
Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V
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Author:  GofD [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

OK so we all now pokemon evolve(Yes i know we all know this), sometimes they elvoe into sweet lookin, elite 4 bashin ,total sweetness Pokemon. And other times we stare at the screen dumfounded by what we see when a pokemon evolves. Sometimes the evolutions make no sense and other times they are unoriginal and make us wonder what gamefreak was thinking. Well, know you ccan share with the world the pokemon that you think have the worst evolutions/ evolutionary lines!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

For me theres 2 evoltionary lines that looks like gamefrak got lazy.

1st Magnemite -> Magneton -> Magnezone

To start with Magneton doesnt even look like a single pokemon. Its a group of 3 Magnemite doin who knows what. And then Magnezone... What's the point? This is totally unoriginal and this should follow an evelutionary path like beldum.

2nd Diglet-> Dugtrio

Again same problem with Magneton, Dugtrio is just 3 digletts hudling together for warmth.

Well thats what i think.

Author:  GollyGreg [ Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

I like the trio-evolutions. I don't know why you don't. (But I must admit that {dugtrio} isn't really that inspired) But {magneton} makes sense as they connected by magnets and static energy or something like that.

Author:  GofD [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

I see youre point with the Magneton, but its the magnezone evolution thats bugging me. To me, if they were gonna make magnezone look..... singular, then magnemites evolutionary line should look more like beldums ( as i said in the first post).

Author:  Mr. Dude [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

GofD wrote:
I see youre point with the Magneton, but its the magnezone evolution thats bugging me. To me, if they were gonna make magnezone look..... singular, then magnemites evolutionary line should look more like beldums ( as i said in the first post).

That bugs me too. But the one line that's THE most confusing is

{remoraid} --> {octillery}

Seriously? A miniature blue shark-thingy evolves into an orange octopus? I never got it.

Author:  rex09 [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

technically, it's a cleaner fish like those seen on manta rays and large sharks, but yeah. fish-> octopus makes little sense. but who cares?? both look cool. and if you question that, then why can fossils be resurrected?? why do dinosaurs have flowers on their backs ({venusaur})? it's pokemon, guys; it doesn't have to make sense (and i wouldn't even call those disasters, btw)

Author:  Dark_Swampert [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

If you ask me Licklick wasnt very good either... but hey other than that evo's are just fine.

Author:  GofD [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

Yes im fully aware this is Pokemon. Im just saying that there are a few evos that make us scratch our heads.

Author:  KingErick [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

suprised nobody has mentioned probopass

Author:  DarkTrainer [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

I dont get the desicion to make probopass have a mustache

Author:  AEP: Master Trainer [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

The best explanation is that Probopass's "mustache" is not actually one, rather iron (or some metal) filings that got stuck to its giant magnetic nose. As far as evolution "disasters", the ones that already exist most likely won't be fixed (I figure, unless GameFreak surprises us). Although, they should have enough common sense to keep similar things at least near each other on the evolutionary chain.

Remoraid to Octillery doesn't make much sense, but the theme running through them is the weaponry aspect, not their forms (obviously). If we can find some kind of explanation, is it then a disaster? I guess there aren't really any.

But I still think all Pokemon, excluding Legendaries (who tend to be genderless anyway) should have at least an evo/pre-evo. Not fair for some good possibilities to be unused because they don't evolve (which is my usual mindset, since I'm Dex-oriented).

AEPMT :mrgreen: ;) 8-)

Author:  DarkTrainer [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

i knew it was iron filling , but now that i know its only isshu pokemon they are probaly not go crazy over evolutions like last gen

Author:  Manafi [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

Yes, technically they're iron filings so we can't say it's so...farfetch'd hehe But still, we can tell Game Freak just slapped that awful moustache on it and called it a day. Then there's poor Aipom. He was a cute little monkey so... they decided to add an ugly nose and not one but two
newly designed, horribly designed tails. They also just had to raise Lickitung from the dead, bring it all the way back from Gen. I to create...Lickilicky?! Besides, of ALL the pokemon, did Nosepass, Aipom, and Lickitung really need an evolution.

Thank God they're starting with all new pokemon this generation. It wouldn't make sense to have evolved forms of old pokemon available way before we can get the old ones since we now know there's no old pokemon 'til we obtain the Nat. Dex.

Author:  Wailord_2 [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

I think a way to make {dugtrio} make more sense. You could make n evolution where the mole actually gets out of the ground and we find out its one giant moles with a bunch of other moles coming out of it now that would be cool

Author:  InstantBacon [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

Manafi wrote:
Yes, technically they're iron filings so we can't say it's so...farfetch'd hehe But still, we can tell Game Freak just slapped that awful moustache on it and called it a day. Then there's poor Aipom. He was a cute little monkey so... they decided to add an ugly nose and not one but two
newly designed, horribly designed tails. They also just had to raise Lickitung from the dead, bring it all the way back from Gen. I to create...Lickilicky?! Besides, of ALL the pokemon, did Nosepass, Aipom, and Lickitung really need an evolution.

Thank God they're starting with all new pokemon this generation. It wouldn't make sense to have evolved forms of old pokemon available way before we can get the old ones since we now know there's no old pokemon 'til we obtain the Nat. Dex.

Personally, I think the three you mentioned really DID need an evolution, did Rhydon need an evolution? or electabuzz? Of course not. Imo, those evolutions were ugly and unnecessary, when Game Freak could have just given them the new Abilities.

Author:  Manafi [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

InstantBacon wrote:
Personally, I think the three you mentioned really DID need an evolution, did Rhydon need an evolution? or electabuzz? Of course not. Imo, those evolutions were ugly and unnecessary, when Game Freak could have just given them the new Abilities.

Well, even if they needed evolutions, I just think that the designs are real ugly. Not to be mean to them but they really shouldn't include evolutions if they just don't look good, no matter how bad the pokemon need an evolution.

And I agree 300% about Rhyperior and Electivire; they're just too excessive. I didn't want to use them as examples though because it seemed to me that a lot of people actually like them.

Author:  Slim Shady [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

well, generally, as soon as an evo comes out, most people agree its a good idea, simply because it exists. I mean, the argument goes "without rhyperior, palmer wouldn't have his third pokemon" or stuff like that that is clearly wrong, but you can't argue against it coz everyone thinks that way. I personally have nothing wrong with really random evolutions (just so long as they don't make fourth evolution stages... no salamence or garchomp evo, thanks). I think they could've looked a bit better. Rhyperior could have kept the colour of Rhyhorn and Rhydon, at the very least. Electivire and Magmortar, pretty obvious examples of taking a Pokemon and beating it up. I don't think that every poke should have an evo or pre-evo tho, I mean Ditto and Smeargle are meant to be unique pokemon that have a certain move or ability that makes them special. What would a ditto evo do? 80 in every base stat, but only learn Transform? I suppose it would be nice to have a Smeargle with better stats...

The way Gamefreak have done stuff so far, I'm predicting they will make evolutions only for Scizor, Heracross, Gliscor, Breloom, Gyarados, Snorlax, Lucario, Tentacruel, Hippowdon, Ninjask, Forretress, Skarmory, Bronzong, Vaporeon, Jolteon and Weavile ¬¬

Author:  InstantBacon [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Evolution disasters we hope to not see in Gen V

Manafi wrote:
InstantBacon wrote:
Personally, I think the three you mentioned really DID need an evolution, did Rhydon need an evolution? or electabuzz? Of course not. Imo, those evolutions were ugly and unnecessary, when Game Freak could have just given them the new Abilities.

Well, even if they needed evolutions, I just think that the designs are real ugly. Not to be mean to them but they really shouldn't include evolutions if they just don't look good, no matter how bad the pokemon need an evolution.

And I agree 300% about Rhyperior and Electivire; they're just too excessive. I didn't want to use them as examples though because it seemed to me that a lot of people actually like them.

Fair enough, I think I misunderstood slightly...

well, generally, as soon as an evo comes out, most people agree its a good idea, simply because it exists. I mean, the argument goes "without rhyperior, palmer wouldn't have his third pokemon" or stuff like that that is clearly wrong, but you can't argue against it coz everyone thinks that way. I personally have nothing wrong with really random evolutions (just so long as they don't make fourth evolution stages... no salamence or garchomp evo, thanks). I think they could've looked a bit better. Rhyperior could have kept the colour of Rhyhorn and Rhydon, at the very least. Electivire and Magmortar, pretty obvious examples of taking a Pokemon and beating it up. I don't think that every poke should have an evo or pre-evo tho, I mean Ditto and Smeargle are meant to be unique pokemon that have a certain move or ability that makes them special. What would a ditto evo do? 80 in every base stat, but only learn Transform? I suppose it would be nice to have a Smeargle with better stats...

... And I completely agree with you too

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