
Best Starter for FR/LG?
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Author:  the_moonchild [ Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

they all have good and bad points, but i always pick charmander because charizard is my favorite pkmn, and why would i pick something "better" when i can pick my favorite?

Author:  2x4b [ Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:57 pm ]
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I chose Bulbasaur, cuz if you think about it the Bulbasaur family is one of the most challenging group of Pokemon you can ever face, I found that even though it has the most Gym advantages its still pretty challenging to train, and it does destroy the E4, and its just plain great, but as for the Charmander Family.... I despise them, well I despise Fire types really, I'm more of a Water trainer, but I do like a few Grass pokemon.

Author:  Domino [ Fri Nov 25, 2005 9:30 pm ]
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I like squirtle the best because it's good to start with and you get Raikou.

Author:  tessa7338 [ Sat Nov 26, 2005 1:50 am ]
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Have I posted here before? Never mind, I just thought of something so I'll post (again?)

If you want to try that strategy which states:

"Catch no wild pokes at all during your journey and pwn everyone's @$$e$ with just your starter"

...Then I would reccomend Bulbasaur as it would be OK against the first few gyms. I tried it out with Squirtle and I'm quite OK, but I haven't got round to beating Misty yet.

Then again, all of them might work well, because if your going to have a poke like that then it doesn't really matter what type it is because IT CAN PWN EVERYONE WITH ITS LITTLE FINGER.

...And my favourite part about this strategy is that you can get exempted from Double Battles for the rest of the game. I tried walking under the noses of several pairs of twins and they all refused to fight even when I talked to them.

Author:  hfxjus [ Sun Nov 27, 2005 4:38 am ]
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I like {squirtle} but personally, I think {charmander} is better.

Author:  Vulpine [ Fri Dec 02, 2005 6:56 pm ]
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Squirtle is the best! He has a good movepool and when he evolves into Blastoise, he looks really cool(*ahem* My Blastoise is Lv.100, for your information). Yes, Squirtle is the best :roll:

Author:  Holly [ Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:37 pm ]
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Of course, I will have to stick with one of my first favorite pokemon ever, {charizard} , but right now {blastoise} would have to be the best starter (well, final evolution of it)! It has super defense and good attacks. Water Pokemon are also my homies! Go Water Pokemon!! 8)

Author:  crevis [ Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:44 am ]
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{bulbasaur} is only usefull at the first few gym leaders. I chose {squirtle} because he rocks and you get Raikou , (my fav out of the dogs). Later on though my brother trded me a {charizard} which was pretty strong.

Go {squirtle} !

Author:  emaricaman [ Fri Mar 10, 2006 8:38 am ]
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i like charmander the best

Author:  Saanaito [ Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:45 am ]
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Charmander, because Charizard has good stats, has dual-types, and is a dragon!

Author:  mr.m.m.j. [ Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:33 am ]
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*does the Char dance*

{charmander} ~ {charmeleon} ~ {charizard}

Author:  Philip [ Sat Mar 25, 2006 3:05 pm ]
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Fire type don't have much advantage in the old RBY version, however, in the advanced version, a new Steel type is introduced, which makes Fire-type the most advantageous among the 3 starters type.

In FrLg, charmander will hv a hard time in fighting Brock and Misty. However when i restart my FrLg or RBY, i will always catch a Pikachu in the Viridian forest, to take care of Misty. thus the only problem is Brock. I rembered that I beat brock when at Lv. 15 charmander in RBY, and i dun think there's much difference in FrLg, so i think it is not reli too difficult to beat using charmander. After these 2 gyms, it's the reign of Charmeleon and Charizard! Becoz it can learn some useful moves like Earthquake.

In the old RBY, fire is slightly worse than water, however in the advancd version, fire is as advantageous as water type (reasons are above). However, there are only very few good fire Pokemon (excluding legendaries or RSE, such as Moltres, Blaziken). i can only think of a good fire pokemon in FrLg, Arcanine, which is not available in Fr. On the contratry, there are numerous good water pokemon in FrLg (not even to mention RSE), such as Gyarados, Lapras, Tentacruel. Therefore, i suggest choosing charmander, and then catching a good water Pokemon i mentioned above.

Finally grass type just simply sucks, use electric to deal wif water type.

Author:  Saanaito [ Sat Mar 25, 2006 3:21 pm ]
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Well, Philip, Charmander learns Metal Claw at lv. 13, which is a Steel-type move, which is super-effective against Rock-types. That's how I defeated Brock.

Author:  Gardevoir1313 [ Sat Mar 25, 2006 3:26 pm ]
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Charmander for the Metal Claw thing that a lot of people have said already ^_^

I also picked the Char in my old Red version, then went a little Pokedex happy and caught every single Pokemon I saw for the first I had a whole team vs Brock's two. lol, my Pidgey won against Brock's Onix...

Author:  goldenquagsire [ Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:15 pm ]
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{charmander} rules! He's fast and can learn Dragon Claw and cover his weakness with Metal Claw or Steel Wing, so I'd say that he's the best starter. Besides, on Emerald my {charizard} crushes most Pokemon!

Author:  SceptileRulez [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:30 pm ]
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My {charizard}
Dragon Claw

My {blastoise}
Ice Beam
Mega Punch

My {venusaur}
Frenzy Plant
Razor Leaf
Sludge Bomb
Body Slam

I choose Charizard because I love Dragon and a lot of challenge

And then follow by Venusaur .

I find Blastoise rather boring to use .

Author:  barath [ Fri Jun 16, 2006 8:12 am ]
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Charmander rocks . i beat brock with metal claw. i got a pidgey and trained it until it learned sand attack.against brock's onix pidgey used sand attack and reduced its accuracy. it most prolly used rock tomb which had less accuracy and it missed a lot. with charmander's metal claw i pwned brock. but anyways my rival's blastoise owns charizard.[/img]

Author:  Blade Dexter [ Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:55 pm ]
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All of them are good. But I always pick the water type for each pokemon game I played. It just serves me real well. Still my favorite starters are the fire. OH YEAH!

Author:  Sigeray [ Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:28 am ]
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{charizard} is the best alrite!! I love Dragons!!
{venusaur} {blastoise} are too slow.. although their stats are good as well..

Author:  HydroWater [ Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:32 pm ]
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I never really liked {bulbasaur} except in yellow since you get em all. I can never win the first rival battle with him. I don't know why. Also, I like {squirtle} because he: a) Evolves into {blastoise}. b) Is effective enough for me. c) I LOVE WATER POKEMON! But I just restarted my FR and picked {squirtle}.

Author:  Sigeray [ Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:54 am ]
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Although Water-Pokemon rules too, but dont you find Blastoise Speed abit slow? Although i have him as one of my fighters in Emerald. I let him hold Quick Claw.. Sorry if i m off topic..

Author:  HydroWater [ Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:08 pm ]
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Sigeray wrote:
Although Water-Pokemon rules too, but dont you find Blastoise Speed abit slow? Although i have him as one of my fighters in Emerald. I let him hold Quick Claw.. Sorry if i m off topic..

He's slow, but he gets the job done. I like how his Sp stats and regular stats are almost the same. The only thing he's lacking is speed :cry: which really sucks.

Author:  pokemon_rox_my_sox [ Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:40 pm ]
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The best starter is Bulbasaur. It is a neutral Pokemon in the game. It is easy and hard at different points. i know it is the best because i got to the pokemon E4 and beat them with vensaur @ level 68 and my time was less then 14 hours. I didn't use any cheats or anything i just kept training, and it will also grow in Victory Road

Author:  bulbasuar109 [ Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:46 pm ]
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I think that bulbasuar because it can lv up easily

Author:  HydroWater [ Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:13 pm ]
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pokemon_rox_my_sox wrote:
What is up

Not to be rude or anything, but I think that's considered spam since it's short and off-topic. Not trying to be mean or anything like that, I just want to help you out so you don't spam and get into trouble.

EDIT: What I just said was also off-topic but hopefully I'm helping you out... Please PM me if you want to respond rox_my_sox.

~ HydroWater ~

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