
critical hits and the time factor
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Author:  Newguy [ Sun May 20, 2012 7:03 am ]
Post subject:  critical hits and the time factor

I have a question that might be hard to answer but it is a very itersing oneI was wondering if time played any part in the game. For example you attack a pokemon and get a critical hits. What if you would have waited 4 or so minutes before you pressed the a button to attack, would you still have gotten a critical hit. I am aware of the fourmal of crictal hits was just wondering if there is a predestination part to it. Whether or not if I delayed my attack for a coplue of mintues would it have matter since its already preset?

Author:  Haunted Water [ Sun May 20, 2012 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: critical hits and the time factor

I dont think so... I'm curious, what made you think that?

Author:  Skeleton [ Sun May 20, 2012 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: critical hits and the time factor

This reminded me of the first time I played Mystery Dungeon Red, and I used save states like a chump. I couldn't beat Articuno. But I found that walking the same tiles and using the same moves would lead to the same crits, same hits and misses, same damage and same losses. Taking different steps on the way to the boss would change the fight's outcome. I ultimately won by walking aimlessly around the room just before Articuno's lair and somehow landing a reality where I got all the crits.

In the main series I'm pretty sure everything is calculated when the attacks are actually chosen.

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