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Author:  Jake5 [ Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks papersun. :)

Author:  PKMNBREEDER [ Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok i just want you to rate a moveset for Lapras.

I dont know if this is common but I thought that Whirlpool/Perish Song combo would be good.


-Ice Beam
-Perish Song

Ice Beam is there because I cant find a better move, but if you would like to suggest a SA move then I would be welcome. Whirlpool and Perish Song to trap the opponent and hopefully switch out before Lapras croaks. Rest to regain HP obviously and remove Toxic and crap.

Author:  papersun [ Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

It works pretty well, but Perish Song always seemed like a waste of time when I could just charge the opponent with Surf. :P Still, it DOES work. The only problem with Whirlpool is that it could end before Perish Count does. Then again, it's the only Trapping move Lapras learns. So it works.

Author:  PKMNBREEDER [ Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah well it works from 2-5 turns so Ill just use it on the second countdown and run on the third while the other guy is still trapped.

Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

There are too many Eevee teams here and papersun hasn't made any comments. So, I will suggest movesets:

Espeon: Great stats, but no movepool. Psychic, Curse, Headbutt, Agility. Morning Sun can be thrown in, though.

Umbreon: Mean Look, Toxic, Confuse Ray, Moonlight.

Jolteon: T-bolt, T-wave, Bite, Double Kick. Double Kick is good for the abundance of golem. and for the occasional T-tar

Vaporeon: Surf, Ice Beam, Acid Armor, Baton Pass/Haze (use first, then acid armor)/Quick Attack

Flareon: No SAtk. Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Iron Tail, Reurn. Curse could be thrown in over Iron Tail

For the sixth: Good ideas are Heracross. Dragonite (T-bolt, Beam, Thrower, Surf is excellent). You may need an earthhquake, to kill off electabuzz. And an ice beamer for zapdos. Golem, Machamp, etc are good for physical sweeping, as you lack one. Snorlax may also be good, as it could double as a tank.

Just trying to help. Haven't played in 3 months. I used to be hailed as an expert on a certain site.

Edit: as for the one using pidgeotto, NO. Better flyers include dodrio and fearow. However, if you must, Wing Attack/HP Flying, Mirror Move, Steel Wing, Mud Slap. Best i could do.
Vince: If its not too late, don't teach it dynamic punch. vital throw has nothing to do with accuracy of other moves. Also, don't teach amphy t-punch, as it is useless. Go w/ Return/Headbutt.

As for the others:
Blaziken- pretty standard for fealigatr and dragonite. Give Snorlax belly drum or curse. Give T-tar Curse and HP Flying/Crunch. For Ho-Oh, I like to throw in Sunny Day and Solar Beam. Standard, though, has been EQ, T-bolt, Sacred Fire/Flamethrower, and Recover/Future Sight.
Ruben- Where's Mean Look on Umbreon? Give it that over Double Team. Gyarados deserves a tutor. Typhlosion is Sunny Day, Flamethriwer, T-punch, and EQ. Alakazam gets recover over one of the punches (throw in over ice punch). Give T-tar curse over thrash.

Author:  Vileplume [ Tue Jul 18, 2006 8:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here's my Elite Four TakeDown Team

{espeon} holding Amulet Coin
Quick Attack

Best for Elite4. Super Special stats. Bite takes care of Will's Xatu and helps out against the other three. Amulet Coin is very handy when I'm short on cash.

{lanturn} holding Mystic Water
Take Down

Takes care of Houndoom and Onix easily and can resist Charizard's Hyper Beam. Also backs up for Ampharos with Spark.

{ampharos} holding Magnet

Easily takes out Gyarados and Slowbro. Can take out my rival's Feraligatr with a Thunder and helps against Water-Types.

{typhlosion} holding Charcoal
Flame Wheel
Quick Attack

I always have to keep my starter. Takes on Exeggutor and Forettress.

{fearow} holding Sharp Beak
Drill Peck

Token Flying-Type, but Drill Peck packs a wollop and takes out Bruno easily.

{jynx} holding Nevermeltice
Ice Punch
Lovely Kiss
Powder Snow
Body Slam

Only used when in the Elite4. I only bring her out for Lance.

When I'm not battling I substitute Jynx for

{graveler} holding Soft Sand
Rock Smash

Author:  papersun [ Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Vileplume wrote:
Here's my Elite Four TakeDown Team

{espeon} holding Amulet Coin
Quick Attack

Best for Elite4. Super Special stats. Bite takes care of Will's Xatu and helps out against the other three. Amulet Coin is very handy when I'm short on cash.

Having both Psybeam and Psychic is a little redundant. Replace Psybeam with Psych Up (to copy annoying foe's stat changes) and Quick Attack with Morning Sun. Espeon doesn't have the Attack stat to pull it off.

{lanturn} holding Mystic Water
Take Down

Takes care of Houndoom and Onix easily and can resist Charizard's Hyper Beam. Also backs up for Ampharos with Spark.

There are two great Lanturn movesets, and I'll let you choose which one you like best: Rain Dance, Surf, Thunder, T-Wave/Attract/Confuse Ray, and there's also Surf, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, T-Wave/Attract/Confuse Ray. Of course, you already deleted Thunder Wave and Confuse Ray by the looks of it, so you decide.

{ampharos} holding Magnet

Easily takes out Gyarados and Slowbro. Can take out my rival's Feraligatr with a Thunder and helps against Water-Types.

Either Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, and Fire Punch, or keep Thunder instead of T-bolt, but only if you have the Rain Dance/Thunder combo on your Lanturn. Thunder's accuracy is a little too unreliable on its own.

{typhlosion} holding Charcoal
Flame Wheel
Quick Attack

I always have to keep my starter. Takes on Exeggutor and Forettress.

You're limiting the poor thing with three lame moves. Keep Flamethrower, but replace the other three with Sunny Day (to halve damage from Water types), Thunderpunch (to counter Waters), and Earthquake.

{fearow} holding Sharp Beak
Drill Peck

Token Flying-Type, but Drill Peck packs a wollop and takes out Bruno easily.

Drill Peck, Return, Steel Wing, and Swagger. Best way for a flier to go.

{jynx} holding Nevermeltice
Ice Punch
Lovely Kiss
Powder Snow
Body Slam

Only used when in the Elite4. I only bring her out for Lance.

Well, why? Jynx is an amazing Pokemon. Replace Powder Snow with Psychic and if you can, trade Jynx back to RBY and teach Bubblebeam over Body Slam for Fires/Rocks/Steels.

When I'm not battling I substitute Jynx for

{graveler} holding Soft Sand
Rock Smash

Hmm, I've never been a huge Graveler fan, especially without Rock Slide, which you can't get without breeding, which is what I suggest you do. Train a male Sudowoodo to level 28, when it learns Rock Slide, and put it in the Daycare with a female Geodude/Graveler. You'll get a Rock Sliding baby. Then add Earthquake, Explosion, and Fire Blast.

Also, those items you've attached, they do alright, but ultimately, the effect they have on their moves is minimal. Try attaching items like Leftovers, which restores HP after each turn, or a King's Rock, which could cause a flinch, or others like them.

Author:  Vileplume [ Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oops. I forgot that Typhlosion knew Strength instead of Quick Attack.

Anyway here's my new Silver Team. I just beat Falkner, so here it is in all its weak glory.

Razor Leaf


Defense Curl
Rock Throw


Worthless Togepi Egg

Any suggestions/new Pokemon I should add in there?

Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

I need a team rate, Please!
All @Leftovers:

~Sunny Day
~Solar Beam

~Steel Wing/Iron Tail
~Dragon Breath

~Ice Punch/ICe Beam/Leech Seed
~Recover/Lovely Kiss/Mega Drain
~Reflect/Dream Eater/Explosion

~Mean Look
~Fire Punch

~Cross Chop
~Rock Slide

~Rain Dance
~Confuse Ray/Attract/Ice Beam

I want to throw in Blissey or Miltank
~Heal Bell
~Softboiled/Milk Drink
~Ice Beam/Return
~[T-bolt/Fire Blast/S-toss]/Shadow Ball

No clue as to figuring out hidden power (nor do I have DV patience). Hit me with everything you have, I can take it. But yeah, I need Miltank or Blissey in there (not snorlax). I have only 4 weeks for all of it to happen.

Author:  Magic Umbreon [ Fri Jul 28, 2006 2:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Huh, doesn't Blissey have a low special attack in Gold and silver?

Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

No. Blissey's stats

Is this board deserted?

Author:  Magic Umbreon [ Sun Jul 30, 2006 4:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh yeah, but it's not exactly massive.

Author:  Wh0ask3dyou [ Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

My team: All have maximum stats and were raised very carefully by me.

MEWTWO :level 100

MEW:level 100
cross chop

DRAGONITE:level 100
Double edge

CELEBI:level 100

HO-OH:level 100
sacred fire
sunny day

KINGDRA:level 100
hydro pump
ice beam
double edge

my alternate choices are:

LUGIA:level 100
hydro pump

MOLTRES:level 100
sky attack
hyper beam
fire blast

ARTICUNO:level 100
sky attack
ice beam
hyper beam

TYRANNITAR: level 100
hyper beam
rock slide

ZAPDOS:level 100
drill peck

BLISSEY:level 100
fire blast
ice beam


Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mewtwo: Counter > Submission.

Mew: Can't learn megahorn or c-chop. go with soft boiled and icebeam.

Dragonite: Surf or Icebeam over DE or Extreme speed.

Celebi: Biggest problem is heracross and hp bug. But, celebi also has a very bad movepool. Give it Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Psychic, Ancient Power/ HP Flying/Grass.

Ho Oh:Thats the one I use, but standard is Sacred Fire, EQ, T-bolt, Recover/Future Sight.

Kingdra: Surf, Ice Beam, Dragon Breath, Attract/Double Team/Disable/Swift/Skull Bash (Last one is a toss-up. Skull Bash, Double Team for stat raising, Swift for damage (and annoying DT-ers).

Can someone rate mine? Other page (where are the people whose positions involve rating the teams?).

Author:  papersun [ Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Here you are. The ones I don't comment on are standards and don't really warrant it.

Peanut-Lover wrote:
I need a team rate, Please!
All @Leftovers:

~Sunny Day
~Solar Beam

~Steel Wing/Iron Tail
~Dragon Breath

~Ice Punch/ICe Beam/Leech Seed
~Recover/Lovely Kiss/Mega Drain
~Reflect/Dream Eater/Explosion

Personally, I've always liked the Psychic/Ice Beam/Lovely Kiss/Bubblebeam Jynx, but a T-Punch/I-Punch/Reflect/Psychic Alakazam is also great.

~Mean Look
~Fire Punch
Gotta have Psychic somewhere. Over Fire Punch, if possible.

~Cross Chop
~Rock Slide

~Rain Dance
~Confuse Ray/Attract/Ice Beam

I want to throw in Blissey or Miltank
~Heal Bell
~Softboiled/Milk Drink
~Ice Beam/Return
~[T-bolt/Fire Blast/S-toss]/Shadow Ball

Neither one are that great, I don't think. Try a Snorlax with EQ, Return, Shadow Ball, and Rest, and attach a Mint Berry.

No clue as to figuring out hidden power (nor do I have DV patience). Hit me with everything you have, I can take it. But yeah, I need Miltank or Blissey in there (not snorlax). I have only 4 weeks for all of it to happen.

Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Wed Aug 02, 2006 2:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

I need a heal beller, though. Thats why i don't want snorlax.

But, which of the 3 psychics should I use? Jynx, Alakazam, or Exeggcutor?

Author:  Wh0ask3dyou [ Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

the point of my team is purely physical sweeping, cause as much damage as i can possibly cause as fast as possible.

does anyone else have anything to say about my team?

Author:  papersun [ Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Peanut-Lover wrote:
I need a heal beller, though. Thats why i don't want snorlax.

But, which of the 3 psychics should I use? Jynx, Alakazam, or Exeggcutor?

Oh, well, then use Miltank. And just for all-around sweeping purposes, Alakazam will suit your needs better than the other two, I think.

Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Also, who should I kick out?

Should I change anything else.

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:51 am ]
Post subject: 

heres my team
my friend is borrowing the game so i cant check all the moves

Author:  Loco_Ludicolo [ Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here's my Gold Team. All @ Leftovers. If I can find where to get them.

Leech Seed
Giga Drain

Ice Beam
Dragon Breath

Morning Sun
Sunny Day
HP Fire (Standard)

Mean Look
Confuse Ray

Seismic Toss

Sacred Fire
Dragon Breath
Ancient Power

Little Bored so I made a team.
I'm rater now so bring on the teams!
Papersun, Tiger10x should contact you soon!

Author:  shadowman777 [ Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:11 am ]
Post subject: 

lvl 100 {charizard}

lvl 100 {mewtwo}

lvl 100 {mew}

lvl 61 {celebi}

lvl 64 {suicune}

lvl 34 {kingdra}

my last three Pokemon are still in training and I havent played in a while

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Loco_Ludicolo has been accepted as a GSC Rater, so please cooperate with him as he begins his "rating career" :P


Author:  FQ_786 [ Sat Aug 26, 2006 1:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dragonite @ Dragon Fang

Meganium @ Miracle Seed
~Solar Beam

Typhlosion @ Charcoal
~Sunny Day

Feraligatr @ Mystic Water
~Iron Tail
~Dynamic Punch
~Hydro Pump

Umbreon @ Blackglasses
~Confuse Ray
~Shadow Ball

Lugia @ Leftovers
~Zap Cannon

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

FQ_786 wrote:
Dragonite @ Dragon Fang

Try Ice Beam over Outrage and Flamethrower over Fly. Outrage isn't too good as it confuses you afterwards, whereas Fly wastes a turn.

Meganium @ Miracle Seed
~Solar Beam

Solarbeam isn't very useful without Sunny Day to complement it. you might want to use Meganium as a pure Physical Sweeper instead, with this moveset:

Meganium @ Leftovers
~Swords Dance
~Return/Reflect/Light Screen

However, if you plan to have Typhlosion set up Sunny Day before switching to Meganium, I guess the moveset is fine, but you'll need to switch often to restart the Sunny Day sequence once it ends, so that can be a liablity.

Typhlosion @ Charcoal
~Sunny Day

Looks fine, but Rollout doesn't really fit into the picture, so if you want you can switch it for some other filler move such as Roar, or a Special type Hidden Power.

Feraligatr @ Mystic Water
~Iron Tail
~Dynamic Punch
~Hydro Pump

You might want to remove Hydro Pump and put in a Physical Attack to complement the use of Curse. Also, Dynamic Punch might not be a very reliable move, so an alternative move there won't hurt either. Pick Earthquake/Slash/Rock Slide/Ancientpower instead for these two slots.

Umbreon @ Blackglasses
~Confuse Ray
~Shadow Ball

Toxic might not be useful without being able to trap the foe, so take out Pursuit for Mean Look. The rest of the moves are fine, but you might want to put Baton Pass over Confuse Ray or Shadow Ball so that you can trap foes that Umbreon is unable to handle, before passing to Pokemon that have an advantage over that opponent.

Lugia @ Leftovers
~Zap Cannon

Zap Cannon isn't reliable; switch it out for some other Sweeping move. There are so many possibilities that I won't bother to list them, so you can view the Lugia sets in the GSC Movesets Guide if you need further help.

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