
Rate the Teams
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Author:  JayShay [ Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Rate the Teams

Hey guys. Jay here.
I figured it would be fun to be able to post your teams and let other people rate them as good great bad or horrible. Now herei what Id like to see when you post your Pkmn...
The Pokemon and whatever nickname if they have it
Items they hold
Ev count if you have it
Any background info about them and their use
Alright I will go first...

This is the team I used after I restarted it a few days ago back

Surf Waterfall Metal Claw and Flash Cannon
No Ev count. I never cared to lol
Empoleon is my starter. I relied on him since I got him until I made it to the forest and caught my second. Empoleon is a Tank which means he stays out until theopponent is weak when I witch with a sweeper (fast pokemon that goes in or the kill). I know some of the moves should seriousy be changed. But I just restarted not long ago. Cut some slack here lol

Jump Kick Thunder quick attack and Dizzy Punch
My second one caught. Used as a sweeper and against water and normal types.

Gyro Ball Hypnosis Extrasensory Confuse Ray
Third. Used as a Tank for almost every situaton.

Magical Leaf Quick Attack Grass Knot Solarbeam
Fourth. Sweeper.

Shock Wave Sky Attack AncientPower Fly
Fifth. Tank and for Aaron of the Elite Four

Soothe Bell
Dragon Pulse RockSmash AuraSphere CloseCombat
Sixth. My favorite and Sweeper

Your turn. If you have any comments about them plase let me know and any advice is greatly appreciated Have fun with this and I will post the team I had before resetting soon.

Author:  Wongz [ Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Teams

There's a place to get your team rated.
But I have a question: Do you gonna change the movesets, don't you? Because is a really bad moveset. Of course, is my opinion and these movesets are not my style. I always try to use at least one Status Move for every Pokémon.

Author:  JayShay [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Teams

Wongz wrote:
There's a place to get your team rated.
But I have a question: Do you gonna change the movesets, don't you? Because is a really bad moveset. Of course, is my opinion and these movesets are not my style. I always try to use at least one Status Move for every Pokémon.

Course theyll be changed. I levelled them all up to Sixty lol So theyre moves have been changed. And I leave the status problems to Bronzong with confusion and sleeping and the rest are up to luck haha good question

Author:  Wongz [ Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the Teams

I forgot to say this before, but there's some tips.

Well, you know you need to teach Leafeon Sunny Day due to its ability, right? And you have to change the Grass-type moves. They're Special and Leafeon's Special Attack is low. Remember Razor Leaf and forget Magical Leaf until it learns Leaf Blade.

The same goes to Togekiss. Its Attack is low, so remember Air Slash and Aura Sphere (for Rock and Steel types).

Forget Lucario's Rock Smash.

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