
Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly
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Author:  Shuckle-rock$ [ Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

For example with Rayquaza, it's normally pronounced like RayquAza, with the big A sounding like you say the letter 'a'. But I always say that A like you say the A in 'Ahhh'. Get it?

Also, with Deoxys, its normally DeoxYs, with the Y sounding like the i in 'is'. But I always say the Y like how you say the letter 'E'. So it's kind of like 'Deoxies'.

Anyone feel the same way?

Author:  rex09 [ Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

Uh, I thought those were correct... I could've sworn that's how they pronounced it in the anime, when I watched it. Oh well.

How do you pronounce Giratina?? I always pronounce it jeer-ah-tee-nah, but I think I read somewhere that that's wrong. Is that true??

Author:  DragonPhoenix [ Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

I don't watch the anime at all so I think I always pronounce these things differently. I always thought Giratina was "Jye-ra-tina" but I don't know.

With Kyogre I've always said "Kyogre-ray" that that still seems a lot more natural to me..

I used to call Chimecho "Chime co" but the real way is so much cooler (chime-echo)

Raikou for me is Raikow, and I used to call Suicune "su-i-sune" (i call it su-i-kune now but I don't even know if that's right).

I don't know if there's anything else, but for me it's ra-quay-za and de-ox-sis.

Author:  /vXv\ [ Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

I think its pronounced
swee-coon {suicune}
de-ox-ees {deoxys}
ray-qua-saur {rayquaza} like the star quasar
gear-a-tina {giratina}

how about Kyurem,Image, Cure-rem??

Author:  Gallade Roxas [ Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

I pronounce Pidove as "peh-dove" and the Unova region as "you-no-vuh".

Author:  rex09 [ Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

I'll go ahead and post my pronunciations for some of the ones mentioned after mine:
{rayquaza} - ray- kwah - za
{kyogre} - kyo - greh
{deoxys} - dee - ox - ees, or dee - ox - ehs (I used to pronounce it the former, but now pronounce it the latter)
{suicune} - swee - koon
{giratina} - jeer - ah - teena
Kyurem - kee - you - rem (or, as BatMaster put it, cure-rem)
{raikou} - rye - kow (o as in long o, how you pronounce it when you say the alphabet)

Author:  Gallade Roxas [ Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

BTW, just throwing this out there, but Arceus's official pronunciation is "arr-kee-us".

Author:  Magus [ Wed May 11, 2011 2:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

I always pronounced Arceus as "Arr-kay-us", but good to know I've been pronouncing it wrong this whole time. XD

Rayquaza was always "Ray-kwah-za", Kyogre was "Kai-ogre" (as in "Rawr! I'm an ogre!"), I used to pronounce Groudon as "Go-ru-den" until I got Emerald and actually looked at his name. XD

Deoxys is "De-ox-sis", Raikou is "Rai-koh" (as in "Oh snap"), Suicune is "Swee-coon", Giratina is "Gear-a-teena", Kyurem is "Kuu-rem" ("Kuu being pronounced like the leter Q).

I also pronounce Tepig as "Pokabu" but that's just me. :P

Author:  DragonPhoenix [ Wed May 11, 2011 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

Kyurem: ki - your - rem
Arceus: ahh - kee - us
Groudon: grau - den

Okay how about these fun ones:

Grovyle: grow - vile
Sceptile: sept - tile
Slaking: slay - king (I think people call it slacking..)
Glalie: galley (glay - ley is way too unnatural to roll off the tongue)
Mismagius: mis - may - jus
Zweilous: zway - lus

Author:  rex09 [ Sat May 21, 2011 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

*is bringing this thread back because its interesting*

The Arceus pronunciation (or the "official" one) is kinda crappy, imo. I always pronounced it r-see-us (r as in "arr i'm a pirate"). Which makes the most sense to me.

Honestly, no matter what the official pronunciation is, I'm probably going to wind up calling all the pokes whatever the hell I want.

@DragonPhoenix: I pronounce Slaking as slacking, Glalie as the difficult to roll off the tongue one, Mismagius as miss-mag-ee-us, and the rest all the same.

Author:  Shuckle-rock$ [ Sat May 21, 2011 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

I pronounce the Regi trio with the G sounding like in "golf". So it's even funnier to say Regigigas, or my special one I'm planning for battling called "Regigigigas".

But you what I REALLY hate? It's when people say pokemon as "PokeMAN". :frustrated: :frustrated: :frustrated:

Edit: My dad calls it 'pokeman' a lot, and it's still extremely annoying! And all I can do is endure those words. :(

Also with Kyogre, I say it as "key-ogre" (like in Shrek)

Author:  fifaking [ Mon May 23, 2011 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

i for some reason pronounced arceus like ar-ke-us strange

Author:  Mr. Dude [ Tue May 24, 2011 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

The only one for me worth mentioning is:
{raikou}: Rye - koo (rye as in the bread)

Author:  thelegendary123 [ Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

as a real life pokemon maniac, i try to tell other pokemon fans how to pronounce names if they're wrong (its the way I do things). My Friends call Arceus "Ar-see-us" but I played Battle Revolution and it said "Ar-kee-us" or "Ar-Key-us" {arceus}

EDIT: for some reason as well, one of my friends calls Emboar "Emoboar"?

Author:  Mister_Kitsune [ Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

The funny thing is that I probably don't pronounce lots of Pokemon names correctly because I'm Deaf/Hard of Hearing, but I guess I manage to pronounce some Pokemon names correctly. (ex. Arcanine & Pikachu)

Author:  Yog [ Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

And a question: Is Pokemon pronounced Poe-kuh-mawn or Poe-kee-mawn?

Author:  mudkip eez awsome [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

keldeo >> kel-deh-oh (long story)
kyurem >>ky-roo-em
tyranitar is some times refered to as >>ty-ruh-ni-ter
and every one gets milotic wrong... for all we know it could be pronounced as CHUCK NORRIS

Author:  dry [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

I've always pronounced {milotic} My-Loh-Tick (rhyming with erotic). I don't think relying on the anime for pronounciations is always right, because one of the episodes pronounced {linoone} Lee-Noon, but I think it's officially pronounced Lye-Noon.

Author:  twistedturtwig [ Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

I'd always thought that Suicune was prononounced Su-ih-sine. Then someone yelled at me because they thought I was talking about suicide. XD

Author:  Edoc'sil [ Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

Ky-ru-em, Gir-a-tina (hard G), Dee-ox-is, Ray-quaz-ah for e. :P

Author:  luxray64 [ Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

Dialga-Die al(ryming with pal) ger
Milotic-my low tick
Gyarados-guy a(as in map) ru(as in run) doss
Sableye-say bull eye
Rayquaza-ray quay(rhyming with ray) zuh
Regice-reh jee ice
Regigigas-reh jee gig ass
Uxie-you cu(as in cup) zee, does anyone pronounce it ookzee?
Bidoof-bye doof

That's all I that can think of for now.

Author:  ClawsonExperience [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

I used to pronounce Gyarados as Gar-a-dose, but now I pronounce it as Gy-ara-dose. I'm presuming both are very wrong.

Author:  Aphex [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

I say so many of them weird, my friends always pointed it out.
Skarmory is apparently 'sk' before the word 'armory.' I always said it with accent on the mor, not the skar.
Rayquaza as Ray-Kwau-zuh ('au' is the short o sound, like in 'top')
Kyogre as Kie-oh-gruh (I felt so stupid after I was told it is Kie-yo-ger)
Not sure if Tepig is Teh-pig or Tee-pig as of right now, but I say Teh-pig
For the longest time I though Phanpy was spelled phanphy, so I said fanfee until I actually read it.

Author:  Justin Thyme [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

Rayquaza - ray-quay-za (quay rhying with ray)
Deoxys - dee-ox-iss
Giratina - Gi-rah-tee-nah (hard g)
Kyogre - kai-oh-gurr
Chimeco - chime-eh-ko
Raikou - R-eye-kaow (as in cow
)Suicune - sooee-koon (as in chop suey)
Kyurem - Q-rem (as in capital Q)
Pidove - pee-dove
Unova - you-know-va
Arceus - arr-kee-us (pronounced it like that before hearing anyone else say how it's supposed to be)
Grovyle - grow-vile
Sceptile - sept-isle (as in shopping isle or the Isle of Wight)
Slaking - slack-ing
Glalie - Gu-lay-ul - (hard G)
Mismagius - miss-mag-ee-us
Zweilous - sv-eye-ee-lus (w as in German)
Regirock - rejee-rok
Registeel - rejee-stee-al
Regice - rej-eye-ssss (I used to pronounce it as reg-ee-ai-ssss)
Regigigas - rejee-Gee-Gas (hard Gs apart from 'rejee')
Pokémon - poa-keh-mon
Milotic - mih-loh-tick
Gyarados - gya-ra-doasss
Omanyte - om-an-eye-tt
Spiritomb - spih-rih-toom
Keldeo - kel-deh-oah
Tyranitar - tie-ran-it-arr
Linoone - lin-oon
Dialga - die-Al-Ga (as in the name Al) (hard G)
Sableye - sa-bull-eye
Uxie - you-k-see
Bidoof - bee-doof
Skarmory - scar-more-ee
Illumise - ill-oom-eyes (aparently it's ill-oom-ee-zay. If pronounced like Japanese it's i-ru-mee-seh)

Sometimes when your reading stuff off the internet or in a book and you can't hear the pronounciation and you haven't got anyone to speak out loud the word to then you can become accustomed to an unussual way of saying something and if someone you say it to doesn't know the real pronounciation they become accustomed to it.

I used to always say hi-ra-gaa-nuh and ka-ta-kaa-nuh, though all 'A's should be pronounced the same.

When Jimmy Carr first saw the word 'chav' (I don't know if they have theat word in America) he thought it was pronounced shaa-v in a posh way and said they sounded like very nice people.

Author:  Yog [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pokemon names you pronounce differently than correctly

More cruddy pronunciations:
Dialga: dee-ahl-guh
Arceus: ar-see-uhss
Fiorre(as in the region): fie-orr (I've heard it called fee-orr-ahy)
Raichu: rye-choo
Linoon: lih-noon
Suicune: swee-coon
Uxie: yoo-kzee
Bidoof: bee-doof
Sableye: say-bul-eye
Illumise: ill-oo-mee-say
Zweilous: zwell-us

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