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 D's poems**Victory, Phtt! 

My overall skills as a poet are...
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 D's poems**Victory, Phtt! 
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Pokemon Master
Pokemon Master
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Joined: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:24 am
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D's Poems

This is the first post, or as I like to call it, the MASSIVE post. This is the list of all the poems I have listed here. It is intended to show my growth (if any) and give a nice compact place to read them if you are bored out of your mind. Right now, there are 29 poems; some as short as three lines, some as long as two pages. If you just want to read them one by one just comb through the thread traditionally. Please comment, either by posting or by simply marking the survey. All comments and critiques are welcome (except for "o nuuuuu! It don't ryme!!11!"). You will know of any updates by looking at the subject line.

And now, the MASSIVE post. Starting with my initial first post.


Rated K+ for intense emotions and some melancholy.

Ok, I'm new to Fan fiction but I was told you can post poems here.

Here are some I did because the inspiration took me:

Death and taxes

Death follows death
With putrid breath
Taking life of maggot and king
Flying, silent, on black wing
In the shadows, dark and dim
“Should I take the life of her, or him?”
Wonders death upon his wing
Guessing and a-puzzling
“But who goes first, or, better, whom?”
“Death first to bride? Or first to groom?”
((For some strange reason this was fun to write))

Taxes come, taxes go
Taxmen collect
And receive head-blow
((This is not part of the other poem, it is just included so the title makes sense. ))

This one I did for school, suprisinly it made my mother cry :shock: .

Laments of the waiting

As I wait with grief that consumes me I wonder
Where is my Jesse?
She has not returned to bring light to my day
She has not retuned to keep sadness away
I wait, as the sun turns cold
I wait, as the flowers droop,
The children’s laugh fades
And the plants and trees lose their green
But still she has not returned
So I wait

Edit2: Here's more insperation ones:


The Maid

Below the blaze
Under the cover
Inside the tinniest nook
A little lady walks around dusting

She is bowed by status
Yet lord in life
She must do other’s will
For the will of her own
This little lady gives much
And by that she gains a great bounty

For a servant has more power than a king
Because a servant’s power is that of themselves
Not of another


Bath of fire

I stand, bathed in blood
My enemies lie dead before me
And a twisting convolving scar deforms my soul

I am twisted by it
I am controlled by it
The memory of the act, the final blow

I stand, with my body caressed by pain
It resides in me
It possesses me

I have no hope
No life left to me
Only the scar within me

My mind is cremated by it’s own evil
It turns all things to ash
My dreams
My love
My life

Everything flares
And it all burns


The Death Moon

It rises, engulfing the light
Spreading the shadow of fear
Glowing with it’s burning luster

If you look at it
It will smile
A grin spreading across it’s face
Cracking it’s flesh
Bleeding harsh illusion

The shade is intense
Born and consumed by it
Spreading it’s glow
To feed the crumbling sky

In it exists a beauty
Entrancing the animal within
Bringing it out revel in it’s presence
To worship it’s pale form

It consumes heavens
Never finding sustenance
So in the end it must die
Slinking out of sight
To make way for fire

But it must rise again
Perhaps weaker then before
But it must always return
To re-live it’s own horror




A flash of frivolous color
Twirling through the sky!
Banishing the shade
And awakening the light!

The flower blooms on the horizon!
And what a wonderful flower it is
Spreading it’s radiance across the land
Little can compare with it’s beauty

A shower of sparks flying!
Flying through the air!
Enlivening life with it’s explosions of shine!

And it rises!
Climbing it’s ladder
Going higher and higher with it’s own ecstasy
Crashing through gloom with shattering brilliance!

And as it’s happiness fades
And it returns to it’s slumber
It releases a glories spectrum
As the warm folds of the horizon cover it

It slowly drifts out of being
Leaving the sea of shades in it’s departing mist
Last of the brightness fading as is departs into it’s slumber
Leaving behind it’s sparks to gently guide the night


This was a bit of a venting poem, life was getting to me so I wrote:

The Creature

In unsettlement and rampage
I am born
A master of destruction
Unique and similar
To my million brothers

We all have it inside us
The creature
It tears at us seeking freedom
While we suppress it
To seem as if content to our masters

Our masters
What else is there to say?
They are our masters
Complete in dominance over our souls
Not by the will of their own
But by our, wretched, need to please

It is by drive and instinct that we please
Though we are torn to do otherwise
It is the instinct with which we are bred
For an illusion of success
Success that our masters have obtained
As a rich man succeeds
When really they are dieing

We are failures
We are failing
Failing to please
Ripping ourselves

The others die
They fail
And die
Sinking into the pit from which they came
I am the only one left
Left to fail

I live by isolation
Without love, friends or freedom
But still I fail
Without love, friends or freedom to comfort me
Like my brothers had
In the end

In the end I will succeed
But for now I am tortured
By a ripping inside me
Inside my blood
Forming the creature

I appear to succeed
Few see the creature within
Few see the tears
The crying inside

I will always cry
For my failure
For my brothers failure
For my masters illusions
But still, few see the tears

I am still alive
My masters are still alive
We will survive till timely death
But I
A creature
And you
A creature
Won’t call it living


This is just a ranting at the insanity of man.


What is love?
What is life?
What is freedom, joy or happiness?
What can it be?

Can it be these slight tinglings of feeling
Which my brothers adore?
Can it be these calm or else violent sensations
That fill my brothers world?

I always imagined something more
Something better
Something honest
But I guess it was only a dream

A dream of peace
A dream of honesty
Without verbal blows
Or false sincerity

Am I too wanting?
Do I ask too much?
Just for brotherhood
And fellowship
And real,

Can I leave this shallow pool of emotion?
That most people inhabit
Can I swim out to other pools?
With pure,

Can I destroy war
And evil?
Can I hope to?
Can I try to?
Can I?
Can you?


This is just kind of another version of "Bath of Fire" (And a bit more of the pg-13 variety).

Confessions of an evil man
It pulses within me
Like blood
With throbbing
And silent

It eats at my soul
Like maggots
Twisting and contorting
Spasming in blind hatred
Tearing through my spirit
And tainting it with acid spit

My heart is made of worms
Withering together
Joined in violence
Strangling themselves
Squeezing out their own blood
Into my veins
Distorting it to bubbling tar

My life is infected
My breath is putrid
My mind is in fever
My love is ripped apart

I hate others
I hate myself
I hate you

I will let loose this violence in my soul
Let it infect the innocent
Consume the children
Kill the men
And rape the women
Until all are like me
Until all are a twisted ball of living flesh
Joined in hatred
With hand on knife
And knife in breast
And screaming while we bleed


A Long Life

I reach the final step
In the longest walk of all
I am tired and weary
From picking up my feet

I rest in this bed and write mere words
To put forth the feeling
Of walking a completed path
And finally reaching the end

I have walked long and hard
Never stopping for foolish things
Things like greed and hatred
Just simply making my way
Down a long road with my fellows

I have reached bumps, hills and mountains
And though jolted at first to see them
I have climbed over all
Until the road levels out
And I continue making my way

There have been breaks in the road
Each an unknown path with an unknown destination
And though I didn’t know where I was going
I chose the path that called me forth
And seemed the correct one
To mark with my feet

A few times I felt neither path calling
And had to forge my own
Walking with a more purposed stride
Continuing until another path beckoned me
And became joined with mine

There have been others on the road
We have either gone down a different path
Or they have reached the end of their road
And waved as I passed

Now I am to join them
To rest my weary feet
And before I reach the end
I will write on a sheet of paper
And wave at you as you pass




I am wretched
I am condemned
I am going to die
I am a murderer

This accursed life within me
Throbs painfully
Trying to break free
It wants to still exist
To break free of it’s human cage

At dawn, they told me
So I did not sleep until then
I wanted to make my last moments last
To breath every last breath I could

I gulped air
Trying to breath slowly
Trying to enjoy the feel of oxygen
That would not always grace my lungs

At dawn they said
And the bloody light filled my cell
Too soon the moment comes
Too soon for me to be hurled out of my prison
Too soon to have my hands bound
And too soon to be thrust in front of the jeering crowed

My pulse raced
As I waked up the fatal steps
I felt my soul
Thrashing in me
As mind wrenching fear took hold

My gasps came quickly
The drumming started
The noose was put around my neck
And my accusations were read

The moment seemed like eternity
With a coarse rope against my throat
A splintering trap door beneath my feet
And a screaming in my heart

A hush fell over the crowd
The drums ceased
The man signaled to the masked man
I drew my last breath
I fell
And I hung



In, out, constant
Your lips grasp at life
Swallowing invisible substance
Welcoming the lift inside you
Enveloping your being
Swiftly flying through your veins
Softly spreading, healing
In your one eternal sanctuary

It dissipates
Becoming as thin as the tight string
Connecting you to your sanity
Becoming finer and finer
Spreading like hairs
Feeling it’s way

It disappears
And leaves behind a tickling presence
Thin imprints in your skin
Exciting your soul
Awaking your mind
Leaving it’s blissful feeling
For a time
To remain

The imprints become tight
Noticing the departed ghost
The fog rises
Leaving limbs of stone
Infiltrating your essence

You must gasp for the life
Flowing so carefree around you
Euphoric at it’s own existence
You must tear at swirling imagination
To capture it again with your lips
And live



This is the history we share
This is what we have wrote down
In the stone of time
Our gravestone



Six billion
Little letters in a book
You are one of them
And you see only yourself at first
Your own little bit of blackness
You are an “I”
And you are discontent
You want to be more
So you cease being a letter
And join with other letters
And make a word

Your little group of black letters
Spelling the word “We”
Seem very white
When you look around
And you get along quite well
But when you choose to leave your word
Wishing to be even more
You see a sentence

This sentence is much longer than your word
It is made up of ten words
It is ten times as large as your word
And it seems very huge
And the sentence seems much clearer then your word
Or your letter
This sentence spells out
“We, all of us.”
And this seems much better
Then your “I”
Even if there is a bit of jostling
With you all in one place
And trying to talk across a comma
But there is more blackness
More ink on the paper
But still
It is very white
And you can still see the spaces

If you try to leave your sentence
As a few letters do
It gets very difficult
Because the period
That holds your sentence together
Is also a boundary
That you must overcome

If you manage to get past the period
You see a paragraph
So much longer than your first word
It intimidates you
You become scared
But there is nowhere to hide
You eventually become used to it
Even with the large amount of blackness
And the disagreements that arouse between sentences
Shouting over periods
But if you look far enough
You can see the paragraph break
You can still see whiteness
Until you wish to become still more
And try to leave your paragraph

It is much harder to leave a paragraph
Than to leave a sentence
This time there are many periods
And exclamation points also
So it is very rare
For a letter to leave a sentence
But if you do
You see a page

This page is incredible
It nearly drives you to insanity
There is just so much ink
So much blackness
And so many letters
It is easy to lose yourself
There are so many
And you would be barely noticed
And you manage to slip in

It is much more rough on your page
And much more violent
Whole paragraphs argue against each other
Screaming at each other
Across paragraph breaks
With so many swirling ideas being thrown around
That unity is impossible
And very little white shines through
And it is even harder
To escape

There is no record to what is beyond a page
Simply because those incredible few
Never reveal it
And become singular letters again
But for you
The urge to be even more
May completely overtakes you
And if you forge your way through the paragraphs
You will see the book
The book of six billion letters

It is vast
And it is unavoidable
That you will lose sanity for a while
So lost are you
Trying to pick out the individual letters
Eventually you see it is impossible
And instead pick out the pages
And even that is difficult
Because it is easy to get distracted
By the torrent of ideas

If you finally sort it all out
And are able to look at all the letters
Grouped together as they are
You see no white
Nothing but black
And the only way to live with yourself
With this knowledge
Is to again retreat
Into a signal letter
Like you always really were
Like all other letters have been
And always will be
It is what you are created to be
A little black letter
On the white page of your world
Saying “I”


Light and Shadow

Light is cast on an object
A shadow lies behind
The object is neither light nor dark
It is simply being

We are like this object
With good cast on us
And darkness radiating from us
While we ourselves are neither
Merely an in-between point
We are what cause the darkness
We are what give the light purpose
Creator of black
Proof of white
And we ourselves neither
Neither good nor evil
Light nor dark
We simply
With all of us trying
To be black or white
Trying to rip ourselves in half
And though we say we are one
We are both being
Light and dark
Good and Evil
Black and White



I lie down my head
The pillow is gentle with my most precious thoughts
I close my eyes
Dark shrouds concealing the violent world from me

I let my mind wander into waiting mist
The mist engulfs it
And only when all else is obscured
Come forward my wild fantasies

I look down on a mountain
And laugh at it’s inferiority
Then I look up at an ant
And cower as it’s giant shadow covers me

I run across the plain
My feet as if feathers
My body relaxed
Then I stop
I tense up
My breathing quickens
My limbs wear down with fatigue
I must take a break
So I run again

I am going into the sky
The endless blue expanse
Cloud after cloud wetting me
I have no control
Am I falling or am I flying?

Grotesque creatures come forth from the darkness
Grinning their frothing mouths in bloodlust
I know they come for me
I run, but there is nowhere to hide
Nothing to shield me
Nothing to protect me
I am a weak human
Only powerful by my thoughts
Thoughts that are racing and indecipherable now
I finally reach a dead end
So now it is inevitable
I turn to face my fears
Stalking toward me with their grinning mouths
Eager for my pain
Eager for my death
My traitor heart beat rapidly
As if trying to fulfill as much use
As it can in my last seconds
The monsters close in
Fear washes over me in waves
So much terror I can’t endure it
So much terror that my heart nearly bursts out of my chest
And causes my end instead
I can’t take this much fear
My mind can’t accept it
So I wake up


The Human Fire

When blistering sun beats on him
And when he is left without hope
Of relief
Of rescue
Man becomes animal

If humans are left alone with themselves
If their true spirit is revealed
Then we lose humanity
And succumb to savagery
We become our own worst enemy

If we are put through trial by fire
The fire will invade our souls
It will transform us to a beast of the flame
It will make us destroy others
To rip at humanity with our blood-covered teeth
To devour humanity
To consume ourselves


The Ones

When our leadership is brought to the basic level
It becomes three types of people

The ones with power
The ones that appeal to the crowd
The “face” of intelligence
When that face is not the real intelligence
But it can absorb the intelligence
Like a sponge
And, like a sponge
It can put it into action
Squeeze it out of itself
And bring it into being
So the ones with power
Are necessary
And to get power
They must process the traits of goodness
So they are in fact
And pure
Let’s call them “Ralph”

The ones who want power
The beings of the crowed
The ones that twist their fellows
So that they may appeal to them
The ones who are stupid
And rash
Who possess no intelligence
And accept none
Even scorn it
For the mind of the crowd doesn’t like to think
It likes to be rash
It likes to be stupid
To be led by their instincts
Their animal instinct
So they lose humanity
They will follow one of their own
The most sly and corrupt one
For to gain power
He must be the first to twist
And corrupt
Let’s call him “Jack”

And, finally
The ones with intelligence
The ones with true knowledge
The ones who rise beyond the calling of animal instinct
The ones who do not possess it at all
And are innocent and pure
The ones who are rejected by the crowd
The animal crowd
The animals that reject their opposite
Who hates it
Even if it exists
To help them
Even if the ones with intelligence
Are kind and good
Even if it only wants to save the animals
From themselves
Let’s call these people “Piggy”

These three beings
Are what our government
Our communities
Our families
Are made of
And the only way to save ourselves
Is to wake up
And reject “Jack”
Embrace “Piggy”
And follow “Ralph”


Human Violence

Man is so vicious
It seeks to destroy itself
Not only others


Death Water

The Kerogen is crushed
Organic things dead destroyed again
From the sediment piled on top of it
It decomposes
Pressured till it flows like water
And then trapped in the pores
Of permeable reservoir rock
Such is the creation
Of the black liquid
The death water
That we trade for blood
That we call “oil”

We dig for this black liquid
This flowing mass of hydrocarbons
We suck it from the ground
And then heat it until it burns
And releases the poison of Carbon Dioxide

This poison infects our air
It destroys our defenses from the sun
Until we are also burning
But it gets no reaction from us
Stupid, ignorant humans

We let the black water burn
We let it’s poison flow
We allow people to die for it
It becomes liquid death

We love this poisonous tar
We covet these liquid corpses
For it gives us comfort
And comfort is our god

This black water excretes poison
That does not cease with crippling us physically
With burning our skin
The poison does not just exist in our air
It is also in our minds
And it fuels the fiery hatred
Of war


Severe Thunderstorms

A convoluted swarm of gray
Gathers in the sky
Shadowing the world
Thickening the air
Awakening the instinct to run
From the menacing haze
That clouds the heavens
And consumes the sun

The tumbling gray turns darker
And growls at the earth
A feral beast about to spring
And tear at the world
It rears up
And attacks

It’s teeth bite at the world
Shattering units tearing at earth
Flung into the ground
By the fast deadly jaws
Of wind

The gray monster growls again
And it’s million teeth fly faster
With rising bloodlust
Faster and faster
A whirlwind of destruction
Tearing through the air
The beast roars again
And strikes the world
With heavenly fire

The fire is the beast’s rage
Hate incarnate
Ripping through all in it’s path
Spreading it’s twisting thorns
Feeding on the air
Burning it
A terrible and beautiful thing
As it smashes into the ground
And unleashes it’s inferno
On the mortals below

The gray monster roars in the sky
Writhing with it’s own hate
Striking the earth again and again with it
Biting and tearing with it’s teeth
Desperate to destroy humanity
Craving for it’s blood
It is growing weaker
It must find purchase
It roars and attacks again

The monster eventually tires
It’s roars become weaker
It’s bites not as severe
The bolts of hate less frequent
The monster gives out one last roar
And then retreats
Allowing the sun again
To shine
And fill the world
With love,
And light


Peace and Hate

What comes in infects
What comes out destroys
Is this insanity?
Or torture?

Grief, anger, fear
I thought I knew them
But I had no idea
That they come in a more powerful form

What do I hate?
And everything

I hate life
How it plays with us like toys
Making us feel loved
Before tossing us aside
Abandoning us
And leaving us to decay
But we need it
And we covet it
Destroying those who try to take it away
Becoming animals to keep it
To cling to it with desperation
Because for us
This decay
Is all there is

I hate love
An inescapable obsession
That consumes our lives
Binding us to another
Splitting ourselves in half
It is what brings on most hate
It is what has destroyed the best of people
Devoured them
As they first hand a person their life
And then watch it be crushed
And through it all
Like it

And I hate logic
It gives us the illusion
Of dispelling illusion
There is no pure logic
It is all tainted
All overshadowed by emotion
That we humans are slave to
But we think it makes us right
Makes us better
So we always search for it
Without cease
Some live for it
Some love it
But it cannot be found
And it makes our lives endless paths
Without peace
Without resolution

This hate
It seems so right
And feels so wrong
Is hate a thing also to be hated?
It burns us
Twists us
Destroys the meaning of
Life, love and logic
And it can only bring more hate
You, hate of others
Others, hate of you
And all
Hate of hate

By twisted irony
More of grief than humor
The only things that can end hate
Is what it rejects
Life, love and logic
So to destroy it
We must accept what we hate
And envelope ourselves in it
It is the worse pain of all
But still we must strive for it
For hate must find a resolution
A wholeness
And grow into something beautiful
Something pure
Something wonderful



Death is a tragedy
Hatred is a sin
But war plays violent games with us
And says, by them, we win



We cower and writhe
With unmatched terror
From death

We show defiance
With hate and spite at

We search unceasing
With desperate lust
For a meaning

It is the unknown
That infects our thoughts
With fear, lust, and hate

We are not content
We always want more
Grasping for all we can take

Is that why we live?
To grasp and to want?
Our minds thinking only thoughts
Of what we have not
Or can we love more?
Can we think thoughts of peace and joy?
Contentment, valor
Purity and good
Could we save ourselves and want nothing?
Why not?


The Makings of a Heart

And love.
Death and hate.
For human minds
Our world revolves around these things of thought
Churning within us and pumping our blood
The things of dreams
For they live,
Breathe in



Last night I lay my head to rest
Full of longing for the sheet,
I closed my vision’s cage doors,
And trapped myself in me.

Imagination is what I found there,
Memory is what I brought,
Together they were a vision,
Of vicious bloody froth.

The froth of the sea,
As it swallowed me up,
Consuming me into it’s depths.
Feeding it,
Making me home for fish
And worms,
Gliding in mouth
Eternally open with horror,
Picking at my sightless eyes
Ever wide with pain,
And crawling inside and outside my head
Till all that I think is them,
Eating me from the inside out
While I am still alive.

The froth of the spit,
On the mouths of the animals,
Consumed with such lust,
That they bite themselves.
They are all around me,
Dancing in a frenzied craze,
To the beat of a stilled heart,
My heart.
Ravishing in the crimson beauty,
Coating their mouths and skin,
Glowing red with blood and energy,
I am consumed by them,
I am them.

The froth of the noise,
Of a thousand screaming voices,
Demanding, pleading
For life,
To the man above.
Their leader,
Their father,
Their death.
He sneers at the dirty rabble,
Bugs they are to him,
Or chickens for him to coup.
He signals to his followers,
Those who life by killing
Knowing that they could be bugs
As easily as they are rats.
They grab a person,
A person who lives to not die,
To defy his father,
A mighty heart,
In the trap of a child.
The child is thrust to the man,
And killed in full view,
The froth softens,
As the man cuts off an arm,
And I take a bite.
The froth again rampages,
They again scream at me,
They need another example,
I signal.

The dreams are of fantasy,
Not of real horror,
But they are the memory of a man,
And his imagination,
His ambition,
Brought into form.
The froth that mists,
And clouds our minds,
Is not my fear,
It is my passion.

The froth crashed against my mind,
And from my cage I was released,
And though I am of normal mind,
I watch sunrise with a sigh.


Schoolyard Cruelty

“Nerd!” say they,
A word of exclusion,
Of separation,
Of pain.
It is a word for me.

“Nerd!” say they,
Dunking my head in the toilet bowl,
Filling me with disgust,
And water.
They don’t let me come up,
But I must take a breath,
All I inhale is liquid,
I can’t breathe…

“Nerd!” say they,
As they close me in a locker.
Trapping me in my metal cage,
The sides constricting around me,
Holding me in place.
I can’t get out,
I bang on the door,
But there is no one to hear,
And no one will listen.
The sides dig into my bones,
Pressing my muscles into them,
I can’t move…

“Nerd!” say they,
Pointing at me in the halls,
Spitting on me,
Despising me.
I am not a person,
I am an animal,
I mean nothing,
I have nothing,
I can’t laugh…

“Nerd!” say they,
As I walk through the doors,
And I laugh,
But not for joy.
The time comes,
And adrenaline pumps through me,
I can twitch at the speed of light,
And I move,
But not for freedom.
A gun in my hand,
Invincibility is mine,
None can match me in this school,
I do not panic,
But not for bravery.
They all die by my hand,
All who brand me,
Who exclude me,
Who torture me.
I turn on the teacher,
As bad as the rest,
By not helping.
“Dylan!” she gasps,
And she goes down.
My joy,
My freedom,
My bravery,
All a farce.
There is nothing for me,
I can’t live…

This is the pain of a child,
This is what destroys them.
More than divorce,
More than rape,
More than obesity.
This is what you do with an act of random cruelty
Instead of random kindness.
So for children,
More than any others,
Be kind.
For you are the future,
And for you to destroy yourselves,
Is what causes massacres,
Then war,
Then genocide.


The Black Slate

Fight for your loved.
Endure the fire,
Spread peace.
Stand to the wind,
Create strength.
Prevail the darkness,
By sacred creed,
You must bring light.

Black is what is,
But against it white will shine.
Bring it.
Embrace it.
Make it so for your posterity.
Give them hope,
Give them life.

At times the world is a blackboard,
But it must be pierced with chalk;
Giving new flowing strands of white,
To permeate the darkness.
Time after time it may be erased
But it will return
As long as the chalk exists.

If we rise to confront our destruction,
We gain our purpose.
If we live for glorious life,
And not for death,
We fulfill it.

The night is dark,
Yet it is the stars that are beautiful,
Pinpricks of light,
Yet strong.
Shine, and the night is not dark.
Live, and death is not the end.



Life exulted,
In the great supremacy.
Over the under,
And through the holes.
It bursts,
From the thin geyser,
In great fountains and streams,
Released and spreading.

Twirl it around,
Shape it,
Form it as if clay.
Make it a thing to be held,
To keep,
To remember.
It is a rare thing,
A pot of gold,
That even mystics miss.
No little people guard it,
Only large.

A fire to be tended,
It burns.
Providing drive,
Restoring life,
Making man more than it was,
So it can be he.
But it must have substance,
Something to maintain,
And more revival to live.
It will fade if unchecked,
So restore it with more.
Though laborious,
Keep yourself lit.

The victory is great,
You cannot fail it,
Don’t worry,
Just try,
It comes when it comes,
And goes when goes.
But to grasp it is terrible,
Worse is to pursue it.
It is the greatest mirage,
If you look too closely,
It fades.
But if held like water-
With its smooth surface
But empty interior-
It can be a wondrous thing,
As long as you simply maintain.
Keep it calm,
And keep it mild,
And it will go
And it will come
With ease.



What of it?
Water on my back goes rolling,
All I do is duck.

I shed worry,
I slither out,
Let it mold and irritate,
But not on me,
I sneak away like the hidden snake.

For I know one thing,
As I know anything,
That we live for something without the “i”,
Live – I
= love.
And what burdens you have,
Is not living,
Like a mule’s carrying,
Is not the mule,
Just his saddlebag.

When a hole is unearthed,
And you trip in,
They will say from the hearth,
“That’s life.”
But then, how can little things,
Make this “life”
Go away?
You are not dead,
So is that life?

A child to comfort,
A hand to hold,
A smile to greet you,
A cold calmed,
That is real to us,
What we care about when living,
Not our striving,
That is our daily loaf,
That’s life.


^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Last edited by dunsparce on Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:58 pm, edited 35 times in total.

Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:40 am
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Poetry is not my forte, but I'll do my best. I liked the first one. There were a few lines that I thought threw it off a little.

"Should I take the life of her, or him?"

It's longer than the other lines, and sounds wordy. The only way I can think of improving it is by removing 'the life of.'

Same thing with the last two lines, maybe something like...

"But, who goes first, no, whom?"
"Death first to bride, or groom?"

I liked the the second poem too, I thought it was cute. But, I still don't get the title. A title should really only go to one poem, unless you just combined the two titles because you posted both poems at once.

That's all I can think of, I did say this isn't my strong point, but I hope it helps a little.

Link changed to my library.

Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:21 am
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Hm, thanks. I'll make most of the changes you mentioned, I wrote this a year ago and this is really the first draft. It's really kind of a chapter title. Anyone else want to comment on it?

Here it is with changes made:

Death follows death
With putrid breath
Taking life of maggot and king
Flying, silent, on black wing

In the shadows, dark and dim
“Who should I take, her or him?”
Wonders death upon his wing
Guessing and a-puzzling
“But who goes first, no, whom?”
“Death first to bride? Or first to groom?”
((The bold was the original poem that I added onto, I forgot to mention that. I don't think "No" is the best word, can anyone think of any other? ))

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Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:39 am
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Ok, since noone apperently wants to post about the previous poems then here's another one (this one is kind of strong).

I wrote this one for school, for some reason it made my mother cry :shock: .

Laments of the waiting

As I wait with grief that consumes me I wonder
Where is my Jesse?
She has not returned to bring light to my day
She has not retuned to keep sadness away
I wait, as the sun turns cold
I wait, as the flowers droop,
The children’s laugh fades
And the plants and trees lose their green
But still she has not returned
So I wait

(NO I do not know any Jesse. This is not intended as a rythem & rhyme poem like the other ones so keep that in mind.)

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Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:05 am
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I asked someone for a random topic and made a (poem?) off it.

The Maid

Below the blaze
Under the cover
Inside the tinniest nook
A little lady walks around dusting

She is bowed by status
Yet lord in life
She must do other’s will
For the will of her own
This little lady gives much
And by that she gains a great bounty

For a servant has more power than a king
Because a servant’s power is that of themselves
Not of another


If someone want's to select a topic for a poem then post the topic with your rate/suggestions/comments.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:27 pm
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Why can't anyone post about my poems?
It makes dunsparce sad :cry: .

I made another one, I got insperation for it from a song:

Bath of fire

I stand, bathed in blood
My enemies lie dead before me
And a twisting convolving scar deforms my soul

I am twisted by it
I am controlled by it
The memory of the act, the final blow

I stand, with my body caressed by pain
It resides in me
It possesses me

I have no hope
No life left to me
Only the scar within me

My mind is cremated by it’s own evil
It turns all things to ash
My dreams
My love
My life

Everything flares
And it all burns


Please comment!

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:18 pm
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wow. that was very good dunsparce. this was an inspiration by what song? it might be one i know. :wink:

ImageA r c a d i a¸.·?
w h e r e l e g e n d i s b o r n

Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:22 pm
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I do not know the name, I can check, but not for about 1 1/2 hours X(.

They play it in the credits of fantactic 4 (the new movie).

Edit: AH HA! It is called Everything Burns.

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Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:33 pm
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I made another one, horror this time.


The death moon

It rises, engulfing the light
Spreading the shadow of fear
Glowing with it’s burning luster

If you look at it
It will smile
A grin spreading across it’s face
Cracking it’s flesh
Bleeding harsh illusion

The shade is intense
Born and consumed by it
Spreading it’s glow
To feed the crumbling sky

In it exists a beauty
Entrancing the animal within
Bringing it out revel in it’s presence
To worship it’s pale form

It consumes heavens
Never finding sustenance
So in the end it must die
Slinking out of sight
To make way for fire

But it must rise again
Perhaps weaker then before
But it must always return
To re-live it’s own horror


I got the insperatin for this one from maijoras moon.

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Fri Aug 17, 2007 6:23 pm
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I wrote another one, this one's happy:



A flash of frivolous color
Twirling through the sky!
Banishing the shade
And awakening the light!

The flower blooms on the horizon!
And what a wonderful flower it is
Spreading it’s radiance across the land
Little can compare with it’s beauty

A shower of sparks flying!
Flying through the air!
Enlivening life with it’s explosions of shine!

And it rises!
Climbing it’s ladder
Going higher and higher with it’s own ecstasy
Crashing through gloom with shattering brilliance!

And as it’s happiness fades
And it returns to it’s slumber
It releases a glories spectrum
As the warm folds of the horizon cover it

It slowly drifts out of being
Leaving the sea of shades in it’s departing mist
Last of the brightness fading as is departs into it’s slumber
Leaving behind it’s sparks to gently guide the night


I got insperation for this one from watching a sunset on a beach (I'm Floidian so I see those a lot).

P.S. I like the new name.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Last edited by dunsparce on Tue Jan 01, 2008 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:44 am
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I like them a lot! :)

Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:09 am
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I like them a lot! :)

Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:09 am
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YAY! Someone posted!!!! :D . More people with more detailed posts please?

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Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:16 am
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I loved them, Dunsparce. :D I can't go into much detail now, since I have to leave in a few, but they were very strong IMO.

Fri Aug 31, 2007 3:42 pm
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Um, thanks for the almost-detailed post Trager :? . Anyway out of boardem I wrote another one:


Twirling and frolicking in the slightest unsettlement
That’s what I am

Unstable and shifting
Annoying at times
Often swept away and disregarded
That’s what I am

If you meet me on the road
You avoid me
You dislike my presence
You simply bat me away

I am remembered as an annoyance
If I am remembered at all
A thing to scorn, hate and destroy
Whenever possible

Few think I have use
Other then padding for their feet
Another thing to control
Use for their own purposes
And then throw away when done

But I always last
Forever floating
Through the utter confusion of my life
Ignored, hated, used and alone
For I am only dust

Not my best in my onpinon but I think it worthey to be criqued. PLEASE POST!!! AND ON THE OTHER POEMS TOO!!! I don't like to have to double post :( .

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:49 am
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Wow it's been a while, I've actually been writing during that time, I just haven't had the time to post. Here they are:


This was a bit of a venting poem, life was getting to me so I wrote:

The Creature

In unsettlement and rampage
I am born
A master of destruction
Unique and similar
To my million brothers

We all have it inside us
The creature
It tears at us seeking freedom
While we suppress it
To seem as if content to our masters

Our masters
What else is there to say?
They are our masters
Complete in dominance over our souls
Not by the will of their own
But by our, wretched, need to please

It is by drive and instinct that we please
Though we are torn to do otherwise
It is the instinct with which we are bred
For an illusion of success
Success that our masters have obtained
As a rich man succeeds
When really they are dieing

We are failures
We are failing
Failing to please
Ripping ourselves

The others die
They fail
And die
Sinking into the pit from which they came
I am the only one left
Left to fail

I live by isolation
Without love, friends or freedom
But still I fail
Without love, friends or freedom to comfort me
Like my brothers had

In the end I will succeed
But for now I am tortured
By a ripping inside me
Inside my blood
Forming the creature

I appear to succeed
Few see the creature within
Few see the tears
The crying inside

I will always cry
For my failure
For my brothers failure
For my masters illusions
But still, few see the tears

I am still alive
My masters are still alive
We will survive till timely death
But I
A creature
And you
A creature
Won’t call it living


This is just a ranting at the insanity of man.


What is love?
What is life?
What is freedom, joy or happiness?
What can it be?

Can it be these slight tinglings of feeling
Which my brothers adore?
Can it be these calm or else violent sensations
That fill my brothers world?

I always imagined something more
Something better
Something honest
But I guess it was only a dream

A dream of peace
A dream of honesty
Without verbal blows
Or false sincerity

Am I too wanting?
Do I ask too much?
Just for brotherhood
And fellowship
And real,

Can I leave this shallow pool of emotion?
That most people inhabit
Can I swim out to other pools?
With pure,

Can I destroy war
And evil?
Can I hope to?
Can I try to?
Can I?
Can you?


This is just kind of another version of "Bath of Fire" (And a bit more of the pg-13 variety).

Confessions of an evil man
It pulses within me
Like blood
With throbbing
And silent

It eats at my soul
Like maggots
Twisting and contorting
Spasming in blind hatred
Tearing through my spirit
And tainting it with acid spit

My heart is made of worms
Withering together
Joined in violence
Strangling themselves
Squeezing out their own blood
Into my veins
Distorting it to bubbling tar

My life is infected
My breath is putrid
My mind is in fever
My love is ripped apart

I hate others
I hate myself
I hate you

I will let loose this violence in my soul
Let it infect the innocent
Consume the children
Kill the men
And rape the women
Until all are like me
Until all are a twisted ball of living flesh
Joined in hatred
With hand on knife
And knife in breast
And screaming while we bleed

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Last edited by dunsparce on Tue Jan 01, 2008 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:52 pm
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Wow, these are brilliant. I'm currently studying poetry at A level, and I wouldn't be surprised to find something like this in the anthology...

I particularly like the maid one, I thought it was rather clever, and exceedingly thought provoking.

The last one you wrote, 'Confessions of an Evil Man,' it had an insane amount of darkness in it that rather appealed to me. The rotten imagery of his body (particularly the heart) was highly successful, and it's as if he's acknowledging, but not resenting what he is.

THere is a lot of repition in it, that I disliked at first, but I found that it works quite well given the nature of the narrator. The final stanza hits hardest in my opinion, as it shows how his evil thoughts are not limited to just one person/sect, it's aimed at everyone:


Let it infect the innocent
Consume the children
Kill the men
And rape the women

Pretty hardhitting.

Good going, I hope you add to this. ;)


"Play with fire and expect to be burned."

Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:24 am
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Why thanks Obsidian, if you've noticed that's the 2nd poem I've wrote on how an evil man feels. It's fully possible I'll wright another one.

For now I've wrote another one, this one was because I was bored. It's about a man (not me if your wondering) who's dieing and writing how he feels (which is a lot less dark then it sounds). I think I might make more of these "how they feel" poems, they come pretty easy.


A Long Life

I reach the final step
In the longest walk of all
I am tired and weary
From picking up my feet

I rest in this bed and write mere words
To put forth the feeling
Of walking a completed path
And finally reaching the end

I have walked long and hard
Never stopping for foolish things
Things like greed and hatred
Just simply making my way
Down a long road with my fellows

I have reached bumps, hills and mountains
And though jolted at first to see them
I have climbed over all
Until the road levels out
And I continue making my way

There have been breaks in the road
Each an unknown path with an unknown destination
And though I didn’t know where I was going
I chose the path that called me forth
And seemed the correct one
To mark with my feet

A few times I felt neither path calling
And had to forge my own
Walking with a more purposed stride
Continuing until another path beckoned me
And became joined with mine

There have been others on the road
We have either gone down a different path
Or they have reached the end of their road
And waved as I passed

Now I am to join them
To rest my weary feet
And before I reach the end
I will write on a sheet of paper
And wave at you as you pass


Though this isn't so dark the next one I have in mind (which I may write now) certainly will be.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Mon Nov 19, 2007 4:56 pm
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Well I wrote it, but I feel obliged to say that:

This is PG-13!!! Children -10 should not read.

I don't really think that anyone under 10 will read this but....Precaution.

Anyway, this is about...Well you can probably guess.



I am wretched
I am condemned
I am going to die
I am a murderer

This accursed life within me
Throbs painfully
Trying to break free
It wants to still exist
To break free of it’s human cage

At dawn, they told me
So I did not sleep until then
I wanted to make my last moments last
To breath every last breath I could

I gulped air
Trying to breath slowly
Trying to enjoy the feel of oxygen
That would not always grace my lungs

At dawn they said
And the bloody light filled my cell
Too soon the moment comes
Too soon for me to be hurled out of my prison
Too soon to have my hands bound
And too soon to be thrust in front of the jeering crowed

My pulse raced
As I waked up the fatal steps
I felt my soul
Thrashing in me
As mind wrenching fear took hold

My gasps came quickly
The drumming started
The noose was put around my neck
And my accusations were read

The moment seemed like eternity
With a coarse rope against my throat
A splintering trap door beneath my feet
And a screaming in my heart

A hush fell over the crowd
The drums ceased
The man signaled to the masked man
I drew my last breath
I fell
And I hung


This is the dark one I metiond before.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:17 pm
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Has it really only been ten days? Wow. I'm actually kinda glad no one poster about the last one :P .

I wrote another, I tried to keep any sort of dark tint off this one; I think I failed:



In, out, constant
Your lips grasp at life
Swallowing invisible substance
Welcoming the lift inside you
Enveloping your being
Swiftly flying through your veins
Softly spreading, healing
In your one eternal sanctuary

It dissipates
Becoming as thin as the tight string
Connecting you to your sanity
Becoming finer and finer
Spreading like hairs
Feeling it’s way

It disappears
And leaves behind a tickling presence
Thin imprints in your skin
Exciting your soul
Awaking your mind
Leaving it’s blissful feeling
For a time
To remain

The imprints become tight
Noticing the departed ghost
The fog rises
Leaving limbs of stone
Infiltrating your essence

You must gasp for the life
Flowing so carefree around you
Euphoric at it’s own existence
You must tear at swirling imagination
To capture it again with your lips
And live


No there is no real deeper meaning, I really wrote about breathing. This is shorter than normal, there isn't much more to say without me eventually going waaaaaaaay off (eg. breathing in fright, breathing humid air etc).

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:05 pm
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Well, it's nearly that ten day-without-poem time again. So I have wrote the shortest (besides taxes) and longest poems I have ever written. Enjoy!



This is the history we share
This is what we have wrote down
In the stone of time
Our gravestone


Six billion
Little letters in a book
You are one of them
And you see only yourself at first
Your own little bit of blackness
You are an “I”
And you are discontent
You want to be more
So you cease being a letter
And join with other letters
And make a word

Your little group of black letters
Spelling the word “We”
Seem very white
When you look around
And you get along quite well
But when you choose to leave your word
Wishing to be even more
You see a sentence

This sentence is much longer than your word
It is made up of ten words
It is ten times as large as your word
And it seems very huge
And the sentence seems much clearer then your word
Or your letter
This sentence spells out
“We, all of us.”
And this seems much better
Then your “I”
Even if there is a bit of jostling
With you all in one place
And trying to talk across a comma
But there is more blackness
More ink on the paper
But still
It is very white
And you can still see the spaces

If you try to leave your sentence
As a few letters do
It gets very difficult
Because the period
That holds your sentence together
Is also a boundary
That you must overcome

If you manage to get past the period
You see a paragraph
So much longer than your first word
It intimidates you
You become scared
But there is nowhere to hide
You eventually become used to it
Even with the large amount of blackness
And the disagreements that arouse between sentences
Shouting over periods
But if you look far enough
You can see the paragraph break
You can still see whiteness
Until you wish to become still more
And try to leave your paragraph

It is much harder to leave a paragraph
Than to leave a sentence
This time there are many periods
And exclamation points also
So it is very rare
For a letter to leave a sentence
But if you do
You see a page

This page is incredible
It nearly drives you to insanity
There is just so much ink
So much blackness
And so many letters
It is easy to lose yourself
There are so many
And you would be barely noticed
And you manage to slip in

It is much more rough on your page
And much more violent
Whole paragraphs argue against each other
Screaming at each other
Across paragraph breaks
With so many swirling ideas being thrown around
That unity is impossible
And very little white shines through
And it is even harder
To escape

There is no record to what is beyond a page
Simply because those incredible few
Never reveal it
And become singular letters again
But for you
The urge to be even more
May completely overtakes you
And if you forge your way through the paragraphs
You will see the book
The book of six billion letters

It is vast
And it is unavoidable
That you will lose sanity for a while
So lost are you
Trying to pick out the individual letters
Eventually you see it is impossible
And instead pick out the pages
And even that is difficult
Because it is easy to get distracted
By the torrent of ideas

If you finally sort it all out
And are able to look at all the letters
Grouped together as they are
You see no white
Nothing but black
And the only way to live with yourself
With this knowledge
Is to again retreat
Into a signal letter
Like you always really were
Like all other letters have been
And always will be
It is what you are created to be
A little black letter
On the white page of your world
Saying “I”


Obviously I'm not feeling too happy with the state of the world (my geography class is to blame, stupid truth :P).

@ Memories: This is just a little thing to think about.

@ Letters: No I am not literately writing a story about a letter. This is a story about what one person really is in the world and how he will always try to gain power and knowledge (the number six billion was your first hint). Words, sentences, paragraphs and pages are meant to represent communities, states (or some kind of region if you're not from the U.S.), countries and continents. The book is the world. The punctuation are the differences and the boundaries of society, like skin color and social status.

Comments, critiques and suggestions are greatly appreciated! :D.

EDIT: W00t! Second page! Finally!

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:22 am
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Here's another one, Obs might like this.


Light and Shadow

Light is cast on an object
A shadow lies behind
The object is neither light nor dark
It is simply being

We are like this object
With good cast on us
And darkness radiating from us
While we ourselves are neither
Merely an in-between point
We are what cause the darkness
We are what give the light purpose
Creator of black
Proof of white
And we ourselves neither
Neither good nor evil
Light nor dark
We simply
With all of us trying
To be black or white
Trying to rip ourselves in half
And though we say we are one
We are both being
Light and dark
Good and Evil
Black and White


Wow, I wrote an entire poem off of one metaphor.

It has been 34 days without any posts. More than a month. Do people just not like poetry? Or is it just my poetry?

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Sun Dec 23, 2007 12:19 pm
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I wrote another one. I'm absolutly serious when I say these come to me only every 10 days or so, I have no idea why.

Even though I don't know if anyone's even reading these, might as well post this.



I lie down my head
The pillow is gentle with my most precious thoughts
I close my eyes
Dark shrouds concealing the violent world from me

I let my mind wander into waiting mist
The mist engulfs it
And only when all else is obscured
Come forward my wild fantasies

I look down on a mountain
And laugh at it’s inferiority
Then I look up at an ant
And cower as it’s giant shadow covers me

I run across the plain
My feet as if feathers
My body relaxed
Then I stop
I tense up
My breathing quickens
My limbs wear down with fatigue
I must take a break
So I run again

I am going into the sky
The endless blue expanse
Cloud after cloud wetting me
I have no control
Am I falling or am I flying?

Grotesque creatures come forth from the darkness
Grinning their frothing mouths in bloodlust
I know they come for me
I run, but there is nowhere to hide
Nothing to shield me
Nothing to protect me
I am a weak human
Only powerful by my thoughts
Thoughts that are racing and indecipherable now
I finally reach a dead end
So now it is inevitable
I turn to face my fears
Stalking toward me with their grinning mouths
Eager for my pain
Eager for my death
My traitor heart beat rapidly
As if trying to fulfill as much use
As it can in my last seconds
The monsters close in
Fear washes over me in waves
So much terror I can’t endure it
So much terror that my heart nearly bursts out of my chest
And causes my end instead
I can’t take this much fear
My mind can’t accept it
So I wake up


This was just some leisure writing. It's not supposed to have any real meaning, just be entertaining.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:33 pm
Pokemon Master
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These broke my ten day streak. I had to write them for school (poems about Lord of the Flies).


The Human Fire

When blistering sun beats on him
And when he is left without hope
Of relief
Of rescue
Man becomes animal

If humans are left alone with themselves
If their true spirit is revealed
Then we lose humanity
And succumb to savagery
We become our own worst enemy

If we are put through trial by fire
The fire will invade our souls
It will transform us to a beast of the flame
It will make us destroy others
To rip at humanity with our blood-covered teeth
To devour humanity
To consume ourselves


The Ones

When our leadership is brought to the basic level
It becomes three types of people

The ones with power
The ones that appeal to the crowd
The “face” of intelligence
When that face is not the real intelligence
But it can absorb the intelligence
Like a sponge
And, like a sponge
It can put it into action
Squeeze it out of itself
And bring it into being
So the ones with power
Are necessary
And to get power
They must process the traits of goodness
So they are in fact
And pure
Let’s call them “Ralph”

The ones who want power
The beings of the crowed
The ones that twist their fellows
So that they may appeal to them
The ones who are stupid
And rash
Who possess no intelligence
And accept none
Even scorn it
For the mind of the crowd doesn’t like to think
It likes to be rash
It likes to be stupid
To be led by their instincts
Their animal instinct
So they lose humanity
They will follow one of their own
The most sly and corrupt one
For to gain power
He must be the first to twist
And corrupt
Let’s call him “Jack”

And, finally
The ones with intelligence
The ones with true knowledge
The ones who rise beyond the calling of animal instinct
The ones who do not possess it at all
And are innocent and pure
The ones who are rejected by the crowd
The animal crowd
The animals that reject their opposite
Who hates it
Even if it exists
To help them
Even if the ones with intelligence
Are kind and good
Even if it only wants to save the animals
From themselves
Let’s call these people “Piggy”

These three beings
Are what our government
Our communities
Our families
Are made of
And the only way to save ourselves
Is to wake up
And reject “Jack”
Embrace “Piggy”
And follow “Ralph”


((ZOMG, haiku))
Human Violence

Man is so vicious
It seeks to destroy itself
Not only others


Not my best work, but I did write them...And they are poems...And the title specifically states this is where I post my poems...So here you go.

EDIT: Since no one wants to post I have put up a poll, so at least I might get some input.

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:57 pm
Pokemon Master
Pokemon Master
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Joined: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:24 am
Posts: 1152
Ok, for some strange reason my Chemistry class had me do a poem about oil with 15 required words. So this defiantly isn't my best poem (whether it's my worst or not you decide).


Death Water

The Kerogen is crushed
Organic things dead destroyed again
From the sediment piled on top of it
It decomposes
Pressured till it flows like water
And then trapped in the pores
Of permeable reservoir rock
Such is the creation
Of the black liquid
The death water
That we trade for blood
That we call “oil”

We dig for this black liquid
This flowing mass of hydrocarbons
We suck it from the ground
And then heat it until it burns
And releases the poison of Carbon Dioxide

This poison infects our air
It destroys our defenses from the sun
Until we are also burning
But it gets no reaction from us
Stupid, ignorant humans

We let the black water burn
We let it’s poison flow
We allow people to die for it
It becomes liquid death

We love this poisonous tar
We covet these liquid corpses
For it gives us comfort
And comfort is our god

This black water excretes poison
That does not cease with crippling us physically
With burning our skin
The poison does not just exist in our air
It is also in our minds
And it fuels the fiery hatred
Of war


Someone thinks I'm excellant :D .

^DarkCosmos, Poems^

Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:13 pm
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