
Warriors Ridge
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Author:  Inta Xonem [ Fri Apr 06, 2007 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  Warriors Ridge

Location: Kanto, Johto, Orre, Hoenn, Orange Islands, Seive Islands, Sinnoh, Tineo(Custom Region), Fiorre(Ranger).

The story: A criminal organisation has been causing havoc over the pokemon world. Lead by the 3 wise ones(needed) who each own up to 4 pokemon(any) and have a team(which they can name) based on 2 types they plot massive criminal schemes including the capture of legendaries and overrun of large companies. It is up to 5 chosen Trainers(needed) to save the pokemon world from mass destruction. you may have a second character if they want, but not a 2 trainers or wise ones. The trainers will have to stop these teams and save the pokemon world.

Trainers cannot have more than 2 very strong pokemon, no legendaries. Be reasonable.

Additional Rules: no Mary Sues or Godmoding...

EDIT: OK, I think this topic is getting filled with non related posts, from now on, PM me your profiles and any inquiries/ ideas. I will ignore/ kick out anyone who disobeys this.


My characters:

Name: Martin
Occupation: Wise one
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Location: Volsprit HQ, 32nd Floor, Head Office
Description: Tall, Dark Haired, Pale skinned
Recent History: Devious Scheming.
Personality: Very formal and cold hearted. The only things he cares for are his Rotom and his screwdrivers. He enjoys devestating/wrecking things using explosives.
Random Fact:Has a obsession with collecting screwdrivers.

Team: Volsprit
Types: Electric/Ghost

Pokemon: Raikou, Dusknoir, Rotom

Occupation: Little Sister of Martin's
Age: 7
Location: Lilycove, Lilycove Dept. Store
Description: A young girl who has a big imagination, and an even bigger ambition. She has decided to win the contests over Hoenn.

Skitty, Eevee

I will PM Wise ones with their criminal tasks which must be carried out(3) but they may do other criminal thingsuntil stopped.

You may start straight away.

Author:  Meeps [ Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Nik
Occupation: Wise One
Description: Tall, Skinny,Tan,Blonde

So... Can I join?

I'll start when you do.

Author:  TheKyogreKing [ Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Why not join another RP?

Name: Viles

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Occupation: Wise one

Location: Leaders bough, Turboltz Tree, Petalburg Woods

Description: Blazing red eyes, dark blue hair, average height, very athletic

Personality: Not entirely evil. He started up Team Turboltz to take over the world, yes, but then make it a better place. But then his mind got screwed. He is now cold hearted, and cares only for his Pokemon.

Recent History: His mind was screwd from to many Psychic waves from Alakazam.

Pokemon: Alakazam, Leafeon, Torterra, Gallade

Team: Turboltz
Types: Psychic, Grass

Author:  Inta Xonem [ Sat Apr 07, 2007 1:52 am ]
Post subject: 

The 'wise ones' may have a trinity legendary.

Ypu both need to rename your teams(eg.Magma , Aqua) and KyorgeKing, you don't have too, but I would prefer you to have different types to mine and meeps's, and two types prefably.

Author:  TheKyogreKing [ Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok, edited to perfection! I love the edit button!

Author:  Xeeros [ Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Name - Sevear

Occupation - Trainer

Age - 21

Gender - Male

Location - Sinnoh

Description - Standing at 5'10 he is not the biggest of people, nor is he the smallest. He has shaggy brown hair. Sevear has a very athletic build. He wears a long, navy blue shirt and dark blue jeans, as well as white sneakers.

Recent History - Has just finished collecting all 8 of his badges and was on his way to challenge the Elite 4.

Personality - Sevear has anger problems, and jumps to conclusions rather quickly. He sometimes makes decisions that put him and his Pokemon into the path of harm. He is a very trustworthy individual once you get to know him, but unless you know him well he will often strike first and ask questions later.

Random Fact - He doesn't like the way he is, but he feels that it is necessary for his survival.

Pokemon - Electivire, Toxicroak (always out of Pokeball), Medicham, Weavile, Breloom, Marshtomp (refuses to evolve)

I hope that's okay, i'll edit if need be.

Author:  Dexter [ Sun Apr 08, 2007 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  hi

Name: Arch
Occupation: Wise one
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Location: Undersea Cave
Description: Jet Black hair and tall and pale
Recent History: nothing much
Personality: Very Shady type of person who is obsessed about Darkrai
Random Fact:Has an idol of Darkrai in his office

Pokemon: Lucario (out), Empoleon, Charizard, Pikachu, Venusaur and an Alakazam

Can i start as wise 1 or should i be a trainer

Author:  Inta Xonem [ Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:21 am ]
Post subject: 

There can only be 3 wise ones, you can't be one but you can be a trainer, sorry.

Author:  Sanctuary [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Name: Lester

Occupation: Trainer

Age: 16 (lol i'm the youngest)

Gender: Male

Description: Kinda Nerdy

Recent History: Wore Pants

Personality: Lazy but still does stuff.... sometimes.

Random fact:... Not enough to say.

EDIT: Location: Goldenrod.

Types: Flying Fire



Author:  Inta Xonem [ Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:26 am ]
Post subject: 

(We still need 3 more trainers, but we are going to start now and hope more members will join)

Martin left the office and headed to the elevator. His first plan was about to start, and he would be heading to four island as soon as he'd dropped of the Suicune files on Nik's desk. He knew his first step for getting his ultimate goal would be simple, if he got there on the right time, and he might even drop in on his friends at the Daycare Center.

He placed the document on Nik's dsk, then noticed a pokeball near the desk. It had [Insert Meep's team name] Logo on. He picked t up and let out the Salamence it held. He decided to 'borrow' it, climbing on, he radared one of the Volsprit admins to get members to four island for Operation E4 kidnap. Martin's evil face showed a heartless smile as he set of for Four Island.

Author:  TheKyogreKing [ Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Gazing deep into the tank of orange fluid, Viles watched his creation slowly forming. Pulsating all over, the currently formless blob growing wings, talons, a diamond hard beak. Suddenly, a rainbow coloured aurora streched out across the room, cloaking everything.

Turning towards his human captive in the corner, he sneared, "See the masterpiece I have created! I must thank you for bringing me this DNA, but you are no longer needed. Now watch, as the world is burnt to a cinder, at my command!"

Author:  Inta Xonem [ Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Martin opened his cell-phone and dialed Vile's number.
"Hello? Viles, hows your 'experiment' going? What did you call it? Anyway, could I borrow your captive scientist? I need some help at the house, it has a alarm lock. She saw me coming."

Myra thrust out a pokeball, "Skitty!" she shouted. This begginers contest would be easy, but she wanted to train Skitty with it. Skitty used Metrenome, which made Hydro Pump, then tail whip to get the crowd excited. She easily beat the Budew, Spheal and Zubat(honestly, its a CUTENESS contest!)

She began to think about her older brother. What did he do all that time he was away? She walked up to accept her reward, then took a bow. She left the contest hall and allowed herself to be interviewed, again. She knew these interviewers very well, because she loved her parents so much.

Her mum asked her what she thought of the contest, "quiet simple really, but then I am advanced at this. The Budew owner, Floria really has a good stratergy, I bet she'll be in the next large contest here, and come close to first."
"Your new skitty stratergy, when did you begin to practise it?"
"When I caught it two weeks ago. My brother, Martin helped me catch it."
"Thats it for today folks. See you tommorrow on the Gym Challenge Show."
Then Myra ran up to her mum and hugged her.

Author:  Sanctuary [ Mon May 07, 2007 11:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Lester Stood at the northern part of Gldenrod city. The wind swept through his hair which he thought made him look cool. Actually, The wind made his Glasses fall off. He picked up the glasses and moved north. He would head through the Park, avoiding encounters with wild pokemon and trainers in his attempt to reach Ecruteak. He made it to the park after an uneventful 15 or so minutes of walking. While there he walked calmly along the path. He made careful note to watch the grass to make sure pokemon didn't jump out at him and catch him off guard. He saw movement along the edge of the tall blades of grass. Instinctively he reached into the pocket inside his jacket and pulled out the first pokeball.

Author:  Hard as a rock [ Mon May 07, 2007 5:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ohh... let me add a person

Name - Drakos

Occupation - Gym leader

Age - 22

Gender - Male

Location - Unknown region

Description - Enjoys playing his cute pokemon. Stands at 6f 2in.

Recent History - Used to be a contest champion, but now is a gym leader in an unknown land(probably an island somewhere.

Personality - Drakos has a very feminine side to him, and disenjoys gym battles because of his powerful pokemon.

Random Fact - He used to have a Ninetales but it was hit by a car

Pokemon- Garchomp, Flygon, Bagon(in training)

Author:  Hard as a rock [ Mon May 07, 2007 5:08 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Sanctuary [ Fri May 11, 2007 6:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lol, A ninetales but it was hit by a car.


Lester hurled the Pokeball into the air. A Small flaming pokemon erupted from the pokeball. It cried loudly for such a small pokemon. Then landed on the ground with a Determined look in it's Small eyes.

"Ok Cyndaquil! Wait for the enemy to reveal its position then give it a Flame Wheel!"

Cyndaquil poised itself for action and let it's flame Double in size. Storing the Energy for the attack that it knew it would have to use.

Soon after, A Nincada Sprung forward from the Grass with it's Forelegs forward. This meant that it was going to use a scratch attack in an attempt to Knock out Cyndaquil.

However, This was an Experienced Cyndaquil who had seen many scratch attacks and was used to it's Attack pattern. The Pokemon would move in close and Then swipe while Swinging it's Claws.

Cyndaquil waited till it came close. Then, Cyndaquil made its move...

Author:  Inta Xonem [ Sat May 12, 2007 12:10 am ]
Post subject: 

((Hard as a Rock, try not to Double post, use the edit button))

Myra began to cycle down the road. After th contest, her parents had given her a present, it had been a master ball. They had been given it by someone in the TV studio in Sinnoh.

She looked at it again to see it's impressive markings, then slipped it in her bag.

Author:  Hard as a rock [ Mon May 14, 2007 4:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Drakos looked out the window. Still nothing. Why couldn't someone, a stranger, someone he knew, sombody, anybody to battle him. He was so bored. Why couldn't somebody come?

Author:  metavoir [ Wed May 16, 2007 10:19 am ]
Post subject: 

can i join?

Name: kalceon
Occupation: trainer
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Location: home town:twinleaf town, currently on adventure tho
Description: long blond hair, green eyes, has long black jacket(trenchcoat but less evil)
Recent History: pokemon adventure
Personality: serrious but likes pokemon battles, dislikes brute force
Random Fact:

Pokemon: gallade, gardevoir, metang, togepi

Author:  Inta Xonem [ Wed May 16, 2007 10:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Sure. Meeps, you havent edi your post for the team or posted here atall. I am asuming you've left, meaning there is a Wise one spot left again... Dexter, do you want to be it?

Author:  Hard as a rock [ Wed May 16, 2007 12:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Give it to metavore, i think deckster left

Author:  metavoir [ Wed May 16, 2007 3:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah that'd be cool.

can i update my profile? if so here it is:

Name: kalceon
Occupation: wise one
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Location: team psyshift's headquarters
Description: long blond hair, green eyes, has trenchcoat
Recent History: searching distant island for new species of pokemon, being raised to a wise one
Personality: serrious but likes pokemon battles, dislikes brute force
Random Fact: discovered over 70+ new species of pokemon

Pokemon: gallade, dragonite, metagross, ditto

if i can't use DNite then regice
if i can't use regice then gardevoir

mucha later edit: HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYBODY THERE?!?!?!

Author:  Inta Xonem [ Thu May 17, 2007 8:30 am ]
Post subject: 

OK, I think this topic is getting filled with non related posts, from now on, PM me your profiles and any inquiries/ ideas. I will ignore/ kick out anyone who disobeys this. Use proper grammar to, or I will ask you to edit it. All posts must be slightly lengthened to.

I'm going to give Dexter a day or two longer.

Author:  metavoir [ Thu May 17, 2007 2:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

has a day or two gone bye yet?

Author:  Inta Xonem [ Thu May 17, 2007 11:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

PM me your profiles and any inquiries

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