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Author:  RageAgainstMachine [ Thu May 21, 2009 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Punk

Punk, whether old school or modern day, I am a fan of it.
My favorite punk bands are:
The Clash, The Ramones, Green Day, Blink-182, The Sex Pistols, The Stooges & Iggy Pop, Weezer and Beastie Boys.
I have every Weezer album, and I'm going to get Green Day's 21st Century Breakdown.
So, what are your thoughts on Punk? I like new pop punk and old school punk.

Author:  lordtomato [ Thu May 21, 2009 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Punk

The Clash, Green Day, Blink-182 are good, so's the Sex Pistols. Weezer is awesome. Haven't heard much of the others. Rise Against is currently my favorite though.

For me, I prefer more modern than old. Old just tends to sound like Beatles revamped.

Does Nirvana fall under punk? does green day REALLY fall under punk? the line between Punk/emo/alt rock/rock is very very thin.

Author:  Squirtle [ Thu May 21, 2009 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Punk

i don't think GD is anywhere near punk, but their new album is the bomb

Author:  RageAgainstMachine [ Fri May 22, 2009 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Punk

Squirtle wrote:
i don't think GD is anywhere near punk, but their new album is the bomb

I'm just about to get 21st Century Breakdown.
I'm not sure if I would call Nirvana punk, but alternative does have a thin line with punk.

Author:  flaming_fox [ Fri May 22, 2009 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Punk

RageAgainstMachine wrote:
Squirtle wrote:
i don't think GD is anywhere near punk, but their new album is the bomb

I'm just about to get 21st Century Breakdown.
I'm not sure if I would call Nirvana punk, but alternative does have a thin line with punk.

I would consider nirvana punk long before green day, though I would still consider green day punk.

Well technically most of the bands originally named are considered pop punk, but in my honest opinion they sound a whole lot like regular punk. I think the reason they aren't considered punk is that "real" punk fans consider them to mainstream or what not and thus not punk.

Author:  Squirtle [ Fri May 22, 2009 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Punk

RageAgainstMachine wrote:
Squirtle wrote:
i don't think GD is anywhere near punk, but their new album is the bomb

I'm just about to get 21st Century Breakdown.
I'm not sure if I would call Nirvana punk, but alternative does have a thin line with punk.

its worth it. really, although it takes up 700 MB for 18 songs :(

Author:  The_Shedinja_Ninja [ Sat May 23, 2009 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Punk

Green Day was good before they succumed to mainstream.
Nirvana is grunge (mix of mainstream metal, alternative, and indie), not punk.
As for me, I'm more of a metal fan (go death and thrash!) but I also like Sex Pistols, Ramones, Misfits, &
Dead Kennedys. Each of these bands are very addicting to listen to, since the songs are so short!
If you need anther suggestion, I heard that Subhumans are good too.

Author:  RageAgainstMachine [ Sun May 24, 2009 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Punk

its worth it. really, although it takes up 700 MB for 18 songs :([/quote]

I ended up getting GD's Dookie and GnR's AFD, mainly because they only had the explicit version.

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