
The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw
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Author:  Cool It Down [ Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

Guys, we talk about our faorite cartoons, but why don't we talk about cartoons that make you want to... GOUGE YOUR EYES OUT RATHER THAN WATCH ONE MORE SECOND OF!!! Well, here, you can.

GLENN MARTIN DDS - A show with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. No likeable characters, no plot, bad voice acting, shoddy animation... and it's being advertised as family-friendly when it's inappropriate!
DORA THE EXPLORER - Someone must have been smoking crack when they created this bomb. The characters make absolutely no friggin' sense, and it tries too hard to be educational when it isn't.
ARTHUR - Doug ripoff with inspid characters and horrible voicework.
ALL DISNEY CHEAPQUELS (except the Lion King sequels) - Disney obviously prefers cash over quality when it comes to their direct-to-video sequels, dubbed as "cheapquels." They are produced on a cheaper budget, have weaker storylines than the originals, and are only released to make money. Talk about greed.
ALL "ACTION" SHOWS ON NICKTOONS - I can't believe some idiot dumped all of the older 1991-2005 Nicktoons in favor of this dreck. If today's Nick shows weren't bad enough, if you want to have your eyes melted, this is the lineup for you.
CAILLOU - Ugh. You can't pay me even a million bucks to endure this garbage for HALF AN HOUR! Caillou is the whiniest kid on television. He whines in almost every episode. Kiddie shows like this need to :censored: end!
NEWER TOM AND JERRY - After the 1990s brought us Tom and Jerry Kids, 19 out of 20 Tom and Jerry cartoons are pure filler. Very few of today's Tom and Jerry toons have been able to capture the slapstick and charm of the theatrical shorts.
JOHNNY TEST - Mr. Black and Mr. White are racist, 'nuff said.

Author:  Frost [ Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

Cool It Down wrote:
ARTHUR - Doug ripoff...

Arthur's first children's book: 1976.
Doug's first episode: 1991.

Say what?

Author:  Lawence Codye [ Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

I only agree with Glenn Martin DDS, you are exactly right about that show though it isn't exactly a Cartoon but an Animated Series as it is in 3D, not 2D...

As far as the Arthur thing, they aren't even that similar of shows or targeted at exactly the same audience & I even knew that Doug came after Arthur...

But enough of that as I don't even care enough, a cartoon that I say are worse are;

1. Any recent Cartoon Network cartoons like well, any of them except for the Ben 10 series & any of the other Superhero cartoons like Justice League & The Avengers though "The Superhero Show" is also on that list
2. Bayblade (no explanation needed!)
3. The most recent 4Kids or Fox Kids Cartoons
4. Bob's Burgers (some recent animated sitcom on Fox)
5. Any Cartoon on Disney Channel or Nick
6. Kannagi : Crazy Shrine Maidens (hate this show with a passion which is rare for me)

Since anime are Cartoons but from Japan in a sense I included 2 of them as well...

Author:  Shuckle-rock$ [ Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

Here's mine:

1. 90% of Cartoon Network these days: CN is seriously trying to think of cheap shows that they think will get them money, and very few new shows get past the first 3 month. And I don't like the idea of having 'live' shows, since from the beginning CN used to only have cartoons. And the only things worth watching are MAD, old Looney Tunes, and occational cartoon movies.

1a. New Looney Tunes, New Scooby Doo, etc: I really don't like how they take old funny shows and reanimate them into whatever this is. The old shows, like Looney Tunes, were really funny, and now these new ones little to no humor in them.

1b. New 'action' shows on CN: It seems that with the new shows there are way too many action shows, and all they have are these superheros fighting off evil space aliens. Heck, Ben 10 didn't even look interesting when it first came, so why should I like other shows?

2. Phineus (or whatever) and Ferb: Before I thought that this was OK, because the only thing worth anything was the Perry and stuff (I lol'd at the episode with the Carbon Foot Print) but everything else was bad. And I was never watching Disney since I hated it more and more, along with P&F. So now I never bother turning to that channel anymore, since all they have is stereotyped teenage girls. (However the only good show on there is I'm In The Band, and I only record those)

3. Mighty Bee: Can someone get a sledge hammer for me and bash it into my head so I pernamently lose the memory of this show? All this is is about an inmature girl scout who thinks she's some superhero. And me being a guy obviously doesn't match from the beginning. My sledge hammer is still not here btw.

Edit: I completly forgot about cartoon movies :oops:

4. Hoodwinked 2, Kungfu Panda 2, etc: Ok the Necromancer has returned from the grave 35 years after his infamous defeat from By-Tor, possessed the workers form Dreamworks, and is bringing old movies that were shown about 6 years ago and don't deserve a sequal back to life. I doubt that kids these days even know there was a Hoodwinked 1. So all we can do is hope the Necromancer won't make a Chicken Run 2.

5. Wall-E: When I first saw this, I was pretty neutral to it, until it hit middle school, where all the girls were saying "Walie eth de kewtethtetht rowbawt 3vr! <3 <3 <3 <3". And on a band trip, they played Walle on the small TVs and just about EVERY girl on the bus showted with joy. So in the end, it was the fanbase that makes me hate this.

6. Happy Feet: Penguin who couldn't shed its feathers for his life who believe in the whole "Do what you want" moral + apparently changing plots in the middle to another environment-saving story + another annoying fanbase = :censored: no.

Author:  DragonPhoenix [ Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

I have a strong passion of hatred towards spongebob.

Was at my cousins, he was watching a spongebob marathon,

Spongebob's laugh every 3 minutes makes you want to punch people in the face very quickly. I don't know how people can sit through it.

I said spongebob a lot in this post.

Author:  Dark_Swampert [ Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

Cool It Down wrote:
JOHNNY TEST - Mr. Black and Mr. White are racist, 'nuff said.

The Black guy's name is Mr. White and the white guy's name is Mr. Black....

Also How about half the swill they are showing kids on Nick. Since when does my 8 year old brother need to know what a bra and boobs are. The nicktoons switch also bugged the crap out of me. Here's one. All the anime after Johto

Author:  Dragonair101 [ Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

I think MAD is really stupid. But of course, it is supposed to be for children either way, and everyone knows that children generally laugh at anything. Unlike me, my younger sister loves MAD.

Also, a friend showed me a clip of a show called "Happy Tree Friends" or something like that- my memory is a little fuzzy at the moment. My reaction when the clip was over- "Dude, you just killed my soul. Permanently."

Author:  Porygon 3 [ Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

Cool It Down wrote:
CAILLOU - Ugh. You can't pay me even a million bucks to endure this garbage for HALF AN HOUR! Caillou is the whiniest kid on television. He whines in almost every episode. Kiddie shows like this need to :censored: end!

I never got Caillou. Of course I watched it as a kid, because I had no idea what I was watching. But when I was flipping through the channels a couple months ago and saw it on I remembered things about it. The only thing that I never understood is why he was friggen bald. I don't know if his character structure didn't look good with hair or something, but at first thought it looked like he had cancer. I just never got that.

DragonPhoenix wrote:
I have a strong passion of hatred towards spongebob.

Was at my cousins, he was watching a spongebob marathon,

Spongebob's laugh every 3 minutes makes you want to punch people in the face very quickly. I don't know how people can sit through it.

How on EARTH do you hate SpongeBob?! Those writers make the show hilarious, even though the old episodes were better. My favorite episodes are The Camping Episode and Band Geeks. My other favorite is the episode where Patrick wants a Trophy, the main reason is when Patrick is sweeping with the broom upside-down, and a guy comes up to him and says, "Hey pal, you just blow in from Stupid Town?". Those are so funny, but the new ones are still great. SpongeBob always makes me laugh.

Shuckle-rock$ wrote:
2. Phineus (or whatever) and Ferb: Before I thought that this was OK, because the only thing worth anything was the Perry and stuff (I lol'd at the episode with the Carbon Foot Print) but everything else was bad. And I was never watching Disney since I hated it more and more, along with P&F. So now I never bother turning to that channel anymore, since all they have is stereotyped teenage girls. (However the only good show on there is I'm In The Band, and I only record those)

Phineas and Ferb is one of the best written and funniest Cartoons I know. Personally, Perry and Dr. Doofenshmirtz are the best part, but Phineas, Ferb, and their friends are really funny too. I just can't see how you don't like it. It's actually the only reason I would ever watch Disney Channel.

Author:  twistedturtwig [ Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

Yeah, I used to love Caillou when I was little, then a few years ago, I saw it and couldn't believe I used to like it. I'm not sure why I even liked it in the first place. And how can you people not like Spongebob? It's probably one of the funniest and best known cartoons on television. Phineas and Ferb, I also get a kick out of. Almost everyone in my class last year watched it regularly. (Although they did watch The Wonder Pets as well :| ) Two cartoons that I positively loathe though, are Jimmy Two Shoes and Mighty Bee. They're both about annoying little kids, and I just can't stand them. Jimmy lives in "Miseryville" and his best friends consist of a fat ugly red pig thing and a creepy girl with no legs. The other one is about some idiotic scout girl who likes to pretend she's a giant bee. Seriously? Is there something in the water these show designers are drinking?

Author:  Porygon 3 [ Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

Maybe it's that Ecoli disease (or however you spell it) :shock:

Author:  vaporterra [ Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

To the person that said the only good show on Disney Channel is I'm in the Band, you're technically wrong since that show is on Disney XD.

Author:  griffinwolf [ Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

i cant really think of much right now but fanboy and chumchum annoy me!!!!

Author:  Edoc'sil [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 5:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

99% of what's on Cartoon Network. Such as, although some other people might love it, I hate Adventure Time. I used to feel the same about the Regular Show, but I dislike it a heck of a lot less now. Not too long ago there was something called 'Crank Yankers' that came on when I got home instead of Comedy Central Standup. It was terrible. Luckily, I think it got cancelled, or at least moved to a different timeslot. And... 90% of new things they put out on Nick, the Disney Channel, and Cartoon Network. I leave that 10% gap for any good shows I might be forgetting. Also because things like Spongebob and Legend of Korra are still good.
Besides that, I think only Bob's Burgers is what I dislike. The characters are drawn badly, the voices and jokes are bad and annoying, and things like Family Guy, the Simpsons, and American Dad do it a lot better. The Cleveland Show... ehh, I wish they kept him on Family Guy.

Author:  Haunted Water [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

Besides that, I think only Bob's Burgers is what I dislike. The characters are drawn badly, the voices and jokes are bad and annoying
I take it you're not a fan of Archer, either?
Since the person who voices Archer also voices Bob.

Author:  Edoc'sil [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

Never seen it, so I can't answer that. =P What channel is it on?

Author:  Haunted Water [ Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

FX. But they're in between seasons, so it's not on right now.

Author:  Skeleton [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw


Author:  GhostPony750 [ Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

Most of the cartoon today:
-Bad scenario
-Bad jokes
-Really immature characters
-Annoying voices
-Bad graphics

Those cartoons are for the kids. They are supposed to learn something GOOD after seeing them. What do they learn after watching Jhonny Test?: You can drink shampoo without any health problems. :|

Author:  Servosaur [ Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

ANY* show on Adult Swim.

*not counting some of the anime and re-runs of Futurama.

Author:  Haunted Water [ Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Worst Cartoons You Ever Saw

GhostPony750 wrote:
Most of the cartoon today:
-Bad scenario
-Bad jokes
-Really immature characters
-Annoying voices
-Bad graphics

Those cartoons are for the kids. They are supposed to learn something GOOD after seeing them. What do they learn after watching Jhonny Test?: You can drink shampoo without any health problems. :|

He's not spanish. It's "Johnny Test", moron.
Also, think about it. That show isn't meant to be taken seriously. Cartoons have migrated to the PG13-ish side. SpongeBob, believe it or not, was intended for an older audience. It's obvious why. Espescially with the rise of shows like Family Guy, Archer, Simpsons becoming mainstream, *sigh* South Park :roll: , and not to mention Egoraptor's animations. Last I checked, the more younger audience targeted shows suck.

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