
PokeLife RP
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Author:  RukarioManiac [ Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:31 pm ]
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Korin ran out of Fortree and kept running through the thick grass, and through the trainers, and every where. As he saw his run coming to an end, he stopped hardly. There was a huge lake right in front of him.

Author:  Rhapsody [ Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:37 pm ]
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Meanwhile, the rain let up. Falcy continued her journey through the forest. When she came to rocky ground, she felt at home. Leaping gracefully, she dashed and jumped through the rocks, blasting the large ones apart and blowing the small ones away. She then came to a stop. There was a large lake in front of her with what looked like a lonely rock on the other side.

"Time to find a detour," she muttered angrily. Just as that happened, the rain fell. AGAIN.

"Gaah! What do I have to do to get some luck around here?!?" she yelled, dodging the raindrops and finding a cave. She rummaged through her pack and found her Moon Stone. She grasped it while staring coldly at the rain. What she would give to have at least 1 measly friend....


Author:  Sanctuary [ Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:40 pm ]
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(Spike and Koip are still in the cave)
Sparx was Asleep for what seemed to be a long time... he woke up to see Corellan looking for danger. "hello my old friend i think i'll go test my new body" and with that the Quilava darted off to the cave an aron appeared...
his head and tail flames glowed a bright red! "OVERHEAT!!!" he called as a blast of whiteish glowing flamehit the aron knocking it out instantly he ran further in and saw a mawile but his Overheat was weakened he then yelled in a rage as his whole body ignited and he began to charge the mawile was knocked out instantly "so this must be the flame wheel my uncle arcanine was trying to learn" he ran around a bit more till eventually he saw Spike and Koip together in the cave... "hey guys c mon lets go!" he paused "i want to sail some more!" he then saw a badge on the ground he picked it up (badge case updated)

Author:  Magus [ Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:05 pm ]
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"Don't be sorry" Night said, "It isn't your fault..." Night continued to stare into the pool, it was calm now, and the Lotad and Marill had left, "Well it looks like your alone, do you want to travle with me?" Night asked, "I mean, it looks like you could use some company..." Night quickly said.

Author:  Flarey [ Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:24 pm ]
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Drip nodded. "Sure. I'd love to. Where are you going to?"

Author:  Rhapsody [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:27 am ]
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Falcy had gone back to walking the long path of self-discovery when she saw many small Grass Pokemon. She hastened her walk to a run in fear of scaring them. Then she saw a sign.


She continued her walk, counting as Fortree was her destination anyway. Walking past a barren lake, she looked at it. It was still, unchanging. As she continued her walk, her legs felt sore. Falcy found a boulder and climbed up on it. As she stared at the sky and flocks of Bird Pokemon flying together, she wished she was one of them.


Author:  Nidoman [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:33 pm ]
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Spike looked outside and the rain had stopped and it was morning. Must have dozed off better head back to the ship he thought. He ran out of the cave and stepped on something.
" Ouch!" Spike said.
Spike looked at it and it was a sky and navy blue swirly shell. Spike looked around and found a piece of vine from the apple bag and tied it around the shell and made a necklace. This looks ver cool he thought.
He walked over to Sparx and asked "Doesn't this look cool?"

Author:  Sanctuary [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:10 pm ]
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sparx looked at the shiny thing under normal circumstances he would say something to compliment the shiny thing but he heard it it was bigger than any other Pokemon he had encountered in the cave "spike, koip! theres something coming!" the quilava's whole body ignited and he let out the cry that he always did before a battle "QUILLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAA" he had come to think of it as a war cry. the big pokemon was right around the corner. he thoght "i will protect my friends no matter what comes around this corner. no matter what my fate......"

Author:  Nidoman [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:14 pm ]
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Spike quickly ran to Sparx side.
" No way I'll let you battle this alone Sparx you'll need help it looks huge." Spike said.

Author:  Sanctuary [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:20 pm ]
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Around the corner came an Aggron followed by many aron and lairon... "well lets get em then!" "AAAGGGGGGGGGGGGG" "QUUUUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLAAAAA" Sparx charged letting out a flame wheel taking down a few Aron. he then fired a flamethrower at aggron...

Author:  Nidoman [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:55 pm ]
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Spike ran up to a aron a used double kick, he turned around and used body slam on another. A big lairon walked up to him and tried to use stomp Spike quickly dodged it. He then fired a sludge bomb at him and the lairon fell down. He then used toxic on some other aron and ran to Sparx who was corrently attacking the aggron.

Author:  Sanctuary [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:02 pm ]
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the Aggron brushed off the flamethrower like it was nothing "QUUUUUIIIIIII" that quilava yelled once again his flame glowed and he once again fired a glowing white flame. the overheat hit the aggron straight in the chest he then hopped at it igniting his whole body in a bright flame. he hit the giant with a flame wheel bringing it down. he the flared up his flames so that all his opponents could see "this is what i have done to your leader! and it shall be your fate too! Take your leader to safety and leave us be or you will all feel this burning pain!" he then ignited his whole body again threateningly...

Author:  Nidoman [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:05 pm ]
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Suddenly all of the lairon and aron that were left grabbed their leader and pulled him away very quickly in fear of getting in the way of Sparx.
" Great job Sparx maybe we should head back to the boat, I would love some of your soup." Spike said.

Author:  Sanctuary [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:13 pm ]
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"okay but we should bring koip back to the boat..." he said turning his flames down and eventually... off... "well he knows where the boat is he can come when he's ready..." the two returned to the boat and got some soup for spike" Corellan had not moved since Sparx had left... "must be honing his new power" sparx thought... he then sat down and helped himslef to an apple...

Author:  Nidoman [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:28 pm ]
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Spike sat eating his soup and thinking. Man Sparx seems alot more mature sice he evolved I guess I seem so to he thought.
" Sparx is it just me or do you think we have matured since we evolved?" Spike asked.

(i hav to go to bed so i can't post anymore g'night sanctuary)

Author:  Magus [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:50 pm ]
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Night looked up to see the sun setting, "I don't really know..." he said, "But I feel that I should go to the lost shrine my trainer told me about often... he never found it while he was alive... I don't know it's locaion but I think it's south of here." Night said now standing, "It's where the dragons live he said."

Author:  Pokemon Master Ryo [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:56 pm ]
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Quavi woke up from a deep sleep.''What should I do."he said while talking to his stuff animal."Maybe I should vist my old freind Teddy the {teddiursa} .Ouavi was walking until he fell down a cliff.

Author:  Sanctuary [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 7:39 pm ]
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"yes it seems we have matured" sparx said "I'm not as hyper, corellan has found some new wisdom and you seem to appreciate things more (reffering to the necklace)" Sparxs acute ears once again picked up something heavy coming this way but he recognised this one... "there is a group of trainers coming" the quilava said...

Author:  Flarey [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:21 pm ]
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Drip stood too. "There are dragons here?" she asked hesitantly. "I don't really know much about this land." she added softly.

Author:  Pokemon Master Ryo [ Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:53 am ]
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"ahh my head hurts really bad"said Ouavi."What is this thing."Ouavi said to himslef."Now I'm hungry."

Author:  Nidoman [ Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:33 pm ]
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" Oh no what if they come investigate the ship?" Spike asked.
He looked outside and three trainers were walkind towards the ocean.One of them took out a fishing rod and started fishing.
" Maybe we can make a run for but we'll have to come back fot Koip and Correllan after we hit that grove of trees." Spike said.

( Guys as a head's up every were we go i'm going to find something for my necklac so next place we go i will find something else)

Author:  Swampert King [ Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:44 pm ]
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((Sorry I missed so much))
I'm coming with you! I don't wan't to be captured just to be dumped again! Don't let them get me! Wait! Correllan! Wake him up! We have to bring him with us! Let me go get him! ... (This happened very fast)

Author:  Nidoman [ Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:13 pm ]
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" Come on, on the count of three let's run to that grove of trees 1,2,3!" Spike said as he sprinted to the grove. He got there and found a hollow in a tree and hid there.

Author:  Sanctuary [ Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:23 pm ]
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Sparx stayed by the ship even when his friends fled "qui" the quilava whispered

this was another technique one of his ancestors tried to learn... he focused into channeling his power...

A trainer noticed him "hey a pokemon!" He tossed a pokeball and out popped a Raichu

he focused even harder... his flames shot up... and then with perfect timing they began to move at the same time and height... he could feel the power rushing to him... he sucked in... calling his warcry "QUIIIIIIIIILLLLAAAAA" and with that he fired a ball of fire into the air which then rained flame upon the raichu... the humans then left...
Sparx fell down out of exhaustion "it's okay... we can go back to the ship..."

Author:  Nidoman [ Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:34 pm ]
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Spike watched as the humans ran away in fear. He ran back to the ship.
" Sparx you O.K. you look exhausted?" Spike asked.

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