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 Make me teams to replay Gold and Yellow with 
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Bug Catcher
Bug Catcher

Joined: Thu May 21, 2020 10:51 pm
Posts: 1
I want a challenge and am getting bored of making teams myself so I want people to make them for me. It'll give me something to do until these games get released and a good excuse to use WT in Gen 8 (yes, I do that. In case you're wondering, its so people who do WonderLockes have a shot of getting something that isn't ****).


1. At least one Pokémon must be able to learn the necessary HMs to best the game (Yellow: Cut, Surf and Strength. Gold: Cut, Surf, Strength, Whirlpool, Waterfall)

2. Limit of 3 teams per person (one for each of the starters)

3. No Pokémon that obtainable past the Indigo Plateau because Kanto is my grinding for Red (this rule applies for Gold only)

4. Go crazy. Suggest me things in the teams like the spaghetti that wears shoes or the moth that can't be petted due to toxic scales. As long as its found before the postgame, its fair game.

5. No Silver/Crystal (or anything unobtainable without trading with RB in Yellow's case) exclusives or trade evolutions (Machamp in Yellow is exempt due to the in-game trade) as I only have one 3DS and can't trade

Thu May 21, 2020 11:00 pm
Frontier Brain
Frontier Brain
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Joined: Sat May 12, 2007 6:28 pm
Posts: 749
Location: Toronto
For Yellow, how about

Pikachu, Parasect, Porygon, Farfetch'd, Kangaskhan, Ditto

Paras will give you something else early on but not before Brock. It will also allow you to use Cut when you first need to.

Kangaskhan for Surf.

And what it all comes down to
is that everything's gonna be quite all right

Sat May 23, 2020 8:19 am
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