
Paul or Ash
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Author:  R-cubed [ Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Paul or Ash

Shinji is Ash's new rival. Who do you think is better Ash or Shinji. I prefer shinji because i hate ash and shinji has a great attitude.

Author:  AABM [ Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

I know little about this guy "Shinji", as far as I know, he is very competitive and serious, that´s why I prefer him... Ash is meh

Author:  heartofdarkness77 [ Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:06 pm ]
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He just started his journey and he has a Ursering. Right?

Author:  R-cubed [ Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:20 pm ]
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yeah he caught it with his chimchar.

Author:  (^.^)PKM(^.^) [ Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:20 pm ]
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Ash is the one who made the show's viewers shoot up. Imagine Shinji instead of Ash in the original episodes, I know I most certainly can't. Ash made pokemon famous.

Author:  ~p o k e~ spriter [ Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:46 pm ]
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Nooo... because if there was any other perdon instead of ash it would have been the same. The pokemon in the pokemon anime made pokemon famous...

Author:  R-cubed [ Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:21 pm ]
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I don't mean replace ash. I mean who's a better trainer.

Author:  Auzzie [ Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:28 pm ]
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I like Shinji because I like his pokèmon, but he has quite a horrible attitude. Like with his Starly's. But in a battle Shinji should be able to win because Chimchar would pwn Turtwig.

Author:  The Obsidian Wolf [ Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:00 am ]
Post subject: 

from what I know about him, he seems like the stereoytypical silent guy, knows all, nasty attitude, and has little depth to his character. But then again, what sort of a character is Ash? ;/

Author:  blazinglucar [ Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Acorrding to lolstop, Cartoon Network revealed the names of Shinji and Hikari. Shinji has been dubbed Paul and Hikari is now Dawn.

Anyway, I wish that they were more like each other, Ash and Paul, so that Ash would get more decent pokemon and evolve them, and that Paul wouldn't just release his pokemon left and right.

Author:  blu-suicune [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:08 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't like Shinji because they tried too hard to make him into Silver, when they should've just used Silver instead. If you look at the 'official art' for Shinji, he is stood in the same pose as Sugimori's concept art for Silver.
And that's just cheap. Especially when Silver has that gorgeous red hair and Shinji doesn't have anything like that going for him.

But I also find Ash very annoying.

My answer? Neither.

Author:  2x4b [ Tue May 01, 2007 10:16 am ]
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I'm up for the fact that Byron is his father or something. I've only seen most of the anime in Japanese but his hair is exactly the same colour and he does seem very similiar to my impression of Byron.

Author:  blu-suicune [ Wed May 02, 2007 4:34 am ]
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Mmmactually, Roark actually IS Byron's son.

Author:  R-cubed [ Sat May 26, 2007 8:52 am ]
Post subject: 

blazinglucar wrote:
Acorrding to lolstop, Cartoon Network revealed the names of Shinji and Hikari. Shinji has been dubbed Paul and Hikari is now Dawn.

Anyway, I wish that they were more like each other, Ash and Paul, so that Ash would get more decent pokemon and evolve them, and that Paul wouldn't just release his pokemon left and right.

If anyone knows about releasing their pokemon it's ash since he has released more pokemon than shinji which is named Paul here is USA.

Author:  Craziac [ Sun May 27, 2007 5:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

R-cubed wrote:

If anyone knows about releasing their pokemon it's ash since he has released more pokemon than shinji which is named Paul here is USA.

Yeah, but at least ash released his pokemon for "REAL" reasons.
for example, Pigeot was released to help protect other pokemon.
and Butterfree was released for the migration thing.

Author:  2x4b [ Mon May 28, 2007 4:05 am ]
Post subject: 

blu-suicune wrote:
Mmmactually, Roark actually IS Byron's son.

Yes... I already knew that. But it does seem like a possibility. I mean... Look at Byron and then look at Paul. Look awfully similar don't they?

Author:  EXP [ Tue May 29, 2007 3:53 pm ]
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Paul's team is just a wanna be Ash team:

Author:  aleximo [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:02 pm ]
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i chose Ash because i hate Paul's attitude, he gets mad at his Poke'mon and calls them good for nothing when they lose. :cry:

Author:  Youkou no Mugon [ Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:29 am ]
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I agreee with blu-suicune, they should just use Silver instead of making a Silver wannabe

Silver's Pokemon

Shinji's Pokemon

These are all the Pokemon they have to my knowledge. I would know more about Silver's Pokemon, but I haven't been able to find English scans of Pokemon Adventures past volume ten

Author:  Mr.Chaos [ Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:50 am ]
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I prefer ash, shinji is bad trainer because i doesn´t train is Pokemon

Author:  Tuff Tyranitar88 [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:55 am ]
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Ash sucks, especially when it comes to knowing pokemon.....he checks the pokedex every time for I like senji's style...cathing pokemon and testing their strength... then releasing them if they are weak.....Theres nothing mean about that, thats how you become the poemon champ, not ashes style, he wasted a few seasons LOSING the pokemon league. jeez i got so mad at that....and may...shes a big loser too.

Author:  Youkou no Mugon [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:33 pm ]
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I prefer neither. Not Ash because he doesn't train his Pokemon enough and very few of them evolve, and not Shinji because he doesn't even TRY to train his Pokemon and gives up on them to early. He gave up on a ton of Starly because they didn't know Aeirial Ace, well, I had a Starly that only knew Tackle, and now It's a kick arse Staraptor that will OHKO Pokemon. So personally, I think both of them suck. But I do like that Chimchar :D

Author:  Sinnoh Searcher [ Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:49 pm ]
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4 get ash and paul

I pik dawn

Ashs voice is screwed up

Paul is mean :cry:

Author:  Pillage [ Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:11 am ]
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Well I chose Ash just because he's the best in my eyes (even with his new annoying voice) even though I train my Pokemon just like Paul.

Gary still shats on all of them. GARY SHOULD HAVE STAYED AS ASH'S MAIN RIVAL.

Author:  GrassStarterFan [ Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Paul or Ash

On raw strength they're about the same level. But on training methods I favor Ash because he gets to a Pokémon's actual potential by taking good care of them, stimulating them to do their best, etc. But sometimes Paul is right for example Paul focuses on a Pokémon's weaknesses which actually makes a Pokémon harder to defeat by concealing most of a Pokémon's weak points it takes more time for his opponent to figure out a proper strategy and in case of a rematch Paul still starts with the upper hand if he wins the first time.

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