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 Apples to apples! 
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Ace Trainer
Ace Trainer
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Welcome to apples to apples!

This is by far one of my favorite party games, and now I'm bringing it here!

Tommy - But sir! How are we to play this game without any cards?
I glad you asked Tommy!

The game will consist of virtual cards! And when I mean virtual I mean I choose the cards at random and tell you what your cards are!

Tommy - But sir! Wouldent that mean you control the output of the game?

Absolutely not tommy! Because the cards chosen are at RANDOM as in I have a list of cards and I close my eyes and scroll down untill I feel like stopping and pick a card

Tommy - But sir I don't know how to play!

Then let me show you!

Example of a round

There are four players, Ryan, Jeff, Antony, and Chad. Chad goes first. Ryan is host

Ryan - It's chads turn, he will choose the winner
Ryan places a green card, it says "Important"

Jeff places a red card down, it says "People"
Antony places a red card down as well, it says "The prime minister"

Chad then reads the two red cards

Chad - Although the PM is important, I think the people win

Jeff won the round and gets to keep the green card

Normal black and white rules
Step one - get players
Step two - Pick the order of the players
Step three - deal out five red cards to each player, you keep the cards and dont show them to anyone, the host does not get any cards(me in this case)
Step four - the host (me) deals a random topic "
Step five - the player that goes first will choose the winner
Step six - The remaining players then proceed to PM the host the card they choose
Step seven - The host will then PM the first player
Step eight - the first player will choose the card that best fits the topic "green" card
Step nine - Whoever the first player chooses will get the green card and keeps it
Step ten - repeat steps 3-9 untill 25 or so rounds and whoever has the most green cards win!

List of Green cards I will choose from ... -with.html

List of Red cards I will choose from ... -with.html
*Note* I may choose cards or Ideas that an NOT on the list, this could include cards I make up myself such as real people on the forum and/or Pokemon or just random things in general

Tommy - I think I know what to do now! Let's play!

Hang on there tommy, we need more than one player
Sign ups are now open!

Edit : Tommy has been removed from players for not existing

My reach is noble. My power is pure. My cause is noble. My tower secure.

Black Friend Code --- 5158 2229 2547


Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:35 am
Pokemon Master
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Sounds like a lot of fun, I'll sign up! I don't think there's ever been an Apples to Apples game on the forum, so hopefully it'll work out pretty well.

"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right."
- The Book Thief

Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:08 am
Ace Trainer
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I'll "deal out the cards" when we have 7 or so players

My reach is noble. My power is pure. My cause is noble. My tower secure.

Black Friend Code --- 5158 2229 2547


Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:56 am
Pokemon Master
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Apples to Apples? lol you're just asking to be trolled... me.
I'm in.

"As I look up from the ground
I see darkness all around
And I'm lost but can be found up in the sky

Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:31 am
Ace Trainer
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Honestly, this is one of my favorite games, so I'm in. Sounds like fun

This is a signature. It is very good.
actually it's terrible, but let me believe what I want

3DS FC (Pokemon X) 2595-0552-0873

Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:04 pm
Psychic Trainer
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I've never played Apples to Apples before, but it looks good, so I'm in.


Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:52 am
Frontier Brain
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Sounds like Cards Against Humanity. Not sure how well suited this game will be in a forum environment but sure, I'll play.

And what it all comes down to
is that everything's gonna be quite all right

Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:53 pm
Ace Trainer
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CAH is infact a "remake" of apples to apples
But with more mature titles
And it's best played when with friends that are not easily offended
And when you're dunk off your :censored:

Edit-If no more players join within a day or so the game will commence

And for fun, each player will get a player card, this include a name from this forum
As in, you might get a red card that says EvilPenguin or Frost to use at your disposal
Whole point of this game is for the lulz

My reach is noble. My power is pure. My cause is noble. My tower secure.

Black Friend Code --- 5158 2229 2547


Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:06 pm
I got -10200 in Jeopardy
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I like the lulz. I think I will join. Count me in.

Thanks to Dare234 for the Awesome Banner.
{charmander} and {squirtle} and {sneasel} and {buizel} and {honchkrow} and {geodude} rock. (Get it?)

So, this forum just got a revamp, its now interesting, we have a few members, we have some games, we're about to open a Forum Shopping Center to buy Pokemon and Items... (If we get store clerks). We have a WEREWOLF game, and I know how much Psypoke likes Werewolf, so If you're itching to play a shorter game than usual, sign up.

Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:43 am
Pokemon Ranger
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I'll play.

My Gallery Last update: 19 July (Fake Card)

Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:09 am
Ace Trainer
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Good enough for me
Alright heres how we'll choose the order of players
Whoever has the least amount of posts will go first, wait for my PM to each of you for your cards, you each get five including your player card

Edit - cards have been delt
The order of players will be

Eeveelution master
Cherry grove
Haunted Water

The round will commence!
Your topic will be.........
Hot and spicy!
Give me something hot and spicy!

Everyone PM me your choice

Edit Edit
I forgot the part of the annonumous cards so DONT PM eevee, just me

My reach is noble. My power is pure. My cause is noble. My tower secure.

Black Friend Code --- 5158 2229 2547


Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:59 am
I got -10200 in Jeopardy
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I will hand in my jalapeño card. Not sure if its hot and spicy?

Or should I hand in my Ice Cube card. Its definitely hot and spicy

Thanks to Dare234 for the Awesome Banner.
{charmander} and {squirtle} and {sneasel} and {buizel} and {honchkrow} and {geodude} rock. (Get it?)

So, this forum just got a revamp, its now interesting, we have a few members, we have some games, we're about to open a Forum Shopping Center to buy Pokemon and Items... (If we get store clerks). We have a WEREWOLF game, and I know how much Psypoke likes Werewolf, so If you're itching to play a shorter game than usual, sign up.

Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:40 am
Pokemon Master
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Location: Pretty much anywhere, and always running know you have to pm your choice, right?

"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right."
- The Book Thief

Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:26 am
Ace Trainer
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waiting for the last player to PM me
or should I just go ahead and conclude the round?

My reach is noble. My power is pure. My cause is noble. My tower secure.

Black Friend Code --- 5158 2229 2547


Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:20 am
Pokemon Master
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I can't send one in as of right now. Something isn't working correctly with my UCP.

"As I look up from the ground
I see darkness all around
And I'm lost but can be found up in the sky

Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:28 pm
Ace Trainer
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Just send it whenever you can
Or should I end the round as I said?

My reach is noble. My power is pure. My cause is noble. My tower secure.

Black Friend Code --- 5158 2229 2547


Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:01 am
I got -10200 in Jeopardy
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Since the UCP and PMs are working again, I think you should just wait for him to send it.

Thanks to Dare234 for the Awesome Banner.
{charmander} and {squirtle} and {sneasel} and {buizel} and {honchkrow} and {geodude} rock. (Get it?)

So, this forum just got a revamp, its now interesting, we have a few members, we have some games, we're about to open a Forum Shopping Center to buy Pokemon and Items... (If we get store clerks). We have a WEREWOLF game, and I know how much Psypoke likes Werewolf, so If you're itching to play a shorter game than usual, sign up.

Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:18 am
Ace Trainer
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He has had plenty of time
He'll just have to wait it out

Eeveelution your choices are for "Hot and spicy!"

The man(?) himself Haunted Water!
The noisy, and tasty breed of birds, Duck!
Black and white striped, or white and black striped? Zebras!
Our all powerfully and glorious leader Frost!
The small and annoying flying creatures called Fairies!

My reach is noble. My power is pure. My cause is noble. My tower secure.

Black Friend Code --- 5158 2229 2547


Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:56 am
Psychic Trainer
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And the winner is......The noisy, and tasty breed of birds, Duck!


Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:42 am
Ace Trainer
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Continuing the game that I should have a while ago

The cards have been re-delt and your new Green card is.....


Give me something Melodramatic!

My reach is noble. My power is pure. My cause is noble. My tower secure.

Black Friend Code --- 5158 2229 2547


Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:43 pm
Dragon Tamer
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When are spots open again? This seems hella legit.


Sun May 12, 2013 6:15 pm
Ace Trainer
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whenever someone uses a Phoenix Down and tries to revive it
feel free to try again with a new topic

or we can continue this one

My reach is noble. My power is pure. My cause is noble. My tower secure.

Black Friend Code --- 5158 2229 2547


Sun May 12, 2013 7:02 pm
Bug Catcher
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hey is this a dead thread? if not, i'm down for a game if we can get enough players!

-Jacob, Lord of the Yanmas.

Wed Sep 26, 2018 3:31 pm
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