
Who Do You Think Will Win The 2008 Presidential Election?
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Author:  Sparrow [ Sun Aug 12, 2007 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Who Do You Think Will Win The 2008 Presidential Election?

I think it will be Clinton (sadly), although there's still over a year until then, and there's the fact that the EC chooses, not us.

(Did McCain drop out?)

Edit: Ignore the poll, it sucks.

Author:  Liz [ Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:05 pm ]
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Out of the Democrats, I'd say O'Bama and out of the Republicans I'd say Rudy.

Author:  dunsparce [ Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:33 am ]
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I don't think that the republicans are going to get another one after Bush. Obama because we are (according to history) more accepting of black then of females.

Author:  Magby [ Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:09 pm ]
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I think it will be Clinton. Sad to say it but I do. Most of the females would vote for her right? But I think O'Bama is a close second. Who knows though?

Author:  Jigglypuff [ Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:31 pm ]
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He's got my vote

Author:  Frost [ Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:57 pm ]
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Magby wrote:
I think it will be Clinton. Sad to say it but I do. Most of the females would vote for her right?

This is such faulty logic that more or less accuses all women of being sexist and voting for a candidate based on his or her gender rather than his or her platform. I'm sure that a sensible woman who is educated in political matters would place a vote for Hilary Clinton because she agrees with Clinton's views on important American issues, not because she likes that Clinton is a woman. I asked my mom if she would vote for Clinton and she said "probably not" even though she voted for Bill in both elections in the 1990's.

Such an argument also pretends that female Republicans don't exist; I am sure that the majority of them will not vote for Clinton, who is a Democrat, and there are no female Republicans who have a serious chance at winning the upcoming election. There are also a number of more conversative women in the United States who are actually AGAINST the idea of a female president whatsoever. I don't know why, but it probably has something to do with the keeping America "traditional" or something (which, I might add, I do not agree with).

Personally, I do not think Hilary will win the election. It seems more logical to me that we should try to get a woman into the vice presidency first. That way, Americans could be eased into the idea of a woman being in charge, whereas a woman just up and running for president will alienate some because it's totally new territory for the country's political landscape. The biggest factor against Hilary winning, though, is that she is extremely polarizing. Many Americans love her, many Americans hate her, and it is extremely hard to get elected with such split opinion from the American public.

Author:  FireStarter [ Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:20 pm ]
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Who do I think will win? Simple.
Whoever the powers that be have the election rigged in favor of.

The only person I know it won't be is Giuliani, as he will stick his foot in his mouth way too many times between now and then.


Author:  dunsparce [ Mon Aug 13, 2007 4:56 pm ]
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FireStarter wrote:
Who do I think will win? Simple.
Whoever the powers that be have the election rigged in favor of.

The only person I know it won't be is Giuliani, as he will stick his foot in his mouth way too many times between now and then.

Well yes Mr. Admin we all know that. This is a thread to disscuss what will happen if the polls aren't rigged.

I think Hilary won't win for a lot of reasons.
1. Her husband is infamous.
2. People are probably gonna accept a black president more easly than a woman
3. Most of the political cartoons are against her (where I live, Florida, big state).

Author:  FireStarter [ Mon Aug 13, 2007 5:12 pm ]
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dunsparce wrote:
FireStarter wrote:
Who do I think will win? Simple.
Whoever the powers that be have the election rigged in favor of.

The only person I know it won't be is Giuliani, as he will stick his foot in his mouth way too many times between now and then.

Well yes Mr. Admin we all know that. This is a thread to disscuss what will happen if the polls aren't rigged.

I wish I could believe that it is even a possibility that the polls won't be rigged, but I reside in reality, unfortunately.

Author:  dunsparce [ Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:13 pm ]
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Yeah, reality sucks. But maybe the polls won't be rigged, after the last elections they're probably gonna pay closer attention.

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:19 pm ]
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dunsparce wrote:
Yeah, reality sucks. But maybe the polls won't be rigged, after the last elections they're probably gonna pay closer attention.

Because that is so likely to happen.

In an ideal world, the person with the best ability to lead the nation would get elected. Unfortunately, that has only really happened with Washington, Lincoln, and FDR, so its going to be the person with the most money and who <s>lies the most</s> says the right things at the right times.

I thought it would probably be a Democart at first, but I am beginning to back out on that. Hilary won't get it because, like Frost said, we need a woman being vice president first to avoid major culture shock. Obama, I doubt for the same reasons. As for Edwards, he seems most likely of the three, but I honestly doubt he'll get it. Of course, I'm also a North Carolinian who would say Democrat if I had to state my political party, so there you are.

On the Republican side, though, its equally hazy. Rudy is going to say something stupid that will cost him. Richardson is a Latino, see Hilary and Barack. And McCain is out of cash.

In short, I would go to the ballot box and write "I vote for a small, brown Jack Russell Terrier", if I could

Author:  Peanut-Lover [ Mon Aug 13, 2007 9:28 pm ]
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blaziken234 wrote:
Rudy is going to say something stupid that will cost him.

Giulianni has commited political suicide 2 times - one with Pakistani war, and once with the 9-11 workers. He's out!

Obama won't win for several reasons:
1.) He's a real minority - Not for anything, but African-American? Noone, outside the midwest, and those supporting "black power" will vote for him. New York Afro-Americans have already laid down their vote - CLINTON! CLINTON!
2.) Calling for an invasion of PAkistan? Its bad enough to call for an invasion of Iran when we aren't sure if they have weapons. But we know Pakistan has nuclear weapons. We also know that many of their neighbors have nuclear weapons. If we invade Pakistan, and threaten India, we are likely to have missiles coming from both :O Plus, we're in Iraq and Afganistan already, one top general calling for a return of the draft because forces are thinned. Noone wants the war.
3.) (This sort of gets back to point one). He won't represent African American ideas, and the African American people, because his grandfather (I think) is white.

Obama = no.

Clinton will get it for several reasons:
1.) Her programs under her husband's administration had been very popular (healthcare reform)
2.) Her husband has gained popularity by helping the impoverished African nations :roll:
3.) She stood by her man - every Christian woman will vote for her, for that reason. After the whole $3>< scandal under her husband, she said "I forgive, I forgive", and thus the evangelicals will love her for that.

McCain didn't drop out - it was a Wisconsin senator that did that.

Bloomberg should be on that list - more than Giuliani. He was discussing something with a Georgia senator/governor (I think), and they discussed how the American people are fed up with the 2 parties, and that we are ready for independants. And Bloomberg saying "No, no, I won't be running" is merely a publicity stunt - its attracting attention.

Author:  ItIsTuesday [ Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:53 pm ]
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Even democratic women hate Hilary. I've talked to a few women about this, and they dont want Hilary in. These a very liberal women.

Talked to two older women, who are (to be perfectly honest) dumber about politics and are basing their entire reasoning for voting for her on feminist rights and that she's a women and that women are better than men (their words, not mine)


I do not know Hilary's situation, but womanhood brings up "bad days". 'nuff said. A more levelheaded woman with a better platform, i'm for. But not Hilary.

Obama ftw.

Author:  Sparrow [ Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:06 am ]
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blaziken234 wrote:
dunsparce wrote:
Yeah, reality sucks. But maybe the polls won't be rigged, after the last elections they're probably gonna pay closer attention.

Because that is so likely to happen.

In an ideal world, the person with the best ability to lead the nation would get elected. Unfortunately, that has only really happened with Washington, Lincoln, and FDR, so its going to be the person with the most money and who <s>lies the most</s> says the right things at the right times.

I thought it would probably be a Democart at first, but I am beginning to back out on that. Hilary won't get it because, like Frost said, we need a woman being vice president first to avoid major culture shock. Obama, I doubt for the same reasons. As for Edwards, he seems most likely of the three, but I honestly doubt he'll get it. Of course, I'm also a North Carolinian who would say Democrat if I had to state my political party, so there you are.

On the Republican side, though, its equally hazy. Rudy is going to say something stupid that will cost him. Richardson is a Latino, see Hilary and Barack. And McCain is out of cash.

In short, I would go to the ballot box and write "I vote for a small, brown Jack Russell Terrier", if I could

Sigh...culture shock, I thought we were over this years ago. Americans aren't going to choose based on gender, or skin color, this is America, I don't think people are that xenophobic.

Richardson is a Democrat by the way.

(where'd "other" go? I can't edit the poll anymore.)

Author:  Houseplant [ Tue Aug 14, 2007 11:42 am ]
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I think Clinton is going to win, but Obama will come in a close second

Author:  dunsparce [ Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:23 pm ]
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Why do you think Clinton will win Houseplant?

Author:  ChronosBolts [ Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:48 pm ]
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Clinton just seems like the best candidate, her plans and ideas I agree with and a women president would break the chain of men presidents for all these years.

Author:  DatVu [ Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:32 pm ]
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It's pretty much a waste of time to consider who will win the next election without waiting to find whom each party chooses as their candidate after the primaries. As far as the primaries are concerned, it's either Clinton or Obama, or Giuliani or perhaps Romney or McCain. Personally, I don't care much for Clinton, so I'm praying for Obama. I don't know much about the Republicans yet. I'm not sure if I like the integrity of any of them yet, though I could be influenced by a biased media, of which I'm always afraid.

Moar Fox and 1420 plox!!!!!!!!!

Author:  Poe [ Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:40 pm ]
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Exactly. Don't you guys think it is way too early for this?

Author:  ItIsTuesday [ Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:59 am ]
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Some of us actually like to talk politics. That's why it's never too early.

Everyone, please dont vote for Clinton, merely because you think she's gonna win already. :( That would make me one sad person.

Author:  Sentinel [ Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:38 pm ]
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I don't think Clinton will win for many reasons. I'd state them but they could get me in trouble on these boards. =/

I personally want John McCain to win. ((Go Republicans!))

But I'm almost positive a Democrat will win.

And FireStarter, how were the polls rigged? The better candidate won.((GWB))

Author:  Optimiron [ Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:14 pm ]
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I think obama. the man is political geunis.

Author:  ItIsTuesday [ Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:12 pm ]
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Sentinel wrote:
I don't think Clinton will win for many reasons. I'd state them but they could get me in trouble on these boards. =/

I personally want John McCain to win. ((Go Republicans!))

But I'm almost positive a Democrat will win.

And FireStarter, how were the polls rigged? The better candidate won.((GWB))

70+% of Americans disagree with you. GWB wasnt the best after all :P You're a minority at the moment.

Author:  Last_Redeemer [ Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:30 pm ]
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I don't think it is feasible to say who can win right now.
I would prefer not to vote for any of them.
But here's my thoughts:
Clinton/Obama: Too liberal. As we saw in the last election, old people go out to vote and young people sit around and a variety of things. Kerry was a good chance, but as we can see the older and moe conservative crowd came out and voted with some force (even though less than 60% of Americans voted I think, it was low) Either one of them is going to have to win the primaries which will remove the more electable Edwards.
Guiliani-Hasn't done much yet. His daughter is a liberal. So what? He is probably going to surprise or disappoint him.
McCain- I don't think so. He is supporting the Iraq War (not to say that it's a bad thing or that we are losing, its unpopular). He is also falling short in dollars which wins elections.

In Sumary
I think somebody who has been on the Republican sidelines could come out and swing things around. Not Brownback or a Bible Belter because they will most likely lose to an increasingly liberal voting pool.
Out of the choices I say Hil even though I sure don't support her, especially her stance on healthcare.

Frost wrote:
Personally, I do not think Hilary will win the election. It seems more logical to me that we should try to get a woman into the vice presidency first. That way, Americans could be eased into the idea of a woman being in charge, whereas a woman just up and running for president will alienate some because it's totally new territory for the country's political landscape. The biggest factor against Hilary winning, though, is that she is extremely polarizing. Many Americans love her, many Americans hate her, and it is extremely hard to get elected with such split opinion from the American public.

I doubt that. We are heading into a recession and all the people want to hear is the good, that the government will take care of them. I would hope America is ready for a female president. Bill had a good track record and Hil is going to run on the same platform (pretty much) as him. Bill has many networks set up and Hil is a fundraising machine.
The key to her power in my opinion is the rust belt. The economy was a bull under Clinton and it revitalized that area. Why does this matter? The Rust Belt contains quite a few swing states. This return to "Clinton-omics" would turn more than a few of the blue collar Christian workers who would normally vote Republican Democrat. I visited to my relatives this summer, some of whom are in this category, and they want a Cliniton back because that brings jobs back and creates more government handouts which they mooch off of.

Author:  Erins_Cause [ Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:42 am ]
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I'm hoping to God a Republican wins, although it's unlikely as all the candidates are pretty mediocre. I guess I'm just banking on America still being racist and chauvanistic at heart. :/

I swear, I'm emigrating if Clinton wins. Did you guys know that her husband, while in office, cut the military by HALF? We used to have I think around 20 Divisions, now we have 10. We're drastically understaffed, so to speak. Ugh.

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