
Starter Experiment
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Author:  queenofinsanity [ Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Crimson m'love, I'm sorry to further spam your thread, but I have to say something.
Psyches, dear, in regard to your last post: Leverage my ass. Like Crimson mentioned we're friends, and if I did something like that... lets just say there'd be fillet of Ella for dinner tonight.
That was just rude, egotistical, and stupid. 'Psyches who is the greatest person in the world', what world is this? Certainly not the real one.
And yes, Psyches, PM me if you wish to discuss this.
The poor thread did not need that necromancy, and I kinda think that it should prolly be locked.

Author:  Psyches [ Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Okay, first of all, my second post was made mostly because I wanted to desensitize the issue. I figured since this thread which started very well had become oh so cliche than another even bigger cliche would revive the story to those members using such typical going-ons.

I'll say now in a public thread that I believe the two of you were not responsible for the cliche crap in this thread. I have no problem saying younger and less linguistically capable members destroyed what was essentially a fun and easy story. I don't have a problem saying their plotlines and twists were cause for eye-rolling. My post was somethign i expected to appeal to those members as it was obvious those who woudl not appreciate it were no longer interested in the sotry due to the changes that had been bestowed.

My post was not recieved well, so I tried to distract from any awkwardness by making a ridiculous and outlandish post that was supposed to make you laugh. Australian humour is different to the rest of the world. I'm sorry if I offended.

Finally, I've been here longer than both of you, I've been on forum sites a lot longer thamn both of you, I'm older than both of you, and with your attitudes I can only say the two of you are probably going to succeed well in life and I'm kinda proud in a weird and absurd way at the way the two of you responded.

Maturity on this site is rare. I'm sorry if I offended the two of you.

If you don't like me, tell everyone and we might pack the place.

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