
Ender's Game
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Author:  JsXtm [ Sat Nov 02, 2013 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Ender's Game

I want to preface this by saying that I first read Ender's Game as a little kid, probably close to 20 years ago. It was the first Sci-Fi book I ever read, and it is still among my favorite Sci-Fi books. With that being said, I went to see the movie adaptation with some trepidation. Hollywood doesn't have a great track record for making good books into good movies. The most recent example is World War Z, which is a book I thoroughly enjoyed, and a movie I didn't even bother to go see because it looked so different from the movie. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is the best example of an adaptation done well, in my opinion.

Anyway, the point is I saw it, more than a little bit afraid that I would walk out hating the movie for ruining one of my favorite books. Well, it didn't. I really enjoyed the movie. There were (obviously) a lot of parts cut out, and some parts that received greater emphasis than they did in the book, but overall my issues with the changes are quibbles. The things they changed took parts that worked better in the book, and made them work better as a movie.

It's not my favorite movie ever. I'm not even sure if it's my favorite movie of the year (after all, we still have new Thor, Captain America, and Hobbit movies yet to come). But, for a movie I was afraid I might hate, I really enjoyed it. If you've read the book, go see it, I think you'll enjoy it too. If you haven't read the book, go read it, and then go see the movie.

What did you think? If you've read the book, were you happy with the adaptation? If you haven't, did you enjoy the movie?

Author:  Dragonair101 [ Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ender's Game

I actually read the book for my English class, and given that I do not typically enjoy books I'm forced to read, I absolutely loved Ender's Game. It saddened me that the casting for Ender and everyone else was not age accurate. I also felt that they were really pushing an Ender x Petra romance that was totally unnecessary. In essence, it felt like they sped up the storyline so that they could fit most of the book's content in there, but at the same time lost the profound effect the book gives, especially in the controversy about using children in warfare, regardless of their intellectual capabilities. But I'd give a huge kudos to whoever did the CGI in the movie (especially in the Battle School parts), because those were excellent.

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