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Author:  MasonTheChef [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

Discussion thread for game changes between Gen IV and Gen V


Obtained in dream world.
-Venusaur, Leafeon have Chlorophyll
-Charizard have Solar power
-Blastoise, Tentacruel, Pelipper have Rain dish
-Butterfree, Noctowl, Mothim have tinted lens
-Beedrill, Fearow, Ariados have sniper
-Raticate have hustle
-Pikachu, Zapdos, Seaking.... have lighting rod
-Clefable have unaware
-ninetales has drought!!!
-Wigglytuff, furret, Yanmega have frisk
-Vileplume have effect spore
-Parasect, Kingdra, Swampert have damp
-Golduck, Poliwrath, Armaldo have swift swim
-Alakazam has magic guard!!! This plus LO=win.
-Machamp, Scyther, Hitmontop have steadfast
-Victreebell, Snorlax, Swalot, Grumpig have gluttony
-Golem have Sand veil
-Rapidash, Moltres have flame body
-Dodrio have tangled feet
-Dewgong, Glaceon, Regice have ice body
-Hypno, Hitmonchan, Kangaskhan, Umbreon have inner focus
-Electrode have aftermath
-Marowak have battle armor
-Hitmonlee, Sceptile have Undurden
-Mr. mime, Breloom, kricketune, Roserade have Technician
-Jynx have dry skin
-Lapras, Vaporeon, Whiscash, Gorebyss, Luvdisk have Hydration
-Jolteon, Linoone have quick feet
-Flareon, Luxray have guts
-Articuno have snow cloak
-Meganium have leaf guard
-Typhlosion, Entei have flash fire
-Ledian, Infernape have Iron fist
-Lanturn, Suicune, Cacturne have Water absorb
-Ampharos have Plus
-Politoed has Drizzle!!!!!
-Sunflora have Early bird
-Quagsire have Unaware
-Quilfish have Intimidate
-Delibird have Insomnia (lol, it already has vital spirit)
-Mantine, Huntail, Floatzel, Lumineon have Water veil
-Donphan have Sand veil
-Raikou, Pachirisu have Volt absorb
-Blaziken, Sharpedo has Speed boost!!!!! bye ninjask
-Beautifly have Rivalry
-Dustox have Compound eyes
-Ludicolo have Own tempo
-Swellow, Exploud have Scrappy
-Manectric have Minus
-Wailord have Pressure
-Camerupt have Anger point
-Torkoal, Torterra have Shell armor
-Altaria, Lickilicky have Cloud nine
-Crawdaunt have Adaptability
-Cradily have Storm drain
-Milotic have Cute charm
-Walrein have Oblivious
-Relicanth, Regirock have Sturdy
-Staraptor, Rhyperior have Reckless
-Bastiodon, Abomasnow have soundproof
-Ambipom have Skill link
-Lopunny have Limber
-Skuntank, Drapion have Keen eye
-Garchomp have Rough skin
-Electrivire, Magmortar have Vital spirit
-Togekiss have Super luck (like it needs it)
-Mamoswine have Thick fat
-Gliscor have Poison Heal O_O
**Many other pokes gain new abilities, but are new to gen V and have yet to be translated**

-Sturdy acts like focus sash
-Storm drain/Lightning rod nullify water/electric and give the user +1 s.atk.
-Stench can cause flinching w/ contact moves, similar to king's rock (pity the users are all slow.)
-Plus/Minus also get the S.atk boost with a plus+plus combo or minus+minus combo.

-Bind, Wrap, Fire spin, Whirlpool, Sand tomb, Clamp are 85 acc.
-Rock blast is 90 acc.
-Bullet seed and Icicle spear are 25 base
-Fury cutter is now 20 base
-Drain punch is now 75 base
-Tackle is now 50 base and 100% acc
-Growth raises Atk and S.atk 1 stage
-Giga Drain is now 75 base
-Thrash and Petal dance are 120 base
-Jump kick is 100 base
-Hi jump kick is 130 base
-Toxic is 90% acc
-Crabhammer is 90% acc.
-Glare is 90% acc.
-Disable is 100% acc.
-Cotton spore, Scary face are 100% acc.
-Poison gas is 80%
-Bone rush is 90% acc.
-Future sight is 100base and 100% acc
-Uproar is 90 base
-Covet is 60 base
-Doom desire is 140 base and 100% acc.
-Feint is 30 base
-Last resort is 140 base
-Magma storm is 75% acc

Rotom's type changes depending on it's fourme Frost=Electric/Ice, Heat=Electric/Fire, Fan=Electric/Flying, Mow=Electric/Grass, Wash=Electric

Feebas evolves when traded with the "Clean scale" held.

Author:  Sav [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes.

I don't think the Sturdy change will make much of a difference, as the current pokes that have it either work better with it's alternative ability (e.g Magnezone) or are too bulky that they are unlikely to be K'od in one hit (e.g Forretress)

I like the change to growth but I doubt it will have much more use, only mixed sweepers would work well with it but then it is competing with move slots...

Author:  Mektar [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes.

The Sturdy upgrade gives me yet another reason to use Bastiodon in my Black Team. Metal Burst, anyone?


Author:  shinashu taji [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes.

Overall I like the changes. The only one I don't like is the fact that Sturdy acts like Focus Sash now, which is just going to be an annoyance and I don't usually like things I deem annoying.

Author:  Soraku [ Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes.

Hydration would be good on a Rain Dance team, but overall people will still use water absorb much more I think. Maybe if Vaporeon god Magic Guard, that would be awesome =p

Author:  Blastiose_ex [ Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes.

That metal burst+sturdy bastiodon combo sounds cool. Glaceon could get some decent use out of ice body since he's decently bulky (physically anyways). And of course, my skarmory that i bred and evd and lovingly cared for has keen eye :( oh well

As for the whole "Growth" thing, Victreebel is now going to take over the world!!!

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes.

Mega drain added.

Author:  Blastiose_ex [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

Woohoo! Blaziken's comin' back! SD+Speed Boost+120 atk+good movepool=OU. Simple math.

Author:  MUNCHLAX :) [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

gen 5 is looking good and suicune can now wall vaporeon

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

It already could with CM+rest+pressure

Author:  MUNCHLAX :) [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

i forgot about pressure

also other good stuff drought and drizzle are out for regular pokemon

Author:  Blastiose_ex [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

MasterChef wrote:
It already could with CM+rest+pressure

Yes, but now it can kill it much quicker.

Author:  shinashu taji [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

I am really diggin all these changes. I think that this is going to bring a whole new breathe of life into the game and franchise. I really like that Venusaur gets Chlorophyll. It really makes sense as Venusaur is a plant and would have chloroplasts and would have chlorophyll.

Author:  /vXv\ [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

I think The three legendary birds should have gotten Snow warning, drought and drizzle respectively.
The 3 beasts got out pretty well

Smogon is already complaining that a bunch of pokemon have shadow tag now, Good by ridiculous tier systems!

Also I read that lightning rod now PREVENTS Electric damage received

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

/vXv\ wrote:
Smogon is already complaining that a bunch of pokemon have shadow tag now, Good by ridiculous tier systems!

It's only three. Personally I do feel the ability should be banned in play (unless they made some change to it to be less broken), esp on a ghost/fire with 145base s.atk.

I totally agree with the birds.

Author:  Blastiose_ex [ Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

I'm actually wanting to try Shanderaa with Flash Fire and a Choice Scarf. Switch in on a will-o-wisp or something and spam Fire Blasts like never before :D

Author:  shinashu taji [ Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

Blastiose_ex wrote:
I'm actually wanting to try Shanderaa with Flash Fire and a Choice Scarf. Switch in on a will-o-wisp or something and spam Fire Blasts like never before :D

Until Heatran comes up and ruins the party. :O I am looking forward to the new abilities. I know for a fact that Bronzong gets an ability which doubles its weight which is to coincide with a move that gets more power determined on the users weight.

Author:  Blastiose_ex [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

shinashu taji wrote:

[color=#8040FF]Until Heatran comes up and ruins the party. :Ocolor]

Yeah, but I'm also hopefully going to be running a Garchomp on the same team. Now that we have random online battles, I feel no obligation to follow Smogon's tiering anymore!!!

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

shinashu taji wrote:
Blastiose_ex wrote:
I'm actually wanting to try Shanderaa with Flash Fire and a Choice Scarf. Switch in on a will-o-wisp or something and spam Fire Blasts like never before :D

Until Heatran comes up and ruins the party. :O I am looking forward to the new abilities. I know for a fact that Bronzong gets an ability which doubles its weight which is to coincide with a move that gets more power determined on the users weight.

Bronzong and Arrgon get the ability "heavy metal" which doubles their weight, and the attack "heavy bomber" which is like gyro ball, but based off weight.(from what I hear has the same cap as gyro ball of 150.) Bronzong is probably better off with gyro ball and an immunity, but the combo will be deadly on RP Arrgon.

I guess this also means I can use bronzong in my gym :)

blastoise_ex wrote:
Now that we have random online battles, I feel no obligation to follow Smogon's tiering anymore!!![/size]

I kinda feel the same way, at least their influence will be lessened, but depending on how rules are on the random wi-fi it may just be an Uber/sleep fest and not worth even using for any non-Uber competitive team. Kinda like early PBR.

Author:  Blastiose_ex [ Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

MasterChef wrote:

Depending on how rules are on the random wi-fi it may just be an Uber/sleep fest and not worth even using for any non-Uber competitive team. Kinda like early PBR.

God I hope not :( I still see people using ubers on PBR. My prediction is there will be a ban list, but it will not include Lati@s or any other non legendaries. But, they may or may not have Sleep Clause or Evasion Clause. For example, you can turn sleep clause on on pbr. Otherwise, we're just going to have to count on people not to be a**holes and use Sleep Powder and Double Team five times in a row.

Author:  Ryder [ Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

Some people probably still will do that, spamming sleep powder's and double team's, but I know I'm not going to. And most of the people who are serious about competitive battling out there, they've been used to smogon's rules for so long, they've gotten used to them. The random battle thing would just be yet another challenge, it's not required or anything. If you want a battle with specific rules, you could always come here and request one of somebody, right?

Author:  MasonTheChef [ Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

Confirmed lightning rod and a few other new ability effects. Will update old pokes with genV abilities in a day or two.

Author:  shinashu taji [ Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

I have no problem with the random WiFi. Besides most of the people that you see using a team of all Ubers are the little kids that don't know what they are doing anyway and thus can be easily defeated.

Author:  /vXv\ [ Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES

shinashu taji wrote:
I have no problem with the random WiFi. Besides most of the people that you see using a team of all Ubers are the little kids that don't know what they are doing anyway and thus can be easily defeated.

maybe it will be like VGWC were there will be a limit to how many you can use per battle

also stench will most likely be passive .

Author:  MUNCHLAX :) [ Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gen V Changes. NOW WITH DREAM WORLD ABILITIES


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