
Magothica:Lark's last stand (PM me if you want to join)
Page 6 of 13

Author:  Beav232 [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Just a question, when do we get promoted?

Beav did not know what to do about Merek, he was weak, and was about to attack a mature devil, a possibly fatal mistake.

I'm gonna make more controvery! I wanna see this played out

To stop the angel from getting killed, Beav ran in between the two, killed the devil, but was stabbed right in the side with the angel's sword. "AAAAAAHHHH!!" he creid out in pain, as he fell to the ground.

Author:  Zombie [ Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Merek was dizzy, he saw something get in his way. He suddenly realized that the wolfman got in his way, he tried to get his sword out the way but it

was too late, the sword penetrated the wolf's flesh. ah crap, this guy is no end of trouble

He looked around for the fairy, she was with the skull kid, but she was passed out.

Merek felt his blood start to boil, he was angry no, there wont be another death because of me

his eyes started glowing a white light, he rose up in the air, his dizziness gone. He felt himself as if he were possesed, he strengthened 10 blades of

light over each finger, then he flung them and killed 10 devils.

he looked down at the unfortunate wolf who was bleeding hard, a ray of light shot from his eyes and hit the wound and started to heal it.

then merek snapped out of whatever trance he was in, he fell to the ground...and then blackness.

Author:  XRader [ Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Great, Mornex thought to himself, spear tip once again in hand, "JUUUST great. Two of the people here are still sleeping, three are unconscious, I'm making sure one of them doesn't get trampled, and these creature just keep coming out of nowhere! He sliced at an attacking demon, but as he did so he continued to grow weeaker. He put the fairy in a tree, knowing that doing so would help him become more agile. When Mornex ran to help fight, a fist hit him right in the rib cage. Mornex kneeled over, cradling his stomach, and then stabbed the creature in the head, and they both toppled over. When Mornex looked up, he saw another creature, holding a log walking slowly towards him. Seeing this, only one word came to his mind, Damn. Mornex then lowered his head, to tired to fight back, and waited for the fatal blow.
It never came.
After a minute, Mornex looked up and saw that a sword had gone straight through the creature. Mornex lifted himself up enough to grab the hilt of the sword. By doing so, he felt a renewed strength enter him, and he quickly rose, pulling the sword from the carcass. The sword was a falchion, quite light, thin, and very sharp. Mornex made a few quick movements in the air, and it seemed like the sword was made for him. Turning, Mornex saw two creatures headed for the tree with the fairy in it, and he charged at them with great force.
"Don't you dare touch her you beasts!" he shouted at the creatures as he ran. The blade sliced through them with ease, and they fell backward, not knowing what hit them. Mornex checked to make sure the fairy was alright, then smiled. This shal be fun, he thought as he ran into the thick of the battle.

Boy, that was long. Alos, the sword didn't come from nowhere, I just plan on explaining that later.

Author:  Zombie [ Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

I think it's about time this fight ended, seeing as i just fainted, can someone else end

Author:  Beav232 [ Thu Jan 08, 2009 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Ok Zombs, but I'll do like you did, and introduce a luppan ability

Beav felt his body tingling, and dropped to his knees. The light claws fell off, and his body grow twice in size, and long, sharp claws grew out, and he started to slash all the devils, killing them instantly.

Beserker he thought.

Author:  Thunder_dude7 [ Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Sorry for being inactive! I'll step in and handle this.

DX walked through the forest. They must be around here somewhere. He had left home a week ago, and he was fortunate to have made it this far.

As he walked through the forest, he heard noises coming from nearby. He hurried in this direction to find a group of people battling a horde of iron devils. The people appeared weary, hinting that the few iron devils that remained were a fraction of the original horde.

DX crouched beneath a bush and flicked his staff. Two rat like creatures, three feet long, hurried from behind the bushes.

"Alright, there are iron devils here. I'm going to speed you up," He said, gesturing towards one of the rats, "And I'll make you more powerful. You'll speed in and stun them, then you'll knock them down. I'll finish them off."

DX used lion's heart, a strength boosting spell, on one of the creature, and snuff, a speed boosting spell, on the other. The three sprang into action.

The first creature knocked down one devil after another as the second knocked them down. DX hurried in and stabbed them with his staff - he had attached a steel point to one end of it. This blow finished off the creatures. After a few moments, the last of the horde was finished off.

"Are you guys alright?" DX said, looking towards the group that was attacked.

Author:  paco25_007 [ Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Jet scratched, looked at the dead Iron Devils and looked at the Tamer. "Did two super rats and a kid with a pointy stick kill those Devils. I say thanks for the help Rat-Boy." He turned to the passed out Angel Boy. "Are you serious, our first battle and he passes out trying to heal a wolf-man who hit a growth spurt. Well at least me and Bones are doing fine. Well I'm going to make a bonfire out the bodies so they are not as useless as they were alive."

Author:  *superiorchingling* [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Ching frowned at the mage. He might've been desirable once upon a time, but now his cold personality was making her annoyed as hell.
"Listen, Magey-boy, I was gonna ask your name, but since you seem so freakin' ungrateful for a guy who saved our skins, and since you didn't exactly contribute to this fight, then I suggest you shut it before I do to you what I did to the other Iron Devils!"
Ching took a moment to catch her breath.
"You!" she said, turning to face the Tamer. "Your name! Tell me your name!!"

{dragonite} Chingling {chingling}

Author:  Beav232 [ Sat Jan 10, 2009 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Aluit? What is he doing here? Beav thought as he shrunk back down to normal size.

He stared at the rats, they looked hideous and rabid.

"Where did you come from Aluit?" Beav asked the stranger.

"And you Mage, I'd shut up if you like your head where it is! This Lintar saved your life. This is how you talk about him? And where were you in the fight, we were fighting to the death, and YOU sit around and watch? How do I know you're even on OUR side?"

Author:  paco25_007 [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Jet gave the wolf an angry glare. "First of all while you were so cought up with your opponents I killed a few as well, so don't question my abilities and courage. Also I did not even ask for the Tamer's help, while I do appreciate his help, don't expect to me think of him as a hero!" Jet smirked. "At least we all know you are the weak link as you fight so carelessly not even paying attention to any of allies, I mean Angel Boy had to risk himself for your carelessness." Jet finally turned to the fairy and smiled. "My name is Jet and sorry for any offences I said toward you as you don't deserve them unlike some people of this fellowship." He glanced at the wolf-man.

Author:  XRader [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Mornex could not believe what he was hearing. All of them had fought for their lives, and they start complaining to each other.
"Will you all just stop arguing!" Mornex shouted, "It doesn't matter who did what during the battle, what's important is that these creatures, whatever thy are, are now dead! Get it through your thick skulls that if we even have a chance of getting near this pit thing, we need to work as a team!" Then, turning to the fairy, he said, "Nice to see you're finally awake," Mornex said in a much calmer tone, "sorry about putting you in a tree, I kind of needed to use both hands."

Author:  lordtomato [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Vander opened his eyes.
so i'm not dead. cool.
He looked around. Everyone seemed to be in one piece. A new guy was here. A tamer.
"My brain hurts....."
Vander lit a fire and sat down next to it, staring at the flames.
This all can't be a coincidence.... why are we all here?

Author:  Beav232 [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

"I fight the Luppan way mage, and I will not take orders from you! You fight so careless, using nothing but magic, and magic is limited, when you run out, don't expect me to save your sorry self." Beav said.

He then went into the forest, and returned with an herb, and waved it under the Angel's face, waking him up.

Author:  paco25_007 [ Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Jet smirked at the wolf-man. "Right, I'm so careless, I don't have a single scratch on my body, but your not careless and got stabbed, why don't you think for once. I had enough of talking to you and idiotic mind." Jet turned to Bones. "Since your one of the only people in this fellowship that is a worthy ally and has a chance of surviving with your expirence in battle, I think we should know each other if we are going to trust each other. My name is Jet."

Author:  Shiny Latios [ Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Oh, so now magey-boy wants to make friends....
Lark snorted and turned away.
"What do we do now?" He asked "Do we lull around like idiots, or are we actually gonna do something?"
He bent down and picked up the angel by the shoulders.
"WAKE UP!!!" He shouted, shaking him around "We need someone to lead the group, and it's not gonna be any of these incompetent fools! Or me and the fairy!"

Author:  *superiorchingling* [ Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Ching smiled at the Hellspawn.
"No worries about the tree-thing, I'll forgive you if you tell me your name."
She turned around to see the Mage.
"And as for you, thank you for apologizing. Maybe my first assessment of you, that is, a magical joke with no feelings towards other living things, was wrong. And thank you for telling me your name. It gets rather tiresome, asking people all the time. If you would all tell me your names in due time, then I'd be one happy little Petaghian."
Ching smiled, an action that lit her face right up.
Jeez, I just realized I'm the only girl here........I'll have to do some extra flirting.
Ching frowned. The Angel didn't seem to be in good enough shape to wake up soon.

Author:  Zombie [ Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Merek was running...he was so close...he could almost touch her...but then he felt himself fading away.

"l..lia?" he gasped. he opened his eyes and found another pair of beautiful eyes staring back at him. "lia" he said smiling.

but no, instead of long blond hair, he saw short (insert chings haircolour) hair.

he had been unconscious, ching had healed him. He was almost angry with her; he was so close to lia....

"wha...what happened?" he asked

Author:  paco25_007 [ Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Jet nodded at the fairy's comment. "I'm only mean because there needs to be mean people in the world, and I'm one of them." Jet turned to Aqua Boy. "Hey, first of all you stole my favorite insult, and second of all, how can you calll everybody incompetent when you didn't do a thing in the fight. So you are the incompetent person."

Jet turned away and went to see the Angel Boy. Jet knelt down beside the him. "You know I don't really like most of you people, but what you did saving the wolf-man took one thing I don't have, compassion. I respect that and think you should be the leader and not the first"

Author:  Thunder_dude7 [ Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

DX shook his head. These were strange people.

Wait...fellowship? There is no way a bunch of freaks are the fellowship. Check that, I can be odd sometimes, but not THIS odd.

DX turned to the mage. He had to talk to this guy.

"Look, you. These are not rats. These are called hamtar. There's a HUGE difference there. And just because I'm not as experienced as I could be doesn't mean that I'm defined by the few things I'm able to summon. Would you appreciate it if I called you 'Fireball-boy'?" DX said, angry. Honestly, was "rat-boy" all he could come up with?

DX then turned to the fairy who had asked his name.

"It's DX," He said. "I was recently chosen to join a fellowship that is going to fight the iron devils. They would have chosen a more experienced person, but most of our more experienced people have been killed or injured. The fellowship is supposed to meet somewhere around here, so I was walking around and saw you guys."

Author:  lordtomato [ Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Vander decided to speak up.
"Hey, I have dibs on fireball-boy. Yea, the difference between those rats and hamtar is HUGE. THey're HUGE rats. So, what do you know about this fellowship? Angel here can't seem to tell us. So I'm Vander. Now what? We can't just wait here for more devils to come and beat us up."

Having spoken, he sat down and stared at the smoky flames.
Rat boy is a nice name for him. I'll have to remember that.

Author:  paco25_007 [ Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

(Jet is predjidice against the Tamer tribe.)

Jet laughed at Rat-Boy. "You can call me whatever, a name is name, and I'm giving everyone a nickname based on the first thing major thing they do, you happen to be Rat-Boy,but since DX sounds cooler I guess I'll call you by it, same with every other sissy who gets their feelings hurt by a name. Well whatever you filthy Tamers are all alike, you hide your lies and evil behind a false mask of honesty and helpfulness, for all I know you can be a spy.I mean you just happen to be be at the right time to save the day, I am not convinced." Jet turned around and stretched, so far Vander, Merek,Mornex, and Chingy were the only ones he thought were good enough besides him, to be in the fellowship. Archer boy was annoying, Wolf-Boy would get everyone killed, and Rat-Boy was a Tamer which is the people he dispised. Jet had a bad feeling and kept an eye on the tamer.

Author:  Zombie [ Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

redt regrettably will not be continuing with us

Merek was dazed and confused.

"hold on a minute please" he said as he got up. "can someone tell me what happened exactly. I remember stabbing the wolfman, but then...I can't

remember anything"

then he noticed a new arrival, an aluitian. "DX? is that you?"

let's pretend we're old friends :D [/drama]

Author:  Thunder_dude7 [ Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

((Paco: He IS? I didn't notice.))

DX, distracted by the predujice/stupidity of the mage, failed to recognize that his old friend, Merek, was the one fainted on the ground. And that he had woken up. He had always been tuned out things that seemed less important at the time.

"Yeah, sure. 'All tamers are evil'. Very mature of you. And I assume that all mages are just the essense of good!"

Author:  *superiorchingling* [ Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

redt=water bearer, right? Pity.

Ching felt the hatred and prejudice hanging in the air like a polluting gas.
"Guys, c'mon. We can all be friends, well maybe not all, but that has no relevance! We may be different but we're all in this together. I can see we're a little weird; a cute faerie, a handsome angel, a half-dead skull-kid, a fiery hellspawn, a high-and-mighty mage, a beserker wolf, a blunt archer and a crazy tamer; but I believe that we can end this war once and for all! Now WHO'S WITH ME?"
Ching's little soliloquy had (hopefully) riled up everyone to cry "YEAH!" or some sort of battle cry.

{dragonite} Chingling {chingling}

Author:  Zombie [ Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magothica (all set)

Merek waited, no one told him what had just happened, and DX ignored him, he was always like that.

the fairy was trying to fire the group up, so merek didn't leave her hanging.

"AYOOH!!! AYOOH!!! AYOOH!!!", the lintaran war cry...I think we need a better war cry merek chuckled to himself.

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