
Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general
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Author:  pokeloco [ Fri May 30, 2008 4:57 am ]
Post subject:  Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

Obviously there is a lot of interest on how to catch the "hard ones"... Munchlax is my current mania.

I've read the tips on the main site and in the forums, and have a few of my own to add here. Until this thread gets locked, I suggest that others do the same.

Places I personally have caught a Munchlax:
  • Route 218 (southeast of Canalave City)

  • Floaroma Meadow

How did I do it? How long did it take?
  • I found 10 or so trees not far from Poke centers

  • I visit each of those trees twice a day (once in morning, once in evening)

  • I came across two Munchlaxes within a week

Extra, optional tips:
  • When visiting Floaroma meadow, stock up on Honey for your next round of Honey Tree visits

  • If you are a cheapskate and don't want to buy all your honey, keep one (or a few) Combees in your party; if they are not holding anything, they will make honey occasionally. Take the item, and then after a few battles, they might make some more.

  • Bring along a Skorupi with False Swipe -- it is a great way to catch weaker, low level Pokemon after most of your party is high in level.
    • False Swipe will lower foe to 1 HP, but never itself knock it out. You'll kick yourself, however, if the foe uses something with recoil or is confused, as it can knock itself out.

    • False Swipe is TM 54 which you can buy at Veilstone.

  • The Prima strategy guide states "the greater the Honey Tree shake, the more likely it is a rare Pokemon on the tree". I, however, have found no correlation... but I'm interested in other users' input.

I hope this is helpful!

-- PokeLoco

Author:  hoogathy [ Fri May 30, 2008 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

I was actually just about to embark on this endeavor, so thanks for the tips!

Author:  Frost [ Fri May 30, 2008 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

Legitimately helpful first topic. Thank you. Keep it up.

I'd also like to note something that some players probably have not figured out yet: once a Honey Tree starts to shake, the species of the Pokemon inside has been determined. However, the gender, nature, level and IVs of the Pokemon have not yet been selected by the game. Therefore you can save your game and check the species of the Pokemon immediately. If the tree has, say, a Combee in it, you can simply reset until you encounter a female; this is the fastest way to get yourself a female Combee. It also helps with trying to get Pokemon with specific IVs/natures like, for example, a Brave Munchlax with a good Attack IV.

Author:  pokeloco [ Fri May 30, 2008 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

Frost wrote:
Legitimately helpful first topic. Thank you. Keep it up.

You're welcome. It is my attempt to payback to the wealth of info I've seen here.

Frost wrote:
I'd also like to note something that some players probably have not figured out yet: once a Honey Tree starts to shake, the species of the Pokemon inside has been determined. However, the gender, nature, level and IVs of the Pokemon have not yet been selected by the game. Therefore you can save your game and check the species of the Pokemon immediately.

I had JUST discovered the same thing today! So, two options:

  • Save before each tree... and if you see a species you want but not the gender or stats, restart.

  • Save once before your "run" checking all trees (as per my method above). Assuming you've been doing this a few days, you are probably just looking for a Munchlax, Heracross, and female Combee. If you choose to restart, just return to that tree. (This saves the time required to save separately at EACH of your 10 trees....)


Author:  Living Arrow [ Sat May 31, 2008 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

Just to help people who read this find the trees, here is a quick list of locations for all 21 honey trees with what HMs you need to reach them from the nearest Pokemon Center:

Floaroma Meadow
Valley Windworks
South End of Route 205
Fuego Ironworks (Surf)
Through the shortcut around Eterna Forest (Cut)
North End of Route 205, just outside Eterna City
Route 206 Underneath Cycling Road (Cut)
Route 207 just South of Cycling Road
Route 208 at the West exit of Hearthome City
Route 212 at the South Exit of Hearthome City
Route 209, just South of Solaceon Town
Route 210, just North of Solaceon Town
At the West end of Route 215
Route 210 at the Eastern most point of the foggy area (Defog might be useful)
Just West of Celestic Town on Route 211
Route 218, at the Canalave City entrance
Route 212, close to the Western Pastoria City entrance
Route 213, close to the Eastern Pastoria City entrance (Rock Smash)
At the Southern end of Route 214, just North of the lake
At the West entrance to Sunnyshore City, Route 222
Outside Pal Park, Route 221

Author:  Gothic Gardevoir [ Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

Hey there! Thank you for posting this up; I myself am trying to complete my Pokédex right now and Munchlax has eluded me for some time now.

Author:  hoogathy [ Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

Hmm...What if you just breed a Snorlax and a Ditto? Wouldn't that yield a Munchlax?

Author:  haga11111 [ Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

Hoogathy, Munchlax is one of those pokemon that isn't the normal offspring. I think you have to put a full incense on the ditto (possibly the Snorlax, I don't remember) and then breed. Also, there are no wild Snorlax (possibly Snorlaxes, I don't know the plural) in D/P, so you have to either get the Munchlax first, Pal Park a Snorlax, or trade.

Author:  Gothic Gardevoir [ Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

Yeah, I made the mistake of tossing the Full Incense (thinking it was useless) then much later on my BF told me "Just breed Snorlax holding the Full Incense to get a Munchlax."

I facepalm'd

Tip: Do not throw away the Incense.

Author:  hoogathy [ Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

haga11111 wrote:
so you have to either get the Munchlax first, Pal Park a Munchlax, or trade.

Luckily I already imported a Snorlax from FireRed, so I don't need to worry about this so much then. Good tips, anyway - I've already caught a bunch of the Honey-method Pokemon that I didn't already have.

Author:  haga11111 [ Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

That's why I always keep everything I come across, no matter how stupid it may be. That, or I check the items list to see if the item has any importance.

Also, about the saving thing: If you find out that the pokemon is the beast formally known as Cherubi, use Magikarp, the uber pokemon. Splash works wonders against that thing.

...Yes, that was a joke. For the record, however, I did catch a Cherubi and I named it "Beast". For kicks.

I got Heracross the second time I ever used a honey tree. It was on that rock smash one by Mr. Footprint's house.

Author:  Coda D Reaper [ Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

Hi um...
i probably visit like 15 honeu tress looking for a munchlax but i never come close to geting one. ive been doing it 4 about 3 days?
do u hav any tips? :D

Author:  Shady_Boy [ Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

I have had my game for over a month now, I got to floaroma in about 8hrs, then slathered honay on the one nearest there, I have checked it 3x a day, and nothing since.

Author:  Mineral Rabbit [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

I have recently taken up the the sport of honey tree-ing, trying to find a Heracross.
I already have a Munchlax, but have never found one in a tree (Pal Parked Snorlax....named Frasier).
Could anyone tell me what trees Heracross has been found in? Please and Thank you.

I hit 5 honey trees about 3 times a day: Floaroma (so I can buy more honey), the Route right by it (205??) and the Windworks, then travel from Hearthome to Solaceon and get that one and the one just North of Solaceon (because this is where most of my berry trees are, so I water them on the way).

Heracross! Why do you elude me so???

EDIT: Thanks, Living Arrow - I found one yesterday and caught it, brilliant ending to a brilliant day!

Author:  Living Arrow [ Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

Heracross may be found on any tree in the game - much as Munchlax can be, despite the common belief it is only found on the Valley Windworks tree.

I found my Heracross in 3 trees: The shortcut around Eterna Forest tree, the tree west of Eterna City, and the tree at the eastern most end of the foggy route North of Solaceon Town.

Author:  Wai [ Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

I will give the Munchlax hunt another try, after reading your tips. I have a Ninetales ready to toast any Wurmples that dare show up.

Author:  getitan [ Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

please i need a munchlax i have been searching for days but cannot get one so i need either a snorlax or a munchlax

Author:  poefighter [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

Munchlax hunting is good especially if you really love it. Be careful be awake always and enjoy.


Author:  LoveMurts [ Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

Hi there! First, thanks for these wonderful tips!

Secondly, I was resetting my game over and over a while ago today because I didn't know that the species was already determined when the tree was shaking when I found this page. I had just reset my DS, though, so I loaded the game after reading all of this thread. When I had loaded in front of the tree near the Pal Park, I realised it wasn't shaking any more! Not only that, but the honey had gone too...I didn't even get the satisfaction of killing that bothersome Wurmple. Has anybody else had this problem?

Thanks again!

Author:  ocbooyah [ Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

I hate that you can only get munchlax via honey tree, a while ago I was like:
Wurmple x 3 all KO'ed Munchlax Ko'ed (I was tired when I tree'ed) >:C :frustrated:

Author:  vaporterra [ Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

I never really bothered to hunt for Munchlax via Honey Trees. I just imported a Snorlax (and also Heracross who is also a rare Honey Pokemon) and bred it to get Munchlax. Luckily it didn't take much effort to obtain Pokemon like Burmy, Combee, and Cherubi so that pretty much was it for Honey Tree Pokemon catching.

I think I also got Aipom from the Honey Tree. Either that or I traded from Heartgold or Soulsilver. And then the Wurmple line was found in the wild so no need to try the trees to get them.

Author:  Da_Wizzid [ Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

Found my munchlax totally by accident while hunting burmies. Now I have SIX SNORLAXES. FEAR ME.

Author:  alejero [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

vaporterra wrote:
I never really bothered to hunt for Munchlax via Honey Trees. I just imported a Snorlax (and also Heracross who is also a rare Honey Pokemon) and bred it to get Munchlax. Luckily it didn't take much effort to obtain Pokemon like Burmy, Combee, and Cherubi so that pretty much was it for Honey Tree Pokemon catching.

I think I also got Aipom from the Honey Tree. Either that or I traded from Heartgold or Soulsilver. And then the Wurmple line was found in the wild so no need to try the trees to get them.

The same - I think using Honey Tree is really the more difficult path to take. What vaporterra suggests works much better.

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Author:  alejero [ Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Munchlax hunting -- and Honey Tree tips in general

vaporterra wrote:
I never really bothered to hunt for Munchlax via Honey Trees. I just imported a Snorlax (and also Heracross who is also a rare Honey Pokemon) and bred it to get Munchlax. Luckily it didn't take much effort to obtain Pokemon like Burmy, Combee, and Cherubi so that pretty much was it for Honey Tree Pokemon catching.

I think I also got Aipom from the Honey Tree. Either that or I traded from Heartgold or Soulsilver. And then the Wurmple line was found in the wild so no need to try the trees to get them.

The same - I think using Honey Tree is really the more difficult path to take. What vaporterra suggests works much better.

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