
Who Said That?
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Author:  Jamie [ Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Who Said That?

Who Said That?

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? This is a game about quotes. Every day or two days, a new quote (or small section of dialogue) will be provided. You can tell the TV show, movie, game or other type of media the quote comes from. For more points, you can name the character or characters involved.

? The game will consist of 30 rounds, and therefore 30 quotes. By the end of this, the players with the top scores will win some cool prizes.

? You can guess once per round, but if someone has already given the answer you're going to, don't post. The first person with the right answer gets it. If someone before you has posted something you know to be correct, but only part of the information (for example, only the show/movie/game but not the character) you can still win points by naming the character (however, you will not win points for the show).

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? If someone has already posted a guess, don't post it again.

? Don't double post.

? If I catch you editing your posts and trying to come up with some stupid excuse about how you posted it first, you'll be banned from the game.

? Don't harass myself or any other players, and don't complain about the points awarded. If you have a problem, don't play.

? If you post a reply and you realize there is no answer in your post, delete it, or you will be deducted points or banned from the game.

? Try to be specific when naming characters. Not all of the characters will have real names in the show, movie or game, so if they don't, try to provide at least a few key words so I know who you're talking about.

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? Each quote will be given a Difficulty Rating. Consider it a sort of point multiplier.

? You will receive 1 point for naming the series/game/movie etc and another additional point for every correct character you name. From there, the score is multiplied by the difficulty rating.

? No points are deducted for wrong answers.

? If a character appears more than once during a small section of dialogue, you must correctly name him or her before each line to receive the full point. Be careful of this. If someone catches you on it, they could steal your point.

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1st 100 Psybucks
2nd 35 Psybucks
3rd 15 Psybucks
>3 5 Psybucks

? Note: If for some reason I don't have this many Psybucks by the time the system is reinstalled, 1 psybuck will be given to each player, and the remaining Psybucks will be divided so the winner receives 2/3, and of the remaining of that, 2nd place receives 2/3, leaving the rest for third place.

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1st Cherrygrove
2nd Poe
3rd Crunchy
4th Skull Kid

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Difficulty: ***
?????: Can't let you do that, Star Fox.
?????: Adross has ordered us to take you down.
?????: Peppy! Long time no see!
?????: Andross's enemy is MY enemy!

You possibly wrote:
Series: Star Fox 64
Star Wolf: Can't let you do that, Star Fox.
Falco: Andross has ordered us to take you down.
Pigma: Peppy! Long time no see!
Andrew: Andross's enemy is MY enemy!

? Since they got the series right, they win 1 point. They win points for having Star Wolf, Pigma and Andrew named, but since "Falco" shouldn't be there (it should be Leon), they only win 3 points. Multiplied by the difficulty rating, someone with that answer could win 12 points. Oh, and if someone else answered and told us that Leon said the second line, they could win another 3 points... Get it?

- -Quote #1- -
Difficulty: ***
?????: What's this I hear about you breaking a rake and throwing it into the woods?
?????: I didn't break it, I was testing its durability! And then I placed it in the woods, because it's made of wood, and I thought it should be with its family.

Author:  Cherrygrove [ Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?

Movie: Happy Gilmore!!!!!!
?????: What's this I hear about you breaking a rake and throwing it into the woods?
Happy Gilmore: I didn't break it, I was testing its durability! And then I placed it in the woods, because it's made of wood, and I thought it should be with its family.

I don't remember who he was speaking with :| . Great movie though..

Author:  Jamie [ Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?

Yes, yes, very good! You got the name of the movie right, as well as one of the characters.

3(1 + 1) = 6

1. 6 Cherrygrove

Remember, if you can name the person he's speaking to, you could win another three points, and that goes for everybody.

The next quote will be posted tomorrow.

Author:  Crunchy [ Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?


Author:  Jamie [ Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?

Yep, that's it, good job Crunchy.

3(1) = 3

1. 6 Cherrygrove
2. 3 Crunchy

And try not to make one word posts, okay?

- -Quote #2- -
Difficulty: **
?????: You swindler!
?????: Please, listen!
?????: You spoony bard!
?????: Please!
?????: Shut up!

Protip: There are only two characters.

Author:  Poe [ Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?

Game: Final Fantasy...IV---4?
Tellah: You swindler!
Bard: Please, listen!
Tellah: You spoony bard!
Bard: Please!
Tellah: Shut up!

I'm not sure about the names...:o

Author:  Jamie [ Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?

I'm not going to accept Bard as an answer, if anyone knows the actual character...

2(1 + 1) = 4

1. 6 Cherrygrove
2. 4 Poe
3. 3 Crunchy

Author:  Skull Kid [ Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?


Author:  Jamie [ Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?

Mmhm, SK got it. Once again, try to avoid one word posts.

2(1) = 2

1. 6 Cherrygrove
2. 4 Poe
3. 3 Crunchy
4. 2 Skull Kid

- -Quote #3- -
Difficulty: ****
?????: I'm sorry, that information is SuPer-Admin Restricted Desktop Access password-protected.
?????: SuPer-Admin what?! This is madness!
?????: No, [name]... That is SPARDA.

Author:  Poe [ Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?

Show: Naruto
Lisa: I'm sorry, that information is SuPer-Admin Restricted Desktop Access password-protected.
Maya: SuPer-Admin what?! This is madness!
Phoenix: No, Maya... That is SPARDA.

I have to be honest, I got help from my real life friend who is a Naruto Freak. I showed him this and he got it right away. :o So penalize me if you must.

Author:  Cherrygrove [ Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?

Naruto? I thought it was something out of ace attorney..
I believe those are ace attorney characters you listed too.
I could be wrong, I borrowed the game only once from my friend

Author:  Poe [ Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?

OH wow. So that's what he meant by it. I just assumed since he is upsessed with Naruto that he was talking about it. To be honest, I was just paying attention to the names. Go call Cherrygrove. *doesn't edit post*

Author:  Crunchy [ Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?

The game is Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations.

Author:  Jamie [ Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?

k, my most profuse apologies for ignoring this for so long. Poe, your post is fine, I don't really care if you get help, since it's rather inevitable, and I know for a fact Crunchy doesn't play the AA games, so he must have made a really good guess, or looked it up, too.

3(4) = 12

Also, I'm going to give Cherrygrove the 4 points for knowing it was from Ace Attorney, and another to Crunchy for getting the right Ace Attorney game.

1. 16 Poe
2. 10 Cherrygrove
3. 4 Crunchy
4. 2 Skull Kid

- -Quote #4- -
Difficulty: *****
?????: What did I say about calling your sister the devil?
?????: ... It's offensive to the devil?

This one is kind of hard, but it's from my favourite TV show. Good luck, everyone <3

Author:  Poe [ Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who Said That?

Show: That 70s Show
Red: What did I say about calling your sister the devil?
Eric: ... It's offensive to the devil?


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