
The End Of Teams
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Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Sat May 12, 2007 8:57 am ]
Post subject: 

If sN0wBaLL agrees, I have to as well. :(

I have grown very attached to hydro, and I have made a few friends.

And, although hydro is very active, those like inferno and solar get like one post a week :( , not really a reason to keep them. Hydro was dead as well, when I just started being active in Hydro.

Bandwith - thats something I mentioned last night on the chats.

Leaders - Krisp mentioned something a month ago - none of the original leaders are still here. Kingler Master, Lintaro, etc.

Noone can care for the teams - school, exams, moving on with life, other sections taking precedent, etc. However, if we put someone in charge of all 5 teams, that'd be ok :P

Thats my input.

Goodbye Psypoke Isle

Oh, and I lost my "Visible post count" because I complained. It was set to zero. However, I have well over 1200 posts, even outside of hydro, still. Look in my profile. </off>

Author:  goldenquagsire [ Sat May 12, 2007 9:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Krisp wrote:
How is that cold and shallow? Yes, Pokemon IS pretty much the only thing this board is about. We don't have any Final Fantasy forum, LoZ forum, Sonic forum, etc. because PsyPoke is about pokemon.

Nono, you got the wrong end of the stick completely. What I meant was, the forums aren't just for talking about Pokemon - they're for chatting to people who happen to share a love for Pokemon. That doesn't mean that EVERY sentance has to be about Pokemon.

Okay, I see that most of Psypoke is against me on this one, so I'll give up trying to argue. I'd like to make one last request to the Lites: Can we have a thread in A&C for the teams, like I'm told it was before I joined? It wouldn't take up that much bandwith, and it wouldn't matter if it wasn't always active.

Author:  Krisp [ Sat May 12, 2007 9:53 am ]
Post subject: 

There weren't any threads in A&C about teams. T&A, yes, but have you ever looked at those? They were bascially "Who wants to sign up?" and everyone lists their team, etc. There wasn't much to them.

You're welcome to make an IRC channel for the teams on DarkMyst, though.

Author:  goldenquagsire [ Sat May 12, 2007 9:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Ah. I always heard it was A&C...

So, you give full permission for me or another Midnightian to make a new #midnight or whatever? Just to make it all official and such?

Author:  black_flygon [ Sat May 12, 2007 10:57 am ]
Post subject: 

I pretty much agree with you peanut-lover. If you really want to know why, just go and look for ALL of my posts. They are rarely in any of the 'pokemon' section. Most of my posts are either in Psypoke Community or General Discussion. What I'm trying to say is that some of us are here for pokemon AND to get a little distracted from life; it's wrong, but it still feel nice to be here, to talk about pokemon AND other random stuff. However, I agree with the deletion of the teams.

Author:  Gnaaye [ Sat May 12, 2007 11:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, can't we just delete old topix? General Discussion for example, has 16 pages of topix. FanArt has 14. General Pokemon Discussion has 17. Hoenn has 23. And bandwith space? Can't we just delete 0-posters out of the database? There are people that joined at 2005 Jan and still no posts...

Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Sat May 12, 2007 11:25 am ]
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Actually, Im recommended that back in March.
They don't take up that much bandwith, apparently (negligible).

Maybe, though, we could merge some forums, as well (like the sports, music, and the movis forums? They get 2 posts a month, or something)

Oh, and TCG as well - maybe put that into the Misc. Generation thingy?

Author:  DNA [ Sat May 12, 2007 12:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, I haven't been here on Psypoke very long (I was only here for about a week when I heard the E4 were 'leaving'), but I do want to say my piece about the teams.

Yes, they're not very active, I would have to say that. From what I have seen, Hydro and Inferno were very active teams, and Solar and Psyche were pretty much dead. Midnight I couldn't really say. I didn't really know what the point of joining a team would be, I thought it was just for the sake of making a statement or something. It's kinda sad not having the teams active, but no one really thinks about them much any more. Look, I can't really say anything much in either direction, as, like I said, I'm new. But if the mods do decide to delete the teams, it will most likely be for the best.

Although I do have a question:
If there are threads currently being talked about or activities still going on, will they be deleted completely, or recycled into one of the other forums? (Team Psyche has about 2 or 3, and I believe the other teams still have something they have to talk about.) I just want to know for the sake of no confusion. If anyone can answer me, thanks.


Author:  Sanctuary [ Sat May 12, 2007 12:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree with this Decision, and was actually one of the ones who voted that the Teams were a Failed Experiment.

I am sorry to all the team members that want to keep the teams, However it's True.


KinglerMaster, Lintaro, Magus, The Gardevoirs and I Dissapeared The teams gradually began to die out.

I often say that Starting team Inferno was a Mistake. That isn't true. My mistake was leaving the team to die and I am sorry.

However my honest opinion is that The original Leaders are the only ones who could have kept the teams alive. (no offense to the Current Leaders)

Without the Original Leaders, The teams died. It's Time to move on. This age in Psypoke is past us.

And Lastly, People should stop freaking out. Nobody went crazy when the team were created, so nobody should go crazy due to them being deleted.

Author:  Blackwind [ Sat May 12, 2007 12:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sanctuary wrote:
However my honest opinion is that The original Leaders are the only ones who could have kept the teams alive. (no offense to the Current Leaders)

Without the Original Leaders, The teams died. It's Time to move on. This age in Psypoke is past us.

Hum... objection. Serious objection. :?

Anyway, the only thing I have left to say ids, if the teams are "dead" because nobody posts in them for 2/3 days, maybe you should consider giving the TCG thread the same fate. And moving stuff into the Indigo Plateau probably wouldn't help much unless you removed its Hidden status; I mean, only Team Leaders and possibly site mods have access to that part of Psypokes.

Author:  Sanctuary [ Sat May 12, 2007 12:36 pm ]
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No. In the Case of the TCG Part of the Forum, New TCG Cards will always keep coming. And thus, So will new Discussion. Teams were getting old, It was always the same recycled stuff. I Totally agree with This Decision.

Author:  Blackwind [ Sat May 12, 2007 1:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

In the teams, new discussion can be generated as long as there are members willing to do so.
You knew how things worked in Inferno, but that is by no means representative of what happens in all the other teams.

So... the good teams get deleted just like the dead ones. It really defeats the purpose of us guys having tried so hard to keep Midnight alive after Magus left. We did it, and we bounced back as the most active team on the Isle. And despite that, we get screwed because the other teams couldn't make it. I'm not going to make a scandal of this, but it saddens me a bit. Above all, I feel a bit disrespected. I mean... we at Midnight tried really hard to make it what it is today. Magus asked me to run the place for him and I put a lot of effort in it. And in the end I'm not even asked my opinion before the decision is taken.

Author:  Skull Kid [ Sat May 12, 2007 1:15 pm ]
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I'm 100% for the decision and will only say that it should've been done a long time ago.

Author:  Treeckoluv [ Sat May 12, 2007 5:17 pm ]
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I really don't want the teams to be deleted, but even I must face it. Good-bye to the teams, and good-bye post count [not that I care]. I was runnig an activity in psyche, but shortly before I joined, Flarey left. Then I noticed the second most active team disapear. I wish they would stay, but I can't denie it. And Mods, will there be a new forum to replace it? If 5 forums get deleted, I at least want to see 1 new forum.

Author:  Krisp [ Sat May 12, 2007 5:28 pm ]
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Yes, the hidden team leader forum (Indigo Plateu) will become the new archive.

Author:  Jordan W [ Sat May 12, 2007 5:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

i never cared much, but while we are at it, why not restart Psypoke [all of it]

:objection: will my hydro Id be safe?

Author:  SpagettiMonster [ Sat May 12, 2007 5:41 pm ]
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Why bother posting here when the decision has already been made? I thought to myself.
Well, I am a member of Midnight myself and I think that's the only place I've really managed to.. connect to others in some way. I mean, what other subforum has an off-topic discussion thread? It works because we have members that allow such a thing to go without spam, and those that haven't really got anything to say, won't get replied to either. We also have a few other active threads, but I admit it's been going bad lately. Many members have temporarily left, and we sit there with little time and nothing to do. I think it's a bit unfair to ask us to have sympathy for the decision, at least for the members of Midnight, because we can't - in theory - have a clue about what's going on in the other teams. For the last weeks I've been thinking the other teams have been active as well, so this is kinda new to me. Anyway, I agree with pelligargetic,
who wrote:
The whole FORUM is supposed to be like family. The teams take away from that majorly.

That's got to be the upside for me. Perhaps we all may be one family now.
Krisp wrote:
[color=#ff6ec7]Yes, the hidden team leader forum (Indigo Plateu) will become the new archive.

Then I have a question, if you're going to keep all of the posts in this archive, wouldn't that just keep all the bandwidth, so you won't earn a thing from it?

EDIT: I forgot to say. I got really sad about this. :( [/color]

Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Sat May 12, 2007 6:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jordan W - thats my project (though it was mad official because Darth said it would be), and thus are saved to my thing. Hydro will be up, but on the chats. Your card (along with everyone else's) will be there. I set up the THA Account on Photobucket, and thus the cards are in my care.

SM - no, just the important threads
FireStarter wrote:
I will be going through the teams and sending any significant looking threads to Indigo Plateau, which will become an archive of team forum threads.

As for the OT, thats what the community forums are - General, Music, TV, etc, except as you said, it will be one happy family.

Blackwind - I brought hydro back, after KinglerMaster and SepharimRiku both left. True, that was for like 4 months, but still..thats my hard work down the tubes as well. I spoke with Riku in a few emails, and he said I should attempt to do what he did - the cards, the activities, etc.
Oh, and btw, I reccomended moving it to misc generations. Though, almost noone on this site plays it at all at this point, from my knowledge.

Sanctuary - when did you vote? Did all of the leaders get to vote?

Author:  Pokemaniac [ Sat May 12, 2007 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I for one am agreeing on this. Hydro, Inferno, and Midnight are atleast somewhat active Psych and Solar are dead. But if you guys are going to do this Delete Member Accounts that have 0 posts. Especially one from 04 and 05. I can't really say much about the teams As much as I don't want them to go, I also think at the same time they should be deleted. But the Leaders should have atleast been told this first though.

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Sat May 12, 2007 7:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Then I have a question, if you're going to keep all of the posts in this archive, wouldn't that just keep all the bandwidth, so you won't earn a thing from it?

Only some important threads from each Team will be kept; the rest of the minor threads will most probably be deleted. That should save up some bandwidth space. After all, these minor threads do make up the majority of topics in most teams.

Well, can't we just delete old topix? General Discussion for example, has 16 pages of topix. FanArt has 14. General Pokemon Discussion has 17. Hoenn has 23. And bandwith space?

Actually, we do delete old topics, and I think we even go through the topics first so that old but important topics remain. If you recall, there were occasions when we cleaned out huge Pokemon forum sections such as Hoenn and Kanto Revisited.

Can't we just delete 0-posters out of the database? There are people that joined at 2005 Jan and still no posts...

I don't think these take up as much bandwidth space as posts. We can look into that if the user database start taking up too much bandwidth.

If sN0wBaLL agrees, I have to as well.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I have grown very attached to hydro, and I have made a few friends.

As have I. Moreoever, I have been with Hydro from the start, so I should be more attached to it than you =p

Author:  Pokemaniac [ Sat May 12, 2007 7:10 pm ]
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Wait can we still use are Team ID Cards around here?

Author:  R-cubed [ Sat May 12, 2007 7:13 pm ]
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I have a question. Will we be able to post in the Indigo Platue?

Author:  sN0wBaLL [ Sat May 12, 2007 7:13 pm ]
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As far as I am concerned, I'm fine with it. I'm also fine with Teams retaining/creating IRC channels to continue to interact together on a regular basis, since IRC is out of our jurisdiction anyway.

Author:  JsXtm [ Sat May 12, 2007 7:43 pm ]
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Well, I was a member of Midnight, from about the time Psypoke Isle got created. It was kinda fun, but after a while, it just seemed like 95% of what went on there was more or less pointless. Thus, I left, and I also agree with the decision. However, as a memorial to Midnight I put my Team Midnight ID back in my Sig; I'll post it here too, for when I take it back out again. It was a good time, but it just wasn't meant to last.

Author:  FireStarter [ Sat May 12, 2007 9:55 pm ]
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I just want to let everyone know that bandwidth has nothing to do with this decision whatsoever.

Also, we don't delete 0-post accounts because those people may wish to post in the future.

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