
What makes you most uncomfortable?
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Author:  Leona [ Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow, now that is extreme o.o

Author:  Galar [ Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

I know. But I always remember that Dodo from Ice Age saying "Do not fall in here or you'll definetly....burn and die". So I like to say "Let them burn and die" when I'm mad at something, but I usually do it with that funny dodo memory in my head, wich makes me less mad. About "to hell with them"...Well, I think the word "hell", despite its meaning, sounds nice.

Of course, I'm just kidding, I don't want them to burn and die nor go to hell....maybe purgatory's enought... :roll:

Author:  black_flygon [ Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Galar wrote:
I know. But I always remember that Dodo from Ice Age saying "Do not fall in here or you'll definetly....burn and die". So I like to say "Let them burn and die" when I'm mad at something, but I usually do it with that funny dodo memory in my head, wich makes me less mad. About "to hell with them"...Well, I think the word "hell", despite its meaning, sounds nice.

Of course, I'm just kidding, I don't want them to burn and die nor go to hell....maybe purgatory's enought... :roll:

lol.....burn and die!!!! yay!!! new phrase!

Author:  Antigua [ Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Galar wrote:
Of course, I'm just kidding, I don't want them to burn and die nor go to hell....maybe purgatory's enought... :roll:

Praise the J-Unit!! :lol:

Zekiu wrote:
Oh, Galar you reminded me. You know how some people don't want to admit they are racist? (Not saying you are in any way.) Usually they start their sentences like... "I'm not racist but...(insert racist comment)"

My one friend said that she found a verse in the Bible that said not to marry out of your own tribe. She put up a fierce argument saying that whites were not allowed to marry blacks, or Americans can only marry Americans. (Typical for her, she is a very proud American, even though she was born in Canada o_O;;) She continued on saying that she would never marry a black person. Me and my friend, Rachel were very annoyed. We tried bringing up the fact that here Mom, and American, married a Canadian. She was angered and walked off.

Later, I asked my teacher (an expert on the Bible, and WW1 :P) about the topic, not stating any names. He said that it specifically was meant for the Jews. I told her this and all she said was "Ya?!? Well, I would never marry a black person anyways."

This bothers me a lot. Not necessarily the fact that she is a snob, but racism in its self. Racists should die a slow and painful death in front of those they discriminated against.....


Good point Galar...I usually have to open up Word to read size 0 posts....

However, your friend is somewhat true. But I don't know what adjective to use, so don't just use the one word that you see. It has been _______ proven that a black partner with a white partner, and vice-versa, will not work so well with a child compared to a white-on-white relationship, or vice-versa again.

Mod Edit: Edited out the rude un-necessary and off-topic flaming of religion.

Antigua Edit: Religion shouldn't be entered into it then if it does not want to get commented about. How is it rude when the mentioning of religion is rude in my opinion? Well, I'm sorry. I understand. PRAISE THE J-UNIT!!! CAN I GET AN AMEN?!?! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

Author:  Galar [ Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Antigua wrote:
Zekiu wrote:

Oh, Galar you reminded me. You know how some people don't want to admit they are racist? (Not saying you are in any way.) Usually they start their sentences like... "I'm not racist but...(insert racist comment)"

My one friend said that she found a verse in the Bible that said not to marry out of your own tribe. She put up a fierce argument saying that whites were not allowed to marry blacks, or Americans can only marry Americans. (Typical for her, she is a very proud American, even though she was born in Canada o_O; She continued on saying that she would never marry a black person. Me and my friend, Rachel were very annoyed. We tried bringing up the fact that here Mom, and American, married a Canadian. She was angered and walked off.

Later, I asked my teacher (an expert on the Bible, and WW1 ) about the topic, not stating any names. He said that it specifically was meant for the Jews. I told her this and all she said was "Ya?!? Well, I would never marry a black person anyways."

This bothers me a lot. Not necessarily the fact that she is a snob, but racism in its self. Racists should die a slow and painful death in front of those they discriminated against.....


Good point Galar...I usually have to open up Word to read size 0 posts....

However, your friend is somewhat true. But I don't know what adjective to use, so don't just use the one word that you see. It has been _______ proven that a black partner with a white partner, and vice-versa, will not work so well with a child compared to a white-on-white relationship, or vice-versa again.

Just to clarify this point of view.

I'm not being racist or anything, but as a medical student, wich means I study biology, I have to say black and white people are genetically and biologically different. This has to do with anthropology, not social studies.

That happened long ago. Do you remember when the continents were altogether? Then, we split, generally, in four different pieces of land.

Mankind was divided into 4 different races: amerindians (those who inhabited the Americas), negroids (those who inhabited Africa), caucasians (those who inhabited Europe) and orientals (those who inhabited the east).

We're talking about evolution and natural selection. The environmental pressures allow only the most perfectly adapted to live, all the others die. And considering each one of the four continents has its own weather and nature, each one of the 4 races developed different biological structures so that they could adapt themselves to their specific locations. In other words, in that time, each of the races had a complete different appearance and a bit different DNA code (wich still have).

Then mankind evolved. Now we have different people travelling to different countries, different people getting married and having different hybrids. Obviously a black and white couple won't have the same biologicall succes with a child than a couple that belong to the same race: we're mixing two different biological structures and two different DNA codes. However, this "race" concept cannot be used these days because we already had so much intercourses that humankind is completely hybrid (but still some differences remain).

I would just like to point it out. Its not racism, is science. If I didn't make myself enought clear, and if anyone's still interested in this subject I suggest reading a good anthropology book.

Author:  SwellowLuvr [ Thu Jul 07, 2005 10:45 am ]
Post subject: 

What maks me uncomfortable is if I'm playing something, like x-box or my sp, and people watch me. That make me nervous, especially if I'm in a hard part and I mess up a lot.

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