
What do grey stars in pokemon stats mean?
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Author:  GoldenEye Ranger [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  What do grey stars in pokemon stats mean?

I'm sorry if I'm posting a thread that was already made.
But I'm just curious.

Author:  Gallade Roxas [ Wed Jul 07, 2010 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do grey stars in pokemon stats mean?

Gray stars... Do you mean on the third page of their profile?

Author:  KingErick [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What do grey stars in pokemon stats mean?

GoldenEye Ranger wrote:
I'm sorry if I'm posting a thread that was already made.
But I'm just curious.

unfortunately im not sure. let me look it up.

i will reply to this thread once i know

Author:  Lawence Codye [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do grey stars in pokemon stats mean?

Umm, I see it like this;

Gray (wat, it's actually brown but whatever...) = Performance stats that is lowered because of the current day or pokemon's nature...
Yellow = Performance stats that is uneffected by the current day or pokemon's nature...
Orange = Performance stats that is increased because of the current day or pokemon's nature...

Increase means that that pokemon is better at that then usual for now & decrease means that that pokemon is worse then usual for now...

When using Apricot Juice, the stats that it increases usually becomes Orange stars or increases all the way to potiential & then also turns Orange...

When Apricot Juice wares off or when an Apricot Juice is used & the stats would usually be decreased, the stats become Gray or decrease by a small fraction & then become Gray afterwards still...

This is the info I got from my experiences with the Pokeathlon alone...
Oh, anything on that page of the stats screen does not affect the pokemon via battles what so ever...only when they are in the Pokeathlon Events...

Author:  GoldenEye Ranger [ Thu Jul 08, 2010 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do grey stars in pokemon stats mean?

Lawence Codye wrote:
Umm, I see it like this;

Gray (wat, it's actually brown but whatever...) = Performance stats that is lowered because of the current day or pokemon's nature...
Yellow = Performance stats that is uneffected by the current day or pokemon's nature...
Orange = Performance stats that is increased because of the current day or pokemon's nature...

Increase means that that pokemon is better at that then usual for now & decrease means that that pokemon is worse then usual for now...

When using Apricot Juice, the stats that it increases usually becomes Orange stars or increases all the way to potiential & then also turns Orange...

When Apricot Juice wares off or when an Apricot Juice is used & the stats would usually be decreased, the stats become Gray or decrease by a small fraction & then become Gray afterwards still...

This is the info I got from my experiences with the Pokeathlon alone...
Oh, anything on that page of the stats screen does not affect the pokemon via battles what so ever...only when they are in the Pokeathlon Events...


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