
The Pokemon Underworld (1 on 1)
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Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Alex smiled at her and walked to one of the windows, "don't worry, it's only Rocket," he smiled again and said, "now we need a way out of here." He took her hand and said, "don't worry, I've got the perfect idea."

Author:  Flarey [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:14 am ]
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"It better not be as good as your last idea. Remember how that one turned out? Explosions, losing the Legend Ball..."

Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:17 am ]
Post subject: 

He laughed and shook his head. "Don't worry." Taking a stop by the front office, he ran to the back of the Hospital, dragging Nevada along. He burst out the back and said "Ambulance!" Sadly, there were no ambulances in sight.

Author:  Flarey [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:20 am ]
Post subject: 

((Are you tired? You're not typing as much, and your ideas are going down hill slightly. Want me to take over in the brilliant plot twists? And btw, what do you think of my new sig phrase? Lol))

Nevada had no idea where this was going. "What are you doing?" she asked him in confusion.

Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:23 am ]
Post subject: 

(( Go ahead. I'm not tired though, I slept until 12:30. And the sig phrase is even funnier this time ))

Alex turned to Nevada, "well, d'you have any ideas?"

Author:  Flarey [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:28 am ]
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Nevada thought for a moment. "I've got it. Chimecho, use Psychic to make me looked like I'm injured." The chime Pokemon trilled and sent a wave of energy at Nevada distorting her image. "Now make Alex look like a Rocket Grunt." Chimecho obeyed. Nevada turned to Alex. "Can you carry me? You don't looka nything like Alex, so we can just walk past them and they won't think anything of it. I'm not wearing my Team Legend uniform." Sure enough, her Legend uniform had been replaced by a tattered Rocket Grunt outfit, which went beautifully with her faked injuries.

Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:33 am ]
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Alex admired the disguise for a second, then picked her up and walked out the doors. Amazingly they weren't stopped as the whole battle went on around them, and soon they were at the edge of town, "okay, now what?"

Author:  Flarey [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:35 am ]
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"No idea." Nevada said cheerfully, waving her hand. With a whoosh their disguises were gone. "Are we still going to Hoenn?"

Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:43 am ]
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"Of course," said Alex brightly as he walked to a Rocket car nearby, "great, keys still in it." Alex picked a rock off the ground and hurled it through the window. He got in quickly, started the car and said, "quick, get in!"

Author:  Flarey [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:44 am ]
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Nevada leapt in beside him. She glanced around carefully, but nobody was near.

((*prays* Please let us actually get away for once..))

Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:47 am ]
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The car roared ot life and Alex took off down. "Lavender Town, here we come!" He shouted, winding down the roof hatch.

Author:  Flarey [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:51 am ]
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Nevada laughed as the wind whipped her hair back. They drove in silence for a while, but finally Nevada felt like talking again.

"I've been meaning to ask - back in your office at Rocket Headquarters, you had a photo of a woman and two kids on your desk. Who are they?"

()Please dont be a wife, please dont be a wife, please dont be a wife..))

Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:53 am ]
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"Them?" Said Alex casually, "my cover. The Magmas took that photo with me and another Magma so I'd have a more complete disguise. Rockets trust people with families, they're easier to extort."

Author:  Flarey [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:04 am ]
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Nevada sighed in relief. For a while she had thought... but she was being silly. She laughed in elation.

Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:07 am ]
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Alex laughed too and said, "what are we laughing for? We're probably driving to our doom att he hands of an insane Legend,"

Author:  Flarey [ Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:21 am ]
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Nevada smiled. She couldn't tell him why she was laughing.

"We'll be careful. Lana would have deposited the Legend Ball under intense security, and then gone back to Pewter City. She's planning to take over the Museum there and then take over the Lab at Cinnabar."

Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:06 am ]
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"Well the ball is our main priority," said Alex, eyes on the road, "then we can get to Hoenn. The Magmas'll take it form there."

Author:  Flarey [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:13 am ]
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Nevada stared at him, hardly taking in a word he said. She couldn't tear her eyes away - it was like a curse. When he said "Magmas" she snapped back to reality.

"What if the Magmas recognize me?"

Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:19 am ]
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"Don't worry, if you've got the Legend Ball they won't worry, so why should you?" Alex shifted gears and turned down a small country lane, "just so it'll be harder to follow us."

Author:  Flarey [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:25 am ]
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"Well.. if you're sure.." Nevada looked out the window and watched the scenery go by. They were nearly at Lavender Town now, and everything had gone so smoothly. Something was bound to go wrong..

Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:39 am ]
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And something did go wrong. A small, white van whizzed past them, it was obviously in a hurry to get somewhere, when suddenly it veered towards the edge of the road, hit a rock, and flipped over sideways, landing in the middle of the road. Alex slammed on the brakes, pulled a gun from the side holster, jumped out of the car and ran to the van, gun at the ready.

Author:  Flarey [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:41 am ]
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Nevada swore. "I knew it." she said. She leapt out of the car and ran towards Selsius, not noticing the man creeping up behind her..

((Don't worry, you can save me and we can escape, so we dont have to keep going back and forth ^_^"))

Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Selsius ran up to the van, slwoing down as he got closer. When he reached it he paused for a second, then swung around and pointed the gun through the broken windshield.

All he saw was a small robot with the Legend insignia sitting at the wheel. It grinned an insane robot grin. Suddenly a small screen on it's forehead flickered to life and it started counting down from ten. Alex turned to run, but the counter never reached zero.

It blew up on nine. Dirty, cheating legends, was the first thought that went through his mind as he sailed through the air, thrown by the force of the blast. Luckily, he landed in a small clump of grass which broke his fall, but he still lay very still. To all others it would look like he was dead or unconcious, but in reality he was peering through the grass at where Nevada was, and he saw the man behind her grab her around the neck and point a gun at the side of her head.

Author:  Flarey [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:52 am ]
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Nevada gave a stifled shriek as the man grabbed her neck. She felt the cold tip of a gun point at her head, and she tried to call for Alex.


The truck exploded, sending debris and a single body flying into the air.

"Alex!!" she cried, but her capter put a hand over her mouth. She watched in horror as Alex flew through the air and landed, not moving.

"Noo.." she whispered through the tall man's hand.

Author:  Undeadcutlet [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:57 am ]
Post subject: 

The man advanced slowly, gun pointing at the spot where Alex had landed. He could see the black spot of Alex's jacket, so when the man felt he was close enough, he let off a whole round at the jacket, and then another two.

But Alex wasn't there anymore. He had taken off his favourite jacket and creeped further back. The bullets fell far short of where he was now.

Satisfied, the man chucked Nevada to the ground and drew his gun at her. He grinned and said, "look at the bright side, you'll be joining your boyfriend soon."

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