
Bad jobs?
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Author:  GofD [ Tue May 15, 2012 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Bad jobs?

After reading this, it kinda got me thinking. Now this article might mean totally squat to some of you, but this kinda worries me. Ive recently completed an IT course and am now looking for work. I am trying everywhere, Timmy's, MacDonald's, the grocery chains, I'm not just limiting myself to IT jobs, cant really do that when you have a loan to pay off. But to say that there is "No such thing as a bad job"? Yes, I'm gonna grab any job I can get, but I took this course to get an IT job. Now I may have to work at a lousy job that doesn't pay much for a few years, for experiance and such, but I eventually want to get an IT job. What does this say about people who go to university? Are they just going to spend X tens of thousands of dollars just to end up working in a Coffee shop? Kinda seems a little pointless.

For me personally, there are such things as a "bad job". For me its the medical sector. I don't care how much you make, I couldn't handle the stress, the sick people or the blood/ things that are outside but should remain inside. I'd end up being a patient more than a medical provider!

So, what are your guy's/gals opinions? Are there such things as a bad job?

Author:  Haunted Water [ Tue May 15, 2012 7:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad jobs?

Its funny. I'm listening to "Politics" by KoRn right now. Anyways, as for bad jobs go, I'll be damned if that's going to happen in Michigan. Now, I hate hypocrites (ironically, I'm listening to "Hypocrites", also by KoRn, right now) as most know. Especially those who voted for Schnieder then say he sucks (damn teabaggers and their ideals), then turn around and support Rick Perry and Ron Paul. Schnieder better not sign this in if it comes to Michigan if he wants to have a slim chance of re-election. First, he got rid of the film incentive in Michigan. Nice job asshat! I wont be seeing you when I go to work in California because all the film studios are closed in Michigan. Either that, or I'll have to pick a job I'm overqualified for.
And I'm not doing web design, damnit. That **** is HARD!

Author:  Dragonair101 [ Tue May 15, 2012 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad jobs?

I consider a bad job a job you don't enjoy or are not good at. You can be perfectly happy with little dough.

Me, though, I like money. And I major in the Arts. Which may be a problem.

I think being a writer will do me good. I'm a decent writer. But It'd be cool if I got to be a pixel artist for Gamefreak, too. :lol:

Author:  Mektar [ Tue May 15, 2012 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bad jobs?

This. It's funny and informative. I wouldn't want any of these!

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