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 Movie Review: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 
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You're welcome, TCM. I try to keep my reviews spoiler-free, I mean, the point of a review is also to recommend the film to people who haven't seen it yet - so why ruin the film for them? I hope you haven't read Amphy's review yet, which is also an excellent review, but completely ruins the movie for you if you read it :P

So to you, TCM, and to anyone else who hasn't seen the film yet (come on, guys! What are you waiting for?!), I hope you enjoy it!

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Sun May 22, 2005 11:49 am
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well a review is supposed to be the response or opinion of the movie's content so i dont see what's wrong with citing content from the movie. wat i dont understand is why people who havent seen the movie and worry about spoilers even look into this topic. i mean its pretty clearly labeled "movie review." i would suggest that anyone who hasnt seen the movie and worry about other ppl "ruining" the surprises for them to just avoid this thread all together and discuss their anticipation in the other thread, "star wars episode iii." star wars is just one of those movies that reviews basically wont help you to understand, enjoy better, encourage, or discourage you from seeing. if you like star wars, you're gonna c the last episode (duh!). if you don't you're not. i mean its much less of a "good stand-alone film" than a phenomenon that you have to experience by immersing yourself in all 6 films.

anyway, here's my breakdown of the six films in order to best to worst, imho:



Sun May 22, 2005 1:53 pm
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Nido wrote:

So to you, TCM, and to anyone else who hasn't seen the film yet (come on, guys! What are you waiting for?!), I hope you enjoy it!

I'm trying to set a world record; to be the very last person to see Star Wars Ep. III :D


Sun May 22, 2005 1:58 pm
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first of all...why?!?!

and i think that the poor monk chap in the talimakan desert has you beat for the position of last one to see rots.


Sun May 22, 2005 5:41 pm
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I would like to note that the actor who played Anikan Skywalker was a bit weird.

Revenge of the sith was a great movie but the acting of Skywalker was bit odd.

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Mon May 23, 2005 4:33 pm
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Crosman wrote:
I would like to note that the actor who played Anikan Skywalker was a bit weird.

Revenge of the sith was a great movie but the acting of Skywalker was bit odd.

as noted in almost every review above, hayden christensen's acting isn't exactly what you call top notch.

worst lines:
no! it's because im so in love with you.
I...HATE you!!

he's young tho and i have to admit that this was his better star wars performance. improved a great deal compared to his almost autistic "angry" slurs in aotc.


Mon May 23, 2005 6:13 pm
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episode I was bad and episode IV wasnt too great either (it was exceptional for its time, but not in comparison to episodes V or VI). maybe you should at least watch the original trilogy (IV, V, and VI) before passing final judgement on star wars because from what i can tell, uve only seen the sub-par films.


Tue May 24, 2005 4:31 pm
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Chimaerax wrote:
episode IV wasnt too great either

I beg to differ! A New Hope is not only one of the most historically importanty and groundbreaking films of all time, it is also just a darn good film. I mean, come on! I think it's just so imprinted in your mind that you don't reailze just how good A New Hope is. It was where Star Wars was created. The classic characters, Han Solo, Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi... they're all from A New Hope! And besides all that, it's also particularly clever. If you've noticed, it's basically an old knight story, but set in the future. The good night (Obi-Wan) has to find a young farmer and turn him into a knight (Luke) in order to help him invade the evil knight (Darth Vader)'s fortress (The Death Star) and save the princess (Leia). Then, the good knights (The Rebellion) attack the bad knights (The Empire), during which a smaller duel occurs: The main good knight (Obi-Wan) against the main bad knight (Vader). It's the classic good vs evil showdown. George Lucas took a classic story, a classic set-up and a classic form of storytelling, and set it in space. You must realize the genius of this.
While A New Hope was magical because of its pureness, I do think that Empire Strikes Back is better than it because of its complexity, and darkness. My favourite Star Wars movies:

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. Return of the Jedi
*rather large gap*
5. Attack of the Clones
6. The Phantom Menace

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Wed May 25, 2005 7:31 am
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Yeah!!!!!!!!Darkside Anakin!!!!!!!

White tiger X
more members needed.

Wed May 25, 2005 9:51 am
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I watched the movie yesterday, and it was pretty good, but still the love between Padme and Anakin isn't convincing enough. And Mr. Christensen's acting is pretty stale. His expression was roughly about the same whether Anakin was saying "You're so beautiful" to Padme or screaming "I hate you!" to Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi.

Still, the movie was great because of the spectacular space battle at the start of the show, the fantastic lightsaber duels (Grievous v Obi-Wan, Obi Wan and Anakin v Dooku, Mace Windu v Palpatine, Anakin v Obi-Wan, Yoda v Palpatine :shock: ), and the way the plot fits nicely into the saga to link up the first two episodes with the old trilogy (Episodes IV to VI).

Anyway, to go on to slighly off topic matters, I was thinking if Mace Windu almost killed Palpatine, and Yoda lost to Palpatine, does that mean Yoda is worse than Windu? And why did Obi-Wan get knocked out so easily by Dooku, (who was in turn killed by Anakin) and yet be able to triumph over Anakin?


Thu May 26, 2005 1:17 am
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well the way u broke it down, it was as if lightsaber duels were like rock-paper-scissors games. i dont wanna sound like a geek, but lightsaber duels when u watch them seem to be skill (reflexes mostly), strength (saber locks and such), and a bit of luck. seems like too many variables to just say well if "person a" can beat "person b" and "person b" can beat "person c" then "person a" must be able to beat "person c." the theory is just flawed even in terms of simple logic because the "beating" isnt a quantified constant.


Thu May 26, 2005 3:27 pm
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Further expanding the whole Mace Windu/Palpatine/Yoda thing (spoilers ahead), and these are just theories, mind you: When Windu almost kills Palpatine, Palpatine draws power from the Dark Side to keep him alive, which is what mutates him. This also makes him more powerful, though, which means he is stronger when he fights Yoda. Also, I think that the death of all the other Jedi hurt Yoda a lot. Remember how Obi-Wan felt pain when Alderaan was destroyed? Well, those were just normal people. Imagine how much it must weaken a Jedi master when that many Jedi are killed. I think that explains how Palpatine beat Yoda.

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Thu May 26, 2005 4:28 pm
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Chimaerax, I was joking about the part about Windu, Yoda and Palpatine. It was just some lame thought I had, so I'm sorry if you misunderstood.

Anyway, that's an interesting theory, Nido. I agree with you on the part about Yoda being weakened by the death of all the Jedis. Another theory, however, is that Palpatine had lost to Windu on purpose. It was his way of getting Anakin over to the Dark Side, and he wanted Anakin to attack Windu so he acted that he was helpless and weak, which he wasn't. That's why after Anakin maimed Windu he could attack Windu with those electric attack thingy again.


Sat May 28, 2005 1:50 am
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It being Half Term holidays now, I'm going to see Revenge Of The Sith (or ROTS :D) either tomorrow or on Tuesday. I'm really and I mean REALLY looking forward to it.

Oh but I do agree with Frost that there's that chance of Episode VII, maybe based on the books. Prehaps Princess Leya will turn to the dark side? Oooo.


Sun May 29, 2005 11:16 am
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I think that Episodes VII-IX will not be made BECAUSE of the books. Nobody wrote anything about the prequels, so George Lucas had room to expand the universe as he imagined it. But practically that occurs after Episode VI has been covered in all the books, as far as 20 years after Episode VI and even further. And I highly doubt that Episodes VII-IX would be based on the books, that's a very un-Star Wars-ish thing to do. No, I don't think Episodes VII-IX will be made. And I certainly hope not.

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Sun May 29, 2005 11:53 am
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of course that's setting aside the many official statements by George Lucas himself that there will be no more star wars movies, ever. he did reveal that a star wars tv series was in the making similar to clone wars and independent of the skywalker story.


Sun May 29, 2005 1:13 pm
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Quite frankly, George Lucas needs to take on his own padawan so Star Wars can continue. :P

I signed in on 18 April 2017, after pretty much not visiting this site for 7 years. Crazy. When will I update this signature next? Who knows.

Sat Jun 04, 2005 8:22 pm
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Excellent review Nido!

I seen this movie in whistler BC while on vacatio, I got horrible seets and a tiny theatre, and still enjoyed the movie more then any of the others. After watching the movie we exited the theatre and walked into the rain. This was bad, mostly because our car was parked maybe ten blocks away, and we got lost maybe three times. So there we were, not even halfway there when my dad broke the silence by saying "It's done, they've finished the trilogy." then we got into deep conversations of the pure evil coming from Anakin. How you see the way that Palpatine fools Anakin completely, where he simply gained a hardened soldier.

I guess the (second) best thing about this movie was the acting. Ian McDiarmid plays Palpatine so well he fools the crowd along with Anakin, Hayden Christensens, who finally gets some good acting in when he's on the dark side. I guess this movie proves he's a better "evil" actor. Natalie Portman, Padme', is also incredible in this movie. She really is an excellent actork, the emotions she does are so realistic, you'll be sucked into the movie so far, you'll think it's really happening. Last, but not least, another good actor was Ewan McGregor, who played Obi-Won-Kenobi so well, you can't tell the difference between him and the original actor.

Anyway, go see this movie, I give it a 9/10 for mostly lousy acting by Hayden Christensens.


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Sat Jun 11, 2005 9:55 am
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The original actor = Alec Guiness, who is a fantastic actor, but I agree with you that Ewan Mcgregor was good, though not of the same calibre as Mr. Guiness. I don't agree with you about Natalie Portman though, I despise her acting... no offense to her fans.


Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:06 am
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The stupidest thing about the film I thought was the way the Droids in the hangar talked too much and appeared as though they had feelings-thought R2 using 'his' oil and fire combo was cool-but why give battle droids feelings if they're just going to die fighting? Surely there's no point to it.


Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:07 am
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Well, I think that R2-D2 and C-3PO's actions in the hangar were completely in character. Remember that in the original trilogy, they also do all this comic relief slapstick stuff. Lucas ruined their characters in the other two prequels by having C-3PO say stuff like "Die Jedi dogs!" (makes me cringe every time I hear it). Thankfully, in Episode III he's given these characters their spirit back.

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Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:41 am
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Episode III is awsome. I liked that movie so much. It was cool. Im so mad Anakin turned to the dark side.
I give it 5 stars out of 5

Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:19 pm
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