
Evolution War
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Author:  Houndour [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can I sign up?

Favorite food-Berries!,Any

Author:  ScizorManiac [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Accepted :!: :D Now, tell us how you join (ex. you find Flareon)

Author:  Lucariquaza [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

can i join?

pokemon: elikid
nickname:shadow :shock:
persanality:calm, at sometimes can charge
favorate food: cherri berries

edit:i'm team eletric

Author:  ScizorManiac [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:48 am ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Lynm-Pahcuh [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Jet climbed out of its lake and looked at the plains to the south. "Lightning wouldn't dare attack me just yet... Whilst I’m at my lake he doesn't stand a chance against me." he said and swam over to a rock jutting out of the waters surface near the middle of the lake, where he lay down and relaxed. "Unfortunately without any other recruits my attacks shall have to wait as well..." he said before yawning, “Of course there is an alliance possibility. Glaceon and I can both learn ice type moves, allowing some minor agreements in combat... but for now I’d much rather wait until I find some help."

Author:  nickyorany [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Let me Join

Personality:Jumpy, Active, Loyal
Favorite food:*Whatever's in the fridge*
Secret: A Spy For Team Dark and psychic

Author:  Fire-Drake [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Can I join a little later in the RP? I'm fixing to go on vacation for 5 days, but I really want in.

Team Fire
Pokemon- Arcanine
Nickname- Blaze
Gender- Male
Personality- Trustworthy, Strongwilled, usually quiet
Favorite Food- Anything.

PM me if need be.

Author:  ScizorManiac [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Both are accepted!

Author:  nickyorany [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cyndyquil woke up one morning on the highest point on pangea, he hated the team leader of the fire pokemon and just wanted to leave the island of pangea completely and thought there was somthing better out there. "the air feels so good" he said and out of nowhere a wurmple apeared next to him he freaked out and fell to the bottom as fast as a boulder and was knocked out couple hours later and he woke up he saw a shadowyfigure and mumbled "ess..ppee..on....."

Author:  Treeckomaster [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 3:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Go fish." Glaceon said. "I've been thinking about sneak attacking Eevee in a day or two."

Author:  Lucariquaza [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

shadow was confused: this strange writing was confusing: uoy era eht nesohc eno

what had it ment?
Shadow walked out of the cave confused

Author:  Natalya [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Join?

May I Join Please? I get the metting of the other team member (i.e. next post)
Team: Dark
Pokemon- Houndoom
Nickname- Gmork
Gender- Female
Personality- Bold,Naughty
Favorite Food- Lansat Berry

Rp: Sample (Short, Trainer View)

Resting over a high bolder on the terrain the young women knelt at slight crouch. Eyes fixed foreword on the battle insight with military precision. The loud roaring of the large Nidoking left a haunting emotion of true pain. Gritting her teeth Natalya was forced to watch the beam of frost slam into the black armor of her partner. “Hang in there Xero, be careful that Absol knows Ice Beam! Watch your opponent before you try to strike!” Roaring the large creature bared its long fangs, shaking off the hit. Waiting for a command from the trainer as the opponent’s Absol continued to tease and taunt the black Nidoking.
Watching Xero charged the opponent, feet stomping down the dirt throwing the dust about. A black belt wrapped around its neck the King leapt at the Absol, “NOW! While you have it in sight! Brick Break!” Pulling back a glowing fist the Nidoking aimed for the chest hoping that he had selected the right image from the blurring Double Team maneuver. Striking the blade headed creature hard in the chest the king seemed to smirk. Grabbing onto the Absol the dark figure twirled around swinging a flashed metal tail at it’s shoulder region soon after word.

Author:  Fire-Drake [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

(I'll go ahead and start, but I'll wonder off and come back after vacation lol)

Blaze stood atop a hill near where his fallen friend had fell from the cliff. He rushed over to Cyndiquil and pushed the boulder off of him. He pushed it a bit more for some breathing room, then jumped back and turned to see the fallen pokemon. He lowered his head and nudged him softly. Faintly, he heard the word 'Espeon', but thought nothing of it. "Are you ok?"

Author:  ScizorManiac [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:22 am ]
Post subject: 

(Natalya- accepted!)

Espie turned her attention to the fire pokemon. She slowly walked over to them. Unexpectedly, she use heal bell on the cyndaquil. For some reason, she was kind towards Flareon and his team. They never battled against each other.

" I was thinking about forming an alliance with you."

( Yes,you can have alliances with other teams, but not your worst enemy. Your team ( team psychic in my case) can still only get the same type as the name, only working with the other team. Only get an alliance with one team. You must wait for the leader of the other team to agree, and I will post who is allies with who.)


Author:  Fire-Drake [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

(Hey, beside our names in the first post can you also put our nicknames? I know it's a little more work, but it saves us the trouble of going through everyones post and looking up their nickname just so we can post back)

Blaze glanced over to the Espeon, not even noticing she was here until she used the heal bell on that fallen pokemon. He watched to see what happened.

Author:  Tragar [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:42 am ]
Post subject: 

"I dunno...there are not too many on his side right now, and it would be too easy...don't you want to wait for them to get more people so then we can beat them?" Asked Frost, who passed out the cards. "Do you have any twos?"

Also, when we start to fight, are you going to judge it? I mean we need someone to do that, right? We can't keep saying, "I beat them" and "We beat them even though they outnumbered us..." and stuff like that...I'm guessing that you would expect us to say that....right?

Author:  Fire-Drake [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:09 am ]
Post subject: 

I would just battle, but I wouldn't try to be like, 'Blaze used agility abd dodged the attack' every single time, because that would get boring. Plus you have to add on the speed (Or what you think the speed SHOULD be) to help you dodge. Anywho, yeah just battle. But actually it's not my decision.

Oh, I have a question also, if you do let us battle, insead of thinking who might win, can we have more than the 4 moves? Are you going to give us a max or what?

Author:  Natalya [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re:

A strange haunting on the wind...

Arching a muscular neck to the sky the blood curling eerie howl of doom echoed through dense forest. Vocal cords maxing out the sound the metal rigs around its four paws shimmered in the faint moonlight. Her black as ebony frame wandered in and out of sight, binding with near perfection to the darkness. Raising a muzzle to sniff the cool night air a deep growl leapt from her jowls as her claws dug and cut away the soft earth. “It never fails to impress, the bone chilling howl I pride so greatly.” Smirking the dark figure watched as the hair of a Pikachu stood on end. Chuckling to herself, the Houndoom leapt onto the high cliff side overlooking the town. Snorting flames from her nose she threw her horns back, nearly reaching her shoulders. Flames leapt from her muzzle in a flash of what looked like a Flamethrower attack. Listening to the response of the forest, knowing most creatures stayed clear of things then howled in the night, which suited her just fine.

Author:  Treeckomaster [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:51 am ]
Post subject: 

"You do have a good point. Go Fish. I've also been thinking, not many people are on Jolteon's side and we have no reeason to hate each other. Why don't we fom an alliance with him? He'll probably say "IF I ACCEPT I WILL SHOW MYSELF AS A WEAKLING!!!!!" but it's worth a try. Have any 10s?"

Author:  EXP [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Moonlight went as fast as he could to a area uneffected by the war, there were Ground types, flying and many more, he stayed there for a few seconds and then left and said "when will they be effected by the war

Author:  ChristianDEATH [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

loud fighter

Author:  ScizorManiac [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 1:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Fire-Drake wrote:
I would just battle, but I wouldn't try to be like, 'Blaze used agility and dodged the attack' every single time, because that would get boring. Plus you have to add on the speed (Or what you think the speed SHOULD be) to help you dodge. Anywho, yeah just battle. But actually it's not my decision.

Oh, I have a question also, if you do let us battle, insead of thinking who might win, can we have more than the 4 moves? Are you going to give us a max or what?

1. Excactly

2. Yes, any amount of moves.

Also, ChristianDEATH, put your profile in the suggested format,
Favorite Food-

But you are accepted, just not until you make the proper corrections.

Author:  Treeckoluv [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lightnig looked over the hill and saw Umbro running by. "Wonder If he knows he's on my turf?' said Lightning.

Author:  EXP [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

"light and Darkness, is always suppost to be clear, but in a war, their is no right or wrong, there are just those who win and those who lose" said Umbreon as a tear fell from his face "and those from my side who lose... give me strength" "in the name of Grip, Zut and Runt, I will not let them down," Umbreon could no longer take it and screamed at the top of his lungs "Shadow ball" as a very powerful attack hit and broke a rock, as Moonlight started to sob "why, why now, why to us?"

Author:  nickyorany [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

thank you alot espeon i am greatly thankful *Whispers* to tell you the truth i don't like flareon that much, he's to bossy but do you think i can join team psychic even though in not a psychic and your much nicer than flareon (just then team dark came out of nowhere and started attacking) *Flamethrower* *Flame wheele*.....

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