
Werewolf 19 - GOD CAN'T HELP YOU NOW!!!
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Author:  Haunted Water [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  Werewolf 19 - GOD CAN'T HELP YOU NOW!!!

Welcome to Werewolf 18 19! My name is Rex EP Haunted Water, and I will be your host. For those of you who have never participated in a Werewolf (or mafia, it's the same thing) game, here's how it works:

There are 15-30 Villagers on a small deserted island. They find out three of the villagers are werewolves. Every night the werewolves attack one person. Every time a werewolf kills someone the villagers vote who they think the werewolves are. One person then gets banished. The cycle happens over and over until the werewolves are banished, or all the villagers have been attacked and killed.

Only this time we're going to play it with Pokemon! :o

1. People sign up, stating what Pokemon they would like to represent.
2. Once we have sufficient numbers, I will randomly choose three (subject to change) werewolves.
3. Werewolves will then decide on a character to eliminate from the game.
4. The host will then tell the remaining contestants to vote.
5. Participants vote, and werewolves are allowed to vote also. Character with the highest number of votes / first to reach a certain number of negative votes shall be eliminated.
6. Repeat step 3-5 over until we have either no werewolves or a winner.
7. If a player leaves in the middle of the game, they still could be a werewolf. If a player who leaves / gets banned happens to be a werewolf I will replace them using I am not going to tell anyone if this does happen.
8. Don't vote until the werewolves have chosen who gets eaten.

Non-standard rules:
9. Whichever werewolf PMs me first decides who gets killed. THE FIRST PM, GUYS. The werewolves will know who each other are; but it will be up to them to decide whether to work as a team, and work it out before PMing me, or to try to control the game by themselves... DUNDUNDUN.
10. The werewolves can try to kill each other, if they so choose. I won't tell anyone if this happens, either.
***Haunted Water Edit***
11. Hosts are there to watch over the game. If s/he feels that something needs to be said or done, they will. The players can voice their feelings and opinions, but the host's word is the deciding factor.
12. If a player is being voted out, or already has been, and just getting their shot in towards those who voted them off, it might be labeled as flaming. If you're going down, accept it and don't start a big fuss, espescially if you only have four votes. The host reserves the right to warn and vote-off violators in that sequence of events. It's out of fairness, and violators tend to make the game less fun.
***End HW Edit***

Werewolves: 30 Psybucks to be split up between the surviving werewolves, if they win.
Villagers: 10 Psybucks to each surviving villager, if they win.
Dead people: lolprizes

Werewolf FAQs
1. Are you giving clues away in the storyline?
A: no.

2. Who are the werewolves?
A: your face, your face, aaannndddd...... your face.

3. How are the werewolves chosen?
A: by me.

4. This game is unfair and rigged!!! I'm getting voted off because people hate me!!
A: cry about it.

5. Can I host the next Werewolf?
A: idc. it's up to JsX

6. What are the twists?
A: lol no.

7. Is EP sexy?
A: yes Maybe, but I am. </fail>

Just as a side note, I won't be giving away any clues. THE DEATHS DON'T TELL YOU ANYTHING; THEY'RE JUST ME WRITING CREATIVELY.

There will be either 20 or 21 people before we start (subject to change). Please update your post with the 'sign-up' list as you register.

So, please sign up... now!! GOGOGO

yes, i totally just copy-pasted this from the last one

Author:  ChillBill [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

Wooh, Werewolf! Yes!! My first! I'm in!
I'm gonna be Scizor (totally want to use the icon, but screw my 3DS).
Plus, if I get the hang of the game well enough, then I'm gonna ask to host WW20.

Author:  Dare234 [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

I'm in as {marowak}

The List wrote:
1. ChillBill {scizor}
2. Dare234 {marowak}

Author:  GhostPony750 [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

Let's be original, I'll take something else than Rapidash ;)
I'll be {kingdra} :)

Oh nice, we finally have more sprites! {honchkrow}

Author:  DNA [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

All in.

The List wrote:
1. ChillBill {scizor}
2. Dare234 {marowak}
3. GhostPony750 {kingdra}
4. DNA {magnezone}

Author:  Wailord_2 [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

It's been a while. I'll join as Muk

The List wrote:
1. ChillBill {scizor}
2. Dare234 {marowak}
3. GhostPony750 {kingdra}
4. DNA {magnezone}
5.Wailord_2 {muk}

Author:  twistedturtwig [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

Haunted Water wrote:
6. What are the twists?

I am the twists.

The List wrote:
1. ChillBill {scizor}
2. Dare234 {marowak}
3. GhostPony750 {kingdra}
4. DNA {magnezone}
5.Wailord_2 {muk}
6. twistedturtwig Image

(Best image I could find for now)

Author:  Cherrygrove [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

The List wrote:
1. ChillBill {scizor}
2. Dare234 {marowak}
3. GhostPony750 {kingdra}
4. DNA {magnezone}
5.Wailord_2 {muk}
6. twistedturtwig Image
7. Cherrygrove {lanturn}

Author:  James86134 [ Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

The List wrote:

1. Chillbill - Scizor

2. Dare234 - Marowak

3. GhostPony750 - Kingdra

4. DNA - Magneton

5. Wailord_2 - Muk

6. Twist - Leavanny

7. Cherrygrove - Lanturn

8. James86134 - Sneasel (obviously)

So pumped for this. Can't wait and hope we get enough players. My first werewolf game!

EDIT: Chill, I already shotty'd (what the hell does that even mean?) Werewolf XX.

Ermagherd, 350th Post!

Author:  Shiny Hunter [ Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

1. Chillbill - {scizor}

2. Dare234 - {marowak}

3. GhostPony750 - {kingdra}

4. DNA - {magnezone}

5. Wailord_2 - {muk}

6. Twist - {leavanny}

7. Cherrygrove - {lanturn}

8. James86134 - {sneasel}

And I'm in as {arceus}

Author:  ChillBill [ Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

We'll see about WW20 later. First we've got to get 19 started.
9 players so quickly is good, but not enough. I suggest putting a link in your signatures, like Dare already did. Speaking of which, I'm following his example.

Author:  Haunted Water [ Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

1. Chillbill - {scizor}

2. Dare234 - {marowak}

3. GhostPony750 - {kingdra}

4. DNA - {magnezone}

5. Wailord_2 - {muk}

6. Twist - {leavanny}

7. Cherrygrove - {lanturn}

8. James86134 - {sneasel}

9. Shiny Hunter - {arceus}

Okay, guys. C'mon. Don't make me start PMing. DragoBoy? I see you. If only K_C was still here.

Author:  Thundawave [ Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

Oh, hey. I checked back here at the right time. I'll be {togekiss}

Author:  Argonaut457 [ Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

I'm in. I've been waiting for one of these since I first signed up on these fourms! (Sorry for going so oldschool with the pokemon, but you know, I'm a big oldschool person.)

1. Chillbill - {scizor}

2. Dare234 - {marowak}

3. GhostPony750 - {kingdra}

4. DNA - {magnezone}

5. Wailord_2 - {muk}

6. Twist - {leavanny}

7. Cherrygrove - {lanturn}

8. James86134 - {sneasel}

9. Shiny Hunter - {arceus}

10. Thundawave - {togekiss}

11. Argonaut457 - {charmander}

Author:  Eeveelution-Master [ Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

This is my first time playing, so it will take awhile for me to get the hang of it.
1. Chillbill - {scizor}

2. Dare234 - {marowak}

3. GhostPony750 - {kingdra}

4. DNA - {magnezone}

5. Wailord_2 - {muk}

6. Twist - {leavanny}

7. Cherrygrove - {lanturn}

8. James86134 - {sneasel}

9. Shiny Hunter - {arceus}

10. Thundawave - {togekiss}

11. Argonaut457 - {charmander}

12. Eeveelution-Master - {espeon}

Author:  alkranite [ Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

i want to be an uber fricking mawile (an ordinary mawile but mine)

Author:  ChillBill [ Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

1. Chillbill - {scizor}

2. Dare234 - {marowak}

3. GhostPony750 - {kingdra}

4. DNA - {magnezone}

5. Wailord_2 - {muk}

6. Twist - {leavanny}

7. Cherrygrove - {lanturn}

8. James86134 - {sneasel}

9. Shiny Hunter - {arceus}

10. Thundawave - {togekiss}

11. Argonaut457 - {charmander}

12. Eeveelution-Master - {espeon}

13. alkranite - {mawile}

Two more gogogo.

Author:  DragoBoy [ Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

1. Chillbill - {scizor}

2. Dare234 - {marowak}

3. GhostPony750 - {kingdra}

4. DNA - {magnezone}

5. Wailord_2 - {muk}

6. Twist - {leavanny}

7. Cherrygrove - {lanturn}

8. James86134 - {sneasel}

9. Shiny Hunter - {arceus}

10. Thundawave - {togekiss}

11. Argonaut457 - {charmander}

12. Eeveelution-Master - {espeon}

13. alkranite - {mawile}

14. DragoBoy - {mightyena}

For the irony of the most wolf-like seriously: no wolf Popkémon? Pokémon (possibly) being a werewolf.

Author:  James86134 [ Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

I think when we get 15 people playing, were ready. But... Leave the sign ups for a few days... Just in case Krisp, EP, Sparrow or a few others show up.

Author:  Haunted Water [ Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

James86134 wrote:
I think when we get 15 people playing, were ready. But... Leave the sign ups for a few days... Just in case Krisp, EP, Sparrow or a few others show up.

I lol'd.

Author:  DNA [ Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

lol Sparrow

HW will start it when he starts it; just sit tight. I'm in no rush.

Author:  ChillBill [ Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

If Krisp shows up, then I'll go to church on Sunday.

Author:  twistedturtwig [ Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

Looks like we might need to use some more "unconventional" methods to get people to join up... *cocks shotgun*

Author:  Haunted Water [ Mon Mar 18, 2013 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - No one's joining; HW is getting pissed

Pay no attention to the re: line.

We need one more person to join to end this ultimate wait. It's literally trolling me how we only need one more to start. In fact, in one week, if no one joins, we start.
Oh, and twist, I'll join with that! Only moar firepowah!
*loads RPG-7*

Author:  SanguinaryScientist [ Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Werewolf 19 - Now going to Canada for her 19th birthday!

Hidden in the shadows!
The new guy join the party!

Or the less cheesey way of saying it

I want to join, don't worry I'm not going anywhere so let's get this game started

I'ed like to represent my best bro {crobat}

if only his smilie image didn't look so weird...

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