
Eevee evolutions and disappointments
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Author:  MirageWingZapdos [ Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Eevee evolutions and disappointments

im pretty sure someone in this universe is wondering the same thing, why didnt they finish making the eevee typings? i would have personally loved to see a flying, ghost, or poison eevee. and i have to say, i am very disappointed with most of the new pokemon, its a shame they have so many bugs and dragons, and like,... 3 remakes for about 4 different pokemon, the ledgendarys are about the best looking, the rest look wierd, and this time, i dont think ill be getting used to them, i really DONT like them, and i dont think ill like most of them for the rest of Pokemon existence, might as well make generation 6, hell ILL make generation 6!! i should personally make a new pokemon based on the opinions and votes of my fellow peers (maybe i might be able to make a cool water lizard starter too!) just saying,.... if this is the end of pokemon, they can at least go out witha bang, like bungie did with halo reach, now that was grand!

Author:  GofD [ Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

I disagree with you, on everything.

Eevee has been overdone, and it's last two evolutions where horrible stat wise. We dont need anymore, and im glad they have been put to rest.
FYI, theres already a forum topic disscussing this.

The new pokemon are unique. They have finally put some effort into NEW pokemon and not new evolutions for old pokemon. Yes some may be weird, but there are some that look frikin awesome. And saying that they wont grow on you, when you havent even played the game yet ( im assuming). With all new pokemon, we get a challenge that hasnt been seen since gen 1! We have to reaquant ourselves with these new pokemon, just like when pokemon first came out!

Author:  Manafi [ Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

I think they realized how many hated Gen 4's overabundance of new evolutions for old pokemon.

Author:  Dark_Swampert [ Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

MirageWingZapdos wrote:
im pretty sure someone in this universe is wondering the same thing, why didnt they finish making the eevee typings? i would have personally loved to see a flying, ghost, or poison eevee. and i have to say, i am very disappointed with most of the new pokemon, its a shame they have so many bugs and dragons, and like,... 3 remakes for about 4 different pokemon, the ledgendarys are about the best looking, the rest look wierd, and this time, i dont think ill be getting used to them, i really DONT like them, and i dont think ill like most of them for the rest of Pokemon existence, might as well make generation 6, hell ILL make generation 6!! i should personally make a new pokemon based on the opinions and votes of my fellow peers (maybe i might be able to make a cool water lizard starter too!) just saying,.... if this is the end of pokemon, they can at least go out witha bang, like bungie did with halo reach, now that was grand!

funny thing is that I felt the exact same way about Gen IV. But Gen V I really click to the pokemon, they are great and it feels like the first gen all over again. Just grin and bear through this gen or keep playing HGSS. I did that with Gen IV, don't worry you'll probably like the next gen pokemon. [If there is one]

Author:  Frost [ Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

MirageWingZapdos wrote:
im pretty sure someone in this universe is wondering the same thing, why didnt they finish making the eevee typings?

First of all, no, not everybody wants an Eeveelution for every type. Second of all, they wouldn't have introduced TEN new Eeveelutions to "finish making the eevee typings" in Generation V even if they DIDN'T decide to start completely fresh with no relations to older Pokemon.

and i have to say, i am very disappointed with most of the new pokemon, its a shame they have so many bugs and dragons, and like,... 3 remakes for about 4 different pokemon

There are TEN Dragons. TEN. That is ONE more than Generation III introduced. And a lot of the Bugs were necessary because Bug as a whole was a very weak typing and needed an injection of Pokemon who didn't have horrible stats. Also, "3 remakes for 4 different Pokemon"? What? The only Pokemon with extremely noticeable similarities are Emonga/Pachirisu, Baffuron/Tauros and Mamanbou/Luvdisc. And spare me the stuff like "Well Denchura and Ariados are both based on spiders so Denchura is an Ariados remake!!!" Because Denchura is based on a specific type of spider, the tarantula, while Ariados isn't even a true spider because it lacks eight legs.

the rest look wierd, and this time, i dont think ill be getting used to them, i really DONT like them, and i dont think ill like most of them for the rest of Pokemon existence, might as well make generation 6, hell ILL make generation 6!! if this is the end of pokemon, they can at least go out witha bang, like bungie did with halo reach, now that was grand!



Manafi wrote:
I think they realized how much everyone hated Gen 4's overabundance of new evolutions for old pokemon.

Um... thanks for putting words in the mouths of "everyone." Personally, I enjoyed about 80% of the new evolutions that Generation IV provided.

Author:  KingErick [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

I agree with frost. I didnt want more eeveelutions and i do love the new dragons and especially the bugs and pokemon is going strong and this is not the end by any means

Author:  Manafi [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

Frost wrote:
Manafi wrote:
I think they realized how much everyone hated Gen 4's overabundance of new evolutions for old pokemon.

Um... thanks for putting words in the mouths of "everyone." Personally, I enjoyed about 80% of the new evolutions that Generation IV provided.[/color]

Sorry, I meant to say most people and that some of the evolutions could have been left out (for you, 20%) not that each one was bad. Sorry if I offended you.

Author:  Magikarps_Beast [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

I would just like to comment on one thing. Frost, I love it when you hand peoples asses to them. It's awesome. That is all. Lol.

But I guess I should be on topic somehow and say, I liked Gen 4, it may have too many evolutions for old pokemon, but I liked a lot of them... and eeveelutions are annoying, no no no. I liked the originals, and the ones from GSC. When people mention Eeveelutions, I don't even think about Glaceon and Leafeon, they're just those kind of pokemon that I don't remember about, ever.

Author:  Krisp [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

I don't see why we need MORE Eeveelutions, we already have SEVEN, that's more than enough for an Eevee team. I personally like the idea of all the Isshu Pokemon being unrelated to the older Pokemon. I don't remember people complaining much during Hoenn, a region that wasn't related much to the other regions (although not the extreme Isshu is) and I've always liked Hoenn for that reason.

There's no reason to have more Eeveelutions, there's actually too many right now because there's more than enough to have an Eevee team.

Author:  Lawence Codye [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

MirageWingZapdos wrote:
im pretty sure someone in this universe is wondering the same thing, why didnt they finish making the eevee typings? i would have personally loved to see a flying, ghost, or poison eevee.

I wanted to see a Poison Eevolution too but it has been clearly established that the 5th Gen would be a revamp or in a way another beginning for the series so this alone has kind of dropped any idea of older pokemon being chained to newer ones imo...

MirageWingZapdos wrote:
and i have to say, i am very disappointed with most of the new pokemon, its a shame they have so many bugs and dragons, and like,... 3 remakes for about 4 different pokemon, the ledgendarys are about the best looking, the rest look wierd, and this time, i dont think ill be getting used to them, i really DONT like them, and i dont think ill like most of them for the rest of Pokemon existence, might as well make generation 6, hell ILL make generation 6!!

They needed to focus more on some of the types & they decided on these types I mean I don't like their choices that much but I don't hate them I mean there is a Dragon Gym Leader & I would perfer that they don't do with the Dragon Gym Leader what they did with Glacia, only giving her a combined 2 pokemon families & all the Bug Types has already been thoroughly explained...

MirageWingZapdos wrote:
i should personally make a new pokemon based on the opinions and votes of my fellow peers (maybe i might be able to make a cool water lizard starter too!) just saying,.... if this is the end of pokemon, they can at least go out witha bang, like bungie did with halo reach, now that was grand!

This is just, I don't even know what to say here...

Another thread/topic that is here only to rant about the 5th Gen once again, yeah that's refreshing...

Author:  AlphaArceus [ Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

I for one really appreciate the effprt GF made in making the new pokemon. I really dont miss the old pokemon at all. This game is like a breath of fresh air to play. I love alot of the new pokemon, and i havent felt that way for a while in these games.

Author:  Krisp [ Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

They didn't get rid of the old Pokemon, most of them can still be found around Isshu. Ruby and Sapphire really failed at including most of the Pokemon, and I don't think Gamefreak wanted to make the same mistake again. I don't think the fanbase appreciated having to own 5 games to catch em all.

Author:  Rhapsody [ Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

Yeah, I ended up getting all the main Advanced Generation games so I could complete my damn Pokedex. Never again. Wi-Fi also makes it a lot easier to get the old Pokemon, as all you have to do is see them then request one on the GTS (and pray that you don't find a flood of "I'll give you my level 3 Caterpie for a level 70 Reshiram, 'kay?", but that's besides the point).

Back to the original topic, the only Eeveelution I think would "make sense" would be a Dragon-type evolution, as it's the only Special-oriented type that wasn't included (unless I'm having a total memory lapse here). Now that we have the physical/special split, however, I guess you can't really say that. I think seven's plenty - you can make a whole party out of them and even punt the one you like the least. Overall, I like Isshu's Pokemon a lot. Some are flops, but you're gonna get that with every generation. Game Freak did a great job this time around.

Author:  Dark_Swampert [ Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

I agree with rhapsody. You can't get every pokemon right. But overall Gamefreak did an immaculate job this time around. Just try to embrace this Gen, and take it like Gamefreak is- like a new beginning.

D_S signing

Author:  Redsteel13 [ Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

Ya know i really enjoyed most of what they have put out in this new generation. Although not all of the pokemon necessarily look cool, there are a lot of cool types, and a lot of rebuilding that was crucial.

They one thing i really though was important was the integration of more dual typed ghost types. Yes they paired it with dark, flying, psychic, and poison and such but that really limited the use of the ghosts to be used as real main party pokemon.

Most people just added a ghost attack to a dark type so they wouldn't waste a spot, unless you played spiritomb or dusknoir, but now with ghost-fire, ghost-water, and even a ghost-ground type, the usage of ghost types will spike and have a real spot in modern gameplay.

I like it! Plus who uses eveelutions anyway? They are just too weak

Author:  pokemonwarrior [ Mon Nov 22, 2010 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

yeah i made up my own eeveelution once, drew it, and named it ghastleon :D its pretty awesome i chose its stats and stuff and it would make a great pokemon in the game

Author:  Shuckle-rock$ [ Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

I think that if they made more eevee evo's, it might be ANOTHER BUG OR OVERUSED DRAGON TYPE. Besides, if they did make some, they might be just another kind of pokemon i call "filler pokemon".
Simply a 'filler pokemon' is a pokemon the gamefreak people randomly thought of just to add more new pokemon. They also tend to have horrible stats. Ex. Farfeched, Aipom, Bibarel, you get it.

Anyway with the eevees, if they made new eevee, they might be lame- in appearence and stat wise, so will we be better off with no more eevees or what?

Author:  hammythepig [ Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

I think there are enough eevees. Plus if they made more, they would have to make more stones, or special items.
And I also LIKE the fact the gen V is making more dragon types. The only pure dragon before was dragonair and dratini.

Author:  Zero Cool [ Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

Shuckle-rock$ wrote:
I think that if they made more eevee evo's, it might be ANOTHER BUG OR OVERUSED DRAGON TYPE. Besides, if they did make some, they might be just another kind of pokemon i call "filler pokemon".
Simply a 'filler pokemon' is a pokemon the gamefreak people randomly thought of just to add more new pokemon. They also tend to have horrible stats. Ex. Farfeched, Aipom, Bibarel, you get it.

Anyway with the eevees, if they made new eevee, they might be lame- in appearence and stat wise, so will we be better off with no more eevees or what?

Ambipom makes for a good UU lead and Bibarel was an amazing HM slave in DPP. I doubt that Eevee would ever have and OU dragon type O.o

I think that we have plenty as is, and to be honest Glaceon and Leafeon seemed a little forced to be honest. However since they came out with two good stall's in Umbreon and Vaporeon it would be nice to see some sweeper come from it.

Eeveelutions always have a different base stat with these numbers: 130, 110, 95, 65, 65, 60

To the best of my knowledge, there isn't one with: HP 65, Atk 130, Def 65, Spe 95, SpA 110, SpD 60

Those base stats could make for an okay mixed sweeper. Also if they ever did make any new ones, I would like to see a Steel type and a Poison type... but I would rather them just stop altogether.

Author:  Shuckle-rock$ [ Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

hammythepig wrote:
I think there are enough eevees. Plus if they made more, they would have to make more stones, or special items.

Quite true. Because they would have to invent new ways to evolve eevee and not be able to use anything old.

For example, let's say for goodness sake we have "Steeleon." If, in Generation 5, they make eevee evolve into steeleon by trading him while holding a metal coat, that wouldn't make any sense because if you were to do the same thing in Gold/Silver/Crystal, eevee wouldn't evolve. That's why they would have to make a new evolving way, like using a Steel Stone. (not real).

Author:  getmScyther87 [ Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

oh yes the bug types are the most impressive ive ever seen! and i love bugs... obviously.

Author:  missingoinc [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

Things I'm fisapointed about, dunsparce not getting an evolution and miltank ans tauros not getting they,re pre evolutions

Author:  Shuckle-rock$ [ Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

missingoinc wrote:
Things I'm fisapointed about, dunsparce not getting an evolution and miltank ans tauros not getting they,re pre evolutions

I definitly think some pokemon need more evolutions like Parasect or Pinsir or Castform.

But I don't think some pokes need pre-evolutions. Personally, Happiny and Mime Jr. were a waste of time. Even if their egg moves make there evolutions better, it wouldn't be better by much.

Author:  Kurthnaga13 [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

Shuckle-rock$ wrote:
I think that if they made more eevee evo's, it might be ANOTHER BUG OR OVERUSED DRAGON TYPE. Besides, if they did make some, they might be just another kind of pokemon i call "filler pokemon".
Simply a 'filler pokemon' is a pokemon the gamefreak people randomly thought of just to add more new pokemon. They also tend to have horrible stats. Ex. Farfeched, Aipom, Bibarel, you get it.

Anyway with the eevees, if they made new eevee, they might be lame- in appearence and stat wise, so will we be better off with no more eevees or what?

Well, the EEVEElutions have a base stat in one category of 130, such as Jolteon's speed, a base stat of 110 in another, a base stat of 95 in a third, two base stats of 65, and a base stat of 60. They might have run out of combinations for these. And even if they haven't, I think its a good break from the evolutions. I mean, so we have electric, fire, water, psychic, dark, grass, and ice, but what about some other types, like flying? With the great amount of bug pokemon, a bug eeveelution wouldn't be the best idea, but the dragon one seems quite appealing.

Author:  Galar [ Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eevee evolutions and disappointments

I personally think we have enough Eeveelutions already.

It was pretty cool in the beginning, a Pokemon that is able to evolve into three different monsters depending on the condition. But coming up with more of them at this point... it feels overdone, really.

I like this idea of Isshu/Unova being something completely new, without any links to the older generations, so having it bring new Eeveelutions just wouldn't work.

No more Eevee, thank you. ;(

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