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 Pokemon RPG: Taion Adventures! 
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Bug Catcher
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Pokemon RPG: Taion Adventures!

Welcome to the World of Pokemon!

The world of Pokemon, a place full of many surprises. A world where humans and Pokemon live together. Some living in peace, love, and happiness... others live in hate, reject, and suffer the cruel things about life... but if you think about it, Pokemon and humans could live together without extreme consequence. Unless their owners are cruel of heart, like a number of organizations scattered across the Pokemon World. The World consists of many continents and regions, Kanto, and Johto are located in the center of Japan, Hoenn is located far to the east of those two, and finally Sinnoh was located at the north-most-point of Japan. All these region are home to creatures known only as Pokemon.

But there is a newly discovered region. The region of Taion. Taion... The southern most point of Japan. Here, there are many Pokemon Trainers, aiming to be the best with aid from Prof. Willow. The top scientist in Taion. There are also Pokemon Coordinators, aiming to beat the Grand Festival and being the top coordinator. But there are also thieves and crooks, the lowliest of them all is known only as... Team Neo. This is the most evil organization in Taion, and probably the entire world. They do various maniacal things: Steal Pokemon from innocent bystanders, make them do their biddings, and worst of all, capture and use for evil, legendary Pokemon. Thanks to their constant interfering in Taion, the slumber of the heaven Pokemon that controls the seasons in Taion was disrupted and was awakened. Her son, the hell pokemon was created from a cell from his mother and is infused with all the hate, and nightmares in Taion thanks to Team Neo's top scientist. The hell pokemon now haunts the earth for revenge. The pokemon of earth, the keeper of a magical stone, has not been awakened at all, and may be the only key to save Taion. The three legendary pokemon of Taion are now in a rage, running across the region of Taion. Worst of all, all these events are occurring right during the time that Professor Willow, the top leading pokemon scientist in all of Taion is sending out three trainers to complete his updated pokedex created by him and the famous Professor Oak. Can these three teenagers face all the perilous events? Who knows…?


Frungus Assigned Trainer: Taichi Sugimori
The Mushroom Frog Pokemon
Level 5
Rash Nature
Attacks: Pound, Growl

Tinderloin Assigned Trainer: Hubert Colin Pazmynco
The Pork-Fry Pokemon
Level 5
Brave Nature
Attack: Tackle, Growl

Bufflow Assigned Trainer: Katelyn Alynea Nicholas
The Water Buffalo Pokemon
Level 5
Timid Nature
Attacks: Tackle, Growl


Pokemon Basics:

Pokemon Trainers:

At the age of twelve, any person can obtain their Training License from designated distributors. A Training License allows a person to legally own and battle Pokemon.

Once a year, Pokemon trainers can enlist in a Pokemon league. Official League battles are any battles that take place between two members of the league. Gym battles, Invitational, major tournaments, etc. are usually televised. Once a year, the championship tournament is held, where trainers with at least eight gym badges compete to be recognized as the best trainer in the league. Unless previously agreed otherwise, official league battles are three-on-three, free substitution. The exception to this is Gym Leaders in gym battles, who are not allowed substitution.

Pokeballs: The basic tool for any Pokemon Trainer is the Pokeball. Now since the first discovery of Pokemon there have been many types of pokeballs and modifiers to the original. This list has both their English and Japanese names, refer to them in whichever form you want.

Pokeball: The original model, transparent red top, solid white bottom. It doesn’t have any perks to it, just a plain pokeball.

Greatball: This model is an enhanced model from the original ball, it has an enhanced capture rate.

Ultraball: This is the highest capture rate enhanced model of the pokeball arsenal. These pokeballs usually host rare pokemon to ensure their capture.

Safariball: This is a special model that is used only in a designated Safari Zone for special captures in the premises of the park. This is the most manufactured model of them all, due to the fact that a host has to give a trainer twenty Safariballs for their game.

Quickball: This model is very good to capture wild pokemon at the beginning of the battle. Very quick pokemon that may escape are vulnerable to this model of pokeball.

Heavyball: This model scans the weight of the targeted pokemon. The heavier the pokemon is the higher capture rate this ball will gain.

Moonball: This pokeball is very rare to create, thus this pokeball works greatly better on a few rare pokemon that enable the moonstone item to evolve.

Lureball: Pure water types are very vulnerable to this pokeball as it “lures” in water pokemon making them more appealed to this pokeball.

Friendball: Any pokemon can be caught with this ball, it isn’t very different from the original ball. Except for the key element of friendship; any pokemon caught with this ball starts off more tame, making it easier for the trainer to befriend it.

Levelball: A pokemon that is a lower level than the caught pokemon battling it will be easier to capture.

Loveball: This specific ball works better if the wild pokemon is of the opposite gender of the pokemon battling it.

Parkball: This pokeball is the counterpart to the Safariball, in Taion there is also a large park-like area with many environments. There are certain contests for a variety of pokemon to be caught with these Parkballs.

Netball: This pokeball has a special material used for a net, so thus, this pokeball is highly effective against both water and bug pokemon..

Diveball: Pokemon found in the deep waters through either fishing or other ways can be easily caught against this model.

Nestball: A wild pokemon that is weaker in general, both level and health, can be caught very simply using this type of ball.

Repeatball: Pokemon that you have caught before are in better range of capture if you use this model. So you won’t have to struggle just to capture the same kind of pokemon.

Timerball: The longer your battle against a wild pokemon lasts the more vulnerable they’ll be to this pokeball.

Luxuryball: This ball is the newly created counterpart of the Friendball of Johto. Pokemon are instantly more comfortable in this pokeball.

Premierball: This pokeball is no higher in a capture rate than the original model, it is just a pokeball created for a special event.

Healball: This model is no more better than capturing a pokemon than a regular pokeball heals a pokemon’s complete status after capture.

Duskball: This model is twice as effective than an Ultraball at capturing pokemon in a dark place, be it a cave, or at night in general.

Frostball: This is a newly created model that enable a trainer to have a better chance at capturing either an ice type pokemon or just a pokemon in a snowy condition.

Miniball: This newly created model enhances the change of capturing a smaller size pokemon, just like the Heavyball this pokemon scans the weight of a pokemon and the overall size. The lighter and smaller the pokemon is the higher success of capture a trainer has.

Wannabeball: These pokeballs were not originated from the original producer but instead there are certain pokeballs that bystanders created known as Wannabeballs, not better than a regular pokeball, but made to look like a Masterball.

Masterball: This pokeball is a very unique ball. It was only manufactured for trained and authorized trainers to use. The targeted pokemon has no chance of breaking out, when you throw this pokeball it is automatically captured.


Cities and Towns

Olbranch Town: Welcome to your new home: Olbranch Town. The small township is located in the southern region of Taion, surrounded on all sides by light forest . Though you will stray far from home while exploring Taion and becoming a Pokemon Master, this place will always remain special.

Pepperminto City: Pepperminto City is the biggest township you have visited yet. The city has its own Gym, which is where you must go to probe yourself as a Pokemon Trainer. Although you cannot compete in the Pepperminto Gym just yet (Patience Young Trainer) stop in and say hello to the leader.

Marshmall City: Marshmall City is home to the first Gym you can compete in- against Gym Leader Joel. After touring this pleasant little burg, head for the Gym and prove yourself against this accomplished Trainer. Emerge victorious and you are well on your way to becoming a Pokemon Master.

Cinnaside City: Your next stop, Cinnaside City, lies along the coast of western Taion. After passing through the rocky straits, you come to this quiet community, complete with its own Gym.

Lollycoal City: Lollycoal City is situated at the north end of the large mountain range known as Sol. The city hosts its own Gym, in which you must compete if you want to earn the necessary talents to progress deep into Taion. Check out all of the town's features, as there is a lot to do in Lollycoal that you cannot do elsewhere, such as get a bike or try out the Poke-Park Challenge!

Hershboro Town: Hershboro, a small town at the mouth of the Hershboro Ruins, is home to one of the four Battle Tents in Taion. This small town has a lot of big-city features, including a Pokemart and Pokemon Center. It's also where Prof. Gizmo does his research on fossils. As you continue into the heart of Taion, Hershboro is a great place to replenish supplies and rest your Pokemon before getting back to your adventure.

Kittokat City: At the other entrance of Mt. Sol you come to Kittokat City. Too bad you couldn't come here before, that darn boulder! Kittokat City is one of the major Taion metropolises complete with Battle Tent, AND contest hall. After your done sight-seeing take a gander at the gymleader- Fiona the sky tamer.

Caramell Plains City: Located near the center landmass, Caramell Plains City is a small town nestled on the flatland. Though the city is very isolated from the other cities, it still boats many modern conveniences, such as a Pokemart and pokemon center, as well as a gym in the town's center.

Cotonridge City: If Cotonridge City isn't one of the biggest metro centers in Taion, it's at least the biggest hub of commerce in the center land. The Cotonridge Department Store is a multi-story monument of the fine art of shopping. However, there's certainly more to do in town than just spending your hard-won cash. Stop by the Contest Hall, visit the Art Museum for a dose of culture, or visit the ever-so-fun Safari Zone! And of course there's always the Cotonridge Gym!

Frosturf Island: Frosturf Island is an island metropolis to the western of Taion's main landmass. The island is home to the Frosturf Gym and a battle tent, and Taion's abandoned Deep-sea Center, the Submarine science facility that once furthered Deep-sea exploration. But as years passed the waters around the island froze over. A lone submarine, incapable of running for ten years, is about to start! Better head to the Deep-sea Center and check it out. 73

Taraminde Town: Just off the north-east coast of Taion is Taraminde Town. Only accessible during the night time, this town is home to the amazing Grand Festival. The dream of Pokemon Co-ordinators everywhere. But it is also keeper of the Taraminde Cave, a mystical place where the secrets of Legendary Pokemon await a talented Trainer. Are you that Trainer?

Vanilbay City: Vanilbay City is a very small town. It is the final city on the road to the Taion Pokemon League. Many trainers stop by this town to stock up on supplies. Though small, this town is host to the biggest Pokemon Center, Pokemart, and Battle Tent in the region. Only two homes are nestled in the town besides these giant buildings.

Sucar Castle[Taion Pokemon League]: Locate in the center of a large plain, the Pokemon League, where Pokemon Trainers aspire to take on the Elite Four. The Elite Four are the greatest Pokemon Trainer in Taion- do you have the skill and talent to take them on and prove yourself to the champion?


1) All psypoke RP rules apply.
2) Only one shiny on your team.
3) Only mild power playing/god modding allowed. But don't take COMPLETE control of other member's characters.
4) You are not allowed to have a legendary for a Pokémon.
5) Please have proper spelling and grammar skills. No substituting words such as 'I' or 'to' or 'you'.
6) Posts need to be at least two complete paragraphs, with dialouge of course.
7) If you are leaving for awhile inform me first via PM.
7) Taion Pokémon only on your team
8) Don’t make your character Su, or san, i.e. Mary-Sue, Tylor-San
9) You cannot have a pokemon prior to your starter.
10) I will post what pokemon are available in that area; don’t encounter a pokemon that’s not native to that area, i.e. 'Molly walked down the route when she encountered a Sentret!'


~If you're hardly on the computer, don't bother to apply. I want active RPers for this.
~I want RPers that are willing to stick to an RP. Please don't suddenly drop it because you've lost interest.
~The three characters are to stick in a group. But temporary straying can be allowed.

Sign-Up Form

[b]Full Name:[/b] First-Middle-Last
[b]Nickname:[/b] optional
[b]Age:[/b] (12-14)
[b]Birthday:[/b]Day, Month
[b]Gender: [/b]Male (Meaning boy)/Female (Meaning girl)
[b]Hair Color:[/b] Color of your hair, maybe some highlights, etc.
[b]Hair Length:[/b] Where does your hair end, maybe the length of bangs, etc.
[b]Hair Style:[/b] Basically the overall style of your hair
[b]Eye Color:[/b] Color of your eyes
[b]Weight:[/b] Optional (Note: In pounds, please.)
[b]Body Structure:[/b] Long legs, fat, thin, etc.
[b]Basic Clothing:[/b] The overall outfit you wear during your journey
[b]Pajamas:[/b] What you wear to sleep
[b]Bathing Suit:[/b] Swimwear
[b]Accessories:[/b] Jewelery, tattoo, etc.
[b]Other:[/b] Anything else you might want to add
[b]RPG Sample:[/b] To be given now. No "I'll add that later".

I will post my sign-up later.

Special Thanks To:


For Their Pokemon

Diamond FC: 3265-5040-8729•••Platinum FC: 4168-1848-6214•••In-Game Name: Ricky

Last edited by Charizard_Man on Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:17 am, edited 3 times in total.

Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:33 pm
I need to shut the **** up
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Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2007 7:18 am
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Location: A random Place in Wales
Full Name : Katelyn Alynea Nicholas

Nickname : Kate

Age : 13

Birthday : June 18th, 1995

Gender : Female

Hair Color : Auburn, more red than brown, getting redder as it approaches the tips. She has a bleach blonde fringe which gets darker again as it approaches the tips, sort of a golden butterscotch colour.

Hair Length : A little longer than shoulder length, sort of down to her breast bone. It completely covers her ears and eyes, although she brushes one part back to be able to see.

Hair Style : Straightened obsessivley - not a strand loose. It comes down to her shoulders, then begins to curl, ending in red locks that usually end below her breast bone.

Eye Color : Forest green, sort of warm and welcoming colour, although these can turn hard and cold if Kate wills it. Streaks of hazel also make their home in her iris.

Height : 1m 67cm (5 feet 6 inches)

Weight : 7 stone 7lbs

Body Structure : Thin, to the point of being scrawny. Good body, as she is not fat. She isn't anorexic, but someone could perhaps mistake her to be. Almost Size Zero, but not quite; a little bigger than that. Long legs, although these are very thin, and look brittle and spindly. They are well toned and strong, though. Due toher skininess, she has no curves.

Basic Clothing : A crimson red minidress, made of sort of a leather material, is Kate's favourite choice of outfit, a tight-fitting, figure-complimenting thing that mirrors her strong, sort of saucy side. Scarlet red Converse high tops with the laces threaded through every hole except the very top one are what she wears on her feet, complete with dark socks. Black fingerless gloves are used to protect her hands and show her darker side - the hard, bleak one she becomes when everything goes wrong.

Pyjamas : Pink short sleeved t-shirt, which ends at her navel. Long white flares for the bottoms, with thin pink stripes running down them. She also has a robe, almost like a dressing gown. She holds this around her with a ribbon that she recieved in a local Contest (more on this later).

Bathing Suit : Red bikini. Quite skimpy, it's blood red in colour, and loose on her due to her skinny figure.

Accessories : Long, red earrings with rubies in. These are supposedly made of solid gold. She also wears red lipstick and aviator-style sunglasses.

Personality : Kate is generally a nice person, although she has her different sides.

Mainly, Kate is a kind yet slightly arrogant person. She knows she is pretty, she knows she has everything going for her, she knows people are jealous of her, and she uses this to her advantage. She is normally an incorrigible flirt, constantly making innuendo and saying inappropriate things to thw wrong person. She is very easygoing and the life and soul of the pary, although she is also a rebel; she smokes, drink and does drugs occaisonally. She acts very confident and is. She also can be arrogant, bragging about her body, a body that models would envy, and for many boys' desires for her. She also constantly brags about her good looks and her capability in contests.

However, Kate has a darker side that is rarely seen; only when everything seems to go wrong and nothing good happens to make up for it is when it shows. This "dark" side makes Kate unusually depressed and likely to lash out. She doesn't seem to care much about anything in particular in this state.

History : Kate's parents divorced when she was young, which made her a bit of a rebel, and also brought on an enormous low. As she thought that it was her fault, she became unconfident and started putting less effort into things, making her fail in those things. This made her think she was useless, making her fail in more things....this carried on until everything went wrong and Kate became depressed for a short time. However, after getting over this, she got into street dancing and before long was the best dancer in the school. She showed off her dancing skills to her parents, even though both her mom and her dad disapproved of her going to the club, since several of the members did drugs. She began training to become a Coordinator, even borrowing people's Pokemon to improve her performance as a dancer, something which earned her amazing respect. She has always dreamt of being the best coordinator ever, although also the most different one too - she wants to make a difference.

Starter : Image
The Water Buffalo Pokemon
Level 5
Timid Nature
Attacks: Tackle, Growl

Other : Although overconfident, Kate has vowed to herself to put her Pokemon first.

RPG Sample : You will find examples of my writing here and here.

Maybe, just maybe, you'll find me there, waiting......
Well, conman2k8 has done it again. Find him at Fusions Market!!
OMG! Ender at the End Shop is AMAZING!!! Visit it now: End Shop!!

Last edited by *superiorchingling* on Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:04 am
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer
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Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:32 am
Posts: 114
Is this right? :P

Full Name: Clarke Samuel Dove
Age: 14
Birthday: 23rd May, 1995
Gender: Male
Hair Color: A rather light shade of brown.
Hair Length: Short-ish
Hair Style: Like this.
Eye Color: Mist Blue
Height: 1m 78cm
Body Structure: Long legs, thin chest, lanky is the right word.
Basic Clothing: A black jacket, light blue shirt, black jeans and navy canvas sneakers.
Contest Style Clothing: This
Pajamas: These
Bathing Suit: This
Accessories: Necklace; Leather with a sharp silver mooncrest.
Personality: Generally very protective of people he cares about. He is always up for a laugh and is no stranger to the ladies. Sometimes he can think before he acts and can be a real :censored: .
History: Born and raised in Hoenn, Clarke had the time of his life. He really "had it all." Moving to Taion really messed Clarke up and he lost touch with close friends. He has lived in Taion for 4 months and is gaining back a large social circle.
Starter: Bulbasaur
Moves: Vine Whip, Poison Powder, Tackle, Razor Leaf
RPG Sample: Here and here.


Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:37 pm
Bug Catcher
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*superiorchingling*: Your sign-up is correctly written out, but there is one element that seems to be missing: Detail. You should expand the description on his hair color, and length, and the other fields. Basic Clothing, Personality, and History should be MUCH longer. So, Pending...

Jaguar: Well same goes for you. Add description, and please Read the rules!! Bulbasaur is NOT A STARTER. So fix those problems and try again. Denied.

This is my sign-up, this is what I'm looking for.

My Sign-Up


I'm the Next Pokemon Master!

Full Name: Taichi Sugimori

Nickname: Tai

Age: 12

Birthday: 8 August

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Tai's hair is a dirty blonde. It's a nicely shaded dark gold, but slightly gets lighter towards the top of his head.

Hair Length: Tai's bangs separate into long strands in between his eyes, then the other strand breaks off into two that go down towards his nose while the top slightly covers his eyebrow and then breaks off down towards his ear, his ears being completely visible. The back of his hair goes about half way down his neck.

Hair Style: His hair style is very peculiar and wild. His hair seems normal until the sides of his hair flare up and let his bangs fall gently down. The back of his hair is normal and just falls down peacefully.

Eye Color: His eyes are a deep, rich shade of red and even through the black of night they are still able to sparkle with a faint light.

Height: Around the average height for a twelve year old, 4' 10"

Weight: Tai weighs a healthy 105 lbs.

Body Structure: Tai has a well-established body, from his strong shoulders to his nicely-toned legs. As someone who does a lot of walking, a bit of running, and plays the game of Football, he has a well-conditioned body. His appearance is normal for a twelve year old; not scrawny, not buff, but rather a mix between the both.

Basic Clothing: Tai wears an outfit that compliments his personality, upbeat and bright. A bright crimson hat with a black stripe running down from the center of the visor to the back, half a white pokeball insignia on the front. He wears his signature red jacket which is trimmed at the bottom with a white stripe and zipper line which is left unzipped about just above his chest which leads to a white collar and it has black sleeves. He wears two black wristbands on each wrist which match his pair of dark pants. The jeans are a nice black infused with a few shades of blue. His shoes, a bright red that seem to never get dirty despite of all the walking and running Tai does, complete his outfit.

Pajamas: He wears no shirt when he goes to sleep, leaving his nice torso exposed, but wears a pair of white shorts that reach just below his knees.

Bathing Suit: Tai loves to swim and wears no shirt but a pair of dark crimson beach shorts that reach just below his knees with white lines running down the side of his legs ending with half of a pokeball marking.

Accessories: Tai carries around a nice white traveling bag with silver straps where he carries all of his necessities. He has a habit of putting, or writing stuff on his bag to make memories of where he has been.

Personality: Pretty Retro style, careless nature. Tai's personality varies, but his main thought in his mind though is exploring. Tai is very friendly and kind to any person who comes his way.

Tai lacks patience, and prefers constant action to new and exciting situations. He may even look for trouble for the sake of entertainment. He is a very upbeat and hyperactive person, annoying to some, even. He loves to take charge of situations and become the leader. He loves to just goof around with friends and be the life of the party. He hates people who take life for granted and just sit around, quietly watching life pass by. People who are rude and sarcastic about everything also bother him. He also hates people who over think things, he believes you should just "go with the flow" and do what your heart tells you.

Tai is by no means easily intimidated, and doesn’t have an exceptionally short temper. Of course, when someone he cares about is harmed, he does get very angry at the one who did it to them and will fight to the death to prevent it from happening again.

As you might assume from the above statement, Tai also has a strong sense of justice. However, he firmly believes that right and wrong are just concepts, and that it’s what you do and what you believe in that matters in the end. He personally thinks that the lives of others take priority over his own, though he’s by no means incredibly selfless. However, he will gladly risk his life so that someone else can keep theirs without so much as a second’s hesitation.

History: Tai was born in the nice and calm Olbranch Town. He was raised by his loving mother and father. His family would move from time to time to allow Tai's father to still do his duty as a Gym Leader, but still be home with his family. But finally, when Tai was 6. His father became gravely ill, there was nothing they could do. He was horribly sick until the end of his days. To this day he believes it was his fault that his father died and has promised himself to be strong. He hasn't cried since his father died, because he promised his father to be strong and take care of his mom.

His mother is a top co-ordinator and uses her past winnings to support Tai. He feels horrible that his mother must spend that money to take care of him. He usually spent his days out with friends and developed a very social and hyperactive personality. He also takes care of his dad's old gym pokemon. The pokemon were given to the new gym leader, but Tai still likes to go visit them. He's watched every gym battle that gym has ever had and now loves Battling.

By the time he turned Twelve, Tai had already graduated Pokemon Academy with a top score on his final exam. Which allowed him entry into the Pokemon League Challenge. His father's old gym was sold to a mysterious man who never seems to open the gym. So he packed his things and ran over to Prof. Willow's Laboratory.


Frungus: Male
The Mushroom Frog Pokemon
Level 5
Rash Nature
Attacks: Pound, Growl

Other: Tai loves food, because of this he almost always has the munchies. He is also a very skilled and knowledgeable battler.

RPG Sample: Don't need one!

Diamond FC: 3265-5040-8729•••Platinum FC: 4168-1848-6214•••In-Game Name: Ricky

Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:26 pm
Dragon Tamer
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Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:32 am
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Three things.

1) In the rules it only states that you can only have Taion Pokemon. It never says anywhere that other Pokemon like bulbasaur cannot be captured in Taion. Make it clearer.

2) As far as the description goes with the amount of compulsory choices, detail will be hard to come by. My character's hair is a "light shade of brown." How can I exactly expand that comment? I can't.

3) Good luck getting more attention. Me and Superchingling are very active in the RP forum and if we are out. You won't have many others signing up.


Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:19 pm
Bug Catcher
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Yeah thanks. Well I said Taion pokemon only on your team, and he put a Bulbasaur. Has is that not clear? Bulbasaur is not a Taion pokemon, and I did not list Bulbasaur under starters. So I'm pretty sure I made it clear.

Diamond FC: 3265-5040-8729•••Platinum FC: 4168-1848-6214•••In-Game Name: Ricky

Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:17 am
Dragon Tamer
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I was saying it to you.


Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:05 am
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Jaguar, Charizard_Man made it very clear in the rules that other pokemon were not included. Rule seven; Taion Pokemon only on your team. That's as crystal clear as it can get. You were given a list of starters, so it looked pretty obvious the direction you should have taken.

You think you gave detail? Look at C_Z's profile and see how much effort he put into it. You plotted points. He made paragraphs. His history is definitely more expanded than your three sentences.

Don't argue, Jaguar. So what you're the most active? If the author of the roleplay wants you to put more effort into your writing, you either do it, or move along without hassle. The author has a right to do this, just as you have rights to allow people to play your roleplay and/or kick them out.

You were denied for not reading the rules correctly anyway, so this little rant of yours is nothing more than spam, it was pointless. Please make more of an effort in the future, and keep the forum a happy place for all of us to enjoy.

Peace and love, your dear friend, Crunchy.


Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:41 am
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Location: island of giant spiders with shooting lasers
Full Name: Hubert Colin Pazmynco
Age: 13
Birthday: August 10
Gender: Male
Hair Colour: Black hair
Hair Length: Hair cut half way down his ears and straight around evenly, thick hair overall
Hair Style: A bowl-cut, slightly ruffled there’s a gap showing a bit of his forehead above his left eye
Eye Colour: A yellow, goldish
Height: About 145cm
Weight: 50kg (7lbs)
Body Structure: Hubert is overall short and skinny. His legs are slightly longer than his body.
Basic Clothing: Hubert has an unusual grey shirt. Short in size matching his body, the stripes on the shirt, from bottom up to the collar go; dark grey, light grey, black, dark grey, light grey, to the black buttoned collar. The first button is done up, but the top two are not, showing a tad of chest. The collar around his neck stands up, hiding his neck from behind. He has long light grey sleaves that he keeps pushed up behind his elbows. He has long dark blue jeans that cover over big black and long boots (it looks like he has bigger feet than it seems). When things get cold, he usually wears a horizontal striped light blue and brown zipper jacket with standing collar just like his shirt (though the collar folds outwards a tad, not straight up).
Pyjamas: Urban camouflage shorts that cut off half way down the leg under the knee, dark blue or white shirts with hoods. They both bare the Japanese symbol for the region Taion on the back of the shirt.
Bathing Suit: Shirtless, Hubert usually wears his black and light green swim short, they're as long as his camouflage pants
Accessories: A black bracelet around his right wrist, black backpack with the white printed symbol of the region Taion on the front
Personality: With people, Hubert is usually quiet and shy, timid at any kind of friendship or strangers who speak with him. It takes him a great while to trust and feel comfortable with anybody.

In battle, training, faced with saving someone from peril, or in danger, his true colours shine. He’s a lot more confident playing and battling with Pokemon than the social side of things.

That said, he deals with things patiently and takes his time. This often leaves him left behind.
History: Living at Olbranch Town his whole life, he has had quite a sheltered childhood.

Hubert lived in a family household of five. His mother and father still love each other and their marriage is still a successful one.

Hubert was always the middle child of two of his sisters, 2 ages apart. Their relationship is quite up and down, but they all do still love each other. Hubert was even called a good big brother by his little sister, and advice was passed down from his big sister time to time.

At school, and finishing Primary, he only had ever made and kept two close friends. He was considered a geek in that crowd. He never found an interest in a single girl, even though there were times some would fall for him.

Taking an interest in Pokemon; in magazines, pop-culture, all that jazz; both his father and big sister urged him to journey and fulfil his dream of travelling Taion and training Pokemon. His mother secretly worried for his safety, and his little sister didn’t ever want to see him go, ever.

In a burst of confidence after a word with his mum, Hubert said his farewells and took off to the laboratory.
Starter: Tinderloin
RPG Sample:
The wind gusted around torn cloth around the body of an old man, standing upon a hilltop above an old city. The wind was as cold as ice. Blowing, it flung the cover off his head. A rugged man with a scar down his face glared down as if piercing through the night. Fuschia, another one of the cities cursed to live in this existence.

He placed his hand onto the tree beside him to rest. Looking down, a Pidgey was found dead, huddled up against the tree root for useless protection from the weather. He knelt down, placing his hand over and patting it. "I'm so sorry."

He striked his sword into the ground beside the fine dirt, the grave he made for the Pidgey. It wasn't the first time he had seen such pokemon die. Because of the ecosystem, countless pokemon have been dying off, weaker species have even been completely wiped out because of it. All thanks to---

Suddenly, a tapping sound could be heard from behind him. He looked back to be astonished by a large Suicune coming his way. He gasped as the beast's paw landed into a small puddle to stop a distance. Could it have been...? "Xalia?..." No. The beast was purple, and it had already started growling.

Without warning, it ferociously threw itself at him. The man had growled, swinging his body around to immediately grab the blade. Fa-ching! He had reflected Suicune, making it fly, tumbling and sliding through the mud and into a nearby bush.

He man breathed heavily. His breath like smoke as it filled the cold air. It wasn't like he hadn't done this before, it was just... "Heh, stupid nostalgia..."


Wed Jul 01, 2009 5:17 am
I need to shut the **** up
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I have edited my post. Please inform me if I have been accepted. Thanks! =]

Maybe, just maybe, you'll find me there, waiting......
Well, conman2k8 has done it again. Find him at Fusions Market!!
OMG! Ender at the End Shop is AMAZING!!! Visit it now: End Shop!!

Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:14 am
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher
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Very good, I have looked over both Crunchy and Superchingling's Su's. They are both very very good, with nicely rounded characters and good histories. So, you are both ACCEPTED!

I'll update the starters with your names, and I'll probaly post up the first post later on today.

Diamond FC: 3265-5040-8729•••Platinum FC: 4168-1848-6214•••In-Game Name: Ricky

Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:10 am
Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher
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Episode One: A New Land! A New Adventure!!

“Tai! Tai honey, get up! You’ll be late!” Tai’s mom’s voice flitted through the air upstairs to where a massive pile was sleeping, buried under a mountain of comics and blankets, the pillow over its would-be head. “Mhnmmmm………” The pile groaned, then bolted upright, the blankets and cd’s falling off it like water off a cliff. Once the pile had fallen off, it revealed a young boy of about thirteen with radiant blonde hair and deep red eyes, dressed in nothing but a pair of clean white shorts.

This was Tai Sugimori, notorious prankster of Olbranch Town’s Pokemon School, and a soon to be pokemon trainer.

In about five minutes…

“Crap!” The boy swore under his breath, jumping out of bed. He hurriedly changed into a plain black shirt and his signature red jacket, trimmed with a white stripe at the bottom end, white collar, and black sleeves with a pair of nice black jeans, but they weren't solid black. They were mixed with a few shades of dark blue. He wore a pair of red slip-on sneakers with white bottoms. He ran towards the door and took the two black wristbands on the handle and put them on. The boy then hurtled down the stairs, two at a time.

Tai’s mother was a pretty woman of about 30. With a pink apron, happy smile, and her Brinalo house-helper at her side, there wasn’t a single chore Mom couldn't do. Tai gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbed a piece of toast that lay in a heap on the table. “Morning sweetie. How’d you sleep?” Mom asked.

“Horribly. I was too excited to sleep.” Tai mumbled truthfully through a mouthful of toast and sweatdropped.

“Oh, so that’s why you woke up late.” Mom giggled as she gave a bowl of milk to Ivysaur.

“Brin, alo, lo……” The blue water bison pokemon slirped the milk happily, his fins and tail shaking as it moved its head.

“Yeah……..” Tai mumbled and gulped his orange juice. “Man, I better get going. Places to go, people to see.” Mom giggled again. “You’ve grown so much. I’m proud of you. Now here’s you’re traveling bag, I stocked it with everything you’ll need. Toothbrush, compass, some pokeballs I picked up, sleeping bag, extra boxers……..”

“Mom………” Tai flushed and grabbed his bag from the table. Mom laughed and placed her son’s red, official Pokemon cap on Tai’s head. “Don’t forget to call me when you get to Pepperminto City.”

“I won’t.” Tai hugged his mom tightly and then smiled. “See ya later!!” He smiled and then patted Brinalo on the head as he raced out the door.


The late morning sun hung in the sky like a lazy, oversized glowing bug. It was too bright. It was too early.

IT WAS TOO DAMN COLD! Tai cursed mentally. This was tiresome. Professor Willow’s lab was too far away for its own good. Just when he was beginning to think violent thoughts that involved the dear professor’s death, the tallest spire of his quaint farm/lab appeared on the horizon. The boy charged up the hill, and burst through the door……..

“PROFESSOR! GOOD MORNING!” He shouted, barging in and walking up to the professor, who was standing behind a counter, looking at a large book. Blonde hair, peach toned skin and a nice white lab coat completed Willow’s look. He had the air of a jolly young man who had experienced much in his life, despite his age, too much perhaps. He looked up at Tai, smiling.

“There you are! Glad you came.” Tai grinned and gave a thumbs up,

"Of course Prof. Oak! I would never miss today! So, can i choose my pokemon?" The professor grinned michevously,

"Hehe. Okay!" He pointed in the air enthusiastically, "I am going to ask you for two things! Because of the yearning for knowing the mysteries of all pokemon. Encountered Pokemon will be recorded in the Pokedex. As you grow in your journey, hopefully you'll also capture the Pokemon with pokeballs, so this should aid in our research well! I'm giving you a Poketouch and some apps. These three items will help you in your journey." Prof. Willow smiled as he pulled up a hefty suitcase, inside was three new pokedexs along with three pokeballs and three new devices called Poketouches.

"Thanks professor!" Tai grinned as he picked up the new pokedex, and the pokeball that contained his Frungus. He also picked up the new device knows as a Poketouch, a rectangular slim device that came in three different colors for the three different trainers. Tai's Poketouch was red and black, the front was just a large touch screen. Tai grinned,

"Well I guess I'll be going now-" Prof. Willow grabbed Tai's shoulder, "Oh no no no. You're going to stay here, wait for the other two trainers." Tai groaned and sat down.

Diamond FC: 3265-5040-8729•••Platinum FC: 4168-1848-6214•••In-Game Name: Ricky

Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:18 pm
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Location: island of giant spiders with shooting lasers
Hubert was quietly fiddling with his backpack in his room, standing over the bed. He was packing equipment, clothes, and all sorts of journey requirements. He had all sorts of pokemon crap in his room; figurines, pokemon books, posters. After putting on his striped blue and brown jacket, Hubert twisted his brace around his wrist, making a fist.

Suddenly, something about all this made him frown. Hubert was sad, he didn’t want to leave, but then again, he had to. Before packing, he had a word with his mum. Even though she didn’t like the thought of Hubert getting hurt in the big wide world, she had to be happy for him to go, or at least pretend.

“Just be careful, okay? I love you.”

Her last words to him.

“If you need to do this, go and do it, son. I’ll always be proud of you.”

His father.

“Go and fulfil your dreams, kid. I’ve got this place covered, I’ll look after sis.”

His big sister.

Hubert sniffled, wiping his nose. Yeah, he had to do this. He CAN do this. Yeah, this was his dream, to be a Pokemon Master. He smiled with a confident look in his eyes, swinging his bag up and around his back. He turned to head for the door, turning off the light in his room, closing the door, and never looking back.


Hubert just exited the family home when he was crash-tackled by his younger sister.

“You’re really going?! Noooo!!” she cried.

“Naww, sis!! I have to go! This is my dream!!” he patted her to get off.

“But, brother!! I’ll miss you…” she snuggled him. He hated when she did that.

“Ugh. Hey, listen---” Hubert moved her off to stand up. Grinning, he messed her hair up playfully, “While I’m gone, I’ll catch you a cool pokemon, what do ya say?”

She still had a frown, but was beginning to understand that there was nothing she could do to stop him. Even crying to Mum didn’t help. “…Okay, Hubert. It better be a cute pokemon!!” she pouted.

“Sure-sure, sis!” he chuckled, waving as he turned to walk off onto the path down the road.

His sister sobbed a little, watching him leave her like that. She was about to tear up until Hubert yelled to her from the distance:


She gasped, “NO, NO, NO!! NOT A MUKKK!!” she screamed, laughing afterwards as she waved him off.


Hubert entered the lab with a blank expression, noticing the first boy before the Professor waiting by the counter. He walked up to the counter.

“Sorry I’m late, Professor Willow. Is my pokemon ready? I’m raring to go,” he smiled.


Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:52 am
I need to shut the **** up
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Dammit dammit dammit I'm laate!!

Kate manoeuvred her way around the chaotic household that was her home. She tripped over her mother's Persian and went flying. Hitting the ground with a thump, she gasped as a sharp pain went through her arm. Persian lifted its head and gave her a dirty look.

"Sorry, Persian, but it's not my fault you're in the way!"

This earned Kate a hiss and a glow from the jewel on Persian's head. Her older brother's Staraptor flew over and emitted a keening cry. Kate wondered why it had done this when suddenly she glanced at the clock on the mantlepiece.

"Ohmigod! OH MY GOD! I am so late! Jeez, oh, no, dammit, get outta my way....."

She ran into her good-looking older brother and his girlfriend.

"Hey!" Dan said, seemingly peeved that she was about to leave without saying goodbye, "Don't I even get a hug?"

"Sure, Dan." Kate wrapped her arms around her brother's muscular shoulders and kissed him on the cheek. His Staraptor hopped over and she patted it on the head.

"Bye. Where's Mom?"

"Good question," muttered Dan. "MOM! KATE'S LEAVING!"

There was a loud thumping and Kate's mom, the obsessive cleaning lady, toppled down the stairs.

"MOM!" cried Kate, rushing across to her mother, who had bounded up, clad in rubber gloves, a scarf on her head and an apron.

"Sweetie, don't worry about me. I'm late already. Enjoy your adventure, 'kay? Text and call sometimes, yeah? I want to know if you're OK. I'll be worried sick otherwise. I love you. OK?"

"Yeah." Kate's voice was thick and she had a lump in her throat.

"Seeya, sis. Have a nice time. It's so much fun, trust me." Her brother was offering consolation.

"Good luck!" cried Bethany, Dan's girlfriend. Her Lopunny was behind her, crying "Lup! Lupp! Punn, Punny!".

"Thank you. Bye! I love you all!" said Kate. She was trying not to cry. It would ruin her mascara. She turned around and ran out of the house. Her backpack dropped from the sky and she saw Dan, Bethany, Lopunny and Staraptor soaring away.

I've only just realized how much I'm gonna miss them. All of them. And Dad.....he didn't even say goodbye.

Her thoughts were interrupted by an Arcanine speeding towards her with a blonde man on its back.



"Sweetheart!" Her father landed beside her. He looked exhausted; his police uniform was dirty and worn.

"Sweetie, I just wanted to say goodbye and I love you. OK? I always have. I swear, we'll sort this mess out soon."

Kate knew that he meant the ongoing battle between her mother and father for custody of the kids. Since Dan was 20, he wasn't legally their problem anymore, it was Kate who didn't see Dad as much.

"OK, Dad. I love you too." Kate hugged him, squeezing him and drinking in his features and everything about him. It had been such a long time, and it would be a long time until she next saw him.

"Bye. Do me proud. You want a ride? I see you're late."

"Please!" gasped Kate, leaping onto Arcanine's back and scratching its ears.

"Let's go. Arcanine, ExtremeSpeed!"

Arcanine leapt forward at incredible speed and ran as fast as it could. Kate clutched her dad around his waist. Finally they got to Professor Willow's lab. She leapt off Arcanine, pecked her father on the cheek, then ran into her boyfriend.

"Will, I'm late - "

"I know. Just text or call anytime, OK? And here's something to remember me by."

And he kissed her.

Kate let it last 10 seconds then broke off.

"Bye, I love you!"

"Me too!" yelled Will.

She burst through the door of the lab.

"Ohmigod, I am SO sorry I'm late, do you still have a Pokemon left..."

Kate stopped as she saw a blonde boy and a black-haired boy standing there as well. She brushed her auburn hair back.

"Well, hi, boys. Who would you be?"

Maybe, just maybe, you'll find me there, waiting......
Well, conman2k8 has done it again. Find him at Fusions Market!!
OMG! Ender at the End Shop is AMAZING!!! Visit it now: End Shop!!

Sat Jul 04, 2009 6:25 am
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