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 The Violet Avenger - Back In Action 

How did you like my past story, The Epic of Torchic, on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being the best)? And be honest in your answer.
5 - That was the best thing I've ever read! 36%  36%  [ 8 ]
4 - It was good, very good. 41%  41%  [ 9 ]
3 - Not good, but not bad either. 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
2 - Below average, it needs improvement. 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
1 - It was a lost cause. Throw it out. 18%  18%  [ 4 ]
Total votes : 22

 The Violet Avenger - Back In Action 
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Hey it's DNA again, and I've come through with some of my new story, that I will now post periodically on Psypoke.

Before you read this story, I strongly urge you to read my first story, The Epic of Torchic, in order to understand this story better. But for now, let's get this story on the road.

This is a prequel to the story ‘The Epic of Torchic’. Back then Torchic’s parents were not quite grown up, the Violet Avenger was still a Mudkip, and Wyvern King Vincent was still alive. This is the story of the Violet Avenger and his friends, and how they defeated Wyvern King Vincent.

Chapter 1

_ 20 years ago, there was a peaceful village. It was near a waterfall, which supplied all the water for the village. Pokemon of all kinds lived there, from Caterpie to Dragonite. They all lived in huts along the river by the waterfall, and everyone there was truly happy. Our story, however, focuses in on three friends, an Abra, a Baltoy, and a purple Mudkip, whose unusual color was the envy of everyone. They always played together every day, and they were the best of friends. One day, Baltoy posed a suggestion.
_ “Hey, guys, how about we go down to that stone tablet and read it?” it said.
_ “I don’t think so,” said Abra. “We could get caught.”
_ “Not if we ask really nicely,” continued Mudkip. “Come on, I have an idea.”
_ The tablet was kept in a secret room in the sanctum in the village. Sorry if that last sentence sounded confusing. The head of the sanctum, a Blissey, noticed the three children come in. “What are you here for, children?” she asked.
_ Mudkip stepped forward and spoke. “We want to look at the stone tablet. I bet it’s really cool!”
_ “The stone tablet? You cannot view it without special permission.”
_ “But I’m close friends with the mayor!” Mudkip protested. “And so are my friends here!”
_ “What’s going on?” Another voice entered.
_ “Mayor Ludicolo, sir!” the Blissey exclaimed.
_ “Is there a problem, Blissey?”
_ “These three children want to view the stone tablet.”
_ “The tablet? These children are close friends of mine; I know their parents. Boys?”
_ “Yes?” Abra answered.
_ “You can look at the stone tablet, but only if you come with Blissey and I.”
_ “Yaaaay!” Baltoy shouted.
_ Blissey led them into a back room. On the wall was a stone tablet, depicting battles and unknown Pokemon. “Do you know the legend of this tablet?” asked Ludicolo. “No? Then let me tell you.”
_ "Long ago, several generations before me when my great-grandfather was the mayor of our village, this stone tablet was brought here to our village and enshrined in the sanctum. My ancestor said this was brought here by these three Pokemon here" – The mayor pointed to the bottom left of the tablet. There were images of three different Pokemon – Regirock, Regice, and Registeel, the denizens of the island far to the southwest. "Mapmakers have scoured the seas and have indeed found the four islands on the four corners of the world. The southwest island is King Island. Regirock, Regice, and Registeel reside there. The northwest island is Flight Island. It is inhabited by two gargantuan bird Pokemon, possibly more. The northeast island is Element Island. The entities of water, earth, and sky reside there. And finally the southeast island is Mind Island. Many psychic Pokemon live there, including this one that looks like a giant cat. These islands are said, according to the guardians of King Island, to guard the secret to the four pieces of Legendary Armor. Only a hero could battle all of the legendary Pokemon and win and obtain the armor. He is only to use the armor in deep crisis or a climactic battle."
_ “But I doubt anything bad could happen to us! In this peaceful village, what could possibly go wrong?”
_ The children knew that was a silly thing to say. If you say ‘what could possibly go wrong’ when seemingly nothing can go wrong, something will go wrong. What it was would be impossible to tell, but not for long. Baltoy felt intrigued and excited.
_ “There are legendary Pokemon just like me? I hope I get to meet one!”
_ “Don’t get too optimistic,” noted Abra. “We may never visit any of those islands in our lives.”
_ “I’d like to go pick flowers in the garden, guys,” said Mudkip. “I’ll catch up on our Marbles game later.”
_ Flower picking was one of Mudkip’s favorite things to do. He loved the sweet, intoxicating aromas, and the perfectly symmetrical patterns of the petals complementing each other. Here he witnessed frequently the miracle of life. His favorite flower was the violet because it matched his skin color perfectly. He liked to put one in his fin from time to time to show what his favorite flower was. Then there was a rumbling noise. Mudkip went out of the nursery and looked for his friends, but he couldn’t find them. Then it hit him…they were in the secret hiding spot. They had dug a hole and made a secret cave down there and they’d spend hours down there at a time, until it was time for dinner. He went past three bushes, knocked on a tree trunk three times, gave the secret password (which I can’t tell you because then it’s not secret), and he was granted admittance to the secret lair.
_ “Hey guys! What are you doing?”
_ “We’re playing Backfire down here,” Baltoy answered.
_ “Oh, that’s fun! Let me go. I wish I had a lot of food to eat!”
_ “Granted, but you…” There was the rumbling noise again. They heard screeching and screaming outside. Abra peeked outside…and he saw Dragon Pokemon everywhere, destroying the huts, harassing the citizens taking them prisoner, and wreaking utter havoc. Ludicolo happened to run away toward the tree, and Abra shouted to him.
_ “Mayor! What’s going on!”
_ “We’re being invaded! The village is going to be destroyed! I asked a couple Golems to take the tablet out of here! You must run for your lives!”
_ Not knowing what was going on, they took the mayor’s advice and bolted away from the village. They were running and running, and suddenly they were confronted by a giant dragon with a spear!
_ “Where do you think you’re going?” he demanded. “You are going nowhere!” He lifted his spear up to kill them, but the blow was blocked by a strong hand from another strange being. Mudkip and friends couldn’t make it out, except its body was almost perfectly round. It shouted to them. “RUN AWAY FROM HERE!” They did as they were told. They were stopped by two more strange beings with seven eyes each. “THE ONE WHO PROTECTED YOU IS OUR FRIEND. WE WILL TAKE YOU TO SAFETY.” The two beings picked the three friends up and high-tailed it out of there. They retreated to a safe spot. The Golem and Ludicolo were there. The strange being that rescued Mudkip, Abra, and Baltoy joined up with them shortly afterward. “YOU ARE ALL SAFE,” it said. The children got a good look at the Pokemon who rescued them.
_ “You…You are…” Mudkip was stunned.
_ “Regirock, Regice, and Registeel,” Abra finished.
_ “YES,” replied Regirock, in the automatonic voice the Regis possessed. “WE HAVE THE TABLET. WE WILL TAKE IT BACK TO KING ISLAND. BUT YOUR VILLAGE…I FEAR IT WILL BE DESTROYED.”
_ “THEIR LEADER IS POWERFUL,” continued Registeel. “HE MAY HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU IF HE FINDS YOU ARE STILL ALIVE. I HAD TROUBLE HOLDING HIM OFF. FIND A PLACE AND STAY THERE. WE WILL FIND A WAY TO DEFEAT HIM, THEN YOU WILL BE SAFE. BUT IN THE MEANTIME, YOU MUST FIND A PLACE TO HIDE. NOW WE MUST LEAVE. I HOPE WE MEET AGAIN.” With this the three Regis ran off to the southwest. Mudkip, Abra, and Baltoy ran off to the west, looking for a place to hide from the dragon’s horrible wrath. Ludicolo and Golem, however, ran east. This is where the friends’ story truly begins.

Be warned that this is a sequel, and from past experience I'm not as good at writing sequels as writing originals. Criticism is more than welcome, but be honest about it.


Last edited by DNA on Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Tue May 29, 2007 7:54 pm
Ace Trainer
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Location: Searching for the place all the Abra teleport to. I'm going to crash their party.
Hmm looks like it has potential. Right now, though, 7/10 for a couple of reasons

You missed a few end punctuation marks when Ludicolo was telling the legend of the tablet. Other than that, it was a little bland, but I can be a tough critic (I tear myself up when you point out mistakes in my story) But that's probably because I like constant, battle action (like Blake and Alex) or real life, crazy chaotic action (like in Mind Warp) unlike this dragons with spears and regis holding them off. But, really, it's good. It just takes a bit to get used to.

Anyways, I liked the tribute to the Back fire game (May it rest in peace) and I like the sound of Element Island, but I don't know why....


Tue May 29, 2007 8:12 pm
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Oh yeah, you're right, I forgot to include the punctuation in that. I can understand why you say what you say (that didn't come out right), but still some criticism is better than none. I'll go change that paragraph now. *goes to edit*

(You like the sound of Element Island? Did you read the Epic of Torchic or not?)



Tue May 29, 2007 9:10 pm
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I've skimmed through it. *glances at name* I don't know why it sounds so awesome to me...


Wed May 30, 2007 7:57 pm
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I'm back!

First off, it's not the prequel but the prelude.
Second off, I love your story, but I have a bit of confusion every now and then.
Third off, you do need to work onn your conventions.
Fourth off, (Crimson will kill me for this one) 8.510.

I hope this story will be as good as the last one. :P

Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:11 am
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No Treecko, it's prequel. It's the story before a story, they're typically written or published after the original and they give back ground information leading up to where the original story began. While there are preludes they're part of a story not the story itself. Preludes are typically small introductions, prequels are full fledged stories.

And what on earth are you going on about, conventions?

Link changed to my library.

Sat Jun 02, 2007 6:06 am
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I wonder that myself, what do you mean by conventions?
At any rate, here's Chapter 2.

_ “Where are we going to hide?” asked Baltoy, running through the woods. “If that dragon finds us, we’re toast.”
_ “We just have to keep hoping,” Mudkip replied. They ran (or floated) as far as their endurance permitted. By then they saw a bustling village with Pokemon everywhere. They all saw it, but could not run any farther. Completely exhausted by the run, they all collapsed and became unconscious, awaiting their imminent death. Perhaps death would get them out of this madness…
_ When they finally came to, water was being splashed on their faces to revive them. They all got up promptly. Abra spluttered, Baltoy spun all the water off of him, and Mudkip just looked around. (He’s a Mudkip. That explains it. Case closed…) The friends were inside a small hut, with several bunks. Apparently someone had seen them outside the village and brought them to safety. But were they in the village, or taken away to some horrible ghastly place? They got their answer. Mudkip saw a Vileplume nearby, who was the one who splashed the water.
_ “So, you’ve finally woken up,” she said. “I thought for a while that you were dead.”
_ “No,” replied Abra. “It would take much more than that to kill us.”
_ “I’m Vileplume,” the host continued, “and you’re in Central Village. I saw you outside unconscious and brought you back here.”
_ “Thank goodness we’re safe,” Baltoy piped up.
_ “Yes, it would have been a calamity had you been taken prisoner,” replied Vileplume.
_ Mudkip intervened and explained the situation, once again doing all the talking. He was very skillful in doing it. “You are very nice and we are forever indebted to you, however we must be going.”
_ “Going? Where?”
_ “We’re travelers, in search of adventure. We go wherever the wind blows, exploring whatever we see. It is our way of life.”
_ “You three look like children.”
_ “We never knew our parents. We’ve lived like this for as long as we can remember.”
_ “That is very sad,” Vileplume answered. “Well it would make me feel rotten if I didn’t present you with some supplies for your journey.”
_ “We thank you for your hospitality, Vileplume.”
_ Vileplume presented the trio with supplies, and they were off again to the west. They slowed their pace to a steady walk, as they were still tired from the previous trek. They would walk possibly forever until they found a place to hide, then form a plan and head off to defeat the dragon that destroyed their peaceful village. Not long after they left the village and were walking along a forest path, they were halted by a tribe of Mankey all armed with slingshots. One of them, larger and bulkier than the rest, stepped forward and questioned the children.
_ “Who are you and why are you here?” it asked.
_ “My name is Mudkip and these are my companions,” Mudkip replied. He was unquestionably the leader of the trio of friends. “We are adventurers passing through the forest. We come in peace, and we mean you no harm.”
_ “No one gets through this forest without paying a toll,” the leader continued.
_ “Toll?” asked Mudkip. “What’s a toll?”
_ “Eep! You don’t know? A toll means you have to pay us with something if you want to pass!”
_ “But we travel light. We have nothing to pay you with, let alone anybody else.”
_ “Then you can’t pass! Tribe! Take them prisoner!”
_ They were forcibly seized and taken deep into the jungle, where they were jammed and locked into small wooden boxes with bars, like miniature jail cells. They were also knocked unconscious with clubs so that they would not resist. The trio’s heads filled up with blackness as they slowly drifted off.


Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:55 am
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Now in Gr.5 they teach your grammer,handwriiting etc. through the Conventions....atleast in New Brunswick.

9.910 Perfect scores I give when the actuall decimal number would stretch the page.

Sat Jun 02, 2007 10:08 am
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Yay! I found it again! I saw this a few days ago, but forgot where I saw it! (Hey, my stupidity is second only to Shiny Latios in our school!) Technically, I can't critsize your work. I just can't! I have never started a story that I have not finished! I even read those horrible Lionboy books... *shiver*

ImageImage I love Waddle Dee's!

Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:14 am
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I like it, Why won't you keep on writing those stories? :D 10/10

Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:06 pm
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Hreffie wrote:
I like it, Why won't you keep on writing those stories? :D 10/10

Who said I stopped?

And Treeckomaster, I do not believe I have any grammar problems. I am studying 10th grade grammar atm, written many essays over the years - in short I am confident in my writing ability.

And now for what you really are waiting for, Chapter 3. (Hope Shiny Latios finds this story.)

_ When they finally came to, they saw they were moving. Mudkip looked around and saw the Mankey tribe all marching together as one. He saw Abra off to the left, who shouted out to Mudkip but was quickly prodded with a sharp stick. Mudkip couldn’t see any sign of Baltoy but he knew Baltoy was still around somewhere. At last they came to a halt, and the cages were set down. All the friends could now see each other’s cages, and in front of them they saw a huge Primeape.
_ “Ooo OOO!” it squealed, “Who are these prisoners?”
_ One of the toadies spoke up. “These filth have dared to infiltrate the realms of you, O Great One, and must be punished for this act of insolence!” At the mention of the word ‘filth’ Mudkip was grating his teeth with intensifying ferocity.
_ “Is that so? Then let the punishment begin!” All of the tribe were squealing at the tops of their voices, and they were carried over to a large fire with a pole and crank above it. So this was their ungraceful death – being burned and eaten rotisserie style. They couldn’t believe they were going to die this way. Suddenly a Pelipper flew out of the woods straight through the campsite.
_ “Bird!” squealed one of the tribesmen. “What are you doing here?”
_ “I’m delivering a letter to a purple Mudkip from a Ludicolo. Oh! There he is, in the cage! You despicable wretches, you Mankey! Release the three of them this instant!”
_ “He dares to insult us!” returned the tribesman. “Subdue him!”
_ Instantly the Pelipper was upon them, Wing Attacking some and Water Gunning others, frying the chief with an Ice Beam. The Mankey tribe were all on the ground, some groaning, some unconscious. Mudkip and friends watched astounded, wondering at how one lone Pelipper could defeat an entire tribe of Mankey in two blinks of an eye. The Pokemon in question then broke the three wooden cages with his powerful beak.
“Here. This is for you, Mudkip.” Mudkip accepted the letter, opened it, and read it aloud.

_ “Dear Mudkip,
_ I hope you get this letter from Pelipper. I have some horrible news. I have discovered the identity of the tyrant who destroyed our village. It is a fearsome half-dragon, half-something-else beast that his cronies call ‘Wyvern King Vincent’.
_ “After subduing our beloved peaceful village, he and his army moved east and usurped control over the land near the great volcano. There, he has exerted a cruel reign of tyranny and imprisoning those who disobey his every command. Golem and I have been imprisoned so I had to sneak this letter away from this ghastly place.
_ “I have glimpsed Vincent several times, and he holds a spear so long it could run two Salamence straight through. I wouldn’t know how to defeat them, but I do know from Registeel that the four pieces of Legend Armor do indeed exist. They are not some unconfirmed rumor. That is why I believe you should go seek out the pieces of armor, whatever the cost may be, my friend. Vincent must be stopped at any cost.
_ Your friend always,
_ Ludicolo”

_ They were grief-stricken by what they had just learned. Vincent was probably the fearsome beast that Registeel held off, allowing Regirock and Regice to escape with the trio of friends. They thought of a plan there and then.
_ “I think we should all sail to King Island,” posed Mudkip. “Regirock, Regice, and Registeel are on our side and will sympathize with our plight. Maybe they will join us to fight against Vincent.”
_ “I’m with you,” Abra seconded the idea. “There will be six of us and only one of him.”
_ “But don’t forget his dragon army,” said Baltoy. “They’ll probably be more of a problem than Vincent is. I’ve got it. Mudkip, you and Abra go off to King Island together, while I stay on the mainland to find another way to defeat Vincent.”
_ Pelipper spoke up. “If that is the case, I must stay with you Baltoy. One Pokemon alone in an unknown territory does not last long. I travel with mail all over the land and we have post offices everywhere. It will be no big deal for me.”
_ “Then it’s settled,” replied Mudkip. “Abra and I will go head to King Island, and Baltoy and Pelipper will stay on the mainland and find some other way to defeat Vincent. May good luck preside with you always.”
_ “And the same to you too, my friend,” Baltoy answered, sad to part with his friend but enthused that he would find some way to defeat Vincent. Mudkip and Abra headed southwest, while Pelipper and Baltoy headed northwest, as they all knew that the volcano was far to the east, and therefore they would put the most distance between them and Vincent as possible.


Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:38 pm
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Oh, Sorry, I mis-read the time, I thought it was 2006, not 2007 x3

Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:11 pm
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Goody goody gumdrops! (Mmm... Gumdrops...) More! More! And thats TKK 3000, Shiny Latios 0 for finding good stories first!

ImageImage I love Waddle Dee's!

Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:15 pm
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I'm nt talking aboput grammer but still, 9.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999910

Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:47 am
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Sorry for the delay, I haven't been able to come here often.

Chapter 4

_ As Mudkip headed southwest, he was soon skirting the coastline along the top of a ledge. Abra followed close behind, not wanting to get too far away from his friend. Even though they were in an open field, they knew danger could strike at any time, so they continued running and were always on the alert. By mid-afternoon, they had reached a somewhat large port village. Mudkip inquired “What village is this?” to a bystander. At first the citizen was surprised at Mudkip’s fullness of color, but soon answered “This is the town of Westport. Many seasoned sailors depart from here.”
_ “We would like to have a ship to sail off in.”
_ “And where might you be sailing?’
_ “King Island.” Instantly silence reigned, as if Mudkip had spoken the words that should never be spoken. Suddenly a young mariner spoke up and stepped forward.
_ “King Island? Did you say King Island? I’ve always wanted to go there. I have a very adventurous spirit. I’d be glad to take you for free.”
_ “No kidding?” replied Abra.
_ “No kidding!” answered the mariner, a Wartortle. Instantly they set off in a small boat, just the three of them. As Wartortle unfurled the sails and manned the helm, he asked “So, why do you two want to go to King Island?”
_ “We have friends there,” answered Mudkip. “It’s kind of personal.”
_ “Personal, you say? I hear news here and there. Does it have to do with the raid on the village invaded by dragons?”
_ “How did you know about our village being destroyed?”
_ “So, that was your village? I see. From what I’ve heard, three of the legendary Pokemon appeared there that day, and because of them no one was killed.”
_ “Oh thank goodness they protected everyone…” Abra heaved a sigh of relief.
_ “The Pokemon actually appeared?” Wartortle exclaimed.
_ “Yes. That’s why we’re going to King Island…to meet them.”
_ “Extraordinary…”
_ The remainder of the voyage passed in complete silence. Near evening a strange island shaped like a mountain came into view. Wartortle then pulled out a map and began sketching down a picture of the island on his map. This must be King Island. The two friends hoped that they would be received well, and that Baltoy was okay.

In case anyone wondered who voted '4' on the was me.


Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:55 pm
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I have nothing to say. You know what I think about this story! I'm running out of hilariously bad jokes to put in my posts...

ImageImage I love Waddle Dee's!

Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:43 am
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Chapter 5

_ Baltoy and Pelipper headed northwest and soon came into a swamp. There were pools of murky water everywhere, and Lotad dotted the landscape sparsely. They cautiously made their way through the bog along a dry path intertwining around several pools. The fumes from the swamp water made the air hard and painful to breathe. Near evening they sighted a shack up ahead. They made their way towards it, when they suddenly heard a strange noise. They looked around quickly and saw nothing, and then went up to the shack and opened the door. It had a kitchen and a bedroom, with various furnishings here and there, including tablecloths and drawers. The bedroom had three small beds, but the shack was absolutely deserted. It was almost spooky that everything was still remaining in the shack but it was uninhabited.
_ “Looks like a fixer-upper,” Baltoy finally said. “We could make this our base. It’s in a secret spot that’s relatively unknown and almost inaccessible.”
_ “That does seem like a good idea,” Pelipper replied, “but where should we go from here? We can’t just stay here, hoping that Mudkip alone will pull through. We’re on the move. There must be some way.”
_ “I think we should head north, toward the northwest corner of the land.”
_ “I believe there is a small village there, but it is not very big and I am not sure about any post office. At least, no one’s gone through the swamp to reach it; they’ve always gone around.”
_ “It’s better than nothing. You’re making out the place to be shrouded in mystery. And since I like adventuring, I want to go up there and see what is there. But first, let’s see if this shack has any supplies.” Baltoy looked around the shack and inspected all the drawers and cupboards for supplies. There were a lot of supplies in the house, as if the owner had suddenly left and never came back. Baltoy and Pelipper heard the strange noise again, which was accompanied by the front door of the shack opening!


Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:57 pm
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Chapter 6

_ As the ship neared the island, Mudkip said “I’m going to defeat Vincent. I’m going to make a name for myself that will go down in history. And now I need to think of a name…”
_ “How about ‘The Violet Avenger’?” replied Abra.
_ “That’s perfect, Abra!” Mudkip answered. “I am now ‘The Violet Avenger’!”
_ Wartortle wasn’t really listening, but rather brought the ship into a small inlet. “We’ve landed on King Island. I’ll wait for you here as long as you need. Until then, meet with your friends here.” Mudkip and Abra then disembarked the ship while Wartortle stayed on board. (By the way, this same Wartortle is the father of the Squirtle who befriended the Golden Avenger twenty years later.) There was one sole, small building on King Island, and Mudkip and Abra entered into it. They entered into a somewhat small room. There were three closed doors that had a pattern of seven dots above each one – the first group was in the shape of an H, the second as a bisected line, and the third as a hexagon. In the middle of the room was a small marble carving of a sword resting on a pedestal. Abra lifted it up and examined the expert craftsmanship of the figurine. He noticed some small words underneath it, and he read them aloud:

“Dare you to come to King Island,
Adventurers, your battles await!”

_ Upon speaking the word ‘await’, the leftmost door – the door with the H pattern above it – opened up. Behind it was a staircase leading down, and at its end was a door. Mudkip opened the door, and there he found Regirock.
_ “AT LAST, YOU’VE COME HERE TO KING ISLAND,” it spoke in its automatonic voice.
_ “Regirock, we need your help along with the help of Regice and Registeel. We need to defeat Wyvern King Vincent and your help is greatly required.”
_ “Why not? Why can’t you join us?”
_ “Fight you? We don’t want to fight you!”
_ Mudkip dreaded at the reality of having to fight Regirock. He’d be fighting alone against a hulking beast made out of rocks, and all Abra could do was teleport. Wait…made out of rocks? (This won’t be so bad then,) he thought. And actions speak louder than words, so he’d have to battle Regirock. Regirock charged forward slowly, but Mudkip drove him back with Water Gun. Regirock stepped back briefly, but only briefly. It came back on again with a Rock Throw. Large boulders went hurling toward Mudkip, but Mudkip skillfully evaded them. Mudkip then attacked again with another Water Gun. Regirock then tried to run up to Mudkip, its huge boulder hands swinging back and forth trying to get Mudkip, who kept backing up toward the wall. At last Mudkip could back up no more, and as Regirock lifted his boulder hand up, Abra intervened and Teleported Mudkip and himself on Regirock’s opposite side. Mudkip then used Water Gun again pushing Regirock from behind into the wall. Regirock was apparently not as strong as its relatives.
_ “NICELY DONE,” it spoke. “HOWEVER YOU STILL HAVE QUITE A WAYS TO GO. REGICE NOW AWAITS YOU. BEWARE HIS COLDNESS OF MIND AND BODY. NOW I MUST SLEEP.” Regirock walked over to the back of the room, and its body slumped down like a puppet with its strings not being held. As Mudkip and Abra descended the staircase, they noticed the middle door was open, with the bisected line pattern. It was time to see what kind of power Regice was capable of.

On a side note, the Epic of Torchic has made the 2000 view mark!


Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:46 pm
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Chapter 7

_ As the shack opened, a mysterious figure stepped into the doorway. Baltoy and Pelipper immediately tackled it down to the ground, obviously acting out of fear. They took the strange creature completely by surprise, and then it shouted out.
_ “Gah! What are you doing in my shack? Get off of me!”
_ They found out they’d tackled a Lombre, who was in shock from the disturbing experience. It had a look of fear written all over its face.
_ “What were you doing in there?”
_ “Well, the shack was empty, so we thought it was abandoned,” Baltoy replied.
_ “Well, it wasn’t! So get out and put all the food back!”
_ Baltoy instantly made a split decision that he might have regretted. He attacked the Lombre with a Psybeam, a Mud-Slap, and a Tackle, pushing it into the swamp waters unconscious.
_ “What did you do that for?!” Pelipper exclaimed.
_ “I have no idea! Now let’s grab the key to the shack, lock it, and head for the north and out of here!”
_ They quickly ran toward the north, with Baltoy fearing that he knocked the stranger to death. He felt woozy having to spin so fast, and soon afterwards fainted from the gyrations and the noxious swamp air. Pelipper had to lift Baltoy onto his back and fly away at the same time, which was rather hard to do. By evening they came to the outskirts of the swamp, and Pelipper, exhausted from flying all that distance, completely collapsed.
_ Mudkip and Abra came down to Regice’s room. It was freezing in here, and they couldn’t stop shivering from the cold. At the opposite end of the room, they noticed the second strange creature that rescued them on that horrible day…Regice. It was clear that both sides meant business.
_ “That’s correct, Regice,” Mudkip responded.
_ Instantly Mudkip was on Regice like a wild animal. He clawed and scratched Regice all over, but to no avail, as Mudkip started shivering and couldn’t move. Regice helplessly tossed his assailant off, who was freezing from the air around Regice. “SEEMS YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT THE AIR THAT CLOAKS ME,” Regice spoke. “I AM CONSTANTLY CLOAKED IN FRIGID AIR. YOU WOULD BE A FOOL TO TRY THAT TACTIC AGAIN.” Abra tried to think of something, but he wasn’t sure what to do. How can you defeat something that freezes most of whatever comes close to it? There must be some way…No one is undefeatable. Mudkip tried something…after all, it was better than sitting there just thinking of something. He attacked with his Mud-Slap, flinging mud straight toward Regice. It didn’t freeze on contact, so that seemed to work. Regice came on quickly with Icy Wind, causing Mudkip and Abra to shiver uncontrollably from the frigidity. Mudkip, attempting to hold back the cold sensation, mustered his energy into another Mud-Slap. That made its mark – the mud splattered in Regice’s eyes, rendering it unable to see. Mudkip started pelting more warm mud at Regice, weakening the opponent more and more. At last, Mudkip moved up and rammed into Regice, knocking it over. He wasn’t cold because Regice was covered in so much mud the cold was being restrained. Regice, still covered in mud, spoke. “NICELY DONE, FRIEND. HOWEVER YOU STILL HAVE ONE LAST BATTLE HERE. YOU MUST NOW FIGHT REGISTEEL, THE STRONGEST OF US. FIGHT WELL AND GOOD LUCK.” Regice began to shrug off all of the mud that was splattered upon him as Mudkip and Abra ascended the stairway, looking for their last fight here on King Island.

Dum dum dum.


Sat Jun 16, 2007 3:00 pm
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Da next chapter iz heer.

Chapter 8
This is the first in a series of long chapters.

_ When Baltoy and Pelipper finally came to, they were in a small village. Being slowly revived by a Roselia, Baltoy asked where they were. The Roselia calmly answered.
_ “You are in the tiny village of Perin,” Roselia said, smiling. “We are very peaceful here; we rarely get visitors. What brings you here?”
_ “Well, we’re trying to find a way to defeat Wyvern King Vincent,” Baltoy replied, “who has made his domain on a far-off volcano. We don’t know what we’ll find, but anything would be help.”
_ Roselia merely shrugged her shoulders, but then her eyes widened, as if she remembered something. “Well, there is the stone tower northwest of here. It’s called the Hero Tower, and it’s rumored to hold something very powerful. However it’s very well guarded and only a true hero could brave its trials.”
_ Baltoy thought for a short while on the matter, then calmly replied “I’ll be the next to try. I will not lose. Thank you for all your help.” With that, Baltoy and Pelipper quietly departed. They scanned the village, and found it was a very small village. There was mud everywhere, and the soil was poor. Amazingly enough, there was also a post office in this remote place. If not for the hearts of the residents, this village would have been abandoned long ago. Baltoy couldn’t help but feel some compassion for them, but with a reassuring look from Roselia, Pelipper smiled, and Baltoy offered the closest thing he could to a smile. With that they were off again.
_ It didn’t take very long to reach the tower, as this village was close to the sea. However, because of the rocky cliffs bordering the shore, Perin is a remote place, inaccessible directly by sea. The two gazed upon the tower, and marveled at it. It was a huge tower, commemorating the many heroes gone before them, building this monument to celebrate their achievements, now all but forgotten. Baltoy could feel the very souls of heroes emanating in the tower, giving him strength. The heroes of old would give Baltoy his power, while his best friend Mudkip would be the first of the new heroes. And after him would come Blaziken, then who could tell what next? Baltoy knew none of this, but still his confidence was high. And with it he entered the tower with Pelipper.
_ Inside he found a large room, fitted with doors in the sides of the walls, and a somewhat large stairway leading to the upper level of the room. Looking up, it appeared that most of the tower was one large room leading skyward, with a labyrinth of hidden corridors and passageways leading to the upper levels. Baltoy went ahead to check inside one of the doors, and a few seconds later he emerged looking very morbid.
_ “What’s wrong, Baltoy?” Pelipper inquired.
_ But Baltoy said nothing, and checked another door. A few seconds later he went out and checked another door. He repeated this a couple times and went back over to Pelipper.
_ “Well, Baltoy, what did you find?” Pelipper asked Baltoy, very curious about his friend’s strange, silent actions.
_ “Go look for yourself,” came the reply. He sounded like he was at Death’s door, and had the look to match.
_ “Ok,” Pelipper told Baltoy, “but I don’t see what is so…” he continued as he entered the door. He too, emerged with a sad look on his face. “I see…” he said curtly. Every door Baltoy looked into was a house – an empty house. This tower was the remnant of a village long passed away. The residents had been presumably driven out by a strong outside force, as there were neither corpses nor skeletons hanging around. There was no sound but the whistling of the outside wind…or was there? In the silence Baltoy could here a deep, quiet noise of some kind, coming from somewhere inside the tower.
_ “Do you hear it, Pelipper? That noise?” Baltoy asked. Pelipper nodded silently in the affirmative, with which the two proceeded to search the empty village. They looked in every door, yet could find nothing, nor determine the source of the noise. Then they noticed a considerably larger corridor, ending in a closed door. The source of the noise was leaning against that door: a Graveler, snoring, sound asleep. They rushed over and silently shook him to wake him up.
_ “…mumble mumble…Hey! Who are you?” the Graveler demanded in a deep, gruff voice.
_ “The name’s Baltoy. Why is this place so empty, and what are you doing here?”
_ “I suspected you might want to know that.” Graveler mellowed out. “Well, sit down and I’ll tell you the full story,” he told the two friends.
_ “Long ago, the heroes of old wanted to find a remote place where they, their families, and their friends could live in peace. I was among them, a friend. We came from the south and crossed plains, swamps, and muddy fields to get to this place.” Baltoy silently envisioned what he was talking about: the vast plains of the south that he’d only heard about, the swamp they crossed, and what became the village of Perin. He thought of Mudkip, and became jealous because he got to see the beautiful plains, while he had to deal with swamps and mud, but mostly swamps. “A tower was built, a very tall tower, to engrave their achievements into solid rock for future generations to see. This village here was also built, and we called it the Hero Tower. But one day, when everything was peaceful as it had been for years, everything took a turn for the worse. One of the heroes, a Dragonite, had an extraordinary sense of adventure. He was always happy if he was going off to some unknown place. So he decided to go to the top of the tower. But as he was setting off, an Umbreon stopped him, saying that on his journeys he found something incredibly powerful and hid it atop the tower, and that it should never be touched. But Dragonite paid him no mind, and started his journey upward.”
_ At this point Baltoy interjected. “Wait, if he was a Dragonite, why didn’t he just fly up?”
_ “Presumably because that would take out all the adventure,” Graveler replied. “But let us continue.
_ “So he went up top, and since I overheard Umbreon and his conversation, I later found out he was telling the truth, because Dragonite came back through this very door, nostrils flaming, color turned back, and mad with power. He started attacking everybody he saw, even his own family. Most of the heroes pooled their efforts to take Dragonite down together, but Dragonite killed them one by one. By then they had bought enough time so everybody else could escape…except for Cloyster, the last of the heroes who stayed behind (the others had helped in evacuation). He dueled Dragonite to the finish in an epic battle only I stayed to watch, because I had hid within one of the houses. Dragonite blasted Cloyster with practically everything he’d got, but Cloyster withdrew into his shell, nullifying every shot. Finally when Dragonite was exhausted, Cloyster shot an Ice Beam and finished him off. It hurt that he had to kill his closest friend…no, let me rephrase that. The Dragonite that was his closest friend had died, so he had no qualms about destroying this one. Most of the residents had fled far away, but those that remained settled in the village of Perin. The heroes alive and remaining, however, settled in the highest floors of this tower, as a testament to the awful incident that day. Never again will something like this ever happen.”
_ Baltoy and Pelipper were moved with compassion. They could not help but elicit tears of sadness. They cried for a while, not saying a word. Graveler understood; at least they did not have to live through it. When Baltoy stopped crying, he made a remark that shocked both Pelipper and Graveler.
_ “I want to climb to the top of this tower,” he spoke boldly.
_ “Why would you want to do that?” Graveler replied. “There is nothing there of use to you.”
_ “You may think that, but I have my own reasons for going. I want to defeat one who has utterly destroyed my village. If not for this powerful artifact you speak of, then at least to train with your friends, the past heroes.”
_ “Hm…” Graveler answered. “Very well, I shall allow you to pass. There are five heroes waiting for you in the floors above. They are there to prevent a repeat of what happened before. They also tell me that there is one more there they do not know as a friend, who resides near to the top. Remember, Baltoy, what I have told you. Don’t let a repeat of that horrible day happen.”
_ Baltoy nodded, and with that, Graveler opened the large door. Inside was a small corridor, twisting and turning, leading along a thin path. Baltoy knew the path he must take, and so began his and Pelipper’s ascent of the Hero Tower.


Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:58 am
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Chapter 9

(Author’s note: Due to the numerous legendary Pokemon Mudkip will have to battle – 22 to be exact – I will not be mentioning all of them, to save time. But, if you want to know what the battles are like, read the appropriate chapter of the Epic of Torchic.)

_ Mudkip and Abra were in the back room of the King Island building. There he saw a magnificent sword. The blade was of a pure metal, unknown to Mudkip, and the hilt was made of the same metal, and studded with jewels. Registeel explained the significance of the sword, and how it was made.
_ At the last comment Mudkip was confused. “Aren’t swords usually forged in extreme heat?”
_ Abra, skeptical as ever, wanted to test this claim for himself. “I have a hard time believing that,” he stated arrogantly. He reached out to grab the sword hilt, but as soon as he grabbed it, the entire sword slipped out of his hands. Registeel caught the hilt as the sword was flying through the air. “THERE, IS THAT ENOUGH PROOF? BUT THE SWORD HAS ANOTHER POWER, USED ONLY WHEN IT IS ACQUIRED BY A HERO.”
_ “What power might that be?” Mudkip asked.
_ “OH, YOU WILL FIND OUT,” Registeel answered. He lifted the sword blade up high, and it began to glow. Instantly Mudkip and Abra were surrounded by a blinding light. They began to feel different. When the light cleared, Mudkip saw that the legendary Pokemon were shorter…or at least he was taller, but he didn’t know what. “NOW, LOOK INTO REGICE,” Regirock commanded. “YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SEE YOUR REFLECTIONS IN HIS CRYSTAL-CLEAR ICE.” They did as they were told…and, as can be imagined, they screamed.
_ “Gah! What has happened to us?” Abra demanded.
_ “We…have become more powerful,” Mudkip stated. He felt brimming with energy. He was supporting himself with his back legs alone, and his front legs how functioned as arms. In addition, the gills on the top and sides of his head and his tail were now larger, and his eyes were now orange instead of black. Yet he still retained his marvelous purple sheen.
_ Kadabra, now having overcome his shock, took a while to observe his changes. He was now much larger, had a red star marking on his head, his tail had become much larger and bushy, and he was holding a spoon in his right hand. Additionally, he didn’t feel the need to sleep much anymore. Marshtomp, however, was bound and determined to see Vincent die by his hand that he rushed back to the ship. Wartortle was rather shocked.
_ “Whoa! What happened to you guys? And where did you get that nice sword?” he inquired.
_ “We’ve gone through many trials in there to return like this,” Marshtomp answered. “But there’s little time for talk. We need to head north to another island.” At this he pointed to the northwest corner of Wartortle’s map, part of the uncharted region.
_ “Aye aye, captain! Anchors aweigh!”


Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:33 am
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I am going to bend my no perfect score rule:

2010 Just as awsome as the firstsecond.I remain your number 1 fan.


Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:02 pm
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beautiful....absolutly beautiful.....10/10

I have lost interest in Pokemon for good, ive traded in my Diamond and Pearl games and have thrown away the archives, goodbye.

Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:21 pm
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Um... Ah... Alot/10!

Definately as good as The Epic of Torchic!

ImageImage I love Waddle Dee's!

Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:47 am
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I apologize for being remiss in posting the next chapter; I've had a lot of stuff going on lately, and thus have little time here. But, on demand from my fan club, I give you Chapter 10.

(Another long one)

_ It was hard squeezing through the narrow passage, only able to accommodate one abreast. Baltoy wondered how Dragonite could have slipped through these small passages. Graveler probably filled up the passages as a deterrent for others who would venture through this empty place. Pelipper merely glided through the passage silently, with a look that suggested he was not thinking of anything in particular. Baltoy paid him no mind, as he was deep in thought attempting to unravel the riddle of this tower. What would he find? What was this powerful object? And why bother hiding it here? These and other questions plagued Baltoy’s mind. Eventually the corridor opened up to a higher floor of the tower. Baltoy looked down, then looked up, and concluded that the higher levels were just a series of balconies attached to the one vast room. The balconies were somewhat wide, but had fallen into disrepair. He scanned around for a door, and began heading over to it. It lead into another small corridor ending in a higher balcony. This time Baltoy saw two doors, but there was a flickering light coming from within one. He rushed over to that door, and found a small house inside. Within he found a Pokemon he’d never seen before. It was a giant purple shell, studded with spikes in a symmetrical pattern. It turned around to greet Baltoy.
_ “So, what are you doing up here?” It had a giant horn and black core face on the inside of its shell.
_ “Cloyster.” Pelipper asserted calmly.
_ “So, Graveler has opened the door for you,” he replied. “He must see great promise in you. He wouldn’t do that for just anyone. So, answer my original question: what are you doing up here?”
_ “I’ve come to train with whoever is left in the tower, in the effort that it will make me stronger,” Baltoy answered confidently. “A tyrant has destroyed my village and I am looking for revenge.”
_ “Hm, I see. And I trust Graveler has told you the story?”
_ “Indeed he has.”
_ “Then let me tell you a little more. Dragonite had been my best friend; there was none closer to me than he. He’d gone off on adventures before, but he’d always come back safe and sound. It was his spirit that kept him going all these years. But that fateful day…His spirit kept him going one too many times. Atop that tower…something consumed him, and replaced him with a vengeful spirit. I didn’t hold back, because I wasn’t fighting my best friend…just a vengeful spirit. It took the lives of many friends, but thanks to the efforts of us, the heroes, we were able to save many more lives than if we hadn’t fought back. Now there are only seven in the tower here…Graveler, the five of us, plus one more that lives up top.”
_ “Who is the one that lives up top?”
_ “Mm, I can’t say because I never saw him clearly. He lives at the top floor, less one. He came here saying that he wanted to find out why Dragonite went mad.”
_ “When did he come?”
_ “Several weeks ago, I believe.” He turned his face toward the outside light, and Baltoy got a first clear look of his face. It was scarred with melancholy and surrender, but mostly loneliness. Baltoy could not help but fear for him. “He may be able to answer some of your questions.”
_ “Thank you for your help. But before I go…”
_ “Yes, Baltoy?”
_ “I want to battle you…train so that I may become stronger.”
_ “Are you sure you want to do this?”
_ “To kill Vincent, I would do anything to get stronger.”
_ “Very well, Baltoy. Prepare for the worst!”
_ This was it; Baltoy’s first real battle had begun. He was facing off against a foe several times stronger than him, and then some. He’d have to rely mostly on wits. Instantly Cloyster withdrew inside his impenetrable shell. Baltoy attacked it with a Mud-Slap, but nothing happened – Cloyster did not do so much as flinch as the mud slid off his shell. Baltoy was astounded. He hurled the mud with almost all his force, but to no avail. Cloyster took advantage of his dumbfoundedness and charged at Baltoy with his horn. Luckily Baltoy snapped out of it and dashed over to the side, but as soon as Cloyster finished his attack, he remained as still as a stone. Baltoy tried a different tactic, and used his Confusion attack. That didn’t seem to work at all either, but Baltoy kept his focus. How can I beat a Pokemon that’s unaffected by any of my attacks? There must be a weakness. But before Baltoy had time to ponder the matter, Cloyster fired off numerous volleys of spikes from his shell. Baltoy pulled up a psychic shield to block the attacks, and then the idea hit him – how he would expose Cloyster’s weakness. First he spun around behind Cloyster, and used his telekinesis to pry Cloyster’s shell open by moving the hinges. Cloyster, being manipulated against his will, was completely overcome by surprise when Baltoy attacked with Rapid Spin right at his core of a head. Cloyster groaned and fell over, feeling pain everywhere on his body. Baltoy felt brimming with power; he’d never felt so alive in the past. Suddenly he became worried about Cloyster, that he hit him too hard. Did he accidentally kill him, like he accidentally killed the Lombre? His fears were allayed when Cloyster struggled to his…well, he struggled to an upright position.
_ “Nicely done. You look exhausted.”
_ “Yeah, how’d you guess?”
_ “I could tell it in your face. Get some rest here. Most likely it’d take you a week just to reach the top of this place.”
_ Baltoy graciously accepted the offer presented to him. With so many hard battles waiting for him, he probably would take a week to get to the top. As he slept, he dreamt intricate dreams…about Mudkip, about Vincent, about the past recounted by Graveler, and then suddenly something menacing and fiendish intruded into his fantasies, waking him up with a jolt in the middle of the night. Baltoy slept a dreamless sleep for the remainder of the night, but couldn’t help but think of the nightmare that woke him up.


Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:11 pm
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