
Old Gen - Gen V counterparts
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Author:  AceTrainer [ Wed May 12, 2010 1:25 am ]
Post subject:  Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

Here's a few pokemon I think we'll be seeing under new forms and new names in the 5th gen. (i.e., {riolu} (zorua) and {lucario} (zoruark)

Grass starter (obviously)
{bulbasaur} {chikorita} {treecko} {turtwig}

Fire starter (obviously, again)
{charmander} {cyndaquil} {torchic} {chimchar}

Water starter (obviously, once more)
{squirtle} {totodile} {mudkip} {piplup}

bird pokemon found in early routes
{pidgey} {spearow} {hoothoot} {taillow} {wingull} {starly}

bug pokemon that begin from larvae and have pupa (or pupa-like stages) and metamorphose
{butterfree} {beedrill} {beautifly} {dustox} {mothim}

( bug pokemon - extended)
{venomoth} || {masquerain} (?)


nido-like pokemon
{nidoking} {nidoqueen} {aggron} {rhyperior}

big fat pokemon
{snorlax} {ursaring} {slaking} || {hariyama} (?)

Which previous pokemon do you think will have counterparts in the 5th gen?

Here's hoping for a new


{alakazam} {gardevoir}

{gengar} {dusknoir}

{ampharos} {luxray}


Author:  Ryanh181 [ Wed May 12, 2010 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

{magikarp} - {feebas}
{dusclops} - {banette}
{pinsir} - {scyther}

Author:  rex09 [ Wed May 12, 2010 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

{dragonite} {tyranitar} {salamence} {metagross} {garchomp} these are the pseudo-legends of the games. there'll probably be something that levels up around 45-55 in the next game, like this.
{shinx} {skitty} cute cat pokemon, though in shinx's case, it grew up into a bad-ass useful lion thing.
{raichu} {ampharos} {luxray} three stage electrics, usually useful in the course of the games.
{chansey} {skorupi} {tauros} hard to catch safari pokemon (for me at least).

Author:  Lawence Codye [ Wed May 12, 2010 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

I hope to see counterparts of the following pokemon come 5th Gen;

1. {taillow} {swellow} = maybe a Normal/Flying bird pokemon for once that worked off of SPATK rather then ATK but just as fast
2. {zubat} {golbat} {crobat} = maybe a different kind of bat pokemon that is maybe bigger at it's final stage of evolution, I don't know
3. {gyarados} or {milotic} = maybe they could bring about a more traditional like leviathan pokemon that was a sea serpent as a basic pokemon & once it evolved
4. {absol} = why, cause I want to see a pokemon that looks like Absol but is a Steel Type, would be awesome
5. {zapdos} = if anybody has seen my made up pokemon entry via another thread here then you know I want a non legendary Electric/Flying pokemon to pop up at some point badly with Charge Beam as it's signature move & so on
6. {articuno} = of course, I want an non legendary Ice/Flying pokemon besides the failure that was Delibird, I want it to be cute, little like at least Pidgeotto little & able to learn a whole moveset like Articuno & have a beautiful tail like Articuno

That's it for now...

Author:  KingErick [ Sat May 15, 2010 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

In general i want specific bug types and a level 55 evovling pokemon and so forth but:

as cody pointed out ahead of me,

I want a tradition sea monster" he said,

I want alot more animal based Pokemon.

Author:  WirelessBrain [ Sat May 15, 2010 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

As pointed ut above, i want some more animal-based pokemon. Game freak are kind of straying away from that now i think and having their own 'unique' designs instead.

Author:  rex09 [ Sat May 15, 2010 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

animals are good. mythical and realistic alike. i just wish they would have that familiar kind of homey feel to them (you know what i mean?? if not i'm probably crazy lol). pokemon like garchomp and froslass are remarkably inspired, but not great-looking. inspirations and whatnot (uniqueness in looks) should be reserved as much as possible for legendaries, in my opinion. for a sea monster pokemon, let's see a leviathan kind of dealie (either like a giant squid, a megalodon, or the giant robot lobster in Disney's Atlantis the Lost City lol). wonder what the pseudo-legend of this gen will be like...

Author:  WirelessBrain [ Sat May 15, 2010 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

rex09 wrote:
animals are good. mythical and realistic alike. i just wish they would have that familiar kind of homey feel to them (you know what i mean?? if not i'm probably crazy lol). pokemon like garchomp and froslass are remarkably inspired, but not great-looking. inspirations and whatnot (uniqueness in looks) should be reserved as much as possible for legendaries, in my opinion. for a sea monster pokemon, let's see a leviathan kind of dealie (either like a giant squid, a megalodon, or the giant robot lobster in Disney's Atlantis the Lost City lol). wonder what the pseudo-legend of this gen will be like...

YES, thats just what i've been thinking. Just no idea how to word it. But yeah, the uniqueness should be saved for legendaries...

Author:  Lawence Codye [ Sat May 15, 2010 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

KingErick wrote:
as cody pointed out ahead of me,

I want a tradition sea monster" he said,

I want alot more animal based Pokemon.

Darkrai-follower wrote:
As pointed ut above, i want some more animal-based pokemon. Game freak are kind of straying away from that now i think and having their own 'unique' designs instead.

Firstly, I agree with you both as wanting more animal based pokemon should be EVERYONE'S first vote pertaining to what they want to see come 5th Gen pokemon wise...& also, yeah, I want a flat out traditional Sea Serpent & or Leviathan, not that Gyarados crap, Water/Flying? Get that stuff outta here!...I mean something like Leviathan from FFVIII or the Seadramon ""family"" of the Digimon series kind of Sea Serpent...I see only Water or Ice/Water working here as well...

Author:  Jaypokes [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

houndor pocheana
sry for speling

Author:  DarkTrainer [ Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

I think Kibago is the 5th generation pseudo- legendary
i mean hes dragon type which almost promises that rank and i cna imagine him evolving intoa awesome tyranitar like pokemon

Author:  Wailord_2 [ Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

rex09 wrote:
{chansey} {skorupi} {tauros} hard to catch safari pokemon (for me at least).

Thats actually funny because I once found like 8 Chansey's in the Fire Red Safari Zone and I caught 2 but they are hard to catch still

Author:  Slim Shady [ Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

damnit wailord, chansey has a 1% chance of appearing in that stupid safari zone. i guess lucky people tend to be better at pokemon.

alakazam and gengar are already counterparts, there both powerful abstract pokemon evolved by trading, and have the same base stat total, with almost the same stat spread, except that Alakazam has higher special attack, special defence and speed, and gengar has higher hp, attack and defence. so yeah, there counterparts.

a legendary trio is guaranteed, i wonder what they'd base them off. birds -> dogs -> golems -> elves -> fighters? i'd like to see some fighting-type legendaries for once.

there ain't many animals left to base off. they've already done swans in 5th gen, i can't think of what other animals are left, except maybe ants, centipedes, polar bears, eagles. they've even done axolotls. in fact, they've done 2 axolotl pokemon (mudkip and wooper).

Author:  aethermage92 [ Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

I'd like to see some cool bird pokemon... Like a Cardinal... (Fire/Flying, anyone?) or even a Ghostly Mockingbird. (Let's add to the Ghost/Flying family!) Ooh or a Flamingo (Water/Flying)! HAHAHA

Author:  AceTrainer [ Sat Aug 21, 2010 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Gen - Gen V counterparts

Slim Shady wrote:
there ain't many animals left to base off. they've already done swans in 5th gen, i can't think of what other animals are left, except maybe ants, centipedes, polar bears, eagles. they've even done axolotls. in fact, they've done 2 axolotl pokemon (mudkip and wooper).

Reindeers (perhaps from stantler), sailfish, lion fish, stegosaurs

cryptids/mythological beings: bird partly based on garuda (garudave > garudair > garudace), minotaurs (minotorch), etc. there are still a lot of free animals/cryptids actually

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