
Hammythepig's Sprites.
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Author:  hammythepig [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Hammythepig's Sprites.

I used to have a shop.
Now I don't.
But I like to create things.
If anyone has any suggestions and/or requests, please post here for me.
I could also use names for some of my creations.
So if there is an image below that you have a spiffy name for, let me know.
Also I am working on a mythical creature series, so any other creatures I can do would be helpful.

My old stuff is lost thanks to my computer's hard drive failing, so this is all new stuff:

Mythical Creature Series:
Name: Mermaid
Pokemon's Parts: Mesprit + Medicham + Dewgong + Simipour
Colours: Simipour + Dewgong
Name: Centaur
Pokemon's Parts: Arcanine + Machoke
Colours: Tauros
Name: Centaur (with tail)
Pokemon's Parts: Arcanine + Machoke + Tauros
Colours: Tauros
Name: Pegasus
Pokemon's Parts: Braviary + Zebstrika
Colours: Tornadas + Braviary + Zebstrika

VoltorbBall Series:(copyright Hammythepig)


Name: ???
Pokemon's Parts: Reshiram + Haxorus
Colours: Haxorus
I made this for a contest here on Psypoke, and I just thought it looked pretty cool.

Name: Ninja
Pokemon's Parts: Banette + Hitmonlee + Medicham
Colours: Zekrom
The Head is supposed to be a mask. To hide the true identity and all that.

Name: Gigavolt
Pokemon's Parts: Gigalith
Colours: Ampharos + Shiny Gigalith

Name: Groudon using Earth Power
Pokemon's Parts: Groudon
Colours: Groudon + MS Paint

More to come...

Author:  Steel_Eel [ Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hammythepig's Sprites.

The Centaur and Haxorus/Reshiram fusions are great. A couple things I would work on, though, are making your fusions seem less complicated and making sure you keep the black edge on all of your fusions. Work on smaller fusions until you get a better grasp on fusing, and good luck!

Author:  hammythepig [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hammythepig's Sprites.

Thank you!

I am starting to work with smaller pokemon, I'm currently in the process of creating a bunch of fun little sprites with a main theme. (10 Psybucks to whoever can guess :D lol)

Author:  Steel_Eel [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hammythepig's Sprites.

hammythepig wrote:
Thank you!

I am starting to work with smaller pokemon, I'm currently in the process of creating a bunch of fun little sprites with a main theme. (10 Psybucks to whoever can guess :D lol)

Is it mythical beasts?

Author:  hammythepig [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hammythepig's Sprites.

Nope! Here they are!
(All this is copyright be me under the Psypokes art copyright law. Please PM me if you want to use any thing below)
Ever notice how Voltorb looks like a poke ball?
Well now Voltorb looks like every poke ball!!!!!
(some look better than others)
Great Ball:
Ultra Ball:
Master Ball:
Cherish Ball:
Dusk Ball:
Fast Ball:
Heavy Ball:
Level Ball:
Friend Ball:
Lure Ball:
Luxury Ball:
Moon Ball:
Nest Ball:
Net Ball:
Premiere Ball:
Quick Ball:
Repeat Ball:
Timer Ball:
VoltorbBall idea copyright Hammythepig ;)
Any comments?

Author:  ShinyLucario [ Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hammythepig's Sprites.

These are creative & great! It must have taken quite some time to scratch those patterns, huh? But you're doing a good job!
What are you going to work on next? Electrode, Foongus, or Amoonguss? :lol:
BTW you may or may not already know this, but the shiny sprites of Voltorb, Electrode, Foongus, & Amoonguss show a purple-blue color, referring to the Master Ball!

Author:  hammythepig [ Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hammythepig's Sprites.

ShinyLucario wrote:
These are creative & great! It must have taken quite some time to scratch those patterns, huh? But you're doing a good job!
What are you going to work on next? Electrode, Foongus, or Amoonguss? :lol:
BTW you may or may not already know this, but the shiny sprites of Voltorb, Electrode, Foongus, & Amoonguss show a purple-blue color, referring to the Master Ball!


And yes, I knew about Voltorb shiny, thats how the great ball was so easy. :D
I wasn't thinking about those other Pokemon, but I suppose I could try it.
Maybe later when I have more time...

Does anyone have any suggestions for mythical creatures?
I was about to do a hydra, then realized there is now Hydreigon, so that plan kinda died.

Author:  PokeKirbyMaster [ Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hammythepig's Sprites.

Oh, oh, OH!! Pick me!!!!!!!

I think you should make a godzilla! Maybe parts of a monstrous Pokemon sorta like Zekrom! :)

Author:  hammythepig [ Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hammythepig's Sprites.

Ok, I got a PM for a pegasus:

Now to do Goodzilla...

Author:  Wailord_2 [ Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hammythepig's Sprites.

MAybe for the mythical creature thin try a Unicorn? Basilisk? Cyclops? Hyppogryph?

Author:  jamesjk1234 [ Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hammythepig's Sprites.


The giant moth from godzilla

3 headed dog

3 headed dragon (better looking that hydriegon)

Author:  adamowns [ Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hammythepig's Sprites.

how about the loch ness monster/king kong

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