
Will my forum be accepted at Psypokes?
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Author:  superblah [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Will my forum be accepted at Psypokes?

My forum is the I HATE BIDOOF Club, and I was wondering if the members, mods, and admins at Psypokes would accept it. There is a thread in the Advertising and Testing section that says no Hate threads, but from what I read the thread was relating to people hating on the mods and other people. My forum is about hating a Pokemon (Bidoof) so will it be allowed? And another reason I am asking this is because I tried advertising at Marriland Forums and the people there said hating Pokemon was not allowed (which I think is ridiculous, no offense to Marriland supporters). Sorry if this thread is in the wrong place, if it should be somewhere else please tell me where so I can move it. Thanks!

Author:  Krisp [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

There's no link in your post, so no, it's not allowed, and if you don't include a link within 48 hours, it'll be deleted.

Author:  superblah [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Krisp wrote:
There's no link in your post, so no, it's not allowed, and if you don't include a link within 48 hours, it'll be deleted.

Okay, sorry, I did not want to add it, but I guess it's better not to get in trouble.... :(

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