
Do you have strange classmates?
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Author:  flaming_fox [ Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Do you have strange classmates?

Neo_Matrix wrote:
TheCyberMew wrote:
One question. Is this classmate the same age as you?

Yes. This is the one person we ALL hate, 'cause he's annoying and makes up lies about people. Stupid 10 year old...

He's ten, hes making it up

Author:  Rhapsody [ Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

In my class....You'd be suprised.
3 kids who have the same name (one answers to a creepy combo of his itnitials)
A kid who keeps singing, "I Like To Move It, Move It"
Her freind
A kid who swears a lot and made a different meaning of the word "cheese"
Me, CHIKKIN07, two others that we are freidns with (one likes to say I am dancing drunk on the table in Latin)
A kid who is obsessed with me helping him get Pokemon in his Pokedex (sry if this refers to Pokemon, just that he always brings it)
A kid who left but before everybody hated, he defined the term "weird"
All the other girls
The kid who swears-a-lot's friend
A kid who I dont really communicate with
A kid who happened to go to Europe with me and the rest of the delegation last summer
A kid who is just annoying, he has 8 boyfriends jk
"Funny Guy"
Thats about it....


Author:  Krisp [ Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think my classmate would consider me the strange one in our class. I have a loner attitiude, and rarely talk to anyone besides about three people. I don't talk in any classes, except english, because the teacher feels we should all participate. :/

Author:  PokemasterUSA [ Thu Dec 01, 2005 7:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes my friend Georges(yes it's with an "s").Do do the stupidest the and we do so many wierd things with our face.We are mad I guess.

Author:  darkdragonforce3x9 [ Sat Dec 03, 2005 9:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

There's a kid in my English class and he is obsessed with anything violent.
Firebombing, ballistic missiles, fire in general, machine guns, nuclear warheads etc, etc.
We had a spelling bee and the only word he could spell was annialate (spelling)

Then there's the kid who walks around screaming random words and dancing around. One time, he put his hair up into pigtails and stuck pencils in them. I don't get him.

Author:  ali/mew [ Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  crazy class

This boy named Brad in my advanced classes won't be quiet and in homeroom we have four Andrews :shock:

Author:  The Obsidian Wolf [ Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Our Politics lessons are always amusing;

We have this bunch at the back who support the BNP (British National Party, pretty much English Nazis, in my opinion) and UKIP (Unitied Kingdom Independance Party - again, a bunch of Fascists ***** ******) whom I detest for their Racist, Fascist, and sexist remarks (I hate sexist jokes...many of the girls I know exceed all the guys in my class in both intelligence and probably violence...not that the latter is a good thing...)

Then we have this one dude who seems to have been programmed with the knowledge of every single Prime Minister since the term was applied to anyone. I swear, he sits at the table each morning, hooked up to the internet, downloading information to spill out in Politics... :shock:

Then we have my best friend Laura, or the Black Rose as she is known on other forums, and we frequently plot the domination of England. Her friend who I would class as my friend, but don't really know where I stand with her is Katie, or Tea Kat (weird, I know...) and she aids us in this forming of a "good dictatoraship."

Then there's the lovable blonde, Suzie, who believes in Anarchy and the like; we have a rather complex handshake thing; most fun.

And then there is Sophie. She hangs out with the Chavs, and refuses to call them chavs in case she is similarly labelled. But she's clever too. Her friend is Emma, and enjoys disecting things in Biology, recounting the lessons in graphic detail. :/

That's pretty much it. A day in Politics.

Author:  goldenquagsire [ Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Do you have a strange class<s>mates</s>?

Every single person in my form is insane. Most of the class sang along when some weirdos began the Balamory theme tune.

There are four or five kids with the same name. The teachers have been confused many times.

Another guy likes to pretend that he's Irish. Yet another can do most accents of English available.

A third guy is a REALLY bad student who gets on well with everyone.

We've also got a Russian kid who once brought in a Russian song that consisted of mostly swear-words. His name is still disputed by our form teacher.

There's the half-German kid who pwns at ALL sports (weird enough that we got TWO half-German kids in one class).

Yep, we're all weird/insane/crazy.

Author:  Vulpine [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

I had a guy in my class who was convinced that he had survived the Titanic...yes, I'm serious. He also thought that he had a strange leg, & always shook it to try & fool me inito believing him. He said that he wasn't controlling the shaking. :roll: I have another guy in my class who likes to touch & stroke another boy while saying: "poinky-poink" He continously runs his hand over the other guy's thigh. There's a word I'm thinking that I don't think I should type here, but I feel sorry for the other guy, who's my good friend. He's very...timid. But most of the time, we just laugh at the sight of Maggot(the weirdo) and Tree(the innocent victim) becuz we are EVIL!!!!!! :twisted:

Author:  xoxoStephie [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

DatVu wrote:

I can't really think of any big weirdos I went to school with, except this one kid. Everyday he came to school wearing the same Browns jacket all day, and jeans (never saw shirts he wore). He would always wear the jeans about half way down his thigh and pull his jacket down the rest of the way to cover himself, and he obviously walked funny to keep his pants up. Now with a very select group of people, having your pants down like that was cool, but he never hung out with them. He was always alone, but I don't think anyone wanted to approach him either, because he looked like a jerk. One day, I guess he wasn't standing right to keep his pants up in the middle of the lunch room and they fell down. That wasn't so bad, seeing as everyone would have expected that to happen eventually, but he was poking out of his boxers and everyone saw. I don't know what happened after that.

I told you this story
he was so pissed lmaooooooo@us all laughing at him hahahahaahaaha
mostly because a few girls were like EWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author:  emaricaman [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 7:46 am ]
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thair is a person in my duel-credits that blows his nose then puts it on the books!!!!! FREAKIN GROSSS!!!!!!

Author:  Valentine [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:15 pm ]
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Everyone in my class is odd. Half of them make weird noises, the other half gets into trouble all the time.

But the strangest people are probably me and my best friend.

I'm silent, but when I speak up it usually comes out wrong. :/
My friend won't ever shut up and usually gets her and I into trouble.

I'm the best in language arts and second or third best in math, and she's...really stupid when it comes to those.
I have As and Bs, she has Bs, Cs, and Ds.
She has an almost perfect on-time record, mine is a pile of rubbish.

And we have acid tounges, the worst thing you can have in school. We curse when no ones looking and use foul language about others. >>;

Author:  lapras [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Almost everyone in my class is really wierd. I'd actually say the wierdest people in my school are my teachers...they're act wierd and have the strangest interests.

Well, classmatewise....half the people in my class don't stop talking...and talking...and talking. There's this really wierd guy who isn't in my class, but he's really smart, wears glasses, and thinks he's cool. He's also really short, which adds to the fact that everyone thinks he's a nerd..

I dunno, I'm usually just unusually quiet in class. All my teachers want me to participate more in class.

Author:  Poe [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 5:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am considered "strange" but not in a bad way...

Today I started talking in the "3rd person" it was hilarious......I wasted at least 15 minutse in each class! I have been in the habit of walking into my classes saying "RAWR!!!!!" Everyone finds that weird and funny...btw my teachers LOVE me!!!!!!!!!!No i don't suck up........I acutally talk all during class and still get really high grades (A's-95% and higher)

Author:  Jamie [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:00 am ]
Post subject: 

I have INSANE classmates. Especially in Business.

Like, there's these kids, Alex, Ahemed and Stefan, who think I go home and work on databases, and that's why I'm so good at them. I denied it repeatedly, because I don't go home and work on databases, I'm just have a knack for computers and am a quick learner. But they kept on saying it so I gave up. But one time Alex asked for help, I told him to "figure it out at home". They stopped bugging me for a week. But they started again.

And then there's this Mike kid, who has ADD, and is so funny. He almost got me banned from using the computers.

Author:  Marluxia [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hahaha,Yup some of my classmates are pretty crazy.
One of my classmates got caught doing *something* in class hah.

Author:  mudkipman [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 5:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, there are a lot of wierd people in my class............

I saw one of my friends year books with hearts drawn around almost every girl in 6-8 grade..........

My one friend beleives he is posessed by an evil spirit named Bobo. I think he is taking it a bit far. He has arguments with himself sometimes.

And this kid in my class eats all of his homework after the class it was due. Do I go to school in an asylum?

Author:  Dark_Yoshi [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm pretty much the only weird person in my class, only because I like pokemon though and a few other things I won't say. There is one other kid who gets crazy around Christmas time. Every time we sing the christmas charol with the falalalalaing he has to run around the room and scream it. For long agonizing minutes. :(

Author:  EvilPenguin [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

mudkipman wrote:
And this kid in my class eats all of his homework after the class it was due. Do I go to school in an asylum?


Yeah, my class has plenty off strange people
- There is the guy who punched a 2nd grader in the face (we are 8th graders) and then laughed in his face
- The same guy once wore a skirt and bra to school, and swears his name is not Mattew, but actually Kelsey
- the guy who wrote "ONIONS RULEZ!!!" all over the boys bathroom
- The guy who wrote "IMA QUEER" in permanent marker on his forehead
- And the cream of the crop, the guy who jumps onto a table in the middle of lunch, rips off his shirt, and starts screaming "THE BRITISH ARE COMING, THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!!". The teachers didn't even yell at him for 10 minutes, they were laughing so hard.

Author:  xoxoStephie [ Thu Dec 07, 2006 8:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Marluxia wrote:
Hahaha,Yup some of my classmates are pretty crazy.
One of my classmates got caught doing *something* in class hah.

perhaps I have a dirty mind but... what exactly was this SOMETHING??

I went to summer school one time and I swear someone was.. rapidly petting uh..himself next to me. it was dark, all the lights were off and we were watching a movie. I had my head in my arms trying to sleep and I heard noises.. then I looked over and saw this dude's hand in his pocket moving up and down up and down.. :( ickkkkkkkkkkkkk

Author:  Pokemon Hero Rio [ Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:12 am ]
Post subject: 

My mates are mad e.g Wilson (Shadow deoxys) well, he's just weird.

taylor (Shiny pichu) thinks he is an ewok :?

and Josh wants the new Bond girl for christmas

Author:  flammingdragonair [ Thu Jan 04, 2007 7:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

i have some weird classmates.

One sings the llama song over and over again

and the other is obbsesstwith High school Musical/Troy.

Author:  Jigglypuff [ Thu Jan 04, 2007 8:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

The llama song? Such a song is inferior. This is how the song ought to be sung.

I can't remember if I've posted in this topic before or not (it's quite old, actually), but my friends and I are the weird classmates, so it's all good.

Author:  paketti30 [ Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Oku

One kid in my class (his name is oskar) He is always obsessed with something. today he is obsessed with filming and last week he had a thing for dogs. And he also tries to hit on girls 10 years older than him ( he is 13)

Author:  Jamie [ Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

The boy beside me in Geography is quite a character. He sits there and yells and complains about my teacher. He'll actually sit there and bitch about him to me when I'm working. :/ He drew a Chocobo on one of his title pages and the teacher thought it was a duck. And then he complained to me about that. :/

There's also a girl in my P.E. class I don't really get along with... We got into a disagreement with things I can't mention here, but I basically told her to have fun being pregnant. :P She got pretty violent with me, swearing and stuff, and threw me into the wall. She kicked me really hard in the shin today, but I think it was an accident. Sometimes I kinda feel like shoving the badmonton racket down her throat.

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