
Memorable Video Game Bosses
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Author:  LeoTheLion [ Mon Dec 27, 2010 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Memorable Video Game Bosses

This thread was made for me to vent about a particular boss. But if you guys want to, we can talk about other ones too! That's why it is titled as such: Memorable Video Game Bosses. This is where we talk about the bosses that made us cry, that made us throw our controllers at the cat, that made us swear under our breath, ranting about the game being "rigged." Or maybe you remember a boss that just made you lul, wondering what a Bundt was (just like the rest of us).

The boss that I brought up is one in Kingdom Hearts 386/2 named Leechgrave. He is a grave with a giant flower attached and that has tentacles protruding from the ground. He (or she) is a quite unpleasant fellow, and I was very frustrated trying to beat him/her.

Alright, discuss.

EDIT: 358/2's final bosses are underwhelming and disappointing. Though it might be because of my 10 Lv5 Cura casts. :U

KH 358/2 Highlight to view spoiler.
You can get behind final Xion and score EASY hits. It sucks. Riku is just easysauce if you can block well enough.

Author:  Mektar [ Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses


'Nuf said.

Author:  Krisp [ Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses


Out of all the optional bosses in the Final Fantasy series (up to FF10) Omega Weapon from FF8 is the hardest. He uses Light Pillar which does 9999 damage to a character, guaranteeing at least one KO (without Holy War.) Terra Break will completely kill the party in one hit, if Holy War isn't in place. He has over a million HP and pretty much laughs at Emerald Weapon and Aire Tam Storm, the superboss from FF7. He's also much harder than Omega Weapon from FF10, he hits harder and has way more HP, especially if you're playing the US version.

Author:  shinashu taji [ Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses

Ganon in the original Zelda. There is no real strategy for him. There is no way to tell where he will be, you just have to flail your sword about and hope that you hit the bugger.

Author:  GofD [ Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses

Bosses, memorable bosses.... None realy stand out.. except maybe when I was playing the last campain for the UEF in supreme commander. Yeah that. You try protecting the ultimate weapon form 2 (opposing) forces that either want it or want to destroy it

Author:  Frost [ Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses


This bitch.

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses



Author:  Lawence Codye [ Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses

This piece of crap copy pasta boss right here...


Sucks that I couldn't find any actual gameplay art of him but he is the last Boss of the original Art of Fighting game & was a HUGE pain to deal with & then I finally beat him one time before my veins exploded due to frustration, I haven't beat him again since, stupid unresponsive game & this annoyingly difficult boss, I tell ya...

Author:  searchman52 [ Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses

Krisp wrote:
Out of all the optional bosses in the Final Fantasy series (up to FF10) Omega Weapon from FF8 is the hardest. He uses Light Pillar which does 9999 damage to a character, guaranteeing at least one KO (without Holy War.) Terra Break will completely kill the party in one hit, if Holy War isn't in place. He has over a million HP and pretty much laughs at Emerald Weapon and Aire Tam Storm, the superboss from FF7. He's also much harder than Omega Weapon from FF10, he hits harder and has way more HP, especially if you're playing the US version.

How'd you beat him?

Well, for me, Metal Man from MEga Man 2 was really memorable for me since he wzas the first Robo Master I beat.

Then there was Gohma the first Zelda boss I beat.

Spider Guardian from Prime 2 Echoes was a pretty awesome battle.

Omega Pirate and MEta ridley from Metroid Prime 1 licked my a** off the floor easily, but it was certainly memorable. Prime himself (her?) was pretty awesome too.

Not a boss, but the SA-X sequence from Fusion right after that spider thing was so intense...

The Albus battle from Castlevania OoE gave me this awesome feeling in my heart. It was so epic.

Gorea from Prime Hunters left my DS coated in sweat. Heavy sweat. If I sweated anymore my DS would've broke down.

Author:  Sawsage [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses

Ganon from LOZ Wind Waker. Not because he was particularly hard, but because it was just completely epic. And that moment of stabbing him in the face...*drools*...

Author:  Frost [ Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses

searchman52 wrote:
How'd you beat him?

Despite Krisp making that boss seem like the most broken threat ever, the thing is that the FF8 battle system is just as ridiculously broken as the boss. There's an item that grants your entire team invincibility to EVERYTHING for several turns, as well as a spell that destroys any opponent's Defenses and another that grants your characters Limit Breaks pretty much at will. At least a third of FF8's cast has a limit break that can deal six digit damage in one turn, and two others have great damage output as well.

In any other game, FF8's Omega Weapon would be the most impossible boss ever. In FF8, it's just a mildly inconvenient threat to your team's survival. I personally found FF7's Emerald Weapon to be MUCH harder, despite Knights of the Round and Mime.

Author:  Azure [ Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses

Gyorg from LOZ: Majora's Mask.

'Nuf said.

Author:  Mariofan141 [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses

Grunty in the Banjo-Kazooie series is pretty memborble. In all of the games she is in, (except for Banjo-Tooie... I hate her sisters because of this) she makes all of her sentences rhyme. Plus she's pretty hard to beat in the two N64 games. Grunty was still hard in Nuts & Bolts, but not as impossible as she was in Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie.

Seth in SFIV for the Xbox 360/3DS was also annoying. What's kind of funny is that he seems easier on the hardest difficulty than on the easiest difficulty, because on easiest, he does some basic variations on his moves, including defending, but on hardest, he's an all out attacker kind of guy, making it easier to counter attack or use projectiles. lol

And how can I forget to mention GlaDios? :mrgreen:

Author:  Supergavin25 [ Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses

Bowletta from Mario and Luigi Superstar saga.
I hated this fight, you fight the antagonist in bowser's body and when you win that fight she swallows you (making a bomb come out of know where while mario and luigi do their victory dance made me kinda laugh) and when you get inside her body you fight Cackletta's spirt in one of the most frustating final boss battles ever. You start with one hp and she attacks first, so if you screw up on the dodging, one or both of the bros will die and you have to start over.
After that though, the fight is easy, just keep dodging and fighting back, however it takes me about an hour to beat her.

Oh Xemnas from KH2 is just awsome to beat

And Gannondorf from LOZ Wind waker, freckin' awesome end to an awesome game

Author:  Aquadude [ Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Memorable Video Game Bosses

Fights that i remember well helmasaur king a link to the past and how easy it was for me The only bosses I died on in that game were Vitreous and ganon. "The Fingers" Death egg zone Sonic 3&knuckles Sonic and knuckles, Mario RPG legend of the 7 stars Culex and Smithy jusdt because they are epic. Trance kuja the culmination of the whole darn game in one fight FFIX followed by an unfortunate (WTF boss), Mt. gagazet seymor FFX and for some reason, chill penguin in Megaman X epically owned him. I had one hit point left with Megaman and did not get hit the whole fight and storm eagle for me it just a fun fight that and it is the first Maverick i fought the first time i played. but the Boss I will never forget is the second fight against the dragonfly in Fungi Forest in DK 64.

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