then we had to detour across land because Gyarados were migrating into our expected path…”
_ “I did hear about that, yes,” Claydol interjected.
_ “How did you know?”
_ “Mail gets around pretty fast,” Claydol answered.
_ “I see. Anyway, so after I ran through the swamp, I fell unconscious, and when I woke up, Wartortle here had already rowed us to Flight Island. There I had to go through eight battles in two days; I spent the night on the island once. Then after I defeated all eight, I got this nifty breastplate, rowed back here and well…here we are.”
_ “Cool! Now let me tell you what happened to me. It started off pretty crazy. As soon as I went into the swamp, I saw this neat shack. Some Lombre came and told me off, and I acted out of fear and knocked him unconscious. Then we high-tailed it to the north and locked the shack’s door – here’s the key…” He took the key out of his pack and then replaced it. “We eventually reached the tiny village of Perin, on the northwest edge of the land. A great tower was built there, so I entered it and trained with the five past heroes that resided within. They were the ones who came to the port and rescued us…”
_ Now it was Marshtomp’s turn to interject. “Five? I thought I only saw four?”
_ “Well, one tried to eat me alive, so I used Selfdestruct to bail out, but since I blew a hole in him I ended up killing him. Anyway…When I got to the top floor, I saw this glowing evil purple stone, inhabited by an evil spirit. I touched the stone, and the being took over my body and was about to reek untold havoc upon the world, when suddenly the one who had lived with the heroes in the tower, but was not actually a hero himself, destroyed the evil being and the Dark Stone, restoring me to normal. Afterward I left toward the east through a mountain pass, running into the tribe of Larvitar and all those dragons. And so here I am now.”
_ “It seems we’ve both been through a lot,” Kadabra piped up. “But we’re all together now, and that’s what matters, right?”
_ “Right,” Marshtomp and Claydol affirmed in unison.
_ “Hey guys,” Wartortle said, “I think we are nearing our destination.”
_ They were approaching an island indeed. But this was a very queer island. On one side of the island, there was a large volcano; on another side, a deep trench; and on the third side, a tower that seemed to reach higher than the highest point of sky. Unquestionably so, this was Element Island.


Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:13 pm
Fails at life
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:D I like this story!

-TM 52

Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:10 pm
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SorcererDNA wrote:
Anyway…When I got to the top floor, I saw this glowing evil purple stone, inhabited by an evil spirit. I touched the stone, and the being took over my body and was about to reek untold havoc upon the world, when suddenly the one who had lived with the heroes in the tower, but was not actually a hero himself, destroyed the evil being and the Dark Stone, restoring me to normal.

You spelled "wreak" wrong. nice story best everr! :D

Meeps are back. (:

Sat Aug 04, 2007 6:41 pm
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